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Active art for attractive tourism

What’s the goal?

ARTOUR project aims at creating a thematic art & culture events tourist product based on the natural and cultural heritage in order to promote the CBC region as more attractive tourist destination and better use the potential of the tourism on the lower Danube.

What’s the budget?

454 130.10 euro, out of which 386,010.58 euro ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead Beneficiary (LB): Association "Institute for Territorial Innovations and Cooperation - ITIC"

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Valahia Transalpina Professional Association

When is it happening?

Start date: 06.09.2018

End date: 05.03.2020

Duration: 18 Months

Where is it happening?

Calarasi, Drobeta - Turnu Severin, Giurgiu, Constanta – in Romania

Vidin, Ruse, Silistra – in Bulgaria

How is it going to happen?

  • Conducting a study of potential application of art & culture tourist product and services in the CBC region;
  • Close consultations with the key stakeholders in identifying particular artists, traditions and sites so that high-quality art & culture tourist product, services and animation can be delivered;
  • Development of joint thematic art & culture tourist product with art animation and programme for its pilot implementation in the course of the project;
  • Organizing 4 art & culture tourist events as plain-air festivals over three (3) days with the participation of artists (painters, dancers, singers, actors) who will make live presentations of their arts (2 in BG and 2 in RO) for pilot implementation of the thematic art & culture tourist product according to the elaborated programme;
  • Analysis of the pilot implementation of the thematic art & culture tourist product and elaboration of 5-year programme for its implementation after the project completion;
  • Development of promotional webpage of the newly created thematic art & culture tourist product and undertaking a wide promotional online and media campaign.

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: a study of potential application of art & culture tourist product and services in the CBC region; one thematic art & culture events tourist product created with art animation and programme; 4 art & culture tourist events with animation (2 in BG and 2 in RO) organized as part of the thematic art & culture tourist product; 5-year programme developed for implementation of the thematic art & culture tourist product; promotional website of the thematic art & culture tourist product launched.

Programme results: increase of the number of overnights in the CBC area with 10.000

Project status

The project implementation was finalized.

The following results have been achieved:

- An analysis of information and study of the potential application of the tourist product "Art&Culture", was elaborated;

- The joint thematic art & culture tourist product with art animation and programme for its pilot implementation in the course of the project, were elaborated and reviewed by 2 external experts appointed by the LB in the period 14.01-13.02.2020. LB accepted the art & culture tourist product with a 5-year programme for its implementation on 13.02.2020;

- 4 art & culture tourist events such as: plain-air festivals over three (3) days with the participation of artists (painters, dancers, singers, actors) who made live presentations of their arts for pilot implementation of the thematic art & culture tourist product, were organized;

- 2 short promo videos (30” – 1’) and 2 professional videos (up to 10’) for the plain-air events organized in Bulgaria were produced by Mi Art Stream Ltd. and uploaded on the project website and Facebook page. The videos were finally accepted by the LB on 05.12.2019;

- The project Facebook page, available at the link and the project website, available at the link, were developed;

- Evaluation of the pilot application of the art & culture tourist product was made in the period 30.10.19-30.12.2019 by KPM Consulting Ltd. appointed by the LB. The Analysis and evaluation report were accepted by the LB on 10.01.2020.

- Final conference was organized and held in Vidin on the 27th and 28th of February 2020 for 30 participants from BG and RO.


“Fishing – a cross border touristic opportunity product and a sustainable use of natural heritage and resources”

What’s the goal?

Project overall objective is to make recreational fishing and derivatives activities promoting cultural tangible and intangible heritages a cross border branded touristic product improving sustainable use of natural heritage and resources and cultural heritages.

What’s the budget?

498,151.73 euro, out of which 423,428.96 euro ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead Beneficiary (LB): Living Nature Foundation (Romania)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Branch of It’s Possible Association (Romania)

Beneficiary 3 (B3): Tourist Fishing Club (Bulgaria)

Beneficiary 4 (B4): Association for Cross Border Cooperation and Development Danube Dobrudja (Bulgaria)

When is it happening?

Start date: 15.09.2018

End date: 14.03.2020

Duration: 18 months

Where is it happening?

Teleorman, Calarasi, Giurgiu (Romania)

Veliko Tarnovo, Ruse, Silistra (Bulgaria)

How is it going to happen?

  • Elaboration of one Study regarding joint recreational fishing touristic destinations
  • Identification and definition of 3 joint recreational fishing touristic packages branded FISHNAT (including logo, complementary cultural programs), based on the study and consultation with the main stakeholders in the area;
  • Development of informative materials on environmental protection and preservation;
  • Elaboration of a Joint marketing strategy for recreational fishing touristic packages and the brand FISHNAT;
  • Organization of workshops for joint entrepreneurship development for native population linked to recreational fishing tourism;
  • Organization of a FISHNAT festival – as a touristic event/product gathering recreational, sport and professional fishing;

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 7 integrated tourism products/services created; 1 common strategy, policy or management plan for valorizing (including raising awareness) the cultural and natural heritage through its restoration and promotion for sustainable economic uses; 156,000 Increase in expected number of visits to supported sites of cultural and natural heritage and attraction

Programme results: 156,000 tourist overnights in the CBC region

Project status

The project is finalized.


- The project website was developed: ;

- 3 touristic packages branded FISHNAT for the following routes: Teleorman - Veliko Tarnovo; Giurgiu – Ruse; Calarasi – Silistra are available on the project website;

- 1 Joint Study for the Romania-Bulgaria region regarding areas for recreational fishing, inventory of fish species, tangible and intangible cultural heritage, accommodation and dining units in the area of interest of the project in Romania and Bulgaria (available on the project website);

- 1 tourism product – The FISHANT festival. The first edition of the festival was held in Calarasi during 20-22th of September 2019. Photos and information are available on the following link: .

Tourism +55 (ROBG-436)

Friendly destinations for seniors +55

What’s the goal?

Project overall objective is to initiate development of tourism product designed for tourists aged 55+ in low season and set basis for promotion of such tourism product.

What’s the budget?

453,259.45 euro, out of which 385,270.52 euro ERDF


Lead Beneficiary (LB): Foundation “Phoenix – 21 century” (Bulgaria)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Romanian Association for Technology Transfer and Innovation (Romania)

Beneficiary 3 (B3):Association “Regional partnerships for sustainable development – Vidin” (Bulgaria)


Start date: 01.09.2018

End date: 29.02.2020

Duration: 18 months


Dolj in Romania

Vidin and Montana in Bulgaria


  • Elaboration of needs assessment analysis on senior tourists preferences in BG and RO
  • Elaboration of Study on senior tourism development in Vidin, Montana and Dolj regions in BG and RO
  • Development of Strategy for development of senior tourism for business, public and civil sector
  • Organization of one Workshop in Vidin district for stakeholders in order to introduce them the benefits of development of senior tourism product in low season
  • Pilot testing of new product
  • Development of senior friendly web portal
  • Organization of info&publicity activities

Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 1 integrated tourism products created,1 common strategy for valorising the cultural and natural heritage through its restoration and promotion for sustainable economic uses.

Programme results: 480 tourist overnights in the CBC region.

Project status

The project is finalized, with the followings results achieved:

- The Study on Senior tourism development was elaborated;

-The Strategy for development of Senior tourism for business, public and civil sector was elaborated.

All these documents are available on their website:

The followings events were organized during the project implementation period:.

-A workshop for stakeholders;

- Pilot tour for seniors +55;

– Demo tour - Final promo conference in Falkovets;

- Final promo conference in Varshets;

- Final promo conference in Becharca.

Additional information may be found at

JAMP (ROBG- 384)

Joint Adventure on the Mountain Paths

What’s the goal?                                              

The overall objective of the project is to support the sustainable development of the cross-border tourism from Romania and Bulgaria and to increase the promotion of the mountain area from Mehedinti, Vidin and Montana.

What’s the budget?

490,320.81 euro, out of which 416,772.68 euro ERDF


Lead Beneficiary (LB): Romanian Association for Electronic and Software Industry - Oltenia Subsidiary (Romania)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Agency for Regional Development and Business Center – Vidin (Bulgaria)

Beneficiary 3 (B3): Regional Development Agency and Business Center 2000 (Bulgaria)


Start date: 23.08.2018

End date: 22.01.2020

Duration: 18 months


Mehedinti in Romania

Vidin and Montana in Bulgaria


  • Studies for identifying the types of trails for mountain electric bikes;
  • Common Marketing Strategy for the identified trails for mountain electric bikes in Mehedinti, Vidin and Montana;
  • Acquisition of 150 of the mountain electrical bikes with GPS;
  • Organization of seminars with the stakeholders;
  • Organization of joint trainings for e-bike maintenance with the selected operators: 1 in Ro and 1 in Bg;
  • Information and publicity campaign;
  • Organization of joint info-tour to promote tourism with mountain electric bikes
  • Participation at tourism fairs in Sofia and Bucharest.

Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 4 common strategies for valorizing the cultural and natural heritage through its restoration and promotion for sustainable economic uses, 2 integrated tourism products created; 180 visits to supported sites of cultural and natural heritage and attraction

Programme result: 849 tourist overnights in the CBC region

Project status:

The project is finalized, with the following results:

- The Studies for identifying the types of trails for mountain electric bikes in the county of Mehedinti, Romania and districts of Vidin and Montana, Bulgaria, were elaborated by each project partner. They are available on their website:

- The Common Marketing Strategy for the identified trails for mountain electric bikes in Mehedinti, Vidin and Montana has been elaborated and translated in Bulgarian and English languages and it is available at

-Each project partner purchased 50 mountain electric bicycles transferred to the final operators.

- The project website: www.jamprobg.euis available in BG, EN and RO.

- The application for mobile devices has been elaborated and it is available in the AppStore and Google Play by the name “jamprobg bike app”.


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