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“Culture Green”

What’s the goal?

To develop and promote the cultural heritage of Vratsa – Piatra Olt region.

What’s the budget?

1,478,322.87 euro, out of which 1,256,574.43 euro ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead Beneficiary (LB): Cultural House “Razvitie-1869”- Vratsa (Bulgaria)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Territorial Administrative Unit – Piatra Olt Town (Romania)

When is it happening?

Start date: 07.08.2018

End date: 06.11.2022

Duration: 51 months

Where is it happening?

Calarasi, Constanta, Giurgiu, Teleorman, Dolj, Mehedinti, Olt in Romania

Vidin, Montana, Vratsa, Pleven, Ruse, Silistra, Veliko Tarnovo, Dobrich in Bulgaria

How is it going to happen?                                

  • Modernizing of cultural infrastructure (the concert hall with a stage in Cultural House Razvitie 1869 – Vratsa and the city culture house in Piatra Olt) and supply of equipment
  • Revealing of the forgotten crafts in the region by organization of workshops;
  • Organization of a cultural event, aiming at reveling the rich cultural and natural heritage and revealing the forgotten crafts;
  • Creation of culture related integrated tourist routes;
  • Development of a web-based platform and a mobile application for presentation of the cultural heritage and the created tourist routes, with specific accent to the crafts;
  • Popularization of the project and its results;

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs:4 integrated tourism products created; increase in expected number of visits to supported sites of cultural and natural heritage and attraction

Programme results: 23.850 tourist overnights in the CBC area

Project status

The Project implementation was finalized.

 The following were achieved:

- 3 tourist routes have been developed and can be found on the project web site : and viewed in the Tour Vratsa Piatra application, available in Google Play;

- During 22-24.10.2019, the first workshop (of the 2 provided) of old crafts - POTTERY and WOODEN SCULPTURE was organized in Vratsa;

- Between 12-14.05.2022, a second workshop for the following crafts took place in Vratsa: fabrics and glass. Participants from Romania arrived at this workshop;

- Was organized the Festival of Culture in Vratsa on 7-9 May 2022;

- The modernization of the Cultural House Razvitie 1869 – Vratsa have been completed;

- The modernization of the House of Culture of the city of Piatra Olt have been completed.


Joint Resources and Initiatives Dedicated to the Environment

What’s the goal?

The project’s overall objective is sustainable tourism development through optimal use of environmental resources, maintaining essential ecological processes and helping to conserve natural resources, biodiversity becoming by itself the foundation for economic development and social welfare of the local communities.

What’s the budget?

506,313.73 euro, out of which 430,366.65 euro ERDF


Lead Beneficiary (LB): TAU - Baneasa Commune (Romania)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): TAU - Agigea Commune (Romania)

Beneficiary 3 (B3): Shabla Municipality (Bulgaria)

Beneficiary 4 (B4): Berkovitsa Municipality


Start date: 14.09.2018

End date: 13.03.2020

Duration: 18 months


Constanta in Romania

Montana and Dobrich in Bulgaria


  • Organization of Study visits in each partner location
  • Development of the JOYRIDE Strategy for sustainable tourism
  • Completion of Marketing Plans targeting the tourism field of each partner location
  • Establishment in TIN JOYRIDE NETWORK – Tourist Information Centers Network
  • Natural and cultural heritage regeneration (JOYRIDE tourist trails)
  • Organization of 2 ECO-Ranger Camps and of an ECO-RANGER Forum in Shabla
  • Development of the instructive workshop regarding the certification in eco-tourism

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs:2 integrated tourism products/services created, 2 common strategies, policies or management plans for valorizing (including raising awareness) the cultural and natural heritage through its restoration and promotion for sustainable economic uses

Programme results: 1.500 tourist overnights in the CBC region

Project status

The project has been finalized on 13.03.2020.

The following results have been achieved:

1. 8 press conferences organized:

- on 12.03.2019 in Baneasa (20 participants);

- on 20.09.2019 in Baneasa (20 participants);

- on 07.02.2020 in Shabla (21 participants);

- on 14.02.2020 in Agigea (20 participants);

- on 21.02.2020 in Berkovitsa (30 participants);

- on 25.02.2020 in Baneasa (21 participants);

- on 27.02.2020 in Shabla (15 participants);

- on 09.03.2020 in Berkovitsa (28 participants).

2. Common Assessment of the sustainable tourism potential completed on 28.06.2019 and translated in Bulgarian and English language.

3. Strategy for sustainable tourism completed on 10.12.2019, as well as the Marketing Plans completed on 23.01.2020. Both documents were translated in Bulgarian and English language.

4. 3 study visits were organized:

- in the period 17-21.12.2018 in Agigea&Baneasa, 17 participants;

- in the period 22-24.01.2019 in Berkovitsa, 21 participants;

- in the period 29-31.01.2019 in Shabla, 19 participants.

5. JOYRIDE Network created. The Cooperation Agreement was signed by the legal representatives of all PP and the coordinators of Tourist Information Centers on 12.03.2019. Also, in the same day it was signed the Cooperation Agreement of the Technical Secretariat of the JOYRIDE Network Project.

6. 13 Tourist Trails completed and accepted by the project beneficiaries:

- 3 tourist trails - LB: Touristic trail from Baneasa area and Canaraua Fetii forest and natural reservation landscapes to St. Apostol Andrei cave and Monastery and Tropaeum Traiani monument and fortress; touristic trail from Baneasa natural reservation area, towards lake Oltina and Bratca forest mixt reservations areas and leading to lake Bugeac and Esechioi mixt natural reservations; Enogastronomic tourist trails connecting the vineyards from Baneasa, Ostrov, Oltina, Aliman areas;

- 3 tourist trails - B2: natural landscapes in the Marine dunes with their protected botanical areas; tourist trail connecting Agigea and Cumpana communes and the marble Roman Sundial in an ancient Roman rural area; tourist trails around the Agigea lake zoological reservation;

- 4 tourist trails - B3: natural areas around protected “Durankulak lake” and archaeological sites on the big island; natural areas around protected “Shabla lake” with historical data and legends; natural areas, historical data and legends around Shabla tuzla, history of the lighthouse and fortress Karia; natural areas, underwater archaeology and the legend of pirates around the village of Tyulenovo;

- 3 tourist trails - B4: Mountain route – touristic trail starting from Tourist Info Center, leading to peak “Kom”, passing through a deviation for “Blue pool”; mountain route – touristic trail, starting from Tourist Info Center, leading to “Haidushki waterfalls”; touristic trail, starting from Tourist Info Center, passing through house-museum “Ivan Vazov”, leading to “Kale fortress”.

7. 2 Eco-Ranger Camps organized: in Agigea&Baneasa in the period 17-20.11.2019 and in Berkovitsa in the period 26-29.11.2019. Eco-Ranger Forum in Shabla organized in the period 09-11.12.2019.

8. Instructive workshop regarding certification ISO14001–environment management organized by all project beneficiaries:

- LB: 13-14.02.2020 in Baneasa, 20 participants;

- B2 – 07.02.2020 and 10.02.2020 in Agigea, 20 participants;

- B3 – 06.02.2020 in Shabla, 12 participants;

- B4 – 27.02.2020 in Berkovitsa, 9 participants.

9. Instructive workshop regarding certification in eco-tourism organized by all project beneficiaries:

- LB: 11-12.02.2020 in Baneasa, 20 participants;

- B2 – 05-06.02.2020 in Agigea, 20 participants;

- B3 – 07.02.2020 in Shabla, 12 participants;

- B4 – 27.02.2020 in Berkovitsa, 9 participants. 

10. JOYRIDE Tourist Guidebook completed by LB, being developed and translated in English and Bulgarian language and distributed among project beneficiaries.

11. Tourist Map completed by the LB and translated in English and Bulgarian language and distributed among project beneficiaries (including electronic map on CD).

12. Web page created, as well as social media accounts:  

AA Danube (ROBG-348)

Angling Along the Danube: Danube Fishing Routes

What’s the goal?

The project aims to improve the sustainable use of natural heritage and resources by developing common tourism products based on amateur fishing. This will be achieved by raising awareness in the cross-border area of the social and economic benefits of tourist fishing tourism and the development and promotion of two new tourist products based on natural resources.

What’s the budget?

421,888.15 euro, out of which 358,604.92 euro ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead Beneficiary (LB): Idein Development Foundation (Bulgaria)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Association for Sustainable Development Slatina (Romania)

When is it happening?

Start date: 04.07.2018

End date: 03.01.2020

Duration: 18 months (extended from initial 15 months)

Where is it happening?

7 counties in Romania

8 districts in Bulgaria

How is it going to happen?

  • Develop a common awareness-raising strategy
  • Developing a common marketing strategy
  • Development of an interactive GIS platform "Danube Fishing Routes"
  • Map of the best / most popular fishing spots in the CBC area
  • Organizing the Fishing Festival "Danube Fishing"
  • Organizing awareness campaigns
  • Publishing promotional materials.

Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 2 integrated tourism products / services created, 2 common strategies, policies or management plans for valorisation (including awareness raising) of cultural and natural heritage through its restoration and promotion of sustainable economic use

Programme results: 6,000 overnights in the CBC area.

Project status

The project implementation was finalized in January 2020.

The project launched with a press conferences held in Ruse and in Slatina.

LB developed a joint strategy for awareness raising of the social and economic benefits of recreational fishing tourism within the cross-border Bulgarian-Romanian region. B2 was responsible for the development of a Common Marketing Strategy together with the related implementation and financial plan.

The best/most popular fishing and boating spots in the CB area (132 in total) were mapped out by both beneficiaries. They are available at the interactive GIS based-platform "Danube fishing routes"-

The first edition of the “Angling along the Danube” annual fishing festival was organized between 07-08 September 2019, in Dobrosloveni, Olt and 21-22 September 2019 in Lipnik, Ruse. More information on the fishing festivals can be accesed here:

15 awareness raising and promotional events have been organized in the eligible area: 8 events in Bulgaria in the period 10-31.10.2019 and 7 events in Romania in the period 23.04-29.08.2019.


Networking for sustainable use of natural heritage and resources in the cross-border region

What’s the goal?                                              

Strengthen the sustainable use of natural heritage and promotion of a complex tourist services in the tourist branch in the cross-border region.

What’s the budget?

601,996.28 euro, out of which 511,696.84 ERDF


Lead beneficiary (LB): “Regional Development Agency and Business Center 2000” (Bulgaria)

Beneficiary (B2): Romanian Association for Technology Transfer and Innovation (ARoTT) (Romania)

Beneficiary (B3): Agency for Regional Development and Business Center – Vidin (ARDBC Vidin) (Bulgaria)


Start date: 26.06.2017     

End date: 26.06.2019

Duration: 24 months


Montana,Vidin,Montana, Vidin,Vratsa and Pleven Districts, Bulgaria

Craiova, Dolj County, Olt County and Mehedinti County, Romania


  • Development of Surveys “Natural heritage”, conducted in 7 districts – 4 in Bulgaria /Montana, Vidin, Vratsa, Pleven/ and 3 in Romania /Dolj, Olt, Mehedinti/;
  • Development of application for mobile devices to present tourist /natural/ sites and destinations in the regions of Montana, Vidin, Vratza, and Pleven in Bulgaria and Dolj, Olt, and Mehedinti in Romania through GPS navigation, including content management system;
  • Development of Tourism promotion package (tourist routs and packages, promotional album, Guide-book and map, development and multiplying of digital presentation);
  • Info boards - production, installation and rent of space;
  • Trainings “With responsible attitude to the environment”;
  • Demo Tours;
  • Organization of two exhibitions for sustainable use of resources of natural heritage;
  • Information and publicity - 9 press conferences–to promote the project launch, tourist exhibitions, the achieved results of the project; development of advertising radio spots; promotional materials: brochures for project presentation and achieved project results; banners for the each project Beneficiary; note pads; branded pens, folders, advertising paper bags, backpacks, thermoses, water bottles, T-shirts and hats;

Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs:

- 5% increase the expected number of visits – 100 visits targeted 2018 and 500 targeted 2023

- 2integrated tourism products/services: application for mobile devices /smart phones and tablets/ and Tourism promotion package up to 2018;

Programme results: 1067 tourists overnights in the CBC region.

Project status:

The project is finalized.


ü  2 Surveys “Natural heritage” conducted in 7 districts/counties (4 in Bulgaria -Montana, Vidin, Vratsa, Pleven and 3 in Romania - Dolj, Olt, Mehedinti) in order to identify the natural objectives in the project area

ü  1 mobile app: NATURE IN HAND available in AppStore and Google Play

ü  61 info boards installed in Montana-Vidin-Vratsa-Pleven-Dolj-Olt-Mehedinti

ü  2 Demo Tours (during the demo tours, natural sites from Montana, Vidin, Vratsa, Pleven Dolj, Olt, Mehedinti were visited)

ü  Tourism promotion package (tourist routs and packages, promotional album, Guide-book and map, development and multiplying of digital presentation)


“Streamlining the joint response actions to emergency situations”

What’s the goal?

The overall objective of the project is to improve joint risk management in the programme area by increasing the joint response in case of emergency situations (flood management, forest fire protection etc.)

What’s the budget?

1,008,946.32 euro, out of which 857,604.36euro ERDF

Target at the half of the implementation period: 10,000 euro for LB, 97,675 euro for B2

Who is doing it?

Lead Beneficiary (LB): General Inspectorate for Emergency Situation (Romania)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Directorate General Fire Safety and Civil Protection –Ministry of Interior (Bulgaria)

When is it happening?

Start date: 16.05.2018

End date: 15.01.2023

Duration: 56 months

Where is it happening?

7 counties in Romania

8 districtsin Bulgaria

How is it going to happen?

vProcurement of specialized equipment;

vImprovement of training center for conduction of trainings for height and diving rescue activities;

vElaboration of the common training curricula and the joint partnerships;

vProviding common trainings and joint exercises;

vReviewing of the Joint Intervention Plan;

vElaboration of 3 contingency plans.

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 4 779 754 people benefiting from actions of risk management, 4 591 666 people benefiting from flood protection measures, 4 779 754 people benefiting from forest fire protection measures, 6 joint partnerships in the field of joint early warning and emergency response

Programme results: increased quality of joint risk management in the CBC area

Project status

The project implementation period ended on 15.01.2023.

All the activities are completed.

The main objective is to streamline the joint response in emergency situations in the cross-border area through common trainings in specialized polygons, procurement of specialized equipment and by improving common cross-border operational framework for emergency situations.

- Through the procurement of specialized equipments (water diving equipment, dive boat), the common trainings for search and rescue mission from aquatic environment that took place in the polygon in Balchik and the joint exercise conducted, the quality of the joint response in case of floods management was improved.

- Common trainings in the dedicated polygon in Craiova and joint exercise that took place in this project, raised first response efficiency to forest fires and in general to fires.

Three emergency plans were developed aimed at regulating the cooperation between the intervention resources belonging to the GIES and the DGFSCP to ensure operative intervention at a specific site;

A joint disaster intervention plan between GIES and DGFSCP was realized;

A joint partnership/plan was signed between GIES and DGFSCP regarding the joint training program which consists in the regulation of bilateral cooperation between GIES and DGFSCP in the field of training intervention personnel.




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