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Welcome to the middle ages (ROBG-452)


What’s the goal?

The overall objective of project “Welcome to the middle ages” is to improve the sustainable use of natural and cultural heritage of Mezdra and Dobrosloveni municipalities by establishing two important festivals – roman and medieval, reconstructing the life and traditions of the time, bringing together stakeholders able to contribute from all cross-border region and promoting the culture and history of the region.

What’s the budget?

495,103.46 euro, out of which 420,837.93 euro ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead Beneficiary (LB):Mezdra Municipality (Bulgaria)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Dobrosloveni Municipality (Romania)

When is it happening?

Start date: 28.09.2018

End date: 10.05.2020, following suspension of the project implementation period between the period from 17.03.2021 - 30.04.2020.

Duration: 18 months

Where is it happening?

Vratsa in Bulgaria

Olt in Romania

How is it going to happen?

  • Research of festivals, events and groups, presenting middle ages and roman traditions of RO and BG
  • Conference for adoption of common strategy for promotion of ancient and medieval traditions
  • Purchase of equipment necessary for the organization of the festivals
  • Organization of medieval festival in Mezdra at the “Kaleto” archeological complex and of a roman festival in Dobrosloveni
  • Promotion of both integrated tourism products at tourism fair in Sofia and in Bucharest

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 1100 more visits to supported sites of cultural and natural heritage and attraction, 2 integrated tourism products/services created, 1 common strategy, policy or management plan for valorising (including raising awareness) the cultural and natural heritage through its restoration and promotion for sustainable economic uses

Programme results: 1000 tourist overnights in the CBC region

Project status

The project implementation period ended on 10.05.2020, following requested and approved suspension of the project implementation period between 17.03.2020 - 30.04.2020. The main results achieved are as follows:

LB – Mezdra Municipality has completed the “Research of festivals, events and groups, presenting middle ages and roman traditions” and subsequently within Activity T3 “Organisation of medieval and roman festivals”, organized and performed the Festival of the medieval traditions, manners and culture in the period 16 and 19 May 2019, having more than 300 guests. The related necessary equipment for performing the main event as a Bulgarian yurta - the mobile home of Bulgarian nomad tribes, clothing and armory for 2 warriors, heavily armed warriors, archer, noble chief and medieval saddle, 3 pagoda tents and 1 professional sound system, were also purchased and delivered to LB and used during the event.

B2 – Dobrosloveni Municipality, the main Roman festival “Romula Fest” was also organized in the period 22 – 25 August 2019, in Dobrosloveni. B2 acquisitioned the necessary equipment and goods. 16 Roman soldiers costumes and 1 professional sound system were purchased.

The two researches represented an important step towards the development of the common strategy for promotion of ancient and medieval traditions for sustainable tourism development in the cross-border region. The strategy was prepared by the project team members with the full support of the beneficiaries presented and adopted on a two day conference performed in Mezdra with 100 stakeholders from the cross-border area representing groups for historical reconstructions, tourism companies and stakeholders. The Strategy for promotion of the medieval traditions was developed from the BG part from the PMT team and is available on the project web site: . On on the project web site could be found a Memorandum of understating for cooperation in the tourism sector signed between the mayors of Mezdra and Dobrosloveni.

In order to promote both integrated tourism products created at project level, on one hand LB has participated in the Sofia Tourism Fair on 14-16.02.2019 and on the other B2 have taken participation in the tourism fair in Bucharest (14-17.11.2019). As a result of the presentation at both tourism fairs, the visits to the supported cultural sites in Mezdra and Dobrosloveni, increased with at least 400 persons.

In order to increase further the interest over the achieved projects results, LB developed a Catalogue of Festival and Events and a Catalogue of Medieval and Roman groups, both available in BG, RO and EN . In addition, a 50 minutes movies for Roman and Medieval traditions was produced and further published in Youtube and on the project web site of the project – .

DTP (ROBG-453)

Development of tourism potential, protection and promotion of the common heritage                                            

What’s the goal?

To support the sustainable socio-economic development of the cross-border region by enhancing the tourism potential related to the development and marketing of competitive tourist products.

What’s the budget?

1,219,951.26 euro, out of which 1,036,958.56 euro ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead Beneficiary (LB): General Toshevo Municipality

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Territorial Administrative Unit – Murfatlar Town

When is it happening?

Start date: 12.09.2018

End date: 30.04.2022

Duration: 43 Months 19 Days

Where is it happening?

Dobrich in Bulgaria

Constanta in Romania

How is it going to happen?

  • Training and enhancing the capacity of local communities. Conducting of thematic camps;
  • Creation of common tourist products. Conducting of tourist forums and exhibitions;
  • Realization of studies, research, information system, tourism development strategy.

What will be the results?

Programme outputs: 4 integrated tourism products/services created, 5,000 expected number of visits to supported sites of cultural and natural heritage and attraction, common strategies, policies or management plans for valorizing (including raising awareness) the cultural and natural heritage through its restoration and promotion for sustainable economic uses - 1.

Programme results: 3,500 tourist overnights in the CBC region.

Project status

The project was finalized on 30.04.2022. The following results were achieved during the project implementation:

Two round tables of representatives of youth councils and young volunteers were held in General Toshevo (03.05.2019) and Murfatlar (31.05.2019). Both events were addressed to the young people and their needs to better understand the cross-border cultural features of Dobrudja area and their relevance for cooperation and tourism promotion.

Two summer thematic camps were organized in 2019 - one in General Toshevo and Balchik (01-06.07.2019) and the second one in Murfaltar and Mamaia/Constanta (04-09.09.2019). Both camps included cultural-related visits to museums and historical sites, tourist tours, workshops related to traditional and popular art and crafts, exhibitions, sport and leisure activities, networking.

Seminar “Intangible cultural heritage - conservation, promotion, development and opportunities for organizing festival and event tourism” was held in General Toshevo and Balchik in the period 23-24.10.2020.

Seminar “Possibilities for development of thematic tourism connected to the cultural-historic heritage, wine, traditional cuisine and traditional music and crafts” was held in Murfatlar in the period 18-19.07.2021.

Tourism forum “Cultural and historical heritage and tourist attractions in Municipality of General Toshevo” was organized by the LB in General Toshevo in the period 10-11.09.2021.

Tourism forum “Cultural and historical heritage and tourist attractions in Municipality of Muratlar” was organized by B2 in Murfatlar in the period 24-25.09.2021.

2 studies of tourism potential and opportunities for tourism development for each municipality and a strategic plan were developed. On the basis of the developed studies, it was created the Common strategy for the development of tourism in the cross-border region General Toshevo – Murfatlar, available at the following link:

The both project beneficiaries developed multilingual tourist guides for General Toshevo and Murfatlar, available on the project websites at the following links:

Two connected websites were developed: and, available in three languages (Bulgarian, Romanian and English).

Two informative films were developed by the project beneficiaries:

1.       Information film about the natural and cultural-historical heritage of General Toshevo Municipality and Murfatlar Municipality, available on the following links:  

2.          Information film about the natural resources of Murfatlar Municipality and General Toshevo Municipality, available on the following links:

The following investment objects were modernized and reconstructed during the project implementation:

Lead Beneficiary – General Toshevo Municipality

1. Community cultural centers in Spasovo and Kardam villages

The investment included the reconstruction and modernization of the buildings and the surrounding area of the cultural centers in the two largest villages of General Toshevo - Kardam and Spasovo. Reconstruction preserves the purpose of the buildings and all premises. The investment included major overhaul of buildings, electrical installation, heating, ventilation, plumbing and sewerage installations. To improve the functionality of public cultural centers, furniture and modern equipment were be delivered. Park equipment and accessories are provided for the adjacent areas.

a) Reconstruction and modernization of the building and the surrounding area of Cultural Center “Probuda-1941” Kardam. The works are finalized and the building is put into operation – Certificate for entering the building into exploitation no. 021/25.08.2020;

b) Reconstruction and modernization of the building and the surrounding area of Cultural Center “Otets Paisii-1897”- Spasovo. The works are finalized and the building is put into operation – Certificate for entering the building into exploitation no. 010А/26.05.2020.

2. History museum - General Toshevo.

The investment provides repair activities in the adjoining space / yard / of the museum and the supply of park equipment. Part of the museum courtyard is shaped like an open exhibition of exhibits and archaeological finds. The specifics of the construction works do not require a technical project. The construction works were carried out on the basis of a bill of quantities. The implemented works have been accepted with delivery-acceptance protocol from 06.11.2019.

3. Advertising Totems.

At the entrances / exits of General Toshevo municipality two totems were be installed along the main road Dobrich-Kardam-Negru Voda-Constanta. The Kardam-Negru Voda Border check-point is one of the main points of the border between Romania and Bulgaria and has a very intense traffic. The installed totems were accepted with delivery-acceptance protocol from 21.10.2019.

Three temporary billboards were elaborated and installed at the investment objects.

Beneficiary 2 – Territorial Administrative Unit Murfatlar Town

1. Expansion and renovation of the local Cultural centre. The investment included reconstruction and modernization of the Cultural centre (House of Culture) - Murfatlar and supply of equipment for the House of Culture. Construction activities included: demolition and construction of an extension and repair of the existing center, repair and extension of the roof, changing rooms, sanitary facilities, etc. Access platforms and parking around the Cultural centre have been built. The cultural center was equipped with furniture, modern information and audio-visual equipment. A hall was equipped for seminars and promotions. The works are finalized and the building is put into operation - Minutes of reception at the end of the works no. 3998/20.04.2022.

2. Creation a theme park (in the existing park). Theme Park - the following works were executed: restoration of infrastructure, arrangement of green spaces, hedge was planted, works were performed on foundations, playground and pergolas, installations, outdoor lighting. The works are finalized and the building is put into operation - Minutes of reception at the end of the works no. 3999/20.04.2022.

3. Rehabilitation of the Heroes' Monument. Rehabilitation of the marble cover and plinth; rehabilitation of the surroundings. The works are finalized and the building is put into operation – Minutes of reception at the end of the works no. 3997/20.04.2022.


“Joint risk management for efficient reactions of the local authorities in the emergency situations”

What’s the goal?

The main objective of the project is to improve the common risk management in the cross-border area covered by the two municipalities: Călărași and Belene.

What’s the budget?

987,468.06 euro, din care 839,347.84 euro FEDR

Who is doing it?

Beneficiar Lider (BL): Municipalitatea Belene (Bulgaria)

Beneficiar 2 (B2): Municipalitatea Călărași (România)

When is it happening?

Start date: 15.09.2018

End date: 14.03.2021

Duration: 30 months

Where is it happening?

Pleven (Bulgaria)

Calarasi (Romania)

How is it going to happen?           

  • Preparation of the workshop "Best practices in crisis prevention in the cross-border region";
  • Development of an online platform to provide information for crisis prevention and management;
  • Creating the risk management capacity in Belene and Călărași.

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Program achievements: 82,891 people benefiting from risk management actions, flood protection measures and forest fire protection measures, 1 joint partnership in the field of joint rapid prevention and emergency response

Program results: Improving the quality of joint risk management in the cross-border area

Project status

The project obtained the following results:

Both project partners purchased during the implementation period of the project the necessary equipment for dealing with emergency situations caused by fires, natural disasters, accidents and floods:

Belene Municipality

- 1 Work platform;

- 1 Backhoe loader;

– 3 phase diesel aggregate AKSA;

- 1 Drone with camera;

– 5 Motor;

– 1 Garbage Transportation Machine;

– 5 Manual snow removal machine;

- 1 Tractor with trailer;

– 5 Motor Brush cutters.

Calarasi Municipality

– 1 Work platform;

- 3 Bobcats;

- 1 Frontal loader;

- 2 Snow removal vehicles;

- 1 Water removal vehicle.

A joint partnership agreement between Belene Municipality and Calarasi Municipality was drafted in Belene during the workshop held in the period 28-29.08.2019 and signed by the mayors on 05.12.2019. The partnership concluded between both project partners does not include actions and procedures for collaboration in the field of “early warning and joint intervention” during the sustainability period.

   The online platform ( for providing information for crisis prevention and management - fires, natural disasters, accidents and floods has been implemented and is populated by the two municipalities, Belene and Calarasi.

   The workshop "Best practices in crisis prevention in the cross-border region" was organized in Belene.

Financial status:

According to the information available in the system, after the project implementation period ended, the progress of the project towards its financial objectives is:

•        LB requested from FLC the amount of 497,186.49 euro, out of which FLC certified the amount of 382,245.97 euro, representing 76.18% from LB’s total partner budget of 501,778.87 euro.

•        B2 requested from FLC the amount of 468,884.31 euro, out of which FLC certified the amount of 349,489.96 euro representing 71.96% from LB’s total partner budget of 485,689.19 euro.

Considering the amounts certified by FLC, the financial execution for the project is 74.10% from the total project’s budget of 987,468.06 euro having certified expenditures for the total amount of 731,735.93 euro.


Harsova-Dobrichka, Together on the Beautiful Road of Sustainable Development through Cross Border Culture

What’s the goal?

The project aim is to animate and revitalize the cross border area by stimulating tourism and at the same time to contribute to preserving the cultural heritage of a historical region in which two nations coexist (Romania and Bulgaria).

What’s the budget?

1 410 770.00 euro, out of which 1 199 154.49 euro ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead Beneficiary (LB): Administrative Territorial Unit Harsova town

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Municipality of Dobrichka

When is it happening?

Start date: 12.09.2018

End date: 11.09.2022

Duration: 48 months

Where is it happening?

Constanta (Romania)

Dobrich (Bulgaria)

How is it going to happen?

  • Development of a joint strategy for valorization of the cultural heritage
  • Organization of the cross border festival: “Dobrogea cu bundita si prestelca”
  • Organization of a training in the field of cultural tourism
  • Promoting and ensuring the visibility of the Folk Festival “Songs and Dances from Sunny Dobrudja”
  • Modernization of the House of Culture Harsova through endowments specific to cultural activities
  • Modernization and endowment of Community Center "New life 1941" in Cherna and Community Center "Light - 1940" in Lovchantsi 

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 1 common strategy for valorizing the cultural and natural heritage through its restoration and promotion for sustainable economic uses; 1 integrated tourism products created

Programme results: 46,676 tourist overnights in the CBC region

Project status

The project is finalized.

Lead Beneficiary - Territorial Administrative Unit Harsova has finalized the modernization of House of Culture from 24.06.2022.

The Beneficiary 2 has finished the implementation of the works activities for Modernisation and endowment of Community center "New life 1941" Cherna and Community Center "Light - 1940" Lovchantsi, the works being completed from 04.11.2019 and 13.02.2020.

Both beneficiaries completed the development of the common strategy for capitalizing on cultural heritage and uploaded it on the project website (, as well as on the official pages of the beneficiaries. The joint strategy for the valorization of the cultural and natural heritage by restoring and promoting it for sustainable economic uses was approved by the local councils of the beneficiaries.

As part of the project, a joint tourism project was developed that involves the organization of two cross-border festivals. BL organized the event "Dobrogea with Bundița and Prestelca" between 07.08.2022 and 07.10.2022, where approximately 3,000 Romanian and Bulgarian people participated. B2 organized the event "Songs and dances from sunny Dobrogea" between 24.06.2021 - 26.06.2021, where approximately 300 Romanians participated. The events promoted traditions and customs determined by major life events or the seasons and holiday cycle, and also featured some interactive cooking demonstrations on traditional foods, how to prepare them, and special ingredients.

SC (ROBG-461)

Safety for our children

What’s the goal?

To target the efforts of the Romanian and Bulgarian communities to raise awareness of effective risk prevention in the long time.

What’s the budget?

348,686.88 euro, out of 296,383.83 ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead Beneficiary (LB): Regional Development Agency and Business Center 2000 Beneficiary 2 (B2): Romanian Association for Technology Transfer and Innovation

Beneficiary 3 (B3): Association “Regional partnerships for sustainable development – Vidin”

When is it happening?

Start date: 17.09.2019

End date: 31.07.2021

Duration: 22 months and 15 days (the initial project implementation period of 18 months was extended via Addendum no. 1/28.01.2021)

Where is it happening?

Dolj in Romania

Vidin and Montana in Bulgaria

How is it going to happen?                      

  • Documentation of In-depth Research;
  • International 2 days meeting of experts;
  • Development of a training programmes and materials;
  • Development of project on-line platform;
  • Training of trainers;
  • Out-of-class trainings for students in the target districts;
  • Conducting of Cross-border competitions;
  • Conducting of an International 2 days Forum.

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs:

- 240.00 - Population benefiting from actions of risk management;

- 300.00 - Population benefiting from flood protection measures;

- 300.00 - Population benefiting from forest fire protection measures;

Programme results: The quality of the joint risk management in the CBC area – 840.

Project status (reflected in progress reports)

The project was finalized on 31.07.2021, having the following results achieved:

- An online web site was developed in Bulgarian, Romanian and English language:;

- Each project partner conducted In-depth research in the area of prevention and risk management from national disasters, accidents and catastrophes in particular floods and fires in 10 secondary schools from his own district and each of the 3 researches are available in three languages (EN, BG, and RO) on the project website at the following link:;

- LB conducted the International 2 days meeting between risk management experts on 1-2.07.2020 in town of Varshets, Montana district. As a result of this meeting, it was concluded a consolidated report summarized from the three In-depth researches developed in the T1 Activity “Development of In-depth research”. The summarized report and photos from the meeting can be found on the project website at;

- Training programmes and materials were elaborated by the Lead Beneficiary according to the technical specifications in case of forest fire and in case of flood, which were used for the training of trainers to improve the level of qualification of teachers from target schools in the field of flood and fire response. The training programmes and materials can be found on the project website at;

- Trainings of trainers were organized by all the project beneficiaries: in the period 08-11.09.2020 - in Montana, organized by LB; in the period 22-25.10.2020 – in Craiova, organized by B2 and in the period 18-21.02.2021 - in complex Magura, village of Rabisha, Vidin district, organized by B3. A total number of 60 teachers were trained in the field of flood and forest fire response;

All the project beneficiaries organized out of class trainings with students in the field of flood and forest fire prevention and a total number of 600 students were trained:

Lead Beneficiary:

- 21-25.09.2020 - in Vocational School of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Computer Sciences, Montana and in Forestry Professional School, Berkovitsa – two out-of-class trainings for students in the area of flood response and behaviour; 100 students trained;

28.09 - 01.10.2020 - in Vocational School of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Computer Sciences, Montana and in Forestry Professional School, Berkovitsa, two out-of-class trainings for students in the area of forest fire; 100 students trained;

Beneficiary 2:

- 30.10-02.11.2020 in "Independenţa" High School Calafat, regarding the legislative requirements for response and behaviour rules for natural disasters – floods, 50 students trained;

- 10.02 - 13.02.2021 in "Independenţa" High School Calafat, regarding the legislative requirements for response and behavior rules for natural disasters – fires, 50 students trained;

- 24.02.-27.02.2021 in “Ştefan Anghel” Technological High School Băileşti, regarding the legislative requirements for response and behaviour rules for natural disasters – floods, 50 students trained;

- 03.03 - 06.03.2021 to “Ştefan Anghel” Tehnological High School Băileşti ", regarding the legislative requirements for response and behavior rules for natural disasters – fires, 50 students trained;

Beneficiary 3:

- 23-26.02.2021 in Math school “Exzarh Antim I”- group one; training of students to react in case of floods, 25 students trained;

- 23.02-01.03.2021 in Math school “Exzarh Antim I” - group two; training of students to react in case of floods, 25 students trained;

- 23-26.02.2021 in Professional gymnasium “Prof. dr. Asen Zlatarov”- group one; training of students to react in case of floods, 25 students trained;

- 23.02-01.03.2021 in Professional gymnasium “Prof. dr. Asen Zlatarov”- group two; training of students to react in case of floods, 25 students trained.

A total number of 100 students was trained. In each school were formed 2 groups of 25 students because of Corona virus measures, restrictions of Ministry of health, Ministry of education and Education Inspectorate.

- 04.03-09.03.2021 in Math school “Exzarh Antim I”- group one; training of students to react in case of forest fires, 25 students trained;

- 04.03-10.03.2021 in Math school “Exzarh Antim I”- group two; training of students to react in case of forest fires, 25 students trained;

- 04.03-09.03.2021 in Professional gymnasium “Prof. dr. Asen Zlatarov”- group one; training of students to react in case of forest fires, 25 students trained;

- 04.03-10.03.2021 in Professional gymnasium “Prof. dr. Asen Zlatarov”- group two; training of students to react in case of forest fires, 25 students trained.

A total number of 100 students was trained. In each school were formed 2 groups of 25 students because of Corona virus measures, restrictions of Ministry of health, Ministry of education and Education Inspectorate.

Two cross-border competitions were organized by the LB and B2:

- The cross-border competition in Bulgaria was conducted in town of Varshets, Montana district in the period 08-10.06.2021. The competition was conducted 3 days with participation of 60 participants from six targeted schools under the project.

- The cross-border competition in Romania was conducted in town of Craiova, Dolj county in the period 28-30.06.2021. The competition was conducted 3 days with participation of 64 participants from six targeted schools under the project.

In the period 07-08.07.2021, in town of Varshets, Montana district was held an International forum with the participation of representatives of the beneficiaries, trainers, public institutions involved in protection against disasters and accidents, local, regional and national media.


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