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“Memory and Future. Stories about the Danube Civilization”

What’s the goal?

The overall objective of the project is to improve the sustainable use of resources, along the Danube banks by valorizing the cross-border fishermen cultural heritage as an example of conservation of a healthy aquatic and terrestrial ecosystem

What’s the budget?

498,731.40 euro, out of which 423,921.68 euro ERDF

Target at the half of the implementation period: 141,471 euro for LB, 41,339 euro for B2, 35,589 euro for B3, 24,298 euro for B4 and 15,086 euro for B5

Who is doing it?

Lead Beneficiary (LB): Bulgarian-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Bulgaria)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): NGO ‘Paralel-Silistra’ (Bulgaria)

Beneficiary 3 (B3): ROUSSE REGIONAL MUSEUM OF HISTORY (Bulgaria)

Beneficiary 4 (B4): ACCES ASSOCIATION – CALARASI (Romania)

Beneficiary 5 (B5): “Dunarea Calaraseana” Fishing Local Action Group Association (Romania)

When is it happening?

Start date: 01.08.2018

End date: 31.01.2020

Duration: 18 months

Where is it happening?

Calarasi, Constanta, Giurgiu, Teleorman, Dolj, Mehedinti, Olt in Romania

Vidin, Montana, Vratsa, Pleven, Ruse, Silistra, Veliko Tarnovo, Dobrich in Bulgaria

How is it going to happen?                      

  • Elaboration of Field Research and Audiovisual study
  • Elaboration of Joint policy document “Cultural matters – CBC for heritage management”
  • Elaboration of a Common policy
  • Elaboration of CBC local strategies for joint valorization of the fishermen communities’ legacy
  • Development of Integrated Tourist Products
  • Development of a Common management plan for the joint commercialization of the tourist products
  • Organization of promotional tours
  • Publications
  • Public events
  • Promotional materials
  • Digital activities

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 15 integrated tourism products created, 9 common strategies, policies or management plans for valorising (including raising awareness) the cultural and natural heritage through its restoration and promotion for sustainable economic uses

Programme results: 500 tourist overnights in the CBC area

Project status

The project has been finalized. The main achievements are the following:

  • The elaboration of the Field Research and Audiovisual Study for the fishermen communities Silistra–Calarasi; Vetren-Mostistea/Galatui; Tutrakan–Oltenitsa; Ruse–Giurgiu; Vidin–Calafat, was completed. The products are collected in digital database which can be found for free at .
  • The awareness raising policy document Culture matters! - Cross-border cooperation on cultural heritage management, was elaborated. Public hearing events were held. The local Strategy of the Fishery Community in Silistra-Calarasi was elaborated.
  • 5 "CBC local strategies for joint valorization of the fishermen communities’ legacy" have been elaborated.
  • Common Policy for preservation, development and utilization of fishermen communities' legacy, was elaborated.
  • 15 products/services have been elaborated, divided into 3 products for each pair of 5 pre-selected BG-RO fishermen localities, identified, namely Silistra (Tataritsa) – Calarasi, Vetren (Srebarna) - Mostistea Galatui, Tutrakan – Oltenita, Ruse (Brashlen) – Giurgiu and Vidin (Kutovo, Antimovo) – Calafat;

- 5 products for larger, organised groups: Large hotels are selected, general bus transport, guided tours;

- 5 products for families/small groups: small hotels, individual tourist materials, car routes and public transport;

- 5 products for young people: offering more adventurous, but less expensive possibility, public transport and bicycle routes, guest houses or tents, individual tourist materials, information about water attractions and more;

The 15 products/services can be found on:;

  • A boat was purchased and it will be used for the aqua attractions;
  • Social media pages were elaborated:

EN YouTube channel:

Instagram account:

BG Facebook page:

RO Facebook page:


CBC partnership Tsenovo-Hotarele-Greaca against nature risks

What’s the goal?

To improve joint risk management in the CBC area through the development and adoption of a joint cross-border partnership between Tsenovo Municipality, Hotarele Commune and Greaca Commune so that they can better co-ordinate and react efficiently in emergency situations caused by natural disasters, such as flood, fire, heat waves, landslides, rain/snow storms.

What’s the budget?

854.258,96 euro, out of which 726.120,10euro ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead Beneficiary (LB): Tsenovo Municipality (Bulgaria)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Territorial Administrative Unit Hotarele Commune (Romania)

Beneficiary 3 (B3): Territorial Administrative Unit Greaca Commune (Romania)

When is it happening?

Start date: 31.07.2018

End date: 30.07.2021

Duration: 36 months

Where is it happening?

Giurgiu (Romania)

Ruse (Bulgaria)

How is it going to happen?                      

  • Elaboration of a common strategy on better co-ordination and efficient reactions of a joint cross-border partnership between the project partners;
  • Set up of harmonized integrated tools for risk prevention and mitigation through the development of a joint mechanism for risk prevention, mitigation and coordination;
  • Exchange of experience and knowledge, including raising awareness in the field of efficient risk prevention and management in the cross-border area (including training and learning programmes, community-based training initiatives, information sheets, brochures about natural and anthropic hazards) targeted at specific target groups (children/youth, development planners, emergency managers, local government officials, etc.) through the organization of 3 awareness raising campaigns and 3 trainings on the hazards and risk and on the measures for their mitigation, management, reduction.

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 10,975 Population benefiting from flood protection measures

10,975 Population benefiting from forest fire protection measures

Programme results: increase of the quality of the joint risk management in the CBC area

Project status

The project is finalized and the main achievements are as follows:

- 1 joint partnership have been concluded between the 3 Project Partners;

- The Strategy on better co-ordination and efficient reactions of a joint CBC partnership have been elaborated;

- 3 round tables have been organised, one on 09.12.2019 in Tsenovo Municipality, another one on 12.12.2019 in Hotarele Commune and the third one on 13.12.2019 in Greaca Commune for Key stakeholders (regional and local authorities and institutions, etc.) within the Ruse-Giurgiu cross-border region;

- All of the intervention equipment in the field of hazard management and disaster resilience foreseen within the project have been delivered to the Beneficiaries, namely: 1. On behalf of LB - a specialized automobile with a 4x4 wheel formula, high clearance to perform tasks in severe weather conditions and heavy terrains, flooded areas, forest areas and fires, along with a blade for snow removal, a sandblasting device and a special equipment that will be used to clean drainage and irrigation channels, ditches, banquets, drainage, grass and shrub removal, and maintenance of fire bands;

2. On behalf of B2 - a backhoe and a tractor equipped with all the necessary technical accessories in order to intervene in case of floods;

3. On behalf of B3 – a tractor, along with a snowblade, snow blower and a trailer;

- The Common Study on risk management in the Romania-Bulgaria cross-border region have been elaborated;

- The project web platform that will provide assistance for risk prevention, mitigation and coordination have been developed and can be found on;

Dragon boats


What’s the goal?

The overall objective of the project is to create a news joint tourism product- Dragon Boats” along the Danube in the cbc area

What’s the budget?

497,763.43 euro, out of which 423,098.90 euro ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead Beneficiary (LB): Agency for Regional Development and Business Center – Vidin (ARDBC Vidin) - Bulgaria

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Local Employers’ Association for Small and Middle Enterprises (LEASME) - Romania

Beneficiary 3 (B3): Association Consult-Group - Bulgaria

When is it happening?

Start date: 01.08.2018

End date: 30.06.2020

Duration: 23 months

Where is it happening?

7 counties in Romania

8 districtsin Bulgaria

How is it going to happen?                      

  • procurement of equipment necessary for the creation of the new joint tourism product
  • 10 alternative tourism seminars
  • 10 Dragon boat festivals in Danube towns
  • cross-border dragon triathlon 2 cross-border Dragon boat mini marathons in Bulgaria and Romania
  • 6 one-day rowing simulation events in bigger cities in the cbc area
  • Promotion of the developed tourism products and project events

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 735 expected number of visits to supported sites of cultural and natural heritage and attraction, 1 integrated tourism product, 1 management plan for valorizing the cultural and natural heritage

Programme results: increase of the number of overnights in the cbc area with 2000

Project status

The following main achievements have been reported so far:

- 2 press conferences have been held, in Calafat on 25.09.2018 and in Vidin on 11.10.2018;

- The project website has been elaborated and it can be found on

Living human treasures(ROBG- 358)

What’s the goal?

The overall objective of the project is to promote local authentic culture in the field of authentic dances, singing and traditional cuisine in the cross-border area.

What’s the budget?

499,366.01 euro, out of which 424,461.10 euro ERDF

Target at the half of the implementation period:

48,481 euro for LB, 19,500 euro for B2 and 25,686 euro for B3.


Lead Beneficiary (LB): Association “Regional partnerships for sustainable development – Vidin” (Bulgaria)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Cross Border Association E(quilibrum) Environment(Romania)

Beneficiary 3 (B3): Regional Development Agency and Business Center 2000 (Bulgaria)


Start date: 01.08.2018

End date: 31.01.2020

Duration: 18 months


Dolj in Romania

Montana and Vidin in Bulgaria


  • Selection of participants
  • Joint cross-border management plan for valorization of authentic culture
  • Cross-border trainings for dancing, singing and cooking
  • Traveling festivals of authentic culture
  • Nationwide cross-border fair for authentic folklore
  • Promotional campaign.

Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 2 integrated tourism products, 1 common management plan for valorising the cultural heritage

Programme results: 2,000 tourist overnights in the CBC region.

Project status

The project implementation was finalized in January 2020. The final implementation report is yet to be submitted (deadline for submission in June 2020).

The most active and attractive holders of authentic culture in the 3 categories (dances, songs and cuisine) to take part in trainings, traveling festivals and cross-border fair later on in the project implementation were selected.

The project beneficiaries prepared the joint cross-border management plan for valorisation of authentic culture. 3 offers centered around existing cultural events were developed and presented via e-mail to tour operators for development of “ready for use” tourism products.

All three cross-border trainings in dancing, singing and gastronomy were organised in Montana, Vidin and Craiova. Authentic folklore costumes were handed over to the selected target group for their participation in the travelling festivals and Nationwide cross-border fair for authentic folklore.

The partner representatives and 7 dancers of Dancing club of village Barzia took part in the International cultural tourism fair in Veliko Tarnovo in period 18-20.04.2019 as part of the fair’s accompanying programme.


Networking for natural heritage and resources

What’s the goal?                                              

The overall objective of the project is to create common innovative touristic products on the brand NATBIOT and to improve the quality and marketing of services in tourism

What’s the budget?

465,066.26 euro, out of which 395,306.31 euro ERDF


Lead Beneficiary (LB): Romanian Movement For Quality

Beneficiary 2 (B2): National Center for Information Service Association)


Start date: 31.07.2018

End date: 30.01.2020

Duration: 18 months


Dolj, Olt, Mehedinți counties in Romania

Montana, Vratsa, Pleven districts in Bulgaria


  • 1 study on natural and cultural heritage
  • thematic seminars, meetings, promotional materials
  • 4 joint tourism packages under NATBIOT concept
  • 1 smartphone application, web page
  • 4 NATBIOT touristic packages film production
  • events
  • mass-media campaign (TV spots)
  • 2 joint strategies
  • NATBIOT conference
  • procurement of equipment

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 6 integrated tourism products/services created, 160.000 expected number of visits to supported sites of cultural and natural heritage and attraction, 3 common strategies/policies/plans for valorizing the cultural and natural heritage

Programme results: increase of the number of overnights in the CBC area with 160.000

Project status:

The project is finalized.


- The joint Study on the Natural and Cultural Heritage in the Cross-border area of Dolj, Olt, Mededinti (RO) - Vidin, Montana, Vratsa and Pleven (BG) was elaborated, translated in English and Bulgarian languages. The joint study elaborated has been printed, as a brochure, in Bulgarian and English languages and was distributed during the raising awareness regarding the advantage of services using specific natural resources and bio products, available also on the project website 4 packages in eco-tourism has been identified;

- 1 smartphone application “Natbio travelling” was elaborated and is available for both IOS and Google Play in RO, BG and EN and can be downloaded from the project website;

- 1 project website was elaborated, available at;

- 2 joint strategies were elaborated, namely marketing strategy for eco-bio products and joint strategy for increasing the quality of eco-bio products.


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