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Final conference of the project “Your Health Matters! – Modernization of the hospitals in Zimnicea and Svishtov"

On the 20th of March 2019, starting from 11:00 o’clock at the Danube Restaurant in Zimnicea, 38 Portului street will take place the final conference of the project “Your Health Matters! – Modernization of the hospitals in Zimnicea and Svishtov", ROBG-174, implemented by Territorial Administrative Unit - Zimnicea Town, Romania as Lead Beneficiary in partnership with Svishtov Municipality, Bulgaria as Beneficiary 2.

The project aims to improve the efficiency of health services and the collaboration between health care providers at the level of communities from Zimnicea and Svishtov.
Through implementation of the project, two hospitals in Zimnicea and Svishtov were modernized(by renovating the building of the hospital in Svishtov and by purchasing medical equipment for both hospitals – electrocardiograph, general anesthesia machine, operating tables, computer tomography, ambulance type C, etc.).
More information about the project can be found on the following link:

Posted on: 13.03.2019



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