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Culture in Eternity

What’s the goal?

To preserve, promote and develop the culture of the partnering municipalities and successfully pass it to future generations.

What’s the budget?

1,411,373.15 euro, out of which 1,199,667.16 euro ERDF


Lead Beneficiary (LB): Municipality of Elena (Bulgaria)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Municipality of Medgidia (Romania)


Start date: 13.09.2018

End date: 30.11.2021

Duration: 38 months and 18 days


Veliko Tarnovo in Bulgaria

Constanta in Romania


  • Organization of painting camps in Elena and Medgidia;
  • Organization of workshops in Medgidia;
  • Development a common strategy for valorising and promoting the cultural heritage and boosting of cultural tourism;
  • Organization of Culture Festival in Medgidia;
  • Development of joint tourist packages.

Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 5 integrated tourism products/services created, 1 common strategy, policy or management plan for valorising (including raising awareness) the cultural and natural heritage through its restoration and promotion for sustainable economic uses

Programme results: 500 tourist overnights in the CBC region.

Project status (reflected in progress reports)

The project was finalized on 30.11.2021.

The following results were achieved:

- The construction works for rehabilitation of the old school in Elena to be turned into new Picture Gallery were finalized, building was officially opened for the public on 03.09.2021;

- The Common strategy for valorizing and promoting the cultural heritage and boosting of cultural tourism was elaborated in Bulgarian language and translated in Romanian and English languages;

- 4 joint tourist packages for the destination Elena, Bulgaria - Medgidia, Romania: “Art”, “Cultural historical heritage”, “Festivals” and “Religious tourism” were prepared and the summaries of the tourist packages were translated in Romanian and English language;

- The 1st edition of the Painting Camp was held in Elena, between 20-23.08.2019;

- The 2nd edition of the Painting Camp was held in Elena, between 07-10.07.2021;

- The 1st edition of the Painting Camp was held in Medgidia, between 26.07-04.08.2019;

- The 2nd edition of the Painting Camp was held in Medgidia, between 19-28.08.2021;

- The 1st edition of the Culture Festival was held in Medgidia, between 02-05.05.2019;

- The 2nd edition of the Culture festival was held in Medgidia, between 09-12.09.2021;

- Beneficiary 2 signed the contract for organizing of art workshops on the following themes: painting on water; cutting and painting on wood; cutting and painting on ceramics; cutting and painting on cardboard. 10 workshops (out of 12 workshops) were already held in Medigidia. Also, the contract for elaboration of the promotional materials was signed and the promotional materials were developed and delivered;

- Audio guide system for the gallery was developed. There were prepared 200 texts for the paintings, which the gallery have, which were also translated in Romanian and English. The texts were recorded and presented to the Lead Beneficiary. Each device have recordings for the exponents in 3 languages - Bulgarian, Romanian and English. The recordings are available on the website of the gallery, section Culture corner, 360 virtual tour. The visitor can click on each painting and to hear the recorded information. The audio guide devices were delivered with the delivery–acceptance protocol from 22.07.2021;

- Web based platform “Culture corner”, web-site and logo for the picture gallery were developed - the web site of the picture gallery is available at The web site contains information about the tourist packages, the project and the activities, which were implemented, the gallery - 360 virtual tour, information movie, etc. The visitors of the gallery can reach the web site with the delivered kiosk. The platform Culture corner is part of the web site The platform contains 360 tour of the gallery, information movie, and the 4 tourist packages with short movie for each package. The service has been implemented and accepted with delivery-acceptance protocol from 06.08.2021 and delivery-acceptance protocol for stage "training" for the future work with the web-site, web based platform and logo from 06.08.2021;

-           Conference for popularizing the tourist packages among the tourist agencies was hold. The event was organized on 03.08.2021 in Elena. More than 20 representatives from tourist companies from the CBC region took part in the event;

- The final press conference was organized by B2 on 26.11.2021 in Medgidia. 21 persons attended the event.


“Reconstruction and display of iconic cultural sites high tourism potential in the Euroregion Ruse-Giurgiu”

What’s the goal?

The overall objective of the project is to increase tourism attractiveness of Ruse-Giurgiu CBC region represented by 2 of the region’s iconic cultural and historic sites the Pantheon in Ruse and the Fortress in Giurgiu.

What’s the budget?

1,426,760.12 euro, out of which 1,212,746.09 euro ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead Beneficiary (LB): Ruse Municipality

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Territorial Administrative Unit – Giurgiu Town.

When is it happening?

Start date: 31.07.2018

End date: 30.04.2024

Duration: 69 months and 1 day

Where is it happening?

Giurgiu (Romania)

Ruse (Bulgaria)

How is it going to happen?

  • reconstruction of the Pantheon of National Revival Heroes in Ruse;
  • multimedia presentation;
  • developing and equipping of Giurgiu fortress with modern fittings;
  • joint management plan;
  • joint marketing strategy;
  • catalogue and website presenting iconic cultural heritage in Ruse-Giurgiu region;
  • integrated tourism route;
  • information and publicity activities.

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs:

- 1 integrated tourism products/services created;

- 2 strategies and management plans for valorizing the cultural and natural     heritage;

Programme results: increase of the number of overnights in the cbc area with 8000.

Project status

The project is under implementation.

The LB – Ruse Municipality finalized the works in relation to the Renovation of the Pantheon of National Revival Heroes in Ruse. The Pantheon is functioning and opened for visitors.

B2 – TAU Giurgiu Municipality started the works execution in the Investment objective “Giurgiu Fortress” in the end of May 2021. The construction works within the Giurgiu Fortress were temporary suspended, due to identified need for additional electrical resistivity measurements and electrical tomography measurements, part from the archaeological research authorization.Another problem encountered was related to the connection at the investment objective to utilities (water and electricity), which were not the responsibility of the builder, but of Giurgiu Municipality. In this sense, starting with August 2023, the necessary steps for contracting the services/works of connection to the utilities of the site, were taken and the water and electricity supply works started. Still, in the end of November 2023, the builder announced the full physical completion of the works execution within the Giurgiu Fortress.

Within the frame of activity T1 “Implementation of joint tourism mechanisms and elaboration of tender dossiers”, the Lead Beneficiary has receipt from the service provider the elaborated integrated tourism route, trilingual map, containing the identified tourist sites and catalogue in Bulgarian, Romanian and English. Тhe tourism route is aiming to present the historical past of the communities living in the Ruse-Giurgiu region in a systematic, organised and tourist-friendly way and is highlighting the renovated Pantheon and valorised Fortress.

Furthermore, B2 - Giurgiu Municipality developed a trilingual Joint Management Plan for common preservation, development and utilization of cultural heritage, which was further uploaded on the project web site for presenting iconic cultural heritage in Ruse-Giurgiu CB region, which could be accessed on the link: .


Silistra – Ecofriendly – Viable – Electrical – Navodari Transport

What’s the goal?

To improve tertiary nodes connection by reconstruction of 4,315 m of road and introducing eco-friendly-transportation in the Silistra - Navodari cross-border area.

What’s the budget?

7.896.727,79 euro, out of which 6,712,218.61 euro ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead Beneficiary (LB): Territorial Administrative Unit - Navodari Town (Romania)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Silistra Municipality (Bulgaria)

When is it happening?

Start date: 24.04.2018

End date: 23.04.2023

Duration: 60 months

Where is it happening?

Constanta in Romania

Silistra in Bulgaria

How is it going to happen?

  • Elaboration of a Joint Strategy whose aim will be to identify better transport services for the citizens in the cross-border area, improve the accessibility and mobility of people with minimum effects on the environment and propose future projects to be developed in common;
  • Elaboration of a Joint Route Guide which will gather information about bicycle lanes and routes, sightseeing - cultural and natural heritage, hotels, shops and garages for bicycles in the region of Silistra and Navodari;
  • Construction of a 14.414 m of bike lanes, construction of 7 bike docks in Silistra (for standard and electric bikes), 36 bus and bike stations in Navodari and 1 solar parking in Silistra; 
  • Rehabilitation of 4.315 km of road;
  • Organization of communication and promotion activities.

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 

4,315 km of rehabilitated roads;

2 joint mechanisms that facilitate the connection of secondary/tertiary nodes to TEN-T infrastructure;

Programme results: 

68,211 persons from the cross border area will be served by modernized infrastructure leading to TEN-T

Project status

The project is finalized.

LB – TAU Navodari Municipality realized the following investments:

Modernization of Navodari boulevard - 3.84 km of road were modernized, bicycle paths were built for a length of 6.90 km, traffic signs were installed and 36 modern bus stops were placed.

B2 – Silistra Municipality made the following investments:

8.64 km of bicycle paths were built/marked in the municipality of Silistra. 7 docks have been installed for electric and normal bikes. Vaptsarov boulevard with a total length of 0.47 km was modernized.

The partners carried out related activities to ensure publicity and information. Thus, a web page of the project was developed, available at the address . Also, several videos regarding the investments made within the project are available on the YouTube platform, at the following addresses:,,,, , ,,, .

1 Common strategy for development of Eco transportation in Navodari-Silistra cross-border area was also developed and is accessible on the following link on the project web site: .

A Joint Route Guide was elaborated, containing gathered information about bicycle lanes and routes, sightseeing - cultural and natural heritage, hotels, shops and garages for bicycles in the region of Silistra and Navodari, which was further promoted by the project beneficiaries. The Joint Route Guide is available on the following links - on the project web site: and on the web site of the Silistra Municipality: .


TEN-T (ROBG-425)

Well-developed transportation system in the Euroregion Ruse-Giurgiu for better connectivity with TEN-T network

What’s the goal?

The overall objective of the project is to modernize and upgrade the road infrastructure in Ruse and Giurgiu representing direct connections to TEN-T.

What’s the budget?

7,835,520.26 euro, out of which 6,660,192.21 euro ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead Beneficiary (LB): Territorial Administrative Unit Giurgiu

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Ruse Municipality

When is it happening?

Start date: 07.09.2018

End date: 07.12.2022

Duration: 51 months and 1 day

Where is it happening?

Ruse in Bulgaria

Giurgiu in Romania

How is it going to happen?

  • procurement of specific equipment;
  • services for technical project elaboration and technical assistance;
  • construction works of roads in Giurgiu and Ruse;
  • site supervision services;
  • traffic safety measures;
  • joint strategy for optimization of the transport conditions in the CBC region;
  • common system for data base gathering and processing of traffic information;
  • information and promotional activities.

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 11.23 km of roads reconstructed or upgraded;

Programme results: 2.000 people benefiting by modernized infrastructure leading to TEN-T.

Project status

The project was finalized on 07.12.2022.

LB -Giurgiu Municipality finished the works execution according to the Technical design. 6.75 km of roads in Giurgiu town were modernized. Thus, on 22.06.2021, the reception was made at the end of the works for modernization of six road sections and for completion of the restoration works of the passage at the intersection of 1 Decembrie 1918 street with the Giurgiu Nord-Ruse railway, at km c.f. 66 + 533.00.

The specific equipment for the traffic management system was installed both in Giurgiu and in Ruse. The existing system created in the project (MIS ETC 115, financed under the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Romania-Bulgaria 2007-2013), was expanded by 4 Ultra High Sensitivity 4K cameras. Gathering data from the mounted cameras and processing traffic information from the traffic monitoring system is a critical aspect of modern traffic management and analysis. This process involves the collection of visual data from the cameras placed at strategic locations and the subsequent analysis of this data to extract valuable traffic-related information. The traffic cameras mounted through this project are strategically placed at key locations, such as intersections and main roads. These cameras have different types of lenses and capabilities, including pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ) functionality for focusing on specific areas of interest.

B2 - Ruse Municipality finalized the works execution related to modernization of "Lipnik" Blvd. from the roundabout at Boulevard "Tsar Osvoboditel" to the roundabout next to the building of the traffic police.Thus, a total length of 4.61 km of roads in Ruse were modernized. Protocol no. 16 of the findings of the commission was signed on 04.08.2022. As a result, a Permit for using the road was issued on August 5th 2022. All necessary protocols and documentation were submitted to the competent bodies and the construction was registered via Technical passport on August 8th 2022.

The joint strategy for optimizing transport conditions in the cross-border area Romania-Bulgaria 2020 – 2027 was developed by the Municipality of Ruse in Bulgarian, Romanian and English languages. The strategy was posted on the following link:

Tourism +55 (ROBG-436)

Friendly destinations for seniors +55

What’s the goal?

Project overall objective is to initiate development of tourism product designed for tourists aged 55+ in low season and set basis for promotion of such tourism product.

What’s the budget?

453,259.45 euro, out of which 385,270.52 euro ERDF


Lead Beneficiary (LB): Foundation “Phoenix – 21 century” (Bulgaria)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Romanian Association for Technology Transfer and Innovation (Romania)

Beneficiary 3 (B3):Association “Regional partnerships for sustainable development – Vidin” (Bulgaria)


Start date: 01.09.2018

End date: 29.02.2020

Duration: 18 months


Dolj in Romania

Vidin and Montana in Bulgaria


  • Elaboration of needs assessment analysis on senior tourists preferences in BG and RO
  • Elaboration of Study on senior tourism development in Vidin, Montana and Dolj regions in BG and RO
  • Development of Strategy for development of senior tourism for business, public and civil sector
  • Organization of one Workshop in Vidin district for stakeholders in order to introduce them the benefits of development of senior tourism product in low season
  • Pilot testing of new product
  • Development of senior friendly web portal
  • Organization of info&publicity activities

Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 1 integrated tourism products created,1 common strategy for valorising the cultural and natural heritage through its restoration and promotion for sustainable economic uses.

Programme results: 480 tourist overnights in the CBC region.

Project status

The project is finalized, with the followings results achieved:

- The Study on Senior tourism development was elaborated;

-The Strategy for development of Senior tourism for business, public and civil sector was elaborated.

All these documents are available on their website:

The followings events were organized during the project implementation period:.

-A workshop for stakeholders;

- Pilot tour for seniors +55;

– Demo tour - Final promo conference in Falkovets;

- Final promo conference in Varshets;

- Final promo conference in Becharca.

Additional information may be found at


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