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Advanced Competitiveness Through Improvement, Vision and Education

What’s the goal?

To increase the employment rate of the elderly people by reducing occupational incompatibility of supply and demand of jobs due to the low or outdated level of the education and to ensure the preconditions for the insertion and maintenance on the labor market of elderly people in order to sustain an active and healthy ageing.

What’s the budget?

446,981.32 euro, out of which 379,934.10 euro ERDF


Lead Beneficiary (LB): Tuzla commune Hall (Romania)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Agigea commune Hall(Romania)

Beneficiary 3 (B3): Cumpana commune Hall (Romania)

Beneficiary 4 (B4):Balchik Municipality (Bulgaria)


Start date: 19.08.2017

End date: 18.02.2019

Duration: 18 months


Constanta, Romania

Dobrich, Bulgaria


  • Project management;
  • Organization of the target group;
  • Information & publicity campaign;
  • Project identity promotion campaign;
  • Training centers;
  • Professional training programme;
  • CB Strategy to increase the employment of the elderly;
  • ACTIVE ONLINE Platform;
  • Employment Cooperation Agreements;
  • Job fairs.

Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs:

- 12 initiatives that activate workforce mobility in the cross border area; 200 participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training

Programme results:

          - 48,055 persons will have access to joint employment initiatives

Project status (reflected in progress reports)

The project is finalized.

The main project results include:

Four training centers were established in the location of each project partner, Tuzla, Agigea, Cumpana and Balchik, in buildings that are the property of the project partners. The trainings centers were endowed with logistic equipment and were used for the organization of the training programme. The training centers remain available to the entire local community, thus ensuring also the sustainability of the project, organization of professional trainings with and for the community, being able to be developed in a proper environment and adapted to the needs of mentors/trainers.

- After defining the target group, the training programmes were conducted and 192 persons received qualification certificates in different professions, like baby sitter, security agent, guesthouse administrator, water supply and sewerage, baker-pastry.

- A Cross Border Strategy to increase the employment of the elderly was elaborated and is available at

- 2 cooperation agreements between all project partners, Bulgaria`s National Agency for Employment and Constanta County Agency for Employment were concluded, designed to strengthen the cooperation in the field of labour force and particularly aimed at maintaining the elderly people on the labour market. The ACTIVE Cooperation Agreement was signed in Balchik Municipality (26.09.2018) and the ACTIVE Technical Secretariat Agreement in Tuzla commune, Constanta County (09.10.2018).

- 2 Job Fairs were organized In Tuzla, Constanta County, on 11.12.2018, (143 participants) and in Balchik on 19.12.2018 (83 participants).

- Information and promotion activities took place as well: organization of press conferences, publication of press releases, elaboration of promotional materials.

More information on the project can be found on the project’s platform, available in English, Romanian and Bulgarian.


Cross Border Cooperation Mechanism in the Field of Social Assistance at multi-regional level Romania-Bulgaria

What’s the goal?                                              

To increase the cooperation capacity and the efficiency of the Romanian National Agency for Payments and Social Inspection (ANPIS) through its cross border decentralized bodies and of the Bulgarian Agency for Social Assistance in the field of social policy in a CBC context.

What’s the budget?

538,554.97 euro, out of which 457,771.70 ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead beneficiary: County Agency for Payments and Social Inspection Constanta (Romania)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): County Agency for Payments and Social Inspection Dolj (Romania)

Beneficiary 3 (B3): County Agency for Payments and Social Inspection Teleorman (Romania)

Beneficiary 4 (B4): Agency for social assistance /ASA/ (Bulgaria)


Start date: 23.08.2017

End date: 22.11.2019

Duration: 27 months


Mehedinti, Dolj, Olt, Teleorman, Giurgiu, Calarasi, Constanta, Romania

Vidin, Montana, Vratsa, Pleven, Veliko Tarnovo, Ruse, Silistra, Dobrich, Bulgaria


  • Comparative study Romania-Bulgaria regarding the regulatory framework and working methodologies and procedures in the areas of social benefits and social inspection;
  • Needs analysis regarding the areas for improvement in the fields of social benefit management and social inspection, via a series of 18 focus groups;
  • Developing by CBC 2 public policies, one for each country, regarding the areas of benefits management and social inspection that will valorize the best practices identified in the two countries;
  • Organizing a series of 6 workshops, 3 on social benefits management and 3 on social inspection, taking place in Vratsa, Ruse and Craiova, with a total of 23 specialists of partners, from the two areas of competence;
  • Capacity building for the border area deconcentrated bodies of the two public institutions in the areas of social benefits management and social inspection, based on the new policy developed in cooperation;
  • 7 training sessions organized in Romania by partners for neighboring AJPISs (3 by AJPIS Dj, 2 by AJPIS Tr and 2 by AJPIS Ct) and 28 trainings in Bulgaria at regional (8 courses) and local level (20 courses);
  • Capacity building for staff of mayor's offices and NGOs from border area regarding the new policy developed in cooperation;
  • Organizing two types of trainings for (1) staff of Mayor’s Offices from the Romanian 7 border area counties and (2) management staff of NGOs from both same 7 border area counties, as from the 8 border districts of Bulgaria;
  • Development and implementation of an online information exchange tool between the partner public institutions;
  • Information and publicity: 7000 leaflets; 7000 pens; 1800 calendars; 2100 folders; 1400 posters; 2100 bloc notes; project website (RO/BG/EN), Facebook account organizing 4 conferences in Romania and Bulgaria;

Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs:

      5 supported cross border mechanisms to enhance cooperation capacity: 1 comparative study; 2 public policies developed in cooperation; 1 inter-institutional agreement; 1 exchange information tool;

Programme results: increased level of co-ordination of the public institutions in the eligible area.

Project status:

The project implementation was finalized on 22.11.2019.

The following results were achieved:

- The project beneficiaries purchased the necessary equipment for the project implementation teams.

- The project website was elaborated and is available at in Romanian, Bulgarian and English.

- The experts of all project beneficiaries elaborated the Comparative study regarding the regulatory framework and working methodologies and procedures in the areas of social benefits and social inspection for Romania-Bulgaria. The comparative study was developed in Bulgarian and Romanian languages and printed in 1.060 copies and is available on the project website at the following link:

- 9 focus groups: 3 with staff of AJPIS, 3 with staff of town halls and 3 with management staff of NGOs were held in Romania and 7 focus groups: 2 with staff of RDSA, 2 with staff of public institutions, 2 with management staff of NGOs and 1 with representatives of all groups. During the focus groups were identified the needs that will form the basis of the elaboration of the public policy proposals. The Final Needs Analysis Report and the Guide for Good Practices have been elaborated by the Lead Beneficiary and translated into Bulgarian language by the Beneficiary 4. The Guide for Good Practices is available on the project website at the following link:

- 6 workshops on social benefits management and social inspection were organized in Craiova, Ruse and Vratsa in the period March – April 2019. As result, two public policies, adapted for Romanian, respective, for Bulgarian legal environment, were developed and tested in the same working groups in which the needs analysis took place: 18 working groups were organized in the period April – May 2019.

The proposal for public policy in the field of social assistance was sent by the Lead Beneficiary to the National Agency for Payments and Social Inspection on 14.11.2019. On his turn, ANPIS has sent the document to the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection on 27.11.2019.

At the Beneficiary 4 level, the proposed public policies in the field of social benefits and social services were presented and discussed in the framework of Regional Directorates "Social Assistance", within the ASA and in the inter-institutional working groups for the development of the new Law on Social Assistance. By order № RD01-749/28.09.2017 of the Minister of Labor and Social Policy, an inter-institutional working group was established to develop the Law on Social Services. Representatives of the Social Assistance Agency (from item 21 to item 26 of the Order), the project partner, actively participated in the Working Group. The Working Group was active for almost 2 years, and the law officially entered into force in July 2020. The proposal for public policy in the field of social services, developed within the project, was presented to the members of the working group and reflected in the law, such as the establishment of a Quality Control Agency and other elements related to the licensing of service providers.

- The content of the two policies was transposed into training materials: for social benefits management and for social inspection and 35 trainings for developing the capacity of the staff of the deconcentrated bodies of the project partner institutions all along the border area and 25 trainings for developing the capacity of the staff of Mayor’s offices and management staff of NGOs were organized in the period July – October 2019.

- Inter-institutional cooperation agreement regarding the permanent exchange of information in the area of social security was drafted and signed by high level representatives of the two central public administration agencies from the two countries in November 2019.

- IT information exchange tool was created:


BG RO Mobility

What’s the goal?

To bring together jobseekers, local communities, private sector & authorities of BGROCB region to participate in joint development of cooperative area, using its resources & advantages in sustainable way in order to promote CBLM (CB labour mobility) integration.

What’s the budget?

354,959.43 euro, out of which 301,715.50 ERDF


Lead beneficiary (LB): Association European Centre in Support of Business (Bulgaria)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Association Volunteering for Ecology (Romania)


Start date: 04.04.2017

End date: 03.12.2018

Duration: 20 months


Vidin, Vratsa, Montana, Pleven, Veliko Tarnovo, Rousse, Silistra, Dobrich, Bulgaria

Mehedinți, Dolj, Olt, Teleorman, Giurgiu, Călărași, Constanța, Romania


  • Organizing 3 conferences – 1 in the beginning (during the first project month in Rousse) and 2 at the end (during the last project month - in Rousse and Caracal in order to present the results);
  • Elaboration of information and publicity materials (USB devices, note pads, cardboard folders, leaflets, roll-ups);
  • Conducting BLFS (business & labour facility service) in the CBR;
  • Developing analysis over the situation of the BG-RO CB labour market;
  • Conducting an awareness campaign (developing an electronic newsletter; elaborating a press release; developing a brochure; conducting 15 information sessions);
  • Organization of a target group job fair (TGJF);
  • Performing Training sessions: 7 training sessions in RO and 8 training sessions in BG;
  • Developing a Guide how to work cross-border in Romania and Bulgaria;
  • Developing information and advice for cross-border commuters and potential employers by creating and developing of web-site “BGRO Mobility”.

Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs:

- 4 initiatives (trainings, education schemes, websites, agreements, networks, job-fairs etc.) that activate workforce mobility in the cross border area: awareness campaign; target group job fair; training sessions and the website;

- 1050 participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training;

Programme results: population that have access to joint employment initiatives – 20000 people from the CBC region (reached through awareness campaign, Guide how to work CB in RO and BG, website).

Project status



The project was finalized on 03.12.2018.


- 1 Survey Report "Business and Labour Force Survey (BLFS)

- 1 Labour Market Status Analysis in the Bulgaria-Romania cross-border area, available on;

- 1 Awareness campaign (including the development of an electronic newsletter, dissemination of posters and brochures, conducting 15 Information sessions). The Awareness campaign informed Employment Agencies representatives, private sector and citizens about employment opportunities and workforce mobility in CB area;

- 1 target group job fair (TGJF) in Ruse in order to provide an easy way for communication between employers and jobseekers and thus activated work force mobility in the CB regions.

- 15 Training sessions(7 training sessions in RO and 8 training sessions in BG) with employers and employees with useful information concerning national taxes, social security conditions and legal procedures;

- 1 Guide “How to work cross-border in Romania and Bulgaria” whichwere disseminated through Labour bureau, Employment Agencies, municipalities from the CBC area;

- 3 conferences– 1 in the beginning (during the first project month in Rousse) and 2 at the end (during the last project month - in Rousse and Caracal in order to present the results);

- Elaboration of information and publicity materials (USB devices, note pads, cardboard folders, leaflets, roll-ups);

- Developing information and advice for cross-border commuters and potential employers by creating and developing of web-site “BGRO Mobility”,


Development of the Joint labour market and labour mobility in the Construction field from the Romania-Bulgaria cross-border area

What’s the goal?

To increase employment and to improve the economic development and promoting social inclusion within the cross-border region.

What’s the budget?

477,030.23 euro, out of which 405,475.70 euro ERDF


Lead Beneficiary (LB): Romanian Association for Electronic and Software Industry - Oltenia Subsidiary (Romania)


Beneficiary 3 (B3): Vidin Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Bulgaria)

Beneficiary 4 (B4): National Centre for Information Service – Pleven (Bulgaria)


Start date: 27.06.2017

End date: 26.06.2019

Duration: 24 months


Dolj, Olt, Mehedinti in Romania

Vidin, Montana, Pleven, Vratsa in Bulgaria


  • Research of the qualifications needs on the construction field in the project area (Dolj, Olt, Mehedinţi counties in Romania and Vidin, Montana, Vratsa, Pleven districts in Bulgaria);
  • Meetings to promote research results at all stakeholders of the project area (Dolj, Olt, Mehedinţi counties in Romania and Vidin, Montana, Vratsa, Pleven districts in Bulgaria);
  • Drafting and publishing an dictionary of specific construction terms;
  • Organizing and unfolding of authorized trainings for targeted groups;
  • Organizing the internships and exchanges of experience;
  • Setting up centers for information and counseling;
  • 4 Job Fairs for job seekers in cross border area (2 in Romania and 2 in Bulgaria);
  • Information and Publicity campaign;

Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs:

- 13 joint initiatives that activate workforce mobility in the cross border area

- 336 participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint trainings

Programme results: - at least 1000 persons will have access to joint employment initiatives

Project status

The project implementation was finalized in June 2019, having the following results:

A joint research of the qualifications needs in the construction field in the project area (Dolj, Olt, Mehedinţi counties in Romania and Vidin, Montana, Vratsa, Pleven districts in Bulgaria) was carried out and as a result, the 3 most sought for professions in each region were identified. To promote the research results and the forthcoming qualification courses the project beneficiaries organized information seminars with in Pleven and Vratsa (organized by B4), Drobeta Turnu-Severin, Slatina, Craiova, Bechet (organized by LB and supported by B2) and in Montana by B3. 

B2 elaborated a dictionary with construction related terms in three languages and the electronic version of the dictionary is available at

The equipment for the setup of the information and counselling centres was purchased and the centres were created in Craiova, Romania, hosted and operated by B2 serving jobseekers in the constructions sector from Dolj, Olt and Mehedinti counties, in Vidin, Bulgaria, hosted and operated by B3 and serving the job-seekers from Montana and Vidin districts, and in Pleven, Bulgaria, hosted and operated by Beneficiary 4 and serving the jobseekers from  Vratsa and Pleven districts.

The project beneficiaries have finalized the procedures for obtaining the authorization for organizing qualification courses in the selected professions and conducted the vocational training courses for a total of 321 workers seeking professional realization in the constructions centre. Following the completion of the training courses, part of the trainees took part in 4 rounds (in Pleven, Vidin and 2 in Craiova), of experience exchange, organized in cooperation with employers from the field of construction. As a logical finalization of the initiatives carried out within the project, 4 joint job fair were organized - 2 times in Craiova (once with participation of employers from Pleven and once with employers from Vidin), one in Pleven and another one in Vidin.

CaPabiLiTy (156)

Career Paths to Youth Labor Mobility

What’s the goal?

To encourage horizontal integration and CBC cooperation between universities, institutions, and businesses to offer joint employment initiatives and a Joint educational scheme (JES) for youth employment and to contribute to the integration of the CB labor market via the promotion of these initiatives in the whole area.

What’s the budget?

584,872.97 euro, out of which 497,141.99 ERDF


Lead beneficiary (LB): University of Agricultural Science and Veterenary Medicine – Bucharest(Romania)

Beneficiary (B2): University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev” –Silistra Subsidiary (Bulgaria)

Beneficiary (B3): Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture – Calarasi, CCIA (Romania)

Beneficiary (B4): ACCES ASSOCIATION – CALARASI (Romania)



Start date: 04.05.2017

End date: 03.11.2018

Duration: 18 months


Bucharest, Calarasi, Bucuresti Ilfov Region, Calarasi County, Romania

Silistra, Ruse, Silistra District, Ruse District,Bulgaria


  • Encouraging integration and cooperation among the stakeholders - 5 meetings of a Collaborative Working Group;
  • Joint database of comprehensive information to activate labour mobility - /Employment and Mobility Guide ‘Cool to be mobile’;
  • Providing comprehensive and official information on career paths and labour mobility;
  • Providing a joint educational scheme ‘Career Paths to Youth Labor Mobility’ Program 1 –joint internship;
  • Providing a joint educational scheme ‘Career Paths to Youth Labor Mobility’: Program 2 – linguistic competences;
  • Providing a joint scheme ‘ to Youth Labor Mobility’: Program 3 – Entrepreneurship training;
  • Delivering Information on joint employment initiatives – organization and elaboration of Job fairs;
  • Publicity and information - 2 conferences; folders, t-shirts, roll-ups; brochures ‘Employment and Mobility Guide – 'Cool to be mobile'’; caps; posters; brochures; notebooks.

Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs:

- 8 initiatives that activate workforce mobility in the cross border area;

- 874 participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training;

- 2236 participants in joint educational and training schemes to support youth employment, educational opportunities and higher and vocational education across borders

Programme results: population that have access to joint employment initiatives - 5910 people to access joint employment initiatives.

Project status

The project is finalized.

The project partners achieved the following results:

  • 5 meetings of a Collaborative Working Group and an Agreement signed between the project beneficiaries
  • 1 Joint database of comprehensive information to activate labour mobility - / Employment and Mobility Guide ‘Cool to be mobile’;
  • The beneficiaries developed a joint educational scheme which offeres cross-border labour mobility enabling measures: joint internships, specialized language trainings with linguistic practices, joint entrepreneurship and leadership trainings
  • Delivering Information on joint employment initiatives –3 Job fairs were organized during the implementation period in Calarasi and Ruse;
  • 2 press conferences were organized in Ruse and Calarasi;
  • One mobile phone application “Capability access” developed and it is available in android.

Detailed information about the project can be found on the developed project web site (



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