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Green Education (ROBG-3)

Green School Education as a Promotion of Sustainable Use of Cultural and Natural Heritage and Resources

What’s the goal?

To promote Montana and Dolj district joint potential of a better tourist stream, by developing Green School Education on the territory of Montana district (BG) and establishing Tourist Information Center in Craiova (RO).

What’s the budget?

693,880.93 euro, out of which 589,798.78 euro ERDF


Lead beneficiary (LB): Association Center for Development Montanesium /ACDM/ (Montana, Bulgaria)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Forever for Europe Association (FEA) (Craiova, Dolj, Romania)


Start date: 03.02.2016

End date: 02.08.2017

Duration: 18 months


Montana, Vidin and Vratsa in Bulgaria

Dolj, Olt and Mehedinti in Romania


  • Production and broadcasting of ten 15-minutes EN-BG-RO educational-information filmspromoting the cultural and natural heritage of Montana and of ten 15-minutes EN-BG-RO educational-information filmspromoting the cultural and natural heritage of Dolj;
  • Organization and carrying out of three 5-days courses of Green School Education in BG - one per each of three target groups of pupils: up to 12 years old, up to 14 years old and up to 16 years old;
  • Establishment of Tourist Information Center in Craiova, RO;
  • Organization of a 3-days Teachers Forum in RO;
  • Production of promotional catalogues, materials and articles for Green School Education - directed to the target groups;
  • Promotion of the Green School Education through radio spots broadcasting – both in RO and BG.

Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: A new tourist CBC integrated product named Green School Education developed on the territory of Montana district, BG; a Tourist Information Center established in Craiova, Dolj, RO and increasing by 100 the expected number of visits to cultural and natural heritage sites in the area.

Programme results: A growth of minimum 3,000 of the number of overnights in the CBC region of Montana and Dolj.

Project status

The project beneficiaries have implemented the activities and reached the following results:

The project launching press-conference was organized on 26.04.2016 in Craiova, Romania.

Ten 15-minutes EN-BG-RO educational-information filmspromoting the cultural and natural heritage of Montana and ten 15-minutes EN-BG-RO educational-information filmspromoting the cultural and natural heritage of Dolj were produced. The films were broadcasted on TV channels from Montana, Vratsa, Vidin, Dolj, Olt and Mehedinti and are also available on the project website at the link

Other 20 films for the cultural and natural heritage and resources of Montana's and Dolj's districts were recorded on 2,000 DVDs and distributed.All educational-information films were distributed to pupils aged 12-16 years, representing the target group of the project.

The Tourist Information Center in Craiova was established and a dedicated Facebook page was created.

The Center ensures the help-desk and organization of activities according to its purpose of promoting common potential and spreading information among the Craiova community members about common CBC tourist destinations, GSE courses, etc.

The first 5-days course of Green School Education was organized during the period 28.11-03.12.2016in Varshets, Montana for children of up to 14 years from both RO and BG.

2nd edition of the GSE coursewas carried out in the period 27.03.2017-01.04.2017, in the city of Varhstes, for pupils up to 16 years old.

3rd edition of 5-day GSE courses was carried out in the period 19.06.2017-24.06.2017, in the city of Varhstes, for pupils up to 12 years old.

The 3-day Teachers’ Forum was organized in Craiova with the participation of 80 teachers /40 teachers from Montana district, Bulgaria and 40 teachers from Dolj district, Romania. During the 3-day Teachers’ Forum, the teachers defined 6 new tourist destinations /3 in Montana and 3 in Dolj, subordinated on the idea of Green School Education for contribution to the increase of the tourist stream in both regions.

Promotional catalogues, materials and articles for Green School Education (t-shirts, ballpoint engraved pens, backpacks, caps, memory stick) were elaborated and distributed to the target groups.

Both RO and BG radio spots for the promotion of the project were produced and broadcasted in RO and also in BG.

The final press-conference was carried out on 17.07.2017 in the city of Varshets, Bulgaria.

Pictures from the events and more details about the project may be found on the project website


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