We would like to inform you that on 15 March 2019 has entered into force the Emergency Ordinance no. 16 of March 12, 2019, for the modification of art. 5 par. (2) of Emergency Ordinance no. 98/2017 on the ex-ante control function of the procurement procedures for contracts / framework agreements, sectoral contracts / sectoral framework agreements and concession of works and services contracts.
The new legal provisions sets the ex-ante control within the attribution of the National Agency for Public Procurement at the request of the contracting authorities, thus removing the exception of the GEO no. 114/2018 that had foreseen that the ex-ante control of contracts or agreements with European financing is ensured by the managing authorities.
For the text of the GEO no. 16/2019, please access the website of NAPP, http://anap.gov.ro/web/ordonanta-de-urgenta-nr-16-2019-din-12-martie-2019-pentru-modificarea-art-5-alin-2-din-ordonanta-de-urgenta-a-guvernului-nr-98-2017-privind-functia-de-control-ex-ante-al-procesului-de-atri/
Published on 19.03.2019