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Better connected secondary and tertiary nodes to TEN-T core and comprehensive network through joint CBC measures

What’s the goal?

The project main objective is to improve traffic conditions, safety and conductivity between secondary and tertiary nodes and core TEN-T infrastructure in the cross border area through the modernization of 5.087 km of local and regional roads of cross-border importance.

What’s the budget?

4,769,687.25 euro, out of which 4,054,234.14 euro ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead Beneficiary (LB): Veliko Tarnovo Municipality (Bulgaria)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Territorial Administrative Unit Calafat Municipality (Romania)

Beneficiary 3 (B3): Future Today Association (Bulgaria)

When is it happening?

Start date: 10.12.2019

End date: 31.12.2023

Duration: 48 months and 22 days

Where is it happening?

Vidin, Veliko Tarnovo in Bulgaria

Calafat, Dolj County in Romania

How is it going to happen?

  • Modernization of 5.087 km of local and regional roads of cross-border importance, which directly connect the secondary and tertiary nodes on both sides of the Danube to the basic TEN-T infrastructure;
  • Coordinating the mechanisms for overcoming the new common challenges arising from the operation of the core TEN-T infrastructure on Pan European corridors 4, 8 and 9;
  • Organizing awareness-raising activities with the support of NGOs for the safety of citizens in places where the heavy burden of road traffic meets the local population.

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs:

- 5.087 km of reconstructed or modernized roads;

- 3 common mechanisms to facilitate the connection of secondary / tertiary nodes to the TEN-T infrastructure, namely: Elaboration of a traffic safety measures report, applying route guidance and implementation of an awareness raising campaign of safety.

Programme results:

- 85,854 cross-border population served by modernized infrastructure leading to TEN-T.

Project status

Current Project Status:

The implementation period of the project ended on 31.12.2023, but because of the delays registered at the investment activity of LB, the project was included on the list of non-functional projects. The new completion date of the project is 31.12.2024.

The investment objective of LB is divided in 3 sub-sites. The opening of sub-site no. 1is expected to take place on 16th of September 2024, while the construction works are foreseen to be finalized on 20th of December 2024. The construction works for sub-sites no. 2 regarding the street network and no. 3 with the 2 bridges are almost completed. Following the modernization of 1.4 km of road in Veliko Tarnovo, LB reported a number of 76,811 persons served by the modernized infrastructure for the Result indicator.

B2 finalized the construction works on his behalf and reported as achieved 0.51 km of modernized roads in Calafat. The reception at the end of the construction works on behalf of B2 took place on 21st of September 2023. In addition, B2 reported a value of 16,809 people served by the modernized Jiului Street for the Result indicator.

B3 finalized the implementation of 2 joint mechanisms to facilitate the connection of secondary/tertiary nodes to TEN-T infrastructure, namely the awareness raising campaign on safety and the traffic safety measures mechanism. The report on traffic safety measures can be found at the following links:




On 26.08.2024, respectively 29.08.2024, B3 organized 2 informative events entitled “Project ROBG-383 Horizons: A Journey Through Aims to Accomplishments” in Ruzhintsi and Veliko Tarnovo.

SC (ROBG-461)

Safety for our children

What’s the goal?

To target the efforts of the Romanian and Bulgarian communities to raise awareness of effective risk prevention in the long time.

What’s the budget?

348,686.88 euro, out of 296,383.83 ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead Beneficiary (LB): Regional Development Agency and Business Center 2000 Beneficiary 2 (B2): Romanian Association for Technology Transfer and Innovation

Beneficiary 3 (B3): Association “Regional partnerships for sustainable development – Vidin”

When is it happening?

Start date: 17.09.2019

End date: 31.07.2021

Duration: 22 months and 15 days (the initial project implementation period of 18 months was extended via Addendum no. 1/28.01.2021)

Where is it happening?

Dolj in Romania

Vidin and Montana in Bulgaria

How is it going to happen?                      

  • Documentation of In-depth Research;
  • International 2 days meeting of experts;
  • Development of a training programmes and materials;
  • Development of project on-line platform;
  • Training of trainers;
  • Out-of-class trainings for students in the target districts;
  • Conducting of Cross-border competitions;
  • Conducting of an International 2 days Forum.

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs:

- 240.00 - Population benefiting from actions of risk management;

- 300.00 - Population benefiting from flood protection measures;

- 300.00 - Population benefiting from forest fire protection measures;

Programme results: The quality of the joint risk management in the CBC area – 840.

Project status (reflected in progress reports)

The project was finalized on 31.07.2021, having the following results achieved:

- An online web site was developed in Bulgarian, Romanian and English language:;

- Each project partner conducted In-depth research in the area of prevention and risk management from national disasters, accidents and catastrophes in particular floods and fires in 10 secondary schools from his own district and each of the 3 researches are available in three languages (EN, BG, and RO) on the project website at the following link:;

- LB conducted the International 2 days meeting between risk management experts on 1-2.07.2020 in town of Varshets, Montana district. As a result of this meeting, it was concluded a consolidated report summarized from the three In-depth researches developed in the T1 Activity “Development of In-depth research”. The summarized report and photos from the meeting can be found on the project website at;

- Training programmes and materials were elaborated by the Lead Beneficiary according to the technical specifications in case of forest fire and in case of flood, which were used for the training of trainers to improve the level of qualification of teachers from target schools in the field of flood and fire response. The training programmes and materials can be found on the project website at;

- Trainings of trainers were organized by all the project beneficiaries: in the period 08-11.09.2020 - in Montana, organized by LB; in the period 22-25.10.2020 – in Craiova, organized by B2 and in the period 18-21.02.2021 - in complex Magura, village of Rabisha, Vidin district, organized by B3. A total number of 60 teachers were trained in the field of flood and forest fire response;

All the project beneficiaries organized out of class trainings with students in the field of flood and forest fire prevention and a total number of 600 students were trained:

Lead Beneficiary:

- 21-25.09.2020 - in Vocational School of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Computer Sciences, Montana and in Forestry Professional School, Berkovitsa – two out-of-class trainings for students in the area of flood response and behaviour; 100 students trained;

28.09 - 01.10.2020 - in Vocational School of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Computer Sciences, Montana and in Forestry Professional School, Berkovitsa, two out-of-class trainings for students in the area of forest fire; 100 students trained;

Beneficiary 2:

- 30.10-02.11.2020 in "Independenţa" High School Calafat, regarding the legislative requirements for response and behaviour rules for natural disasters – floods, 50 students trained;

- 10.02 - 13.02.2021 in "Independenţa" High School Calafat, regarding the legislative requirements for response and behavior rules for natural disasters – fires, 50 students trained;

- 24.02.-27.02.2021 in “Ştefan Anghel” Technological High School Băileşti, regarding the legislative requirements for response and behaviour rules for natural disasters – floods, 50 students trained;

- 03.03 - 06.03.2021 to “Ştefan Anghel” Tehnological High School Băileşti ", regarding the legislative requirements for response and behavior rules for natural disasters – fires, 50 students trained;

Beneficiary 3:

- 23-26.02.2021 in Math school “Exzarh Antim I”- group one; training of students to react in case of floods, 25 students trained;

- 23.02-01.03.2021 in Math school “Exzarh Antim I” - group two; training of students to react in case of floods, 25 students trained;

- 23-26.02.2021 in Professional gymnasium “Prof. dr. Asen Zlatarov”- group one; training of students to react in case of floods, 25 students trained;

- 23.02-01.03.2021 in Professional gymnasium “Prof. dr. Asen Zlatarov”- group two; training of students to react in case of floods, 25 students trained.

A total number of 100 students was trained. In each school were formed 2 groups of 25 students because of Corona virus measures, restrictions of Ministry of health, Ministry of education and Education Inspectorate.

- 04.03-09.03.2021 in Math school “Exzarh Antim I”- group one; training of students to react in case of forest fires, 25 students trained;

- 04.03-10.03.2021 in Math school “Exzarh Antim I”- group two; training of students to react in case of forest fires, 25 students trained;

- 04.03-09.03.2021 in Professional gymnasium “Prof. dr. Asen Zlatarov”- group one; training of students to react in case of forest fires, 25 students trained;

- 04.03-10.03.2021 in Professional gymnasium “Prof. dr. Asen Zlatarov”- group two; training of students to react in case of forest fires, 25 students trained.

A total number of 100 students was trained. In each school were formed 2 groups of 25 students because of Corona virus measures, restrictions of Ministry of health, Ministry of education and Education Inspectorate.

Two cross-border competitions were organized by the LB and B2:

- The cross-border competition in Bulgaria was conducted in town of Varshets, Montana district in the period 08-10.06.2021. The competition was conducted 3 days with participation of 60 participants from six targeted schools under the project.

- The cross-border competition in Romania was conducted in town of Craiova, Dolj county in the period 28-30.06.2021. The competition was conducted 3 days with participation of 64 participants from six targeted schools under the project.

In the period 07-08.07.2021, in town of Varshets, Montana district was held an International forum with the participation of representatives of the beneficiaries, trainers, public institutions involved in protection against disasters and accidents, local, regional and national media.

ChristHaritage (ROBG-302)

“The Christian heritage along the cultural corridor Russe-Giurgiu”

What’s the goal?

To promote the integrated development of the cross-border area Russe-Giurgiu through the development of cultural/religious tourism, based on sustainable use of the cultural, religious and historical heritage of the region. 

What’s the budget?

1,499,991.21 euro, out of which 1,274,992.51 euro ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead Beneficiary (LB): “Sveta Petka” Church

Beneficiary 2: Vedea Commune

Beneficiary 3: “Sveti Georgi” Church

When is it happening?

Start date: 12.01.2019

End date: 11.01.2023

Duration: 48 Months

Where is it happening?

Giurgiu – in Romania

Ruse – in Bulgaria

How is it going to happen?

  • Restoration of three churches which are cultural monuments;
  • Three integrated tourist products;
  • Elaboration of a Joint Strategy for common preservation and use of the cultural, religious and historical heritage as a base of sustainable development of cultural and religious tourism in the cross-border area Russe-Giurgiu;
  • Establishment of network from stakeholders for development of cultural and religiius tourism in the crossborder region Russe – Giurgiu;
  • Conservation-restoration activities and exhibiting the cultural-historical heritage in 3 churches.

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: Increase in the expected number of visits to supported sites of cultural and natural heritage and attraction, 3 integrated tourism products/services created, 1 common strategy, policies or management plans for valorizing (including raising awareness) the cultural and natural heritage through its restoration and promotion for sustainable economic uses.

Programme results: increase of the number of overnights in the CBC area with 35,000.

Project status

The project implementation period ended on 11.01.2023.

Lead Beneficiary:

LB ("Sveta Petka Church") completed the works for the "Major overhaul and restoration of “Sveta Petka” Church and construction of a new building, a visitor center with a chapel” on 27.06.2022.

A thematic and specialized strategy was developed in the field of cultural and religious tourism. The final version of the joint strategy is available here Strategy-Christ-Heritage-ROBG-302-eng.pdf (

The digitized church literature and documentation are also available to visitors in the Tourist Exhibition Center with church artifacts, built according to the project in the courtyard of the church "Sveta Petka" in the city of Ruse.

Beneficiary 2:

B2 (TAU Vedea Commune) - completed the construction works for the "Saint Pantelimon" Church on 12.01.2023.

Beneficiary 3 :

B3 (“Sveti Georgi” Church) completed the construction works of the "Sveti Georgi" church on 14.10.2020.

More information is available on the project website:, and on media links: //">>, and


“Creating an innovative and integrated cross-border tourist product between “Vrachanski Balkan” and “Iron Gate” natural parks”

What’s the goal?

The overall objective of the project is to promote the joint sustainable and balanced economic development of the territories of “Vrachanski Balkan” and “Iron Gate” natural parks” through diversification of tourism supply and development of tourism based on cultural and natural heritage as a factor for effective use and exploitation of common advantages and potentials and overcoming imbalances in the region.

What’s the budget?

419,379.44 euro, out of which 356,472.52 euro ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead Beneficiary (LB): Administration of Natural Park “Vrachanski Balkan” (Bulgaria)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): N.F.A. Romsilva – Iron Gates Natural Park R.A. (Romania)

When is it happening?

Start date: 21.05.2019

End date: 19.06.2023

Duration: 48 months and 30 days

Where is it happening?

Vratsa District in Bulgaria

Mehedinti County in Romania

How is it going to happen?

  • Creation of a strategy and developing a tourist product;
  • Creation of a joint integrated innovative tourist product – Cross-Border destination for tourism, based on cultural and natural heritage and performed promotion of a common positive image of two natural parks through modern 3D technologies;
  • Building up a Cross-Border network, uniting all the interested parties and a developed capacity for joint strategic planning, management and sustainable development of tourism, growth of the tourist visits and the revenues from tourism in the two parks;
  • Repairs and preparations of premises for demonstration digital halls.

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: One common strategy, policy or management plans for valorizing (including raising awareness) the cultural and natural heritage through its restoration and promotion for sustainable economic uses; One integrated tourism product/service; 15,000 expected number of visits to supported sites of cultural and natural heritage.

Programme results: 12,000 tourist overnights in the Cross-Border region.

Project status

The project is finalized.

Lead Beneficiary:

It was elaborated the Preliminary study for identification of the most attractive pilots sites for digitization in Vrachansk Balkan Natural Park. The study proposed 15 objects for digitization, including nature sites, cultural sites and eco trails in the both parks.

LB finalized the digitization of the territory of “Vrachanski Balkan” Natural Park, performing aerial photogrammetric and 8 of sites were selected. The “Visitors Centers Natura” in Vratsa was renovated.

The web platform of the project was developed at

Also, the Strategy and Action plan for digitalization of the heritage in both parks were finalized.

Beneficiary 2:

It was elaborated the Preliminary study for identification of the most attractive pilots sites for digitization in Iron Gates Natural Park and 7 of them were selected.

The beneficiary completed the digitization of the territory of the “Iron Gates” National Park, performing aerial photogrammetric inspections and the repair of the Documentation and Information Center in Dubova.


Project: ROBG-306

Better connection of Alexandria and Cherven Bryag to TEN-T

What’s the goal?

The project main objective is to enhance regional mobility by connecting tertiary nodes to TEN-T infrastructure, through modernization of road infrastructure in municipalities of Alexandria and Cherven bryag. The project scope is the rehabilitation of road infrastructure, respectively 4.500,20 m in Alexandria and 8.000 m in Cherven Bryag, which will improve safety traffic conditions, competitiveness of both municipalities and will allow better explotation of tourism potential and will improve the cooperation capacity of the partners in transport and traffic safety issues. The project aims to contribute to the strengthening of a sustainable European and cross-border transport system connected to the TEN-T network.

What’s the budget?

Total budget of the project = 7,669,032.95 euro, out of which 6,518,678.00 ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead beneficiary (LB): Territorial Administrative Unit – Municipality of Alexandria, Romania

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Municipality of Cherven Bryag, Bulgaria

When is it happening?

Start date: 20.03.2019

End date: 31.08.2023

Duration: 53 months and 12 days

Where is it happening?

Alexandria (RO) and Cherven Bryag (BG)                                                                   


    How is it going to happen?        

  • Creation of joint mechanisms to facilitate the connection of secondary/tertiary nodes to TEN-T infrastructure
  • Reconstruction and modernization of roads in Alexandria
  • Reconstruction and Rehabilitation of Municipal Road PVN 1187
  • Communication

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Output indicators: Total length of reconstructed or upgraded roads – 12.5 km, Number of joint mechanisms to facilitate the connection of secondary/tertiary nodes to TEN-T infrastructure (e.g. route guidance, incidents/emergencies detection and management, studies on traffic flows, feasibility studies addressing cross-border) - 5.

Result indicators: Cross border population served by modernized infrastructure leading to TEN-T - 74,648.00 citizens, 45.434 citizens from Alexandria and 26,543 citizens from Cherven Bryag 

Project status

The project was completed on 31.08.2023. The following results were achieved during the project implementation period:

1. Infrastructure rehabilitated in the city of Alexandria in total length of 4,500.20 m.

2. Infrastructure rehabilitated in Cherven Bryag in total length of 8,000 m.

3. Safety Driving Guide was elaborated and printed in 1000 copies - 500 in BG and 500 in RO. The guide is also translated in English language, in order to ensure wider dissemination. The guide is available at the following link:

4. The best practice guide for road intervention/construction has been developed and printed in all 3 languages. The guide is available at the following link:

5. Awareness campaigns to raise awareness of road safety issues and promote green driving skills.

6. Black spot map, integrated into the Black-spot map application. The map is available at the following link: In road safety management, an accident blackspot or black spot is a place where road traffic accidents have historically been concentrated.

7. The project website has been developed and can be accessed at the following link:

8. An awareness raising campaign was elaborated and conducted by B2, more datails available at:

9. Radio and TV spots were broadcast in Alexandria and Cherven Bryag under the coordination of B2. All 4 spots were developed by Chevren Bryag: 2 in Bulgarian and 2 in Romanian

The TV clip (RO) is available at:, “News and Events” section  

The TV clip (BG) is available at:,“News and Events” section   

The radio clip (RO) is available at:

The radio clip BG is available at:

10. For the Door-to-door Campaign have been purchased: 500 paper bags, 500 „cat eyes”, 500 reflecting sticks, 500 frontal head flashlights, 500 reflector-warning vests (250 for adults and 250 for kids).


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