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ROBG-8 - A heritage-friendly cross-border economy in Romania and Bulgaria

What’s the goal?

To facilitate a common approach on the sustainable use of cultural and natural heritage, in order to determine the growth and creation of jobs in the border area RO–BG, by improving tourism sector.

What’s the budget?

334.181,00 euro, out of which 284.053,85 euro ERDF

Target at the half of the implementation period: 102,500 euro.

Who is doing it?

Lead partner: Constanta Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Shipping and Agriculture (Romania)

Partners: Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Dobrich (Bulgaria)

When is it happening?

Start date: 03.02.2016

End date: 02.02.2018

Duration: 24 months 

Where is it happening?

Constantaand Dolj in Romania

Dobrich and Ruse in Bulgaria

How is it going to happen?

  • Elaboration of the Strategy for developing of a heritage-friendly business environment;
  • Establishment of the Strategy implementation frame for CCIs and other business associations;                                                                                                                               
  • Pilot implementation actions of the Strategy in Constanta and Dobrich areas;
  • Visibility and publicity of the project;

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs:

- 1 Strategy for a heritage-friendly business environment in the Romanian – Bulgarian border area
- 1 Network of institutions to implement the Strategy for a heritage-friendly business environment in the Romanian – Bulgarian border, trained and well equipped with implementation tools (guidelines, on-line tools, training modules, multi-annual action plans and a communication plan).
Programme results: 200.000 more tourists overnights in the CBC region.

Project status (reflected in progress reports)

Reference period: 03/02/2016 – 03/05/2016
The project implementation was slightly behind the schedule, due to the difficulties encountered in awarding the service contracts, but the beneficiaries consider that the timetable will be recovered and the activities will start after signing the contract with the event services provider.
Reference period: 04/05/2016 – 05/08/2016
The project is still slightly behind the schedule, due to the difficulties encountered in the first reporting period.
The project beneficiaries have implemented the following activities: creation of the work group; 1 launching event in Constanta; 4 focus groups – 2 in Constanta and 2 in Dobrich; 1 monitoring meeting in Constanta and 1 monitoring meeting in Dobrich.
Constanta Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Shipping and Agriculture has organized and finalized the following tender procedures: consultancy services related to public tenders; services for Strategy for a friendly cross-border economy in Romania and Bulgaria; services for transport; services for a sociological and marketing study; services for organizing the events, accommodation and interpreting.
Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Dobrich has organized and finalized the following tender procedures: consultancy services related to public tenders; services for “web design, operating and hosting of website”; services for filming and film processing; services for design, printing, including on CDs; translation services; travel and subsistence services; event services; publicity activities – project poster was realized, website domain was registered and platforms were installed.



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