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AA Danube (ROBG-348)

Angling Along the Danube: Danube Fishing Routes

What’s the goal?

The project aims to improve the sustainable use of natural heritage and resources by developing common tourism products based on amateur fishing. This will be achieved by raising awareness in the cross-border area of the social and economic benefits of tourist fishing tourism and the development and promotion of two new tourist products based on natural resources.

What’s the budget?

421,888.15 euro, out of which 358,604.92 euro ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead Beneficiary (LB): Idein Development Foundation (Bulgaria)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Association for Sustainable Development Slatina (Romania)

When is it happening?

Start date: 04.07.2018

End date: 03.01.2020

Duration: 18 months (extended from initial 15 months)

Where is it happening?

7 counties in Romania

8 districts in Bulgaria

How is it going to happen?

  • Develop a common awareness-raising strategy
  • Developing a common marketing strategy
  • Development of an interactive GIS platform "Danube Fishing Routes"
  • Map of the best / most popular fishing spots in the CBC area
  • Organizing the Fishing Festival "Danube Fishing"
  • Organizing awareness campaigns
  • Publishing promotional materials.

Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 2 integrated tourism products / services created, 2 common strategies, policies or management plans for valorisation (including awareness raising) of cultural and natural heritage through its restoration and promotion of sustainable economic use

Programme results: 6,000 overnights in the CBC area.

Project status

The project implementation was finalized in January 2020.

The project launched with a press conferences held in Ruse and in Slatina.

LB developed a joint strategy for awareness raising of the social and economic benefits of recreational fishing tourism within the cross-border Bulgarian-Romanian region. B2 was responsible for the development of a Common Marketing Strategy together with the related implementation and financial plan.

The best/most popular fishing and boating spots in the CB area (132 in total) were mapped out by both beneficiaries. They are available at the interactive GIS based-platform "Danube fishing routes"-

The first edition of the “Angling along the Danube” annual fishing festival was organized between 07-08 September 2019, in Dobrosloveni, Olt and 21-22 September 2019 in Lipnik, Ruse. More information on the fishing festivals can be accesed here:

15 awareness raising and promotional events have been organized in the eligible area: 8 events in Bulgaria in the period 10-31.10.2019 and 7 events in Romania in the period 23.04-29.08.2019.

GreenProTour (ROBG – 291)

Green Tourism Products

What’s the goal?

The main objective of the project is to develop 2 integrated tourism products based on green and healthy activities. The new integrated tourism products will be focusing on hiking trips and marathons. Through the project, tracks for hiking and marathons will be created and promoted through pilot actions and all the technical and safety equipment will be purchased.

What’s the budget?

498.884,65 euro, out of which 424.051,94 euro ERDF


Lead Beneficiary (LB): Association Sport Club ACTIS (Romania)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): ARETE Sport (Bulgaria)

Beneficiary 3 (B3): Association for Improving Human Relations Harald Gormsson (Romania)


Start date: 19.07.2018

End date: 18.01.2020

Duration: 18 months


Calarasi, Teleorman (Romania)

Vratsa (Bulgaria)

How is it going to happen?

  • Creation of 2 new integrated tourism products: trails for hiking along the Danube and Danube marathons;
  • Development of 2 strategies to improve the sustainable use of natural and cultural heritage: 1 common strategy to identify the trails/circuits for green and healthy tourism along the Danube and 1 common strategy to promote the integrated tourism products.
  • Development of promotional materials (flyers, brochures, maps of cycling routes and paths etc.);
  • Developing a web portal to promote the integrated tourism products including SEO (search engine optimization) and of a mobile application with trails;
  • Purchase of specific equipment
  • Organization of 10 pilot actions in the eligible area of the Programme during the project implementation: 6 Experimental hiking expeditions (3 days each) and 4 Experimental marathons.

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 2 integrated tourism products/services created, 2 common strategies, policy or management plan for valorizing (including raising awareness) the cultural and natural heritage through its restoration and promotion for sustainable economic uses;

Programme results: 5,140 tourist overnights in the CBC region.

Project status

The project is finalized. The Final Implementation Report has been processed by JS and submitted to the MA on 05.03.2021.


- The common study for identify the routs for health tourism along the Danube has been elaborated both in RO and BG version.Two types of tourism package were identified: trails for hiking along the Danube and Danube marathons, also available at the project

- The Common strategy to identify trails/ circuits for green tourism along the Danube was elaborated and uploaded on the project website:;  

- The Common strategy to promote the integrated tourism products was elaborated by the project beneficiaries, uploaded on the project website on the following link:;

- The web portal was created, available in Ro,BG and Eng.

- Mobile application and interactive tourism maps have been elaborated. The mobile application is available at: Magazin play (Android) App store (IOS) with name: “greentourpro” and the tourism maps are available at;

- 10 pilot actions were organized in the eligible area:

6 Experimental hiking expeditions:

1. Hike for FUN Island Trail, organized in Calarasi during the period 13-16.06.2019

2. Hike for FUN – Danube Trail Adventure, organized in Calarasi during the period 27-30.06.2019

3. Hike for FUN Danube Boilers Trail, organized in Orsova during the period 06-09.08.2019

4. Hike for FUN Belogradchik Trail Adventure, organized in Belogradchik during the period 09-12.09.2019

5. Hike for FUN – Belogradchik Fall Adventure, organized in Belogradchik during the period 01-04.11.2019

6. Hike for FUN Balkan Adventure Tour organized in Belogradchik during the period 01-04.11.2019.

4 Experimental marathons:

1. Run for FUN Calarasi 2019, organized in Calarasi, on 13.04.2019

2. Run for FUN Mamaia 2019, organized in Constanta, on 14.04.2019

3. Run for FUN – Belogradchik Trail Marathon, organized in Belogradchik, on 16.11.2019

4. Run for FUN – Belogradchik City Marathon, organized in Belogradchik, on 17.11.2019.

- 2 integrated tourism products were created during the project implementation:

1. Hiking trails in Romania/Bulgaria;

2. Marathon trails in Romania/Bulgaria.

- Two touristic centres, located Belogradchik, Vidin district, 31, P. Yavorov street, in the building “Sport hall Belogradchik” and in town of Calarasi, 50B, Republicii Boulevard, have been established by the LB and B3. The equipment for trails purchased within the project are located in the both touristic centres (a part of the equipment purchased by the LB is stored in Cuza Voda Commune, Ceacu village, Calarasi County).

For better promotion of the project activities, it was developed project Facebook page - and project Instagram account -


Uniform standards, enhanced coordination – common security

What’s the goal?

The overall objective of the project is to ensure the protection and safety of the population in the Svishtov-Zimnicea cross border region by ensuring a rapid and adequate response to the emergency situations caused by fires and natural disasters.

What’s the budget?

989.404,57 euro, out of which 840.993,87 euro ERDF.

Who is doing it?

Lead Beneficiary (LB): Svishtov Municipality (Bulgaria)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Territorial Administrative Unit – Zimnicea Town (Romania)

When is it happening?

Start date: 28.07.2018

End date: 27.10.2020

Duration: 27 months

Where is it happening?

Svishtov, Veliko Tarnovo District, Bulgaria

Zimnicea, Teleorman County, Romania

How is it going to happen?

1. The joint partnership will be created through several project technical meetings in order to clarify and elaborate the technical documentation and the recommendation for the:

- Guide for developing a common cross border approach regarding managing emergencies based on the processes and activities initiated under the USES project;

- Design and dеvеlоpmеnt of the Joint Аctiоn Plan covering disaster resilience, mitigation and awareness raising campaigns for the cross-border population on the hazards and risk. The following results are expected: hazard management and current rescue service for flood prevention measures, risk management system and cross border rescue services/system; joint disaster risk prevention and management as one of the main cross border priorities; enhance the shared management of common risks at a cross border level; about 40 pages;

- Prevention and alarm guide in Romanian and Bulgarian language printed in edition of 3000 units (1500 Bg and 1500 Ro), A4 booklet, interior 15 glossy paper;

- Guideline for a joint cross border approach for handling emergency situations and Action plan will be contracted by the LB using external service. The Prevention and alarm guide will be developed by B2. All 3 items will be published on the partners websites and transmitted to all relevant organizations from the region in order for the target group to have free access to the information.

2. Purchase of equipment;

3. Information and promotion activities:

- 2 press conferences;

- Web site;

- Information and promotion materials:

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs:

- 65.000 people benefiting from actions of risk management;

- 1 joint partnership in the field of joint early warning and emergency response and exchange of experience;

Programme results: to increase the quality of joint risk management in the cross border area;

Project status

The Project Implementation period have ended on 27.10.2020.

According to the reported information so far, all project activities were implemented according to the approved application and the following progress has been registered:

- 2 press conferences have been organized – one in Zimnicea on 11th of December 2018 and another one in Svishtov on the 19th of February 2019;

- All of the equipment for the improvement of the Crisis Center Ovcha Mogila on behalf of LB have been delivered;

- All of the training equipment for the Training Center in Crisis Center in Ovcha Mogila on behalf of LB, has been delivered;

- All of the vehicles and specific machineries have been delivered on behalf of LB:

1 vehicle/van (16+1 persons) and 1 vehicle (4+1 persons) for transporting of voluntaries and distress people, 1 Wagon trailer with a total weight of up to 3500 kg with notification system / siren orange colour equipped (Portable computer, Thermal Imaging Camera, Video Drone, Tent - 4 seats, Inflatable tent, Chain saw for wood, Motor circular for metal, Motorized chainsaw for chippers with a single-handed, Auxiliary ropes - 30 meters and 60 meters, Towing steel ropes, Pneumatic lifting pillows, Extendable ladder, Stairs - four shafts, Folding ladder, Drainage pumps, Air breathing apparatus + 2 bottles, Generator 12.5 kw, Compressor for compressed air, Mobile rechargeable lighting fixtures, Lighting mast - Bulk type, Dedicated firefighter tools for ripping and cutting, Radio stations, Binoculars, Megaphones, Fire extinguishers - P5, P6, Fire extinguishers - G5, G6, Water fire extinguisher 9 litters, First aid medical kit, Gas masks), 1 tractor, 1 snow rake, 1 Mulcher for tractor (with a telescopic shoulder for mowing grass, shrubs, branches, as well as for cleaning road banquets), 1 Water Carrier vehicle and 1 Auto aerial platform vehicle;

- All of the vehicles and specific machineries have been delivered on behalf of B2:

1 auto aerial platform vehicle, 1 bobcat/mini frontal loader, 1 vehicle/van (16+1 persons) for transporting of voluntaries and distress people, 1 tractor, 1 Excavator-backhoe, 1 vehicle (4+1 persons), 1 Tractor tow, 1 Snow blade and 1 Salt spreader;

- Most of the foreseen equipment on behalf of B2-T.A.U. Zimnicea City have been delivered, namely, Metal dressing rooms, Protective suits for firefighters, Protective boots for firefighters, Helmets with visor, Belts for firefighters, Flashlights for firefighters, Protective gloves for firefighters, Reflective vests, Video and acoustic detector and Life jackets;


“Streamlining the joint response actions to emergency situations”

What’s the goal?

The overall objective of the project is to improve joint risk management in the programme area by increasing the joint response in case of emergency situations (flood management, forest fire protection etc.)

What’s the budget?

1,008,946.32 euro, out of which 857,604.36euro ERDF

Target at the half of the implementation period: 10,000 euro for LB, 97,675 euro for B2

Who is doing it?

Lead Beneficiary (LB): General Inspectorate for Emergency Situation (Romania)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Directorate General Fire Safety and Civil Protection –Ministry of Interior (Bulgaria)

When is it happening?

Start date: 16.05.2018

End date: 15.01.2023

Duration: 56 months

Where is it happening?

7 counties in Romania

8 districtsin Bulgaria

How is it going to happen?

vProcurement of specialized equipment;

vImprovement of training center for conduction of trainings for height and diving rescue activities;

vElaboration of the common training curricula and the joint partnerships;

vProviding common trainings and joint exercises;

vReviewing of the Joint Intervention Plan;

vElaboration of 3 contingency plans.

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 4 779 754 people benefiting from actions of risk management, 4 591 666 people benefiting from flood protection measures, 4 779 754 people benefiting from forest fire protection measures, 6 joint partnerships in the field of joint early warning and emergency response

Programme results: increased quality of joint risk management in the CBC area

Project status

The project implementation period ended on 15.01.2023.

All the activities are completed.

The main objective is to streamline the joint response in emergency situations in the cross-border area through common trainings in specialized polygons, procurement of specialized equipment and by improving common cross-border operational framework for emergency situations.

- Through the procurement of specialized equipments (water diving equipment, dive boat), the common trainings for search and rescue mission from aquatic environment that took place in the polygon in Balchik and the joint exercise conducted, the quality of the joint response in case of floods management was improved.

- Common trainings in the dedicated polygon in Craiova and joint exercise that took place in this project, raised first response efficiency to forest fires and in general to fires.

Three emergency plans were developed aimed at regulating the cooperation between the intervention resources belonging to the GIES and the DGFSCP to ensure operative intervention at a specific site;

A joint disaster intervention plan between GIES and DGFSCP was realized;

A joint partnership/plan was signed between GIES and DGFSCP regarding the joint training program which consists in the regulation of bilateral cooperation between GIES and DGFSCP in the field of training intervention personnel.




Stimulation and increase of the employment and cross-border mobility in the cross-border region

What’s the goal?

To stimulate the labor mobility and job opportunities through providing favorable conditions for development of joint business and entrepreneurships in the cross-border region.

What’s the budget?

598,785.51 euro, out of which 508,967.67 euro ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead beneficiary (LB): Municipality of Belene (Bulgaria)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Ovidius University (Romania)

When is it happening?

Start date: 17.04.2018

End date: 16.07.2022

Duration: 51 months

Where is it happening?

Constanta and Teleorman in Romania

Pleven in Bulgaria

How is it going to happen?

  • Development of a joint strategy;
  • Development of a web based platform with mobile internet version in Bulgarian, Romanian and English language to encourage the joint business initiatives in the CBC region and to stimulate employment opportunities;
  • Development of a web based training platform with mobile internet version in Bulgarian, Romanian and English language and preparation of webinars;
  • Organization of training workshops;
  • Organization of 6 joint forums.

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs:

- 25 initiatives that activate workforce mobility in the cross border area; 1400 participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint trainings 560 participants in joint educational and training schemes to support youth employment, educational opportunities and higher and vocational education across borders

Programme results:

            - 111,174 persons will have access to joint employment initiatives in the CBC region

Project status

The project was finalized and during its implementation, the following results were achieved:

- 16 two-day training workshops were organized for the unemployed and inactive people in the cross-border region with topics related to finding a job, developing a business and marketing, as follows:

30.05-31.05.2019 in Belene, with 34 participants;

24.06-25.06.2019 in Svishtov, 54 participants;

19.09-20.09.2019 in Pleven, 10 participants;

03.10-04.10.2019 in Nikopol, 29 participants;

14.11-15.11.2019, in Svishtov, 63 participants;

06.07-07.07.2020 in Belene, 19 participants;

08.07-09.07.2020 in Pleven, 4 participants.

5 trainings workshops in period 18.11-22.11.2019 in Alexandria, 250 participants;

2 training workshops in period 20-21.01.2020 in Turnu Magurele, 100 participants;

17.08-19.08.2020in Rosiori de Vede, 50 participants;

18.08-20.08.2020in Rosiori de Vede, 50 participants.

- 6 joint forums were organized in connection with ideas of initiatives about the need for business, ideas of Romanian-Bulgarian initiatives and improvement of public services, as follows:

04-05.09.2019 in Svishtov, 118 participants;

29-30.11.2019 in Pleven, 134 participants;

21-22.10.2019 in Belene, 172 participants.

15.11-16.11.2019 in Alexandria, 100 participants;

31.01-01.02.2020 in Turnu Magurele, 113 participants;

21.08-22.08.2020 in Alexandria, 100 participants.

- A joint strategy has been developed on the mobility of labour force and the integration into the labour market of disadvantaged people in the Romania-Bulgaria cross-border region;

- 1 web based platform with mobile internet version in Bulgarian, Romanian and English language available at the address: 1 web based platform in behalf of Beneficiary 2 – Ovidius University Constanta, available on;

- 1400 persons participated to the joint employment initiatives (training workshops and joint forum).


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