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Joint risk management and partnership in the border region Calarasi – Dobrich

What’s the goal?

To cover the risk prevention management and to solve potential and existing problems in these areas by using the joint forces of the two neighboring countries instead of each country using only its own resources.

What’s the budget?

800,216.15 euro, out of which 680,183.72 euro ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead Beneficiary (LB): Dobrichka Municipality Administration (BG)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Calarasi County Emergency Situations Inspectorate “Barbu Știrbei” (RO)

When is it happening?

Start date: 13.03.2019

End date: 12.12.2022

Duration: 45 months

Where is it happening?

Dobrich in Bulgaria

Calarasi in Romania

How is it going to happen?

  • 1 Strategy and Action plan for common activities against the flood and other natural disaster
  • 1 Joint network of partners for joint early warning and emergency response, including 1 action plan;
  • Purchase and equipment delivery for Dobrichka Municipality for mitigate the negative impact of the natural and other disasters;
  • Purchasing of specific equipment for Calarasi Emergency Situations Inspectorate.

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs:

456.859 persons benefiting from actions of risk management

456.859 persons benefiting from flood protection measures

11 joint partnerships signed in the field of joint early warning and emergency response

Programme results:

456.859 persons will benefit by the quality of the joint risk management in the CBC area

Project status (reflected in progress reports)

The project was finalized on 12.12.2022. The following results were achieved during the project implementation:

1. In regard to implementation of WP I1 “Purchase and equipment delivery for Dobrichka Municipality for mitigate the negative impact of the natural and other disasters” on behalf of the LB, the tender procedure for purchase of equipment was finalized by signing the contracts for 5 lots for purchase of specific equipment on 13.05.2021. The equipment have been already delivered and accepted by the LB, as follows:

a) For Lot 1 “Acquisition of Roller container with gasoline generator and pneumatic telescopic hook installed in it” – the equipment was delivered and accepted by the Lead Beneficiary on 17.02.2022;

b) For Lot 2 “Acquisition of Drone” – the equipment was delivered on 24.08.2021 and accepted by the Lead Beneficiary on 25.08.2021;

c) For Lot 3 “Acquisition of Specialized fire and rescue equipment” – the equipment was delivered and accepted by the Lead Beneficiary on 17.02.2022;

d) For Lot 4 “Acquisition of Inflatable boat with outboard engine and echo sounder” – the equipment was delivered and accepted by the Lead Beneficiary on 27.09.2021;

e) For Lot 5 “Acquisition of All-terrain vehicles” – the equipment was delivered on 24.08.2021 and accepted by the Lead Beneficiary on 25.08.2021.

2. In regard to implementation of WP I2 “Purchasing of specific equipment for Calarasi Emergency Situations Inspectorate” on behalf of B3, the contracts for equipment purchase have been signed and the equipment was delivered to the beneficiary as follows:

a) Contract from 03.09.2019 for purchase of intervention vehicle. The equipment was delivered to the beneficiary on 06.09.2019;

b) Contract from 11.11.2020 for purchase of network server with operating system license. The equipment was delivered to the beneficiary on 23.11.2020;

c) Contract from 11.11.2020 for purchase of workstations with operating system license and Office type package licenses. The equipment was delivered to the beneficiary on 23.11.2020;

d) Contract from 11.11.2020 for purchase of office package licenses. The equipment was delivered to the beneficiary on 23.11.2020;

e) Contract form 11.11.2020 for purchase of external video surveillance system. The equipment was delivered to the beneficiary on 25.01.2021;

f) Contract from 07.01.2021 for purchase of wall screen. The equipment was delivered to the beneficiary on 27.01.2021;

g) Contract from 06.10.2021 for purchase of UPS 10 000 VA and UPS Workstation. The equipment was delivered to the beneficiary on 25.10.2021 and 26.10.2021;

h) Contract from 06.10.2021 for purchase of display panel, monitors and video projector. The equipment was delivered to the beneficiary on 22.10.2021 and 26.10.2021;

i) Contract from 06.10.2021 for purchase of fixed TETRA radio terminals. The equipment was delivered on 14.10.2021;

g) Contract from 07.10.2021 for purchase of operational intervention vehicles. The equipment was delivered on 23.11.2021;

k) Contract from 03.12.2021 for purchase of printers and multifunctional devices. The equipment was delivered on 31.12.2021;

l) Contract from 03.12.2021 for purchase of switch management 48 ports and rack 42U 800x1000 mm. The equipment was delivered on 31.12.2021;

m) Contract from 24.02.2022 for purchase of 5 Portable TETRA network terminals. The equipment was delivered on 24.03.2022;

n) Contract from 07.07.2022 for purchase of Sound system, including amplifier, diffusor and microphone system - receiver and 2 microphones. The equipment was delivered on 05.08.2022;

o) Contract from 23.06.2022 for purchase of Metal sliding door locker and Mailbox. The equipment was delivered on 04.07.2022;

p) Contract from 07.07.2022 for purchase of Work station, including Windows operating system license, Microsoft Office License and License editor, CDR (CORELL) file reader. The equipment was delivered on 08.08.2022;

q) Contract from 07.07.2022 for purchase of Notebooks – 2 pcs, including Windows operating system license (2 pcs) and Microsoft Office License. The equipment was delivered on 08.08.2022;

r) Contract from 07.07.2022 for purchase of Laptops - 11 pcs, including Windows operating system license and Microsoft Office License. The equipment was delivered on 08.08.2022;

s) Contract from 07.07.2022 for purchase of Audio alarm system. The equipment was delivered on 25.07.2022.

3. The common Strategy and the common Action plan were elaborated and accepted by the LB in May 2020. The documents were translated in English and Romanian language and printed in 100 trilingual copies in March 2021.

4. The first Joint simulation exercise was organized by the LB in the period 29-30.08.2022 in Dobrichka municipality and the second Joint simulation exercise was organized by B3 in the period 13-14.10.2022 in Calarasi county.

5. Promotional materials were elaborated by B3 (indoor and outdoor banners, roll-ups, posters, leaflets and ballpoints pens) and handed to people in order to inform them about the project details and specifics. The project website was developed, available in Romanian, Bulgarian and English language.

6. Awareness raising campaign. Two information campaigns were organized by the project beneficiaries.

An information campaign was organized by the LB in the period 18-28.10.2022. Trainings among the young people from schools in Dobrichka Municipality and the target groups of the project were organized in locations Karapelit, Batovo, Zhitnitsa, Lovchantsi, Stefanovo, Pobeda, Stojer, Vedrina, Smolnitsa and Bojurovo. During the trainings, there were distributed promotional with information about the actions to be undertaken in case of disasters. Approximately 1.000 people participated to the trainings.

An information campaign was organized by B3 in the period December 2021 – November 2022. Trainings among the young people from schools in Calarasi County and the target groups of the project were organized in the locations Calarasi, Lehliu Gara, Cascioarele, Belciugatele, Oltenita, Chirnogi, Radovanu, Dragos Voda, Dorobantu, Soldanu, Budesti, Gurbanesti, Curcani, Ileana, Ulmeni, Manastirea, Ciocanesti, Chiselet, Spantov, Gradistea, Modelu, Roseti, Dichiseni, Borcea. During the trainings, there were distributed promotional materials with information about the actions to be undertaken in case of disasters. A total number of 3486 people participated to the trainings.

7. Network of partnershipsamong territorial entities involved in civil protection activities was created. The LB signed partnership agreements with the following institutions: Territorial Administrative Unit – Calarasi Town; Directorate General Fire Safety and Civil Protection to the Ministry of Interior, Bulgaria; Dobrich District Administration; Bulgarian Red Cross – District Council Dobrich and the municipalities from Dobrich District - Balchik Municipality, General Toshevo Municipality, Kavarna Municipality, Krushari Municipality, Tervel Municipality and Shabla Municipality. B3 - Calarasi County Emergency Situations Inspectorate “Barbu Știrbei” signed a partnership agreement with the LB – Dobrichka Municipality.

8. Forum for valorisation measures - natural disasters risk prevention measures was organized on 02.12.2022 in Dobrich with 58 participants. The purpose of the Forum was the participants to share the experience in fighting with disaster within the Dobrich-Calarasi cross border area.

EF - ROAD (ROBG-408)

Targeted efforts for improving road infrastructure in the cross border area

What’s the goal?

To develop the road infrastructure in the cross-border area through improving the access between the secondary and tertiary nodes and TEN-T network in the region.

What’s the budget?

7,997,947.62 euro, out of which 6,798,255.46 euro ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead Beneficiary (LB): Dolj County, represented by Dolj County Council (Romania)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Road Infrastructure Agency (Bulgaria)

When is it happening?

Start date: 25.04.2018

End date: 31.12.2023

Duration: 68 months and 7 days

Where is it happening?

Dolj in Romania

Pleven in Bulgaria

How is it going to happen?

The project envisages modernization of two roads – Road 652A, DN 6 Carcea – DN 65 from km 0+000 to km 6+200, Dolj county, and Road III118 Gulianci - Dolna Mitropolia from km 14+786 to km 24+150, Pleven district on a total length of 15.564 km.

The project is developing 5 (five) joint measures, linked to the Programme output indicator:

1. Promote educational activities in the field of traffic safety in kindergartens and schools by providing materials for role-play scenarios, situations that children might encounter on the road;

2. Adult awareness campaign for speed management and human tolerance on the road – brochures, reflective materials, gadgets, etc.;

3. Speed indicator panels for drivers will be installed on the road, in this case specifically solar radar speed indicators. These are traffic calming devices, designed for those who drive at very high speeds, thus alerting them to their speed;

4. It is intended to use the resonator marking, sound warning for the marking lines of the road. They will improve rear-view visibility and reflectivity in wet conditions by creating a "relief" that will improve road safety, while offering the added benefit of a warning noise when overtaken;

5. A common approach for both roads regarding the installation of parapets with reflective devices closer together to be more visible at night.

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs:5 joint mechanisms to facilitate the connection of secondary/tertiary nodes to TEN-T infrastructure (e.g. route guidance, incidents/emergencies detection and management, studies on traffic flows, feasibility studies addressing cross-border; 15.56 km of Total length of reconstructed or upgraded roads;

Programme results: 13,274.00 people of Cross border population served by modernized infrastructure leading to TEN-T.

Project status

Current Project Status:

The project implementation period was completed on 31.12.2023, but due to delays in the implementation of activities by the LB, the project was included on the list of unfinished projects, according to the provisions of OG 36/2023, by the Decision of the Monitoring Committee of the Interreg Program V-A Ro-Bg, no. 313/14.11.2023. The new project completion date is 30.04.2024.

LB has completed the modernization works of road 652A, DN 6 Carcea – DN 65 from km 0+000 to km 6+200, Dolj County and is in the process of making the final reception.

B2- The execution works have been completed, the building use authorization no. 162/29.03.2022 for Road III-118 Gulianci – Dolna Mitropolia.

B2 has awarded the contracts for the purchase of the necessary equipment to carry out road safety awareness activities and for advertising, but these activities will be implemented only after the completion of the project works.


“Improving the connection to the TEN-T network in the cross-border area Medgidia - Dobrich”

What’s the goal?

To ensure better traffic conditions for the population of the 2 cities, as well as for the other traffic participants who are transiting.

What’s the budget?

7,988,762.56 euro, out of which 6,790,448.17 euro ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead Beneficiary (LB): TAU Medgidia Municipality (Romania)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Dobrich Municipality (Bulgaria)

When is it happening?

Start date: 24.04.2018

End date: 23.12.2021

Duration: 44 months

Where is it happening?

Medgidia in Romania

Dobrich in Bulgaria

How is it going to happen?                       

  • Developing of 3 joint mechanisms (e.g. route guidance, incidents/emergencies detection and management, studies on traffic flows, feasibility studies addressing cross-border transport issues, traffic safety measures, black-spot maps, awareness raising activities)
  • The modernization of 13 streets from Medgidia Municipality is of  a great importance for the inhabitants from the economic and social point of view, and the realization of the work will considerably improve the viability and the technical condition of the road section, being registered: access to educational institutions; access to the Sports Complex; access to commercial companies; access to county roads DJ 222, DJ 381;the A2 part of the TEN-T;
    Direct connection to the Medgidia river port that is connected to the Black Sea-Danube Channel; improving the quality of life of the inhabitants of Medgidia; Increasing school attendance and decreasing school dropout; Improving the social and economic situation of the inhabitants of the area; the social stability of the area.
  • Rehabilitation and reconstruction of road surfaces of the objects of the "Dobrudzha" blv. and "Nikola Petkov" street, Dobrich town.
  • Purchasing maintenance equipment: Backhoe with accessories and High pressure machine for unclogging the small bridges, gutters, ditches, etc.

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 3 joint mechanisms to facilitate the connection of secondary/tertiary nodes to TEN-T infrastructure; 13.73 km of modernized roads;

Programme results: 136,114 Cross border population served by modernized infrastructure leading to TEN-T.

Project status

The project was finalized. The following results have been achieved within the project:

1. Modernizing of 13.13 km of road infrastructure in order to connect secondary (Dobrich) and tertiary (Medgidia) nodes to TEN-T infrastructure and to reduce transportation time and optimising logistics. Also, 5.497 km of roads were modernized through this investment in Medgidia and 7.632 km of roads were modernized through this investment in Dobrich;

2. 2 cross-border mechanisms - Route Guidance and Safety measures available at the following links: and;

3. Online raising awareness trainings held in several schools in the city of Dobrich for over 600 children;

4. Seminars about traffic rules in schools in Medgidia with 622 children;

5. A campaign organized in crowded points of Medgidia, named “Be responsible in traffic!”

6. The acquisition of maintenance equipment by TAU Medgidia: Backhoe with accessories and High pressure machine for unclogging the small bridges, gutters, ditches, etc.;

7. 145.237 inhabitants, representing cross-border population served by modernized infrastructure leading to TEN-T: 43.519 inhabitants in Medgidia Municipality and 101.718 people in Dobrich Municipality.                                                                                              

RowAdventure (ROBG-272)

What’s the goal?

The main objective of the project is to create a new integrated tourism product designed for adventurous tourists, to facilitate a better use of common tourist potentials. 

The specific objectives of the project are:

Development of two common strategies for improving the sustainable use of natural and cultural heritage;

Increasing the number of overnight stays in the program region, up to 6033, due to the new integrated tourist products created by this project and the functionality of both tourist centers during the project implementation and sustainability period.

What’s the budget?

499,851.65 euro, out of which 424,873.89 euro ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead Beneficiary (LB): Association AISSER Calarasi

Beneficiary 2 (B2):Sport for you and me - sports club canoeing, boxing and powerlifting, Bulgaria

Beneficiary 3 (B3):Association Sport Club ACTIS, Romania

When is it happening?

Start date: 05.09.2018

End date: 04.09.2020

Duration: 24 Months

Where is it happening?

Calarasi – in Romania

Vidin – in Bulgaria

How is it going to happen?

  • Creating 1 new integrated tourism product designed for adventurous tourists- adventure trips with kayaks and canoes for beginners, advanced, families and people with disabilities. The new tourism products will support the sustainable development of the region from an economic, cultural and social point of view.
  • Creating 2 operational tourism centers, one of each side of the border, fully equipped with safety equipment, sportswear and water sport equipment(10 kayaks for 1 person, 10 kayaks for 2 persons, 5 canoes for 2 persons, 5 canoes for 4 persons and 5 boats for people with disabilities, 1 trailer, 1 motor vehicle 4x4 for carrying the equipment/trailer/boats and motor vehicle for the transport of tourists with minimum 7 seats ;
  • Organizing 14 pilot actions in the eligible area of the Programme; 4 Adventure trips with kayaks (3 days each), 4 expeditions with canoes (1 day each), 4 trips with special boats (1 day each), 2 Regatta (7 days each) using the equipment purchased to promote the new tourism products.
  • Development of promotional webpage of the new tourist product and conducting an online and media promotion campaign.

Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 1 new integrated tourism product created, 1 Joint strategy for identifying travel routes and exploring the natural and cultural heritage and 1 Joint strategy for promoting integrated tourism products.

Programme results: the project is proposing a contribution to the achievement of programme result indicator as quantifying 6033 overnights in the CBC region, generated by the creation of the new integrated tourism products in the region.

Project status (reflected in progress reports)

Physical condition:

The main objective of the project was to create a new integrated tourist product designed for adventurous tourists - adventure trip.

The implementation of the project was finalized on 04.09.2020 and the following activities were implemented:

1. The project beneficiaries has purchased all equipment necessary for the project implementation (10 kayaks for 1 person, 10 kayaks for 2 persons, 5 canoes for 2 persons, 5 canoes for 4 persons and 5 boats for people with disabilities, 1 trailer, 1 motor vehicle 4x4 for carrying the equipment/trailer/boats and motor vehicle for the transport of tourists with minimum 7 seats).

2. The common study for identify the routs for health tourism along the Danube has been elaborated in RO and BG version. One new integrated tourism product designed for adventurous tourists has been created namely, adventure trips with kayaks and canoes for beginners, advanced, families and people with disabilities along the Danube.

3. 2 Operational Tourism Centers, fully equipped with water sport equipment, were established in Calarasi (RO) and in Vidin (BG).

4. The web portal and interactive tourism map were elaborated and are available at in BG, RO and EN languages. The mobile application is available on Magazine Play (Android), App Store with name “RowadventureDanube”.

A tourist product designed for adventurous tourists has been created - adventure trip by organizing 14 pilot actions in the cross-border region:

a) 6 kayak routes:

ROW for FUN - Lower Danube Adventure was organized between 10-13 July 2019

ROW for FUN - Danubian Adventure was organized between 13-16 July 2019

ROW for FUN - Danube Regatta was organized between 22-28 August 2019

ROW for FUN - Novo Selo - Archar Adventure was organized between 9-12 July 2020

ROW for FUN - Archar - Lom Adventure was organized between 9-11 July 2020

ROW for FUN - Dunav Regatta was organized between 10-16 August 2020

b) 4 canoe routes for families with children:

ROW for FUN - Cerna Bay Adventure was organized between 9-10 August 2019

ROW for FUN - Sucidava Adventure was organized between 10-11 August 2019

ROW for FUN - Rabisha Family Adventure was organized between 22-23 July 2020

ROW for FUN - Dabravka Family Adventure was organized between 23-24 July 2020

c) 4 boat routes especially for people with disabilities:

ROW for FUN - To the Sea Kayak Special Tour was organized between 1-2 July 2019

ROW for FUN - Techirghiol Kayak Special Tour was organized between 2-3 July 2019

ROW for FUN - Rabisha Kayak Special Tour was organized between 24-25 July 2020

ROW for FUN - Dabravka Kayak Special Tour was organized between 25-26 July 2020


Synergy of nature and culture - potential for development of the cross-border region

What’s the goal?

The main objective is to conserve and promote the common natural and cultural heritage in order to create a sustainable cross-border identity that generates added value in all sectors with potential for sustainable development of communities: tourism, fisheries and environmental protection.

What’s the budget?

1,499,902.70 euro, out of which 1,274,917.29 euro ERDF

Target at the half of the implementation period: 249,989 euro for LB and 249,914 euro for B2

Who is doing it?

Lead Beneficiary (LB): Balchik Municipality (Bulgaria)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Territorial Administrativ Unit Mangalia Municipality (Romania)

When is it happening?

Start date: 29.12.2018

End date: 28.12.2021

Duration: 36 months

Where is it happening?

Balchik in Bulgaria

Constanta in Romania

How is it going to happen?

  • Creation of the Black Sea's Menu (cookbook focused on recipes with fish from the Black Sea)
  • Creation and distribution of multi-media materials to promote cross-border tourism at Black Sea
  • Organising in Mangalia a cross border festival entitled "Marea Neagra cu Marama si Dunarea cu Naframa"
  • Musical events: Balchik Piano Days and Balchik Jazz Nights
  • Creation of a Joint Strategical Action Plan
  • Modernizing the promenade area of Constanta street in Mangalia
  • Renovation of the promenade of the town of Balchik, connecting the State Cultural Institute – Cultural Center “The Palace” and Cultural Information Center “The Mill”

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 2 integrated tourism products/services created; 1 common strategy, policy or management plan for valorising (including raising awareness) the cultural and natural heritage through its restoration and promotion for sustainable economic uses

Programme results: 50.000 tourist overnights in the CBC region

Project status

The project is finalized.

The Rehabilitation of the coastal alley of Balchik, connecting the State Cultural Institute - the Cultural Center “Palace” and the Cultural Information Center “The Mill” have been finalized since 05.03.2020.

The execution works for modernizing the promenade area of Constanța street in Mangalia, have been finalized on 26.11.2020.

On 11.09.2021, the cross-border festival “Black Sea with Marama Sea and Danube with Nafram” ( was held in Republica Square, Mangalia. During the festival, a folk show and the gastronomic event “Black Sea Menu” took place (

Between 15.07.2021-18.07.2021, Balchik Municipality organized two artistic events “Piano Days” and “Jazz Nights” outdoors on the stage of the Cultural Information Center “The Mill”. (,,



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