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To the attention of the Romanian beneficiaries

We would like to inform you that on 15 March 2019 has entered into force the Emergency Ordinance no. 16 of March 12, 2019, for the modification of art. 5 par. (2) of Emergency Ordinance no. 98/2017 on the ex-ante control function of the procurement procedures for contracts / framework agreements, sectoral contracts / sectoral framework agreements and concession of works and services contracts.

The new legal provisions sets the ex-ante control within the attribution of the National Agency for Public Procurement at the request of the contracting authorities, thus removing the exception of the GEO no. 114/2018 that had foreseen that the ex-ante control of contracts or agreements with European financing is ensured by the managing authorities.

For the text of the GEO no. 16/2019, please access the website of NAPP,

Published on 19.03.2019



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