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Valorisation of authentic culture for cross-border tourism


What’s the goal?

To discover and promote the authentic culture in the CBC area of Vidin and Montana districts and Dolj county and to create a new tourism product by using the cultural heritage of the target region.

What’s the budget?

414.300,35 euro, out of which 352.155,30 euro ERDF


Lead beneficiary (LB): Association “Regional partnerships for sustainable development – Vidin” (Bulgaria)

Beneficiary (B2): Cross Border Association E(quilibrum) Environment (C.B.A.E.E) (Romania)

Beneficiary (B3): Regional Development Agency and Business Center 2000 (Bulgaria)


Start date: 02.02.2016

End date: 01.08.2017

Duration: 18 months


Vidin, Montana and Sofia in Bulgaria

Dolj and Bucharest in Romania


  • Field Study for discovering the local culture of people in the villages from Vidin, Montana and Dolj districts
  • Development of web site of authentic cross-border culture which will include 201 video clips
  • Promotion of voting campaign, 3 workshops for training of 45 of participants per training session, selected from the voting campaign
  • 3 authentic culture festivals
  • Promotion of the created tourism products
  • Info-tour for journalists and tour operators
  • Participation at 4 tourism fairs.

Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs:

-        3 integrated tourism products

-        1 plan created for valorization of cultural and natural heritage

Programme results: 1,545 overnights

Project status

The following results were achieved:

- Studies for the authentic culture in Vidin district, Montana District and Dolj County were developed and 70 short movies were shot for each region. All these materials are available on the project web site at

- A voting campaign was held after a promoting campaign through posters and flyers; tv and radio spots were broadcasted; newspapers publications;

- Three “Festival of authentic culture” were organized: in Vidin during the period 17-19.05.2017 with 241 participants; in Craiova during the period 21-23.06.2017 with 265 participants; in Montana during the period of 25-27.04.2017 with 190 participants. - Three “Trainings for valorization of culture into tourism products” were held: in Falkovets during the period of 06-09.03.2017 with 53 participants; in Craiova during the period of 29.05.-01.06.2017 with 59 participants; in Montana during the period 20-23.02.2017 with 54 participants.

- Info tour for valorization of authentic culture was organized during the period 05-11.06.2017 in Bulgaria and Romania with 40 participants;

- Information and promotion actions were performed including 3 press-conferences for launching the project, 3 press-conferences for the end of the project, promotional materials as a 50-minute film for the authentic culture of Vidin-Montana-Dolj region, catalogue A4, 100 pages with pictures and information for authentic culture of Vidin-Montana-Dolj region, roll-ups, radio spots, etc.;

- The project was presented on the biggest tourism fairs in Bulgaria and Romania which took place in Sofia and Bucharest.

More information may be found on the project website available at the link


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