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Programme targets and status

The Programme radiography in numbers (total values) is presented here:

Programme ERDF allocation 215,745,513 euro

No. of submitted projects


No. of projects in evaluation


No. and value of selected projects

199 (322,006,242.56 euro)

No. and value of contracted projects

172 (275,025,271.02 euro)

No. and value of projects in implementation


No. and value of ongoing projects according to the MC decision no. 313/13.11.2023 10(43,858,141.06)

Value of submitted reimbursement claims

218,927,915.63 euro

Absorption rate (percent and value ERDF, amount requested to EC)

98.88% (213,336,291.79 euro)

No. and value of finalized projects

159 (229,186,777.79 euro)

No. of terminated projects

3 (1,980,352.36 euro)

Payments Interreg V-A Romania-Bulgaria 2014-2020

The Programmes has to reach certain targets by the end of 2018 and the end of 2023.

Annual Implementation Report 2015 + Summary

Annual Implementation Report 2016 + Summary

Annual Implementation Report 2017 + Summary

Annual Implementation Report 2018 + Summary

Annual Implementation Report 2019 + Summary

Annual Implementation Report 2020 + Summary 

Annual Implementation Report 2021 + Summary 

Annual Implementation Report 2022 + Summary 

Implementation and Communication Evaluation Reports

Impact Evaluation Report for Interreg V-A Romania-Bulgaria Programme 2020

ROBG Programme and Projects in 2017

The targets and the status are bellow:

1. A well connected region
2. A green region
3. A safe region
4. A skilled and inclusive region
5. An efficient region

Priority Axis 1:A well connected region

 Indicator  Target 2018  Target 2023  Status
(current Annual Implementation Report)
Total length of reconstructed or upgraded roads  60 KM of roads to be upgraded or reconstructed for which tenders have been launched 150 KM


175 km – tender procedures have been launched

Number of joint mechanisms (e.g. route guidance, incidents/emergencies detection and management, studies on traffic flows, feasibility studies addressing cross-border transport issues, traffic safety measures, black-spot maps, awareness raising activities); to facilitate the connection of secondary/tertiary nodes to TEN-T infrastructure NA   35 2
 Number of studies, strategies and action plans to improve safety of the navigation on the Danube and the Black Sea supported NA  5 1
Total length of new or improved inland waterway NA 479 KM 0
Financial indicator 8 000 000 116,333,743.20 13,904,770.59

 Priority Axis 2: A green region

Indicator Target 2018 Target 2023 Status
(current Annual Implementation Report)
Increase in expected number of visits to supported sites of cultural and natural heritage and attraction (COI) 2 000 100 000 58,324.00
Number of integrated tourism products/services created 10 100 34
Number of common strategies, policies or management plans for valorising (including raising awareness) the cultural and natural heritage through its restoration and promotion for sustainable economic uses NA 75 16
Surface area of habitats supported to attain a better conservation status  (ha) (COI) NA 27.000 ha 27,058.50
Financial indicator 5 100 000 54,276,756.87 17,982,064.69

Priority Axis 3: A safe region

 Indicator  Target 2018  Target 2023 Status
 Population benefiting from actions of risk management NA 4 200 000 304,370
Population benefiting from flood protection measures  NA 4 200 000 0
Population benefiting from forest fire protection measures NA 4 200 000 0
Number of joint partnerships in the field of joint early warning and emergency response 10 200 7
 Financial indicator  4 500 000 41,571,197.28 17,043,333.37

Priority Axis 4: A skilled and inclusive region


 Indicator   Target 2018   Target 2023 Status 
 No. of initiatives (trainings, education schemes, websites, agreements, networks, job-fairs etc.) that activate workforce mobility in the cross border area 10 200 162
No of participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training   NA 25,000 18,474
No of participants in joint educational and training schemes to support youth employment, educational opportunities and higher and vocational education across borders   NS 9,000 9,096
Financial indicator   1,000,000 13,807,295.17 12,235,499.94


Priority Axis 5: An efficient region

 Indicator   Target 2018   Target 2023  Status
 Number of supported cross border mechanisms (agreements, networks, regulations, studies, policies, strategies, information exchange tools) to enhance cooperation capacity 10  100 62
Financial indicator   1,000,000 12,600,167.12 8,453,888.79




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