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Development and promotion of a common natural heritage tourism product: Route “Protected natural heritage within the cross-border region Romania-Bulgaria

What’s the goal?

Development of a common natural heritage tourism product: Route “Protected natural heritage within the cross-border region Romania-Bulgaria” and campaign on the preservation, promotion and development of the common route

What’s the budget?

754,518.55 euro, out of which 641,340.77 ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead beneficiary (LB): Association of Danube River Municipalities “Danube” (ADRM, Bulgaria)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Living Nature" Foundation, Calarasi

When is it happening?

Start date: 03.02.2016

End date: 02.02.2018

Duration: 24 months

Where is it happening?

Veliko Tarnovo, Pleven, Vidin, Vratsa, Ruse, Montana, Silistra and Dobrich in Bulgaria 

Giurgiu, Mehedinţi, Calarasi, Constanta, Dolj, Teleorman in Romania

How is it going to happen?                      

The project aims at developing and promoting of a common natural heritage product (new integrated tourism product), namely the route “Protected natural heritage within the cross-border region Romania-Bulgaria” and campaign on the preservation, promotion and development of the common route.

8 round tables and 1 conference will be organized, 1 common preliminary study on natural heritage will be developed as well as 2 common strategies: 1 on the development and 1 on marketing of the natural heritage tourism product. Also, 1 set of tourism product promotional materials will be created.

Thus, the natural sites in the cross-border region will become more recognizable to interested tourist groups that will lead to an increase in the number of tourists’ overnights.

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 40,000 of visits to supported sites of cultural and natural heritage and attraction (COI), 1 integrated tourism product, 2 common strategies for valorising the cultural and natural heritage

Programme results: increase with 40,000 of tourists’ overnights in the CBC

Project status

Project is finalized and all activities were realized.

All relevant public procurement procedures were launched and contracts were signed for: organization of 8 round tables and 1 conference; elaboration of a preliminary study on natural heritage; elaboration of a common strategy on development, enhancement and innovation of a tourism product;  elaboration of a common marketing and promotion strategy of a natural tourism product; elaboration of tourism product promotional materials; implementation of information and publicity; implementation of translation and interpretation services.

A preliminary study in natural heritage has been elaborated.

8 common round tables were organized by the beneficiaries where the results of the primary study were presented.

The common strategy on development, enhancement and innovation of a tourism product was contracted. Currently the contract service is under implementation.

The common marketing and promotion strategy of the natural tourism product was elaborated.

Danube – I can (ROBG-7)

Danube - I can hear you and I will not forget you, I can see you and I will remember you, I can recreate you and I can understand you

What’s the goal?                                              

To improve the sustainable use of natural heritage and resources and cultural heritage in cross-border region – Districts Vratsa and Ruse, Bulgaria and District Olt, Romania and to increase the number of tourist’s overnights.

What’s the budget?

250,198.80 euro, out of which 212,668.98 ERDF


Lead Beneficiary (LB): Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vratsa, Bulgaria

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Center of Consultancy and Project Management – EUROPROJECT

Beneficiary 3 (B3): : Ruse Chamber of Commerce and Industry


Start date: 03.02.2016

End date: 02.02.2018

Duration: 24 months

Where is it happening?

Veliko Tarnovo, Pleven, Vidin, Vratsa, Ruse, Montana, Silistra and Dobrich in Bulgaria

Giurgiu, Mehedinţi, Calarasi, Constanta, Dolj, Olt and Teleorman in Romania 


  • improved cross-border cultural cooperation
  • increased awareness of the cultural heritage
  • promoted cultural events and initiatives of the CBC regions
  • increased number of visits to sites of cultural and natural heritage and attraction

Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: increase with 1250 of expected number of visits to supported sites of cultural and natural heritage and attraction, 1 integrated tourism product

Programme results: the number of tourists’ overnights in the CBC region will increase with 250

Project status

The project was finalized.


     - Study "Jewelry and embroidery, pottery, stonework and wood processing in the cross border region during different epoch" within Districts Vratsa and Ruse (BG) and Olt Country (RO)

    - 1 Festival for ancient cultures and traditional crafts, Assembly “Crafts – yesterday, today and tomorrow”

    - 1 International conference on the topic "Cultural and historical heritage in Miziya and Dacia"

    - 2 summer workshops in pottery and embroidery in town of Slatina

    - 3 summer workshops in jewelry, stone carving and woodworking / pottery in Vratsa

    - 3 summer workshops in Ruse, with students and young people from the cross border region


Development of common database and legal framework for ships inspections for the common Bulgarian-Romanian stretch of the Danube River with interface to the national River Information Service (RIS)

What’s the goal?

To Increase the level of coordination between Bulgarian Executive Agency „Maritime Administration” and Romanian Naval Authority.

What’s the budget?

1,441,974.96 euro, out of which 1,225,678.72euro ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead beneficiary (LB): Bulgarian Executive Agency „Maritime Administration” (Bulgaria)

Partner 2: Romanian Naval Authority (Romania)

When is it happening?

Start date: 11.05.2017

End date: 10.01.2020 following 6 month extension and 2 months suspension of the implementation period

Duration: 32 months (implementation period suspended during 15.08.2018 – 14.10.2018)

Where is it happening?

Constanta in Romania

Vidin, Ruse, Sofia in Bulgaria

How is it going to happen?                      

  • Development of Framework Agreement on the inspections performed under the river supervision regime in the common Bulgaria-Romania stretch of the Danube river
  • Development of specific rules for the navigation in the common Bulgarian – Romanian stretch of the Danube river
  • Supply of Integrated System for Ships Inspection - electronic database software package and equipment
  • Development of risk assessment methodology for river supervision inspections

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 5 supported cross border mechanisms to enhance cooperation capacity;

Programme results: increase in the level of co-ordination of the public institutions in the eligible area that will positively affect the ship owners and operators, transport companies and related administrative institutions - taxation, customs, border police etc.

Project status:

The project implementation period ended on 10.01.2020. The main outputs of the project are:

One Framework Agreement on the inspections performed under the river supervision regime in the common Bulgaria-Romania stretch of the Danube River has been signed by the project partners.

Also, a risk assessment methodology for river supervision following the analysis of the maritime events occurred during the period 2007-2017 was elaborated.

The Work on the specific rules for the navigation in the common Bulgarian-Romania stretch of the Danube River inspections was completed.

Main important procurement IT Tool - “Integrated System for Ships Inspection - electronic database software package and equipment” was created and supplied. The LB component covering the BG part of Danube river is interconnected with B2 component covering the RO part of Danube river, this creating the common system for the verification and inspection of the vessels.

Information about the Integrated System for Ships Inspection and the project available at:


CBC for MaST Education (ROBG-165)

Coordination of joint policies and equipment investments in the field of education in the cross-border area

What’s the goal?                                              

Common development of the MaST (Mathematics, Science and Technologies) field.

What’s the budget?

994,896.64 euro, out of which 845,662.12 ERDF


Lead partner: School Inspectorate of Călăraşi County(Romania)

Beneficiary (B2): “Emilian Stanev” Secondary school (Bulgaria)

Beneficiary (B3): “Sv. Kliment Ohridski” High school of Mathematics and natural sciences (Bulgaria)

Beneficiary (B4): “Hristo Botev” Secondary School (Bulgaria)


Start date: 27.04.2017

End date: 26.04.2019

Duration: 24 months


Călăraşi Town, CălăraşiCounty, Romania

Veliko Tarnovo Town,Silistra Town, Tutrakan Town, Veliko Tarnovo District and Silistra District, Bulgaria

How is it going to happen?

  • Organizing 2 press conferences, ;
  • Publicity materials (brochures, a website, permanent plaques promoting the project, roll-ups, promotional pens, folders, press articles);
  • Creating the MICS (Innovation and Creativity Studyshops) in high-schools from Bulgaria and Romania;
  • Organizing three MICS Expo, two in Calarasi, by the Lead Beneficiary and one in Veliko Tarnovo, by the Beneficiary 2;
  • Elaboration of the common strategy on education.

Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs:

- 11 supported cross border mechanisms to enhance cooperation capacity;

Programme results: increased level of co-ordination of the public institutions in the eligible area.

Project status

The project is finalized.

The following results were achieved within implementation period:

- The MICS (MaST Innovation and Creativity Study shops) network has been created. 5 high schools from RO (3 from Călăraşi, 1 from Olteniţa and 1 from Lehliu-Gară) and 3 high schools from BG (1 from Silistra, 1 from Tutrakan and 1 from Veliko Tarnovo) are part of MICS;

- All the project beneficiaries have purchased the similar equipment for MICS endowments (educational robots, mini planetarium, mechanic toolbox, electronic toolbox,microscope, telescope, electrostatic demonstrative toolbox, Van de Grafts generator, laser optics,photometer kit, chemical experiment toolbox etc.)

- 3 MICS expositions have been organized, 2 in Calarasi and 1 in Veliko Tarnovo.During the MICS Expo, the students involved in the MICS, have presented projects in the MAST field and the equipment bought within the project;

- 8 educational agreements to use and further implement the MICS were signed between the educational institutions from Romania and Bulgaria;

- A Romanian-Bulgarian comparative study in the field of MaST, a common educational strategy based on MICS activities and a joint curriculum were elaborated, and are available at the project website


Borderless Health through sport and Cooperation – United in the battle against diseases

What’s the goal?

To increase the efficiently of cooperation between local public administrations/governments in the cross-border area Hârşova- Shabla, regarding public health services focused on prevention and improvement actions.

What’s the budget?

1,489,666.82 euro, out of which 1,266,216.78 euro ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead Beneficiary (LB): Territorial Administrative Unit- Hârşova Town (RO)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Municipality of Shabla(BG)

Beneficiary 3 (B3): Romanian Oina Federation (RO)

When is it happening?

Start date: 04.04.2017

End date: 03.08.2022

Duration: 64 months

Where is it happening?

Dobrich in Bulgaria

Constanta in Romania

How is it going to happen?

  • 1 modernized and properly equipped sports field – stadium and locker room in Harsova Town;
  • 1 modernized and properly equipped sport hall/rehabilitation center in Shabla Municipality;
  • The community of CBC area Harsova- Shabla well informed and motivated to practice physical activities/exercises for the benefit of their health;
  • 1 joint action plan to combat sedentary lifestyle and increase good health.

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 18 supported cross border mechanisms - 2 cooperation networks, 1 common policy, 1 common study, 3 meetings for information exchange, 1 strategy, 10 agreements between local actors signed in “Choose to be healthy programme”

Programme results: improved cross-borders cooperation between stakeholders for the implementation of a common policy in the sphere of health.

Project status

The project was finalized on 03.08.2022.

The Constitutive Act and the Statute of the AssociationTRANSPOCOwas approved by the Harsova Local Council, Federal Office of Romanian Oina Federation and by Shabla Municipality. TRANSPOCO main headquarters were established at Harsova and the secondary headquarters at Shabla. The TRANSPOCO Association gained its legal status, the official name being “Asociatia Romano-Bulgara Transpoco - Choose to be healthy”.

LB concluded the works contract for rehabilitation of the sports field (stadium) and locker on 24.06.2020. The construction works have been finalized and the reception of the construction works at the investment object "Modernization of sports field (stadium) and locker room" was carried out by the LB on 15.12.2021. All the foreseen equipment necessary for the modernized stadium and organization of the introductory courses, the Caravan “Sports – a never-ending spring of health”, the “Back to school” event and the SPOCO Cup, has been purchased by the LB.

B2 concluded the works contract forReconstruction of Multifunctional Sport Hall. The construction works for the investment objective “Reconstruction of multifunctional sports hall, town of Shabla, Shabla Municipality, Dobrich district” were completed on 07.06.2019 and the necessary permits were obtained: Technical passport no. 17/03.12.2019 for the construction, according to the Bulgarian legislation and Permission for use no. DK-07-D-46/05.06.2020. In addition, the contracts for supply of equipment necessary for the Rehabilitation center were concluded and the equipment was delivered.

1 common study and 1 strategy (Joint action plan) were developed. LB concluded a service contract on 26.01.2018 for elaboration of study for fighting physical inactivity to improve people’s health in the cross-border area on Romanian side. B2 concluded a contract on 09.01.2018 on Bulgarian side. The two companies subcontracted by LB and B2 produced a joint questionnaire to be applied to the population during the first workshop organized in Harsova on 22.02.2018 with 24 participants. The data obtained from the questionnaires were analyzed, centralized and consolidated at the level of the cross-border area during the second workshop organized in Shabla on 06.06.2018 with 25 participants. A common study and a Joint Action Plan for fighting physical inactivity to improve people's health in the cross border area have been developed. The documents were published on the websites of the three partners for analysis and public debate. The public debate event was organized in the period 25-26.10.2018, with participation of 106 persons, during which the both documents were presented to the public.

The both documents are published at the LB website, available at the following link:

1 common policy was created – the program CHOOSE TO BE HEALTHY. The program was launched during the SPOCO Cup organized in the period 21-23.07.2022 in Harsova.

3 meetings for information exchange were organized:

a) The first workshop was organized in Harsova on 22.02.2018 with 24 participants; during which it was developed a joint questionnaire to be applied to the population in the project area;

b) The second workshop was organized in Shabla on 06.06.2018 with 25 participants, during which the data obtained from the questionnaires were analyzed, centralized and consolidated at the level of the cross-border area;

c) The public debate event was organized in the period 25-26.10.2018, with participation of 106 persons, during which the study and the joint action plan were presented.

10 agreements for implementation of the CHOOSE TO BE HEALTHY program were signed between local actors in Harsova and Shabla.

During the project implementation, the project partnership organized various events related to physical activities, by coordinating actions for achievement of the project objectives:

1. There were organized introductory courses for initiation in oina game, as a non-aggressive sport, accessible at any age: in the period 29.04.2022 – 29.05.2022 in Harsova and in the period 14-16.06.2022 in Shabla.

2. There were organized demonstrations of oina game in the CBC area - caravans:

a) 10.06.2022 – Curcani, Calarasi, Romania – 48 participants;

b) 11.06.2022 – Chirnogi, Calarasi, Romania – 46 participants;

c) 12.06.2022 – Baduleasa, Teleorman – 49 participants;

d) 07.07.2022 – Kainardja, Bulgaria – 33 participants;

e) 08.07.2022 – Ruse, Bulgaria – 28 participants.

3. The “Back to School” event was organized by Shabla Municipality on 14.06.2022. The contest was performed in several categories in order to encompass students and relatives of all ages. The teams consisted of parents and students, only parents against only students, grandparents against parents and etc.

4. The sports competitions – SPOCO Cup was organized in the period 21-22.07.2022 in Harsova, on the modernized sports field, with 175 participants.



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