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C.A.R.E. (ROBG -448)

„Children’s educational risk prevention crisis package C.A.R.E.”

What’s the goal?

To develop an innovative educational toolkit and to conduct wide promotional campaigns in the field of efficient risk prevention and management.

What’s the budget?

278,390.69 euro, out of 236,632.07 euro ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead beneficiary (LB): State Puppet Theatre Vidin (Bulgaria)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Romanian Association for Technology Transfer and Innovation (Romania)

When is it happening?

Start date: 10.12.2019

End date: 09.07.2021

Duration: 19 months

Where is it happening?

Vidin in Bulgaria

Craiova in Romania

How is it going to happen?                                                     

  • Conducting of cross-border risk management research;
  • Establishing of joint educational pool of experts;
  • Development of Children’s educational risk prevention crisis package (C.A.R.E);
  • Design and develop of multimedia educational products;
  • Supply of specific theatre audio and light equipment;
  • Development of Teacher’s guide on crisis management, Children’s toolkit and other educational products;
  • Organizing 6 demmo lessons for children and 2 trainings for teachers;
  • Organizing public rising awareness campaign and 6 info days;
  • Organizing of performances of the educational theatre and a cross-border conference;
  • Development of web-based CARE platform;
  • Promotion and communication activities.

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 29 people benefiting from actions of risk management,1485 people benefiting from flood protection measures, 1485 people benefiting from forest fire protection measures.

- Programme results: increased quality of the joint risk management in the CBC area.

Project status

The project is finalized.

The project was implemented within 19 Months (10.12.2019-09.07.2021).

All the activities were realized and the output indicators achieved.

The created C.A.R.E. package consists of the following products:

a) Educational tool by the means of puppet theatre art - specially created and filmed (copied on DVD’s) educational tool in Bulgarian and Romanian languages by the means of puppet theatre art – theatre performance, based on conducted joint research, on common hazardous disasters and accidents. In addition to the play writing, specific equipment necessary for stage performance were purchased: puppets, stage scenery, costumes, requisite, audio and light equipment and head microphones for the performers;

b)      Multimedia educational product – the product contains educational presentations of the most possible types of disasters and accidents in the target region and specific actions and measures for defense. The product is based on the information, collected during the joint research and consists of text, pictures, drawings. It combines different type of information and present it in an attractive way to the children with applying multimedia software (sound, text, picture, video, animation and graphics), which increase the effectiveness and positive emotions during the trainings and preparedness of children for preventing disasters and behavior during accidents. The product was copied and disseminated on 700 CD’s in Bulgarian and Romanian languages (350 in Bulgarian and 350 CD’s in Romanian);

c)       Teacher’s guide on crisis management - the Teacher’s guide includes a methodology for introducing effective and modern methods of training for protection against disasters and accidents. An important component of methodological development is the use of new, interactive and integrative training methods to increase the attractiveness and quality of the learning process and raise the interest of students. The guide was printed in hard copies: 700 copies (350 in Bulgarian and 350 in Romanian language);

d)      Children’s toolkit – attractive puzzle set has been developed. The set consists of 3 puzzles with pictures, dedicated to elements of prevention of 3 types of disasters and accidents, which are common for the target cross-border area. The puzzles were disseminated to children in the cross-border area;

e)      Pilot testing of the produced educational products/tools was performed through organization of demo-lessons in 6 schools and kindergartens in the cross-border region for children aged 5 - 12 years old and 20 teachers, during which the developed educational products were used and tested.

The demo lessons with children in Bulgaria were organized on the following dates:

- 02.06.2021 in High School "Tsar Simeon Veliki", Vidin,

- 03.06.2021 in Kindergarten "Zhelyazko Popnikolov", Vidin,

- 20.05.2021 in Primary School "Ivan Vazov", Vidin.

The demo lessons with children in Romania were organized in two schools and one kindergarten on the following dates:

- 25.05.2021 in National College “Fratii Buzesti”, in Craiova,

- 27.05.2021 in Kindergarten “Traian Demtrescu” Craiova,

- 28.05.2021 in National College “Carol I”, in Craiova.

The project partners organized 2 trainings (demo-lessons) with the teachers as follows:

- 14.05.2021 in Craiova with 10 teachers from Romania,

- 18.05.2021 in Vidin, with 10 teachers from Bulgaria        



“Increasing the efficiency of municipal health care in the border region Berkovitsa – Bailesti”

What’s the goal?

The objective of the project is to enhance the capacity for common cross-border cooperation in the field of health services in Berkovitsa and Bailesti Municipalities through creation of opportunities for the people living in the distant villages for access to adequate health care and supply of modern and innovative equipment for the municipal hospitals.

What’s the budget?

1,450,529.96 euro out of which 1,232,950.46 euro ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead beneficiary: Municipality Berkovitsa (Bulgaria)

Beneficiary 2: City Hall Băilești (Romania)

When is it happening?

Start date: 17.05.2019

End date: 16.08.2022

Duration: 39 months

Where is it happening?

Berkovisa, Montana District in Bulgaria

Bailesti, Dolj County in Romania

How is it going to happen?  

  • Improvement of the efficiency through modernization of equipment of the municipal hospitals in Berkovitsa and Bailesti
  • Strengthen local cross border networks and increase the capacity of the health institutions by:

-      1 common policy in the field of health care;

-      1 Common Study on morbidity in CBC area;

-      2 Joint conferences for presentation of the study and discussion round tables;

-      1 information exchange tool developed;

-      1 health services network of stakeholders developed in the cross border area;

-      2 experience exchange visits;

-      2 Joint training seminars.

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 10 supported cross border mechanisms (agreements, networks, regulations, studies, policies, strategies, information exchange tools) to enhance cooperation capacity;

Programme results: increased level of coordination of the public institutions in the eligible area.

Project status (reflected in progress reports)

The project was finalized. The following results have been achieved within the project:

- A Joint Conference to present the prepared Morbidity study and round tables for discussions to promote the Handbook for healthy life was organized in Berkovitsa on 16-18 February 2022;

- A Joint training seminar for professional development of medical experts was organized in Berkovitsa on 09-11 May 2022;

- Elaboration of a Memorandum of Cooperation and Partnership on common policies, efforts and actions in health, accelerating the development and the realization of the potential of the municipalities of Berkovitsa (Bulgaria) and Bailesti (Romania), which can be found at the following link;

- Developing the health services network of stakeholders in the cross border area by signing cooperation declarations by representatives of NGO’s, other hospitals and health organizations in the CBC area;

- Developing of the Joint morbidity study in Montana – Dolj cross border regions available on the project website 3 languages (English, Romanian and Bulgarian);

- The development of the facebook page of the project and of the project website;

- A Joint training seminar for professional development of medical experts was organized in Bailesti on 20-22 June 2022;

- A Joint Conference to present the prepared Morbidity study and round tables for discussions to promote the Handbook for healthy life was organized in Bailesti on 11-13 July 2022;

- An experience exchange visit in order to increase the awareness degree of the population regarding the prophylaxis activities was organized in Berkovitsa on 3rd of August 2022;

- An experience exchange visit in order to increase the awareness degree of the population regarding the prophylaxis activities was organized in Bailesti on 27-28 July 2022;

- Equipping the Municipal Hospital of Berkovitsa with the following equipment: mobile cardiology center, digital X-ray system, patient monitors, ultrasound system for general and abdomen examination, neonate transport incubator, autoclave, transport respirator and ultrasound nebulizer;

- Equipping the Municipal Hospital of Bailesti with the following equipment: fixed radiology equipment, the mobile radiology equipment, laparoscopic kit + accessories, anesthesia machine, surgical table, mechanical ventilation machine, fiber optic bronchoscopy, LED light lamp operating room and fetal morphology ultrasound;

- Achieving a level 5 (strongly appropriate) of coordination of the public institutions in the eligible area, after the implementation of the project.


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