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Today, the 14th of December 2023, the management structures of Interreg V-A Romania-Bulgaria Programme organized the last meeting of the Monitoring Committee (MC)

During this meeting, the MC members discussed upon the status of the implementation of the Programme and its main achievements as well as the steps taken by the management structures in the closure process of the Programme. Other topics of interest analysed by the MC members were focused on the status of implementation of the programme evaluation recommendations, as well as on the highlights of the implementation process of the Communication Strategy and the Antifraud Strategy.

Approximately 191.02 million euro ERDF, representing 88.54% of the ERDF allocation at Programme level, were paid to the beneficiaries.

The most significant progresses are related to the increase of the Programme's absorption rate up to 81.83%, representing approximately 176.53 million euros ERDF requested to the European Commission.

In terms of project implementation, 172 projects were contracted with a total value of approximately 275.03 million euro and produced results that contribute to the development of the cross-border area. Currently, 21 projects with a total value of 92.10 million euro, are still in implementation.

The meeting represented a good opportunity for MC members to review all important processes that took place during the 8 years of implementation of the Programme and their main outcomes and also an occasion to discuss on the next steps foreseen for the implementation of the ongoing Interreg VI-A Romania-Bulgaria Programme.

For more information regarding the Programmes’ status, you can follow us on: and



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