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RTD Giurgiu-Ruse (ROBG-502)

Sustaining Rural Tourism in the Giurgiu-Ruse Area Through its Cultural Heritage

What’s the goal?

The project has as overall objective the development of an integrated approach to the promotion of the cultural intangible and tangible heritage of rural communities from both Giurgiu and Ruse in order to support local economic development and the evolution of rural tourism.

What’s the budget?

360,279.12 euro, out of which 306,237.24 euro ERDF

Target at the half of the implementation period: 65,000 euro for LB and 104,500 euro for B2


Lead Beneficiary (LB): Eastern Danube Convention &Visitors Bureau Association

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Business Support Centre for Small and Medium Enterprises – Ruse


Start date: 14.09.2018

End date: 13.11.2020

Duration: 14 months


Giurgiu in Romania

Ruse in Bulgaria


  • Documentation of rural communities and the development of a joint study
  • Sustaining and promoting rural tourism in the Giurgiu-Ruse area
  • Development and dissemination of the valorisation strategy

Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs:1 integrated tourism product/service created, 1 common strategy, policy or management plan for valorising (including raising awareness) the cultural and natural heritage through its restoration and promotion for sustainable economic uses

Programme results: 500 tourist overnights in the CBC region

Project status

The project implementation was finalized in November 2019 and the project results are currently being assessed at progarmme level.

Project Management Team was set up and the opening press conference was held in Giurgiu on 26.11.2018 and in Ruse on 13.12.2018. All the services and equipment were subcontracted.

Based on a common methodology the two partners selected 10 villages in Giurgiu County and 10 villages in Ruse district with the highest potential for rural tourism, which was assessed in a Joint Study of Rural Communities with Touristic Potential. Based on the joint study Beneficiary 2 developed a Joint Valorisation Strategy exploring the potential of the wider Giurgiu-Ruse area to attract touristic demand and develop a strong quality brand and regional label through the experiences and products that can be offered. To promote the Joint Valorization Strategy that was developed, the project partners planned a series of roundtables with stakeholders in each of the selected 20 villages. Also, a series of communication activities and promotional materials, as well as promotional videos for each of the 20 villages were realized. More information is available on the project website


“Joint risk management for efficient reactions of the local authorities in the emergency situations”

What’s the goal?

The main objective of the project is to improve the common risk management in the cross-border area covered by the two municipalities: Călărași and Belene.

What’s the budget?

987,468.06 euro, din care 839,347.84 euro FEDR

Who is doing it?

Beneficiar Lider (BL): Municipalitatea Belene (Bulgaria)

Beneficiar 2 (B2): Municipalitatea Călărași (România)

When is it happening?

Start date: 15.09.2018

End date: 14.03.2021

Duration: 30 months

Where is it happening?

Pleven (Bulgaria)

Calarasi (Romania)

How is it going to happen?           

  • Preparation of the workshop "Best practices in crisis prevention in the cross-border region";
  • Development of an online platform to provide information for crisis prevention and management;
  • Creating the risk management capacity in Belene and Călărași.

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Program achievements: 82,891 people benefiting from risk management actions, flood protection measures and forest fire protection measures, 1 joint partnership in the field of joint rapid prevention and emergency response

Program results: Improving the quality of joint risk management in the cross-border area

Project status

The project obtained the following results:

Both project partners purchased during the implementation period of the project the necessary equipment for dealing with emergency situations caused by fires, natural disasters, accidents and floods:

Belene Municipality

- 1 Work platform;

- 1 Backhoe loader;

– 3 phase diesel aggregate AKSA;

- 1 Drone with camera;

– 5 Motor;

– 1 Garbage Transportation Machine;

– 5 Manual snow removal machine;

- 1 Tractor with trailer;

– 5 Motor Brush cutters.

Calarasi Municipality

– 1 Work platform;

- 3 Bobcats;

- 1 Frontal loader;

- 2 Snow removal vehicles;

- 1 Water removal vehicle.

A joint partnership agreement between Belene Municipality and Calarasi Municipality was drafted in Belene during the workshop held in the period 28-29.08.2019 and signed by the mayors on 05.12.2019. The partnership concluded between both project partners does not include actions and procedures for collaboration in the field of “early warning and joint intervention” during the sustainability period.

   The online platform ( for providing information for crisis prevention and management - fires, natural disasters, accidents and floods has been implemented and is populated by the two municipalities, Belene and Calarasi.

   The workshop "Best practices in crisis prevention in the cross-border region" was organized in Belene.

Financial status:

According to the information available in the system, after the project implementation period ended, the progress of the project towards its financial objectives is:

•        LB requested from FLC the amount of 497,186.49 euro, out of which FLC certified the amount of 382,245.97 euro, representing 76.18% from LB’s total partner budget of 501,778.87 euro.

•        B2 requested from FLC the amount of 468,884.31 euro, out of which FLC certified the amount of 349,489.96 euro representing 71.96% from LB’s total partner budget of 485,689.19 euro.

Considering the amounts certified by FLC, the financial execution for the project is 74.10% from the total project’s budget of 987,468.06 euro having certified expenditures for the total amount of 731,735.93 euro.


“Fishing – a cross border touristic opportunity product and a sustainable use of natural heritage and resources”

What’s the goal?

Project overall objective is to make recreational fishing and derivatives activities promoting cultural tangible and intangible heritages a cross border branded touristic product improving sustainable use of natural heritage and resources and cultural heritages.

What’s the budget?

498,151.73 euro, out of which 423,428.96 euro ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead Beneficiary (LB): Living Nature Foundation (Romania)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Branch of It’s Possible Association (Romania)

Beneficiary 3 (B3): Tourist Fishing Club (Bulgaria)

Beneficiary 4 (B4): Association for Cross Border Cooperation and Development Danube Dobrudja (Bulgaria)

When is it happening?

Start date: 15.09.2018

End date: 14.03.2020

Duration: 18 months

Where is it happening?

Teleorman, Calarasi, Giurgiu (Romania)

Veliko Tarnovo, Ruse, Silistra (Bulgaria)

How is it going to happen?

  • Elaboration of one Study regarding joint recreational fishing touristic destinations
  • Identification and definition of 3 joint recreational fishing touristic packages branded FISHNAT (including logo, complementary cultural programs), based on the study and consultation with the main stakeholders in the area;
  • Development of informative materials on environmental protection and preservation;
  • Elaboration of a Joint marketing strategy for recreational fishing touristic packages and the brand FISHNAT;
  • Organization of workshops for joint entrepreneurship development for native population linked to recreational fishing tourism;
  • Organization of a FISHNAT festival – as a touristic event/product gathering recreational, sport and professional fishing;

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 7 integrated tourism products/services created; 1 common strategy, policy or management plan for valorizing (including raising awareness) the cultural and natural heritage through its restoration and promotion for sustainable economic uses; 156,000 Increase in expected number of visits to supported sites of cultural and natural heritage and attraction

Programme results: 156,000 tourist overnights in the CBC region

Project status

The project is finalized.


- The project website was developed: ;

- 3 touristic packages branded FISHNAT for the following routes: Teleorman - Veliko Tarnovo; Giurgiu – Ruse; Calarasi – Silistra are available on the project website;

- 1 Joint Study for the Romania-Bulgaria region regarding areas for recreational fishing, inventory of fish species, tangible and intangible cultural heritage, accommodation and dining units in the area of interest of the project in Romania and Bulgaria (available on the project website);

- 1 tourism product – The FISHANT festival. The first edition of the festival was held in Calarasi during 20-22th of September 2019. Photos and information are available on the following link: .


Joint Resources and Initiatives Dedicated to the Environment

What’s the goal?

The project’s overall objective is sustainable tourism development through optimal use of environmental resources, maintaining essential ecological processes and helping to conserve natural resources, biodiversity becoming by itself the foundation for economic development and social welfare of the local communities.

What’s the budget?

506,313.73 euro, out of which 430,366.65 euro ERDF


Lead Beneficiary (LB): TAU - Baneasa Commune (Romania)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): TAU - Agigea Commune (Romania)

Beneficiary 3 (B3): Shabla Municipality (Bulgaria)

Beneficiary 4 (B4): Berkovitsa Municipality


Start date: 14.09.2018

End date: 13.03.2020

Duration: 18 months


Constanta in Romania

Montana and Dobrich in Bulgaria


  • Organization of Study visits in each partner location
  • Development of the JOYRIDE Strategy for sustainable tourism
  • Completion of Marketing Plans targeting the tourism field of each partner location
  • Establishment in TIN JOYRIDE NETWORK – Tourist Information Centers Network
  • Natural and cultural heritage regeneration (JOYRIDE tourist trails)
  • Organization of 2 ECO-Ranger Camps and of an ECO-RANGER Forum in Shabla
  • Development of the instructive workshop regarding the certification in eco-tourism

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs:2 integrated tourism products/services created, 2 common strategies, policies or management plans for valorizing (including raising awareness) the cultural and natural heritage through its restoration and promotion for sustainable economic uses

Programme results: 1.500 tourist overnights in the CBC region

Project status

The project has been finalized on 13.03.2020.

The following results have been achieved:

1. 8 press conferences organized:

- on 12.03.2019 in Baneasa (20 participants);

- on 20.09.2019 in Baneasa (20 participants);

- on 07.02.2020 in Shabla (21 participants);

- on 14.02.2020 in Agigea (20 participants);

- on 21.02.2020 in Berkovitsa (30 participants);

- on 25.02.2020 in Baneasa (21 participants);

- on 27.02.2020 in Shabla (15 participants);

- on 09.03.2020 in Berkovitsa (28 participants).

2. Common Assessment of the sustainable tourism potential completed on 28.06.2019 and translated in Bulgarian and English language.

3. Strategy for sustainable tourism completed on 10.12.2019, as well as the Marketing Plans completed on 23.01.2020. Both documents were translated in Bulgarian and English language.

4. 3 study visits were organized:

- in the period 17-21.12.2018 in Agigea&Baneasa, 17 participants;

- in the period 22-24.01.2019 in Berkovitsa, 21 participants;

- in the period 29-31.01.2019 in Shabla, 19 participants.

5. JOYRIDE Network created. The Cooperation Agreement was signed by the legal representatives of all PP and the coordinators of Tourist Information Centers on 12.03.2019. Also, in the same day it was signed the Cooperation Agreement of the Technical Secretariat of the JOYRIDE Network Project.

6. 13 Tourist Trails completed and accepted by the project beneficiaries:

- 3 tourist trails - LB: Touristic trail from Baneasa area and Canaraua Fetii forest and natural reservation landscapes to St. Apostol Andrei cave and Monastery and Tropaeum Traiani monument and fortress; touristic trail from Baneasa natural reservation area, towards lake Oltina and Bratca forest mixt reservations areas and leading to lake Bugeac and Esechioi mixt natural reservations; Enogastronomic tourist trails connecting the vineyards from Baneasa, Ostrov, Oltina, Aliman areas;

- 3 tourist trails - B2: natural landscapes in the Marine dunes with their protected botanical areas; tourist trail connecting Agigea and Cumpana communes and the marble Roman Sundial in an ancient Roman rural area; tourist trails around the Agigea lake zoological reservation;

- 4 tourist trails - B3: natural areas around protected “Durankulak lake” and archaeological sites on the big island; natural areas around protected “Shabla lake” with historical data and legends; natural areas, historical data and legends around Shabla tuzla, history of the lighthouse and fortress Karia; natural areas, underwater archaeology and the legend of pirates around the village of Tyulenovo;

- 3 tourist trails - B4: Mountain route – touristic trail starting from Tourist Info Center, leading to peak “Kom”, passing through a deviation for “Blue pool”; mountain route – touristic trail, starting from Tourist Info Center, leading to “Haidushki waterfalls”; touristic trail, starting from Tourist Info Center, passing through house-museum “Ivan Vazov”, leading to “Kale fortress”.

7. 2 Eco-Ranger Camps organized: in Agigea&Baneasa in the period 17-20.11.2019 and in Berkovitsa in the period 26-29.11.2019. Eco-Ranger Forum in Shabla organized in the period 09-11.12.2019.

8. Instructive workshop regarding certification ISO14001–environment management organized by all project beneficiaries:

- LB: 13-14.02.2020 in Baneasa, 20 participants;

- B2 – 07.02.2020 and 10.02.2020 in Agigea, 20 participants;

- B3 – 06.02.2020 in Shabla, 12 participants;

- B4 – 27.02.2020 in Berkovitsa, 9 participants.

9. Instructive workshop regarding certification in eco-tourism organized by all project beneficiaries:

- LB: 11-12.02.2020 in Baneasa, 20 participants;

- B2 – 05-06.02.2020 in Agigea, 20 participants;

- B3 – 07.02.2020 in Shabla, 12 participants;

- B4 – 27.02.2020 in Berkovitsa, 9 participants. 

10. JOYRIDE Tourist Guidebook completed by LB, being developed and translated in English and Bulgarian language and distributed among project beneficiaries.

11. Tourist Map completed by the LB and translated in English and Bulgarian language and distributed among project beneficiaries (including electronic map on CD).

12. Web page created, as well as social media accounts:  

Archeology and culture (ROBG-568)

Tourism as a bond of perspective development of border region

What’s the goal?

To improve the cultural heritage of the border region and to increase public awareness of the importance of the cultural and historic heritage of the region through creating an integrated tourism product - "Archeology and culture".

What’s the budget?

1,483,998.37 euro, out of which 1,261,398.60euro ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead Beneficiary (LB): Dolna Mitropolia Municipality (Bulgaria)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Territorial Administrative Unit – Motatei Commune (Romania)

Beneficiary 3 (B3): Motatei Parish (Romania)

When is it happening?

Start date: 13.09.2018

End date: 08.12.2023

Duration: 62 months and 26 days

Where is it happening?

Dolj in Romania

Pleven in Bulgaria

How is it going to happen?

  • Common management plan for restoration and promotion for sustainable economic use of historic and cultural sites;
  • Marketing strategy for promotion of tourism product "Archeology and culture";
  • Common tourist guide with impressive photography;
  • Organization of professional training of experts in cultural and historic heritage in Bulgaria and Romania;
  • Conservation, partial restoration and socialization for Roman Ad Putea Road Station;
  • Construction works in Church of St. Nicholas Motatei village.

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 1 integrated tourism product created, 1 common strategy for valorising the cultural and natural heritage through its restoration and promotion for sustainable economic uses, 500 visits to supported sites of cultural and natural heritage and attraction

Programme results: 500 tourist overnights in the CBC region

Project status (reflected in progress reports)

The project is finalized.

The main project deliverables, namely the Common management plan for restoration and promotion for sustainable economic use of historic and cultural sites and the elaborated Marketing strategy to promote the tourist product Archeology and culture” are uploaded in all three languages on the project website: The dissemination of the elaborated Common Management Plan for restoration and promotion for sustainable economic use of historic and cultural sites and the Marketing strategy to promote the tourist product Archeology and culture, continued through the project website and the websites of both Municipalities in Dolna Mitropolia and Motatei.

The main investment works on behalf of the LB – Dolna Mitropolia Municipality related to the execution of conservation and restoration works in „Roman Ad Putea Road Station”, Object 1: "Conservation, partial restoration and socialization the Roman roadside station "Äd Putea" and Object 2: "Ad Putea Information and Visitor Center and supporting tourist infrastructure" were started in the beginning of March 2023 and officially receipted in the beginning of December 2023.

Related to B3 investment objective “Construction works in Church of St. Nicholas Motatei village”, the basement works together with the painting works within the church were also fully completed in the beginning of October 2023 and officially receipted in the beginning of December 2023.

During the project implementation, there were organized opening and closing conferences in the two countries combined with the official opening and closing of the construction sites in the two municipalities, 4 seminars in schools with students and 2 information events for representatives of the local and tourism sector in order to present the new tourism product, created within the project.

Following the implemented actions, the project contributed with 593 additional visits to supported sites within the area covered by the project and 565 realized tourist overnights in the CBC region.


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