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Remember the war, appreciate your liberty (RO-BG 449)

What’s the goal?

The overall objective of the project is to create and promote a representative tourist product by bringing to life the atmosphere of the battle Calafat-Vidin during the 1877-1878 Independence War.

What’s the budget?

499,921.16 euro, out of which 424,932.97 euro ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead Beneficiary (LB): Agency for Regional Development and Business Center – Vidin (ARDBC Vidin)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Local Employers Association for Small and Middle Enterprises (LEASME)

When is it happening?

Start date: 01.08.2018

End date: 31.10.2020

Duration: 27 months

Where is it happening?



How is it going to happen?                                  

  • promotional movie
  • 6 workshops for high school pupils
  • 2 workshops for local authorities
  • 6 military trainings
  • event “Calafat and Vidin in 1877-1878 period”

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 1 integrated tourism products/services created, 540 expected number of visits to supported sites of cultural and natural heritage and attraction

Programme results: increase of the number of overnights in the cbc area with 500

Project status

The project is finalized. The implementation period was 27 months (01.08.2018-31.10.2020) instead of initially envisage 18 months (extended via Addendum no.1/19.02.2020 and Addendum no.2/12.05.2020).

All of the project activities have been implemented according to the revised application form.

The project objective have been fulfilled, along with the overall objective of the project ‘To improve the sustainable use of natural heritage and resources and cultural heritage’, by the Beneficiaries with the purchase of the equipment foreseen within the project (described above in the current report) organization of the different workshops, trainings and the creation of the tourism product The reconstruction of the historical event “Calafat and Vidin in 1877-1878 period“.

Equipment purchased by LB:

-45 units Bulgarian military uniform;

-25 units Russian military uniform;

-20 units Turkish military uniform;

-90 units Military boots;

-90 Historical rifle replicas;

-90 sabres/special sword;

Equipment purchased by B2:

-10 units Military uniform "Vanatorii pedestri";

-20 units Military uniform "Infanterie linie;

-20 units Military uniform "Soldat artilerie;

-25 units Military uniform "Dorobanti";

-15 units Military uniform "Soldat marina”;

-65 units Military boots”;

-25 units Specific shoes "opinci";

-90 units Historical rifle replicas ;

-90 units Sabres/special sword.

During the project implementation period, the beneficiaries realized the following events:

1. 6 Workshops for awareness raising among young people (workshops for high school pupils):

In Bulgaria, village of Falkovets, district Vidin

- 1st workshop have taken place on 19-20 January 2019;

- 2nd workshop have taken place on 26-27 January;

- 3rd workshop have taken place on 2-3 February 2019;

In Romania:

- 1st workshop have taken place on 30-31 March 2019, in Calafat;

- 2nd workshop have taken place on 06-07 April 2019, in Drobeta Turnu Severin;

- 3rd workshop have taken place on 13-14 April 2019, in Corabia;

2. 6 “Military Trainings”:

- 3 in Bulgaria in Falkovets, in periods: 22-24 november 2019; 29,30 November and 1 December 2019 and on 6,7,8, December 2019.

- 3 in Romania: Calafat on 7-9 May 2019; Turnu Severin on 20-22 September 2019 and Corabia on 1-3 November 2019.

3. 2 Workshops with local authorities: 1 in Calafat in period 18-19 September 2020 and 1 in Vidin in period 06-07 February 2020.

4. Event “Calafat and Vidin in 1877-1878 period” in Vidin on 11-13 September 2020 and also in Calafat in period 16-18 October 2020;

5. 3 press-conference in Vidin, on 25 September 2018, on 26 February 2020 and on 30 October 2020.

6. 3 press-conference in Calafat, on 14 January 2019, on 15 October 2020 and 29 October 2020.

Also, promotional movie has been realized with the title “Remember the war, appreciate the liberty”.

More detailed information is available on the project website, at:  

The financial execution at project level, in terms of certified amounts is 94.78 % (473,821.05 euro) from the total budget of the project (499,921.16 euro).

P.S. (ROBG-125)

Partners in Safety

What’s the goal?

The project is aiming to improve the capacity to react and solve emergency situations caused by snowdrifts and icing phenomena, floods and fires in cross border area Boynitsa (Bulgaria)- Brăniştea, Broşteni (Romania)

What’s the budget?

1,040,809.39 euro, out of which 884,687.98 euro ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead beneficiary (LB): Territorial Administrative Brăniştea Commune(RO)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Boynitsa Municipality (BG)

Beneficiary 3 (B3): Territorial Administrative Unit- Broşteni Commune (RO)

When is it happening?

Start date: 17.03.2017

End date: 16.03.2020

Duration: 36 months

Where is it happening?

Vidin in Bulgaria.

Mehedinţi in Romania.

How is it going to happen?

  • acquisition of special equipment for dealing with emergency situations caused by snowdrifts and icing phenomena, floods and fires;
  • an unified risk management system (common procedures and measures for risk management);

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Project outputs: 6.409 people benefiting from actions of risk management, 4.692 people benefiting from flood protection measures, 1.827 people benefiting from forest fire protection measures, 1 joint partnership in the field of joint early warning and emergency response

Programme results:improved quality of joint risk management

Project status

The project implementation period ended on 16.03.2020 and the following objectives have been achieved:

All partners purchased the necessary equipment for dealing with emergencies caused by snowdrifts and icing phenomena, floods and fires:

LB – UAT Branistea purchased the special equipment for dealing with emergency situations caused by snowdrifts and icing phenomena: 1 Special Vehicle for first intervention and control-fires and floods, 1 Tractor, 1 Tipper trailer, 1 Backhoe,1 Snow plough, 10 Fire proximity suits and 10 Fire extinguishers.

B2 Boynitsa Municipality purchased a specialized base car with coupling equipment /Snow Blower/for road maintenance during winter conditions - snow-plough.

B3 – UAT Brosteni also purchased the equipment foreseen in the application form: 1 Tractor, 1 Tipper trailer, 1 Backhoe, 1 Snow plough and 1 Autocistern.

The purchased equipment helps 6.409 people from actions of risk management within the regions Branistea and Brosteni in RO and Boynitsa in BG. Also, 4.692 inhabitants are benefiting from flood protection measures (Branistea and Brosteni in RO) and 1.827 people are benefiting from forest fire protection measures (Branistea Commune).

The three project beneficiaries have concluded the final stage in the process of establishing a functional cooperation and signed a Trilateral Memorandum of Partnership. It expounds the Beneficiaries` consolidated descriptions and possible solutions for enhancing the institutional capacity in disasters and crisis in the risk management.

As a results of the implementation of the project: “Increasing the quality of the joint risk management in the CBC area”, the project beneficiaries developed an Unified Risk Management System. The established frames and the documentation developed in reference to the creating the Unified Risk Management System are available for the General public and interested public authorities, on the web sites of the three project beneficiaries as it follows: LB –, B2 – and B3 – . Also, the project beneficiaries have assured uninterrupted access of the materials and the principal documents also by e-mail and telephone.

Dragon boats


What’s the goal?

The overall objective of the project is to create a news joint tourism product- Dragon Boats” along the Danube in the cbc area

What’s the budget?

497,763.43 euro, out of which 423,098.90 euro ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead Beneficiary (LB): Agency for Regional Development and Business Center – Vidin (ARDBC Vidin) - Bulgaria

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Local Employers’ Association for Small and Middle Enterprises (LEASME) - Romania

Beneficiary 3 (B3): Association Consult-Group - Bulgaria

When is it happening?

Start date: 01.08.2018

End date: 30.06.2020

Duration: 23 months

Where is it happening?

7 counties in Romania

8 districtsin Bulgaria

How is it going to happen?                      

  • procurement of equipment necessary for the creation of the new joint tourism product
  • 10 alternative tourism seminars
  • 10 Dragon boat festivals in Danube towns
  • cross-border dragon triathlon 2 cross-border Dragon boat mini marathons in Bulgaria and Romania
  • 6 one-day rowing simulation events in bigger cities in the cbc area
  • Promotion of the developed tourism products and project events

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 735 expected number of visits to supported sites of cultural and natural heritage and attraction, 1 integrated tourism product, 1 management plan for valorizing the cultural and natural heritage

Programme results: increase of the number of overnights in the cbc area with 2000

Project status

The following main achievements have been reported so far:

- 2 press conferences have been held, in Calafat on 25.09.2018 and in Vidin on 11.10.2018;

- The project website has been elaborated and it can be found on


The Living human treasures of the cross-border region

What’s the goal?

The overall objective of the project is to promote and preserve the unique intangible cultural heritage of the cross border region and to develop its touristic potential

What’s the budget?

173,902.36 euro, out of which 147,817.00 euro ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead Beneficiary (LB):Vidin fund "Chitalishta" - Bulgaria

Beneficiary 2 (B2):Territorial Administrative Unit Cetate Commune -Romania

When is it happening?

Start date: 11.07.2018

End date: 10.07.2019

Duration: 12 months

Where is it happening?

7 counties in Romania

8 districts in Bulgaria

How is it going to happen?                      

  •    two festivals
  •    30 minutes film
  •    catalog of living human treasures
  •    survey
  •    4 focus groups
  •    info tour
  •    internet portal
  •    joint strategy

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 5 integrated tourism products/services, 1 strategy for valorizing the cultural and natural heritage

Programme results: increase of the number of overnights in the cbc area with 700

Project status

The project has been finalised on 10.07.2019 and the following main achievements have been achived:

- A communication plan has been elaborated;

- The „Joint Strategy for the Safeguarding, Popularization of Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Vidin - Dolj cross - border region“ has been elaborated and can be found on ;

- All of the events foreseen within the project have been organized: the Trainings for successful applications, the info tours and the two Living Human Treasures Festival in Cetate and in Vidin;

- The film "Living human treasures of the cross-border region" has been aired through the local online media "Vidin vest" and can be found on: ;

- The Catalogue of living human treasures of the cross-border region have been created and can be found on: ;

- The tourist route of the living human treasures of the cross border region and can be found on: ;

- The project website have been created and can be found on: ;


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