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Improving the workforce mobility and employment in cultural and creative industries from the RO-BG cross-border area

What’s the goal?

To improve the knowledge base on creative and cultural industries, as well as labour mobility barriers in the CBC area.

What’s the budget?

577,790.85 euro, out of which 491,112.80 ERDF


Lead beneficiary (LB): Romanian Association for Technology Transfer and Innovation (Romania)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Forever for Europe Association (FEA) (Romania)

Beneficiary 3 (B3): Business Innovation Centre Innobridge (INNOBRIDGE BIC) (Bulgaria)


Start date: 05.05.2017

End date: 04.05.2019

Duration: 24 months


Mehedinti, Dolj, Olt, Teleorman, Giurgiu Counties, Romania

Vidin, Montana, Vratsa, Pleven, Veliko Tarnovo, Ruse Districts, Bulgaria


  • One study for identifying and evaluation the economic activities related to cultural and creative industries in the targeted RO-BG cross-border area;
  • One study for identifying specific aspects of Romania and Bulgaria national legislation regarding social security, employment, taxes and financial issues;
  • Trainings for Romanian employees in creative and cultural industries;
  • Trainings for Bulgarian employees in creative and cultural industries;
  • Cross-border visits for exchange of experiences for professionals in creative and cultural industries;
  • Integrated joint cross-border job fairs;
  • Audio-video promotion materials regarding the job-fairs;
  • 2 cross-border centers for supporting activities and employment in cultural and creative industries;
  • Web site acting as an interactive platform for providing conclusive information and promoting creative and cultural industries;
  • Educational caravans in universities from Craiova and Ruse to promote youth employment in creative and cultural industries;
  • Information and publicity materials (Paper bags, Trinkets, Ballpoint pens, Notepads A5, Caps, T-shirts, Umbrellas, Stick flash-memory 32 GB, promotion roll-up, presentation films, video clips and radio spots).

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs:

- 4 initiatives (trainings, education schemes, websites, agreements, networks, job-fairs etc.) that activate workforce mobility in the cross border area: 11 trainingsessions; 11 job fairs; 6 visits for exchange of good practices; 1 website; 8 educational caravans;

- 558 participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training;

- 200 participants in joint educational and training schemes to support youth employment, educational opportunities and higher and vocational education across borders.

Programme results: population that have access to joint employment initiatives – 22.758.

Project status (reflected in progress reports)

The project is finalized, the followings results were achieved:

- elaboration of the joint Study for identifying and evaluation the economic activities related to cultural and creative industries in the targeted RO-BG cross-border area.

- elaboration of the joint Study for identifying specific aspects of Romania and Bulgaria national legislation regarding social security, employment, taxes and financial issues.

- creation of 2 cross border creative centers - 130 people benefiting from the services offered

- organization of 11 trainings for Romanian and Bulgarian employees in creative and cultural industries attended by 241 people

- organization of 11 job fayrs - with 242 paricipants

- organization of 6 exchange experiences in Romania and Bulgaria- with 108 participants

- organization of 8 educational Caravan - 193 students have been granted access to the joint employment initiatives

The project website is available in all three languages


Improvement of the conditions for employment of youth in the tourism sector

What’s the goal?

The project aims to increase the competitiveness of the youth work force from cross border region and stimulate its mobility across the border.

What’s the budget?

340.542,98 euro, out of which 289.461,53 euro ERDF


Lead Beneficiary (LB): Kavarna Municipality (BG)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Association “Partners 2000” (RO)

Beneficiary 3 (B3): ”Ovidius” University of Constanta (RO)


Start date: 18.05.2017

End date: 17.03.2019

Duration: 23 months


Dobrich in Bulgaria

Calarasi and Constanta in Romania


  • Improved professional qualification and language competence of 80 people
  • 1 Virtual Centre for Promotion of Employment created
  • 200 legal consultations delivered to the youth from the region
  • 4 job fairs carried out
  • 1 joint strategy for managing human resources in tourism sector

Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs:480 participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training, 80 participants in joint educational and training schemes to support youth employment, educational opportunities and higher and vocational education across borders, 5 initiatives that activate workforce mobility in the cross border area

Programme results: 22880 people that have access to joint employment initiatives

Project status

The project was finalized on 17.03.2019 with the following main achievements:

A broad informational campaign for selection of the target group interested in professional carrier in tourism was implemented in Romanian and Bulgaria in the period November 2017 – March 2018, which resulted in the identification of 42 Romanian and 45 Bulgarian young people that will take part in the planned vocational trainings in the field of tourism. 2 motivation trainings were held in each country with the selected target group.

Based on the professional qualification chosen by the target group the following trainings were organized:

- Bulgaria: training course for professional qualification “Cook” and “Waiter”

- Romania: training course for professional qualification “Technician in tourism” and “Banqueting organizer”

The LB and B2 purchased IT and videoconferencing equipment necessary for organizing the BG and RO language training. The selected by the LB contractor elaborated the joint strategy for managing human resources in tourism sector in the cross border region.

A Virtual Centre for Promotion of Employment proposed as a web-based platform featuring relevant information for job seekers, employers searching for workers, information about the tourism sector in the region, opportunities to connect companies operating in tourism, practical advices on preparing a resume, professional ethics, others was developed and is currently available in BG and EN language at  

RN4SC (ROBG-193)

Regional Network for Social Cohesion

What’s the goal?

The project aims to achieve more effective social services for people at risk of poverty or social exclusion in cross border area through cross border consolidation of resources, capacity building and public-private partnerships

What’s the budget?

347.854,79 euro, out of which 295.676,57 euro ERDF


Lead beneficiary (LB): Free Youth Centre (BG)

Beneficiary (B 2): Vasiliada Association (RO)


Start date: 26.04.2017

End date: 25.04.2019

Duration: 24 months


Veliko Tarnovo, Pleven, Vidin, Vratsa, Ruse and Dobrich in Bulgaria (+ Sofia).

Giurgiu, Mehedinţi, Calarasi, Constanta, Dolj in Romania (+Bucharest)


  • an evaluation study of current situation of social systems and needs assessment in RO BG border region
  • a virtual Community of Practice created as networking tool for sharing of methodical resources and communication
  • a data-base of 200 records about Bulgarian and Romanian social legislation, policy, profiles of social providers in cross border area
  • 300 experts in social field from public and NGO sector that will participate in exchange experience forums and joint trainings
  • 12 social public and non-governmental organisations that shared practical experiences and developed joint intiatives as result of exchange visits
  • A RO BG cross border network of providers of social services created

Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 1 supported cross border mechanism

Programme results: increased level of coordination of the public institutions in the eligible area

Project status

The project is finalized.

For the development of the project the partners have mapped the available official information for existing social service providers, covering an area of 13 administrative units - Vratsa, Pleven, Veliko-Tarnovo, Ruse, Silistra and Dobrich districts in Bulgaria, Mehedinti, Dolj, Olt, Teleorman, Giurgiu, Călărași and Constanta counties in Romania. As result of this activity, a data-base was created with basic information about every structure and social service – e.g. name, contact details, scope of work, target groups, capacity, best practices, needs, etc. and a consolidated report about current situation of social systems and needs assessment in participating regions for capacity building in provision of social services was developed.

The information is available, in Bulgarian, Romanian and English languages on the project website, . The website contains a section with the social structures from the entire eligible area (data base elaborated within the project), a section with a map which contains all the structures from the data base, a section with national legislation in social field from both countries, and the comparative research of the social systems in the Bulgarian-Romanian border region, elaborated within the project.

For increasing the level of coordination of the public institutions in the eligible area, there were organized 10 thematic exchange of experience forums, 10 training sessions and 6 exchange visits, with participation of 12 organizations/institutions selected on a competitive basis were organized.


Integrated Culinary Arts and Restaurant Sector Employment Solutions for a Skilled and Inclusive Romania-Bulgaria Cross Border Region

What’s the goal?

To facilitate labor mobility in the restaurant/culinary business in the RO-BG cross border area through joint skill-building and employment mobility support services.

What’s the budget?

429,383.03 euro, out of which 364,975.58 euro ERDF


Lead Beneficiary (LB): Dobrudja Agro & Business School” (DABS) (Bulgaria)

Beneficiary 2 (B2):  Association “Choose Your Profession” - Center for Vocational Training

(ATP) (LEASME) (Romania)


Start date: 29.04.2017

End date: 28.04.2019

Duration: 24 months


Dobrich in Bulgaria

Constanta in Romania


  • VET training programs fine-tuned to the needs of CB business
  • Methods and tests for assessing potential employees’ personal skills
  • Pilot vocational training with CB mobility for 120 persons
  • Pilot assessment of the personal skills of 150 persons
  • Continuous VET and lifelong learning pathways
  • ·A sustainable RO-BG Cross Border Center for the Facilitation of Labor Mobility in the Culinary and Restaurant Business - a support structure linking education providers, job seekers and business, and providing possibilities for personalized advisory services and counseling for mobile workers and CB employers.

Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 3 initiatives that activate workforce mobility in the cross border area; 470 participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint trainings; 200 participants in joint educational and training schemes to support youth employment, educational opportunities and higher and vocational education across borders.

Programme results: 7380 persons having access to joint employment initiatives.

Project status

The project was finalized in April 2019.

This project aimed at creating preconditions for CB labour mobility in the target sector by developing integrated tools: training and assessment programs and methods; continuous VET, lifelong learning and professional development pathways; support structures linking education providers, job seekers and business and providing possibilities for personalized advisory services and  counselling for mobile workers and CB employers. The tools are aimed at facilitating the transferability of employees’ professional and personal skills to business conditions at the other side of the border and decreasing the uncertainties (for both employees and employers) about the consequences of CB employment.

The following project activities were implemented:

The needs for support of training, employment and employment mobility of potential employees and employers in the culinary and restaurant sector in the Romania-Bulgaria cross border region – professional skills were researched and analyzed.

An Integrated Training and Employment Mobility Support Scheme for the RO-BG Cross Border Area was developed and implemented, comprising:

-      Integrated VET curricula with CB relevance and prior learning validation pathways (continuous VET), for 4 key professions: 1) cook; 2) baker/pastry-maker, 3) restauranteur, 4) waiter/bartender;

-      Soft Skills Assessment Model;

-      a training program for labour mobility preparedness and support in the RO-BG cross border area, based on 5 courses 1) Labour and citizenship rights, incl. labour legislation in Romania and Bulgaria, 2) Cultural awareness, history and culinary traditions in the CB region, 3) Guest relations and profiles, 4) Digital skills for job seekers,   5) Presentation skills for job seekers.

Romania-Bulgaria Cross Border Centre for the Facilitation of Labor Mobility in the Culinary and Restaurant Business was set-up with 2 contact points in Dobrich and Constanta and accordingly equipped with own VET training facilities.

A 2-day Capacity-Building and Training Workshop for 40 RO and BG teachers and VET trainers for culinary/restaurant business professions was hosted by RO-BG CB Centre for the Facilitation of Labour Mobility in the Culinary and Restaurant Business in Dobrich.

Quick Guides focused were developed on the main issues affecting CB labour mobility, namely Employment and Citizenship Rights and Regulations in the RO-BG Cross Border Area, How to Find Mobile Employees in the RO-BG Cross Border Area, as well as Training for Mobile Employees in the RO-BG Cross Border Area

All products of the project can be accessed at

DJ-VR: R.A.E.S – ROBG-195

Co-ordinated and efficient reactions of the authorities in the emergency situations in Dolj-Vratsa region

What’s the goal?

To improve the joint risk management in DJ-VR cross-border area.

What’s the budget?

5,935,643.42 euro, out of which 5,045,296.89 ERDF

Target at the half of the implementation period: 31,811 euro for Lead Beneficiary, 0 euro for Beneficiary 2 and 908,859 euro for Beneficiary 3.

Who is doing it?

Lead beneficiary (LB): Territorial Administrative Unit Dolj County (Romania)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Inspectorate for Emergency Situations Oltenia (Romania)

Beneficiary 3 (B3): Municipality of Vratsa (Bulgaria)

When is it happening?

Start date: 22.12.2017

End date: 30.04.2024

Duration: 76 months and 9 days

Where is it happening?

Dolj County, Romania

Vratsa District, Bulgaria

How is it going to happen?

  • Establishment of the Unit for Emergency Situations Interventions in cross-border area – Craiova UESI;
  • Emergency intervention equipment endowment of the Unit for Emergency Situations Interventions in cross-border area – Craiova;
  • Establishment of a cross-border point for improving the mitigation capacity of authorities in emergency situations and disasters in Vratsa;
  • Joint exercises for simulating cross-border disasters in Dolj and Vratsa;
  • Raising awareness campaign in case of risk situations;
  • Organizing press conferences at the beginning,midterm and end of the project in Vratsa and respectively in Dolj;
  • Elaboration of information and publicity materials (temporary and permanent billboards, roll-up banner for events with public/stakeholders participation, personalized folders, notepads, pens, leaflets and brochures);

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs:

- 793,504 people benefiting from actions of risk management, 793,504 people benefiting from flood protection measures, 1 joint partnership in the field of joint early warning and emergency response

Programme results: increased quality of joint risk managementin the CBC area

Project status (reflected in progress reports)

The end date for the project implementation period was 21.12.2023, but due to delays in the implementation of activities by the Lead Beneficiary, the project was included in the list of un-finalized projects, according to the provisions of OG 36/2023, by the Decision of the Program Monitoring Committee Interreg V-A RoBg, no. 313/14.11.2023. The new project completion date is 30.04.2024.

2 Fire fighting vehicles 9,000 l were delivered to LB and the Vehicle for heavy extrication and the ambulances of type C and B will be covered by the distribution of the vehicles purchased through the project carried out by the IGSU, they are in operational reserve at the level of the inspectorate.

At the request of Craiova International Airport, BL relocated the Intervention Unit due to the fact that another project of strategic importance at the regional level consisting in the construction of a new passenger terminal as well as a cargo terminal will be implemented on the spot on which it was planned building UESI. The new location has been identified nearby and LB has already signed the contract for the execution of works on the new site, the works to be completed in a period of 14 months from commencement of works.Although the works were completed according to the works contract, following the on-site visit of the ISU representatives, the need for additional works was found, and for this reason it is necessary the beneficiary to obtain a new construction permit in order to change the theme.

IT and electronic equipment were purchased and delivered to equip UESI Craiova.

The following equipment was purchased by B3: "Medical equipment for monitoring vital signs", "Emergency transport ventilation system for command and assisted ventilation with integrated oxygen cylinder", "High capacity 4x4 pickup truck", "Specialized vehicle for transport of blood products and human organs for transplantation' and 'Ambulance with incubator for the transport of newborns'. The contracts are signed for "Heavy vehicle for intervention in case of truck accidents", "Technical vehicle for rescue", "Vehicle with snow plow and device for spreading sand and salt" and "RIB boat (Rigid inflatable boat) with trailer for Transport".


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