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RN4SC (ROBG-193)

Regional Network for Social Cohesion

What’s the goal?

The project aims to achieve more effective social services for people at risk of poverty or social exclusion in cross border area through cross border consolidation of resources, capacity building and public-private partnerships

What’s the budget?

347.854,79 euro, out of which 295.676,57 euro ERDF


Lead beneficiary (LB): Free Youth Centre (BG)

Beneficiary (B 2): Vasiliada Association (RO)


Start date: 26.04.2017

End date: 25.04.2019

Duration: 24 months


Veliko Tarnovo, Pleven, Vidin, Vratsa, Ruse and Dobrich in Bulgaria (+ Sofia).

Giurgiu, Mehedinţi, Calarasi, Constanta, Dolj in Romania (+Bucharest)


  • an evaluation study of current situation of social systems and needs assessment in RO BG border region
  • a virtual Community of Practice created as networking tool for sharing of methodical resources and communication
  • a data-base of 200 records about Bulgarian and Romanian social legislation, policy, profiles of social providers in cross border area
  • 300 experts in social field from public and NGO sector that will participate in exchange experience forums and joint trainings
  • 12 social public and non-governmental organisations that shared practical experiences and developed joint intiatives as result of exchange visits
  • A RO BG cross border network of providers of social services created

Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 1 supported cross border mechanism

Programme results: increased level of coordination of the public institutions in the eligible area

Project status

The project is finalized.

For the development of the project the partners have mapped the available official information for existing social service providers, covering an area of 13 administrative units - Vratsa, Pleven, Veliko-Tarnovo, Ruse, Silistra and Dobrich districts in Bulgaria, Mehedinti, Dolj, Olt, Teleorman, Giurgiu, Călărași and Constanta counties in Romania. As result of this activity, a data-base was created with basic information about every structure and social service – e.g. name, contact details, scope of work, target groups, capacity, best practices, needs, etc. and a consolidated report about current situation of social systems and needs assessment in participating regions for capacity building in provision of social services was developed.

The information is available, in Bulgarian, Romanian and English languages on the project website, . The website contains a section with the social structures from the entire eligible area (data base elaborated within the project), a section with a map which contains all the structures from the data base, a section with national legislation in social field from both countries, and the comparative research of the social systems in the Bulgarian-Romanian border region, elaborated within the project.

For increasing the level of coordination of the public institutions in the eligible area, there were organized 10 thematic exchange of experience forums, 10 training sessions and 6 exchange visits, with participation of 12 organizations/institutions selected on a competitive basis were organized.

BG-RO E-GoverNet (ROBG-168)

Development of an information network to ease the cooperation between public authorities, NGOs, business and citizens in the cross-border region Bulgaria-Romania

What’s the goal?

The project aims to establish an efficient and effective innovative tool for better cooperation/coordination among public and private stakeholders at cross-border level

What’s the budget?

1,489,666.82 euro, out of which 1,266,216.80 euro ERDF


Lead Beneficiary (LB): Business Support Centre for Small and Medium Enterprises – Ruse (BG)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Ruse Regional Administration (BG) - withdrawn

Beneficiary 3 (B3): Eastern Danube Convention & Visitors Bureau Association (RO)


Start date: 20.04.2017

End date: 19.04.2019

Duration: 24 months


Veliko Tarnovo, Pleven, Vidin, Vratsa, Ruse and Dobrich in Bulgaria (+ Sofia).

Giurgiu, Mehedinţi, Calarasi, Constanta, Dolj in Romania (+Bucharest)


  • 1 detailed study and analysis of the current situation
  • 1 strategy
  • 1 information exchange online platform- BG-RO EGoverNet
  • 1 public- private network for better cooperation

Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 9 supported cross border mechanisms: 5 cooperation agreements, 1 network, 1 study, 1 strategy, 1 information exchange platform

Programme results: increased level of coordination of the public institutions in the eligible area

Project status

The project is finalized.

After the partnership reorganization following B2 officially withdrawn from the project, the activities were carried out and the project results were reached, including:

A joint study on the current situation on public e-services in RO and BG has been made.

The strategy for improvement of the environment regarding public services in the CBA Bulgaria-Romania under E-GoverNet project, was drafted based on the outcomes of the study and analysis previously carried out by both LB and B2. The strategy and its full translation in EN has been uploaded on the web platform E-GoverNet.

The teams of both project partners held meetings with representatives of public authorities in the CBA and encourage them to take part in the project activities and join the Network. 13 cooperation agreements with different public authorities or NGOs from the cross-border area, were signed.

Promotional activities were carried out by the project partners, including elaboration of promotional materials and organization of meetings with stakeholders for disseminating the project results.

Outside of the regular activities of the project, the E-GoverNet project was among the four selected projects which were promoted to the workshop with the theme “Boosting cross-border regions with eGovernment solutions”, event organized by DG Regio on 09.10.2018 in Brussels during the European Week of Regions and Cities.

The E-GoverNet web platform has been developed and is available in all three languages at the link


Listen, Educate, Act and Read in a NETWORK

What’s the goal?

The project aims to connect pupils to their communities, by broadening their understanding of the importance of building aspirations and vocation skills, in order to ensure career readiness

What’s the budget?

372.178,65 euro, out of which 316.351,84 euro ERDF


Lead Beneficiary (LB): Territorial Administrative Unit- Lumina Commune

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Territorial Administrative Unit– Ovidiu Town

Beneficiary 3 (B3):Territorial Administrative Unit–Mihail Kogalniceanu Commune

Beneficiary 4 (B4):General Toshevo Municipality

Beneficiary 5 (B5): Kavarna Municipality


Start date: 08/06/2017

End date: 07/12/2018

Duration: 18 months


Dobrich in Bulgaria

Constanta in Romania


  • services of career guidance for pupils from lower secondary school
    • 3 types of counseling for pupils (psychological, career and group counseling)
    • 250 pupils involved in all project activities
    • education tools: strategy for youth transition to labor market, website, workshops, online platform, 2 blogs, 4 study visits
    • 30 local agreements with employers

Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 9supported cross border mechanisms to enhance cooperation capacity: 1 strategy, 1 website, 1 online platform, 2 blogs, 4 study visits

Programme results: increased level of coordination between local public authorities, schools, district authorities and employers

Project status

All activities were finalized.


- 1 Cross Border Strategy regarding the role of local public authorities in providing counselling and support for pupils as future citizens of local communities was developed for both regions, Constanta and Dobrich including action plans for each of the project partners;

- 1 website, online platform as a web based resources network among the pupils/teachers/professional counsellor/ parents/employers/public institutions, and 2 blogs available at the address;

- 30 local Agreements with employers from local (20 agreements) and county/district level (10 agreements);

- 40 local workshops organized with local employers (8 workshops for each project partner) and 10 county/district level workshops organized with county/district level employers (2 workshops for each project partner);

800 bilingual brochures “Find your vocation”;

- 4 study visits developed in Constanta county, Romania and Dobrich district, Bulgaria, by mixt delegations formed by pupils, teachers and project partner’s representative;

- 5 local Vocational Ateliers completely furnished and equipped;

- 218 pupils engaged in the Strategy related to the local workshops;

- 3 types of counselling for pupils (psychological, career and group counselling);

- 250 pupils engaged in psychological counselling;

- 250 pupils engaged in career counselling;

- 250 pupils engaged in the group counselling (parent, pupil, teacher);

- 218 pupils engaged in the training regarding the use of project’s website, online platform and blogs.


Developing a Common Approach to Education

in Entrepreneurship at School

What’s the goal?

To increase the capacity of the educational institutions through collaboration within the cross-border region. 

What’s the budget?

145,020.62 euro, out of which 123,267.52 ERDF

Target at the half of the implementation period: 60,338 euro for Lead Beneficiary and 28,731 euro for Beneficiary 2.

Who is doing it?

Lead beneficiary (LB): First Elementary School “Nikola Yonkov Vaptsarov”, Berkovitsa (Bulgaria)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Gimnasyum School „Zaharia Stancu”, Roșiori de Vede (Romania)

Beneficiary 3 (B3): Regional Management of Education Montana (Bulgaria)

When is it happening?

Start date: 07.06.2017

End date: 06.12.2018

Duration: 18 months

Where is it happening?

Berkovitsa, Montana,Montana District, Bulgaria

Roșiori de Vede, Teleorman County, Romania

How is it going to happen?

  • Creation of cross-border web-portal named “Entrepreneurship Spirit at Schools” and virtual manual for entrepreneurship training at school;
  • Coordination of instruments, methods and best practices for assisting teachers in their classes of entrepreneurship;
  • Development of joint innovative entrepreneurship curriculum and textbook suitable for training in elementary schools;
  • Modernization of school facilities in designated entrepreneurship zones at school;
  • Information and publicity: t-shirts, posters, leaflets, brochures, , indoor banner, notepads, pens, folders, information boards; organizing 2 conferences in Romania and Bulgaria;

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs:

- 6 supported cross border mechanism to enhance cooperation capacity –1 joint curriculum, 2 joint textbooks printed, 1 web-based virtual manual jointly developed, 1 joint web portal, 1 joint network between two educational institutions created;

Programme results: increased level of co-ordination of the public institutions in the eligible area.

Project status

The implementation period of the project was finalized on 06.12.2018.

The following objectives have been achieved:

A joint partnership has been established by the project partners;

A web portal ( ) was created, which provides comprehensive information about the two partner schools and reference information for the relevant education ministries and regional education inspectorates in the Montana and Teleorman district centers in three languages - English, Bulgarian and Romanian.

The experts and teachers in entrepreneurship learnt about two interesting models and European practices that have not been applied so far in the field of professional training of teachers in entrepreneurship in school.

The curriculums and the textbooks have been developed and they can be found on: . The content of the curriculums enables the acquisition of basic knowledge and skills in entrepreneurship and new business management.

The curriculums has been developed in three parts:

1. Curriculum in ceramics

2. Curriculum in weaving and embroidery

3. Curriculum in wood carving

Along with the curriculums modernization of the two schools which are partners within the project have been performed, namely B22, has equipped the existing cabinets for teaching entrepreneurship with furniture, air-conditioning system, TV, 1 computer, 3 laptops, refrigerator, info board, exhibition stand, video projector with projection screen, 3 security cameras, 2 mobile phones, 20 flash memory storage devices, 1 laser printer, 1 multifunctional device, 1 magnetic board and 1 flipchart, while the LB have designated the following areas in entrepreneurship called "New Old Crafts" - pottery, carpet weaving and embroidery, wood carving and have equipped them with furniture, exhibition stand, wall with creative paint, CCTV system, roller for clay boards, ceramic oven, laboratory island, lathe, mobile laboratory, demonstration table, 10 Digital scales, 6 Vessels to extract dye, 2 Portable stand for brochures, 2 air-conditioning systems, binding machine, paper cutting machine, laminator and machine for embossing and cutting;

A web-based virtual manual has been elaborated and it could be found on: ;

CBA (ROBG-136)

Cross-border advanced training programme for Giurgiu

   County and Ruse District Administrations

What’s the goal?

The project aims to increase the cooperation between Territorial Administrative Unit – Giurgiu County and Ruse District administration in areas of common interest as regional importance investments and green economy.

What’s the budget?

440.393,19 euro, out of which 374.334,21 euro ERDF


Lead Beneficiary: Territorial Administrative Unit – Giurgiu County(RO)


B2:Ruse District administration(BG)

B3:Tsenovo Municipality (BG)


Start date: 20.05.2017

End date: 19.05.2019

Duration: 24 months


Ruse District and Giurgiu County


  • purchasing equipment and services
  • 1 developed analysis, 1 manual, 1 strategy, 2 roundtables, 2 seminars
  • mentorship programme and training courses
  • exchange of good practices in 2 EU countries
  • 1 joint action plan for improving conditions at the administrative level

Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 4 cross border mechanisms: 1 Working Group - information exchange tool (which will be organised and function based on a regulation) its activity resulting in the elaboration of an Action Plan, 1 network of CBC actors (from Ro, Bg & visited countries, etc., 1 analysis (Research and analysis of the current situation regarding the implementation of GE in two areas (RD-GC); 1 integrated sustainable energy efficiency strategy at the level of RD-GC region

Programme results: increased level of coordination of public institutions in cross-border area

Project status (reflected in progress reports)

The project is finalized.

As Beneficiary 2 faced problems in ensuring the necessary financial resources for the project implementation, a new partner -Tsenovo Municipality – was brought in the partnership, taking over B2 budget and the respective share of the project activities. Beneficiary 2, in turn, remained involved in the implementation of the project activities without a minor financial contribution.

The Level of co-ordination of the public institutions participating in the project – Giurgiu County, Ruse District Administration and Tsenovo Municipality improved as a result of the implemented project activities, which contributed to creating an administrative and institutional framework for cooperation in areas of common interest such as regional importance investments and green economy.

A joint advanced training programme for the staff of the beneficiaries was organized, consisting of:

  • A Mentorship Programme organized in Ruse in the period April 23-27, 2018 and in the period June 18, 2018 in Giurgiu;
  • A training “Management of public investments" held in Constanta in the period August 06-11, 2018;
  • A Training course on Green economy  organized in the period March 24-29, 2019 in Veliko Tarnovo;

Both beneficiaries – Giurgiu County and Tsenovo Municipality also purchased the necessary IT and communication equipment for ensuring a modern framework for the activity of their administrations.

A study visit for exchange of good practices was organized for representatives of the beneficiaries administration in 2 EU Countries - Sweden in the period 24-29.06.2018 and Austria in the period 09-14.09.2018 .

The project contributed with a 4 cross border mechanisms enforcing the cooperation capacity of the 3 partners, namely:

  • A Working Group comprising members of all 3 beneficiaries, set-up as a common mechanism for supporting and strengthening investments with the aim to deliberate on the priorities of the cross-border region. As a result, Action Plan for improving conditions at the administrative level in the Giurgiu-Ruse region, which was adopted via a Partnership Agreement signed by the 3 project partners;
  • A Network of CBC actors, representing a list of potential partners from Giurgiu County, Ruse District, as well as the visited countries Austria and Sweden intended to facilitate future collaborations between organisation from the cross-border area Ruse-Giurgiu and made available on the website of the 3 partners;
  • A Research and analysis of the current situation regarding the implementation of the Green Energy in the Giurgiu-Ruse cross-border region, investigating the existing opportunities for using wind energy, sun energy, water energy, biomass and waste in the region, good practices, as well as the training needs of the partners’ staff. It has thus provided the 3 partners with the necessary data and concentrated perspective on how planning could be put in action.
  • Integrated sustainable energy efficiency strategy at the level of RD-GC region designed to guide the project beneficiaries and relevant stakeholders in the Giurgiu-Ruse cross-border region in the field of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency. A Cross-border Committee for Strategy Monitoring comprising members of the 3 partners, was set-up as the main organisation structure, responsible for the Strategy management, monitoring, evaluation and updating. Two round tables - in Ruse on 03.10.2018 and in Giurgiu on 04.10.2018 were organized as part of the Strategy development process. Also 2 dedicated seminars were held in Ruse and Giurgiu in view of disseminating the developed Strategy among the stakeholders.


A chance for development

What’s the goal?

To increase of employability and professional mobility of people in search of employment in Dolj, Vidin and Svisthov.

What’s the budget?

648,094.73 euro, out of which 550,880.51 ERDF


Lead beneficiary (LB): University of Craiova (Romania)

Beneficiary 2 (B 2): Regional Development Foundation – RDF (Bulgaria)

Beneficiary 3 (B 3): D Tsenov Academy of Economics (Bulgaria)


Start date: 16.05.2017

End date: 15.05.2019

Duration: 24 months


Craiova, Dolj County, Romania

Vidin, Svishtov, Vidin, Veliko Tarnovo Districts, Bulgaria


  • Selection and involvement of the target group in activities;
  • Setting up of a Romanian-Bulgarian career and recruitment center;
  • Professional training courses;
  • Study visits of the target group members to socio-economic units in Romania and Bulgaria;
  • Designing an interactive website for facilitating communication between employers and job-seekers;
  • Organization of a job fair;
  • Conferences on the topic of sustainable development and the increase employment levels in the cross-border region;
  • Elaboration of information and publicity materials (leaflets, posters, rollups, 2 press conferences);

Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs:

- 14 initiatives (trainings, education schemes, websites, agreements, networks, job-fairs etc.) that activate workforce mobility in the cross border area: 12 trainings, 1 website, 1 job-fair

- 400 participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training

- 300 participants in joint educational and training schemes to support youth employment, educational opportunities and higher and vocational education across borders

Programme results: population that have access to joint employment initiatives – 700 participants

Project status

The project is finalized.


- A website in 3 languages (Ro, Bg, En), available at the address

- 3 professional conferences organized to the University of Craiova;

- 13 courses have been completed by the project beneficiaries in the following fields: optics and optometry, radiotherapy, pollution and environmental protection, acoustics and audiometry, physico-chemical analyses in the field of environmental protection, English language, Bulgarian language, IT, entrepreneurial skills, trainer, PR and communications assistant, project manager, geographic information systems,

1 Romanian language course organized by B2 and 1 Entrepreneurship course has been completed by B3.

- 3 professional conferences organized by the University of Craiova;

- 4 study visits for unemployed people, students and academics to potential employers in Bulgaria and Romania;

-4 job fairs were organized, as follows:

   - 25th of October 2018 in Craiova;

   - 27th of March, 2019, in Svishtov;

   -05th of December 2018 in Craiova;

   -29th of February 2019 in Vidin.

A Romanian-Bulgarian Career and Recruitment Centre that facilitates the inclusion in the labor market and professional mobility of the unemployed, students and graduates from the region of implementation was established within the University of Craiova.

- All equipment foreseen in the AF was purchased by the University of Craiova (Equipment such as: Computer tomography module, X ray tube, Refractometer, Audiometer, Goniometer, Bio-microscope, NEURO-AUDIO device, lensmeter, etc.).

FairDeal (ROBG-204)

Short supply-chain platforms for local artisan and agriculture products in the CBC area

What’s the goal?

To trigger new economic opportunities for self-/employment and entrepreneurship in the CB area by joint development of an innovative solution for online marketing of local products.

What’s the budget?

656,426.06 euro, out of which 557,962.15 ERDF

Target at the half of the implementation period: 156,459 euro for Lead Beneficiary and 47,599 euro for Beneficiary 2, 76,501 euro for Beneficiary 3 and 22,188 euro for Beneficiary 4.

New budget after the half of the implementation period is:

Total budget: 572,533.62 euro, out of which 486,653.55 ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead partner: Veliko Tarnovo Municipality (Bulgaria)

Partner: Dimanche Association(Romania)

Partner: Bilateral Chamber of Commerce Bulgaria-Romania (Bulgaria)

Partner: National Theatre "Marin Sorescu" Craiova (Romania)

When is it happening?

Start date: 09.06.2017

End date: 08.03.2020

Duration: 33 months

Where is it happening?

Veliko Tarnovo, Veliko Tarnovo District, Sofia, Bulgaria

Craiova, Dolj County, Romania

How is it going to happen?

  • Conception, business process analysis and application requirements definition - FairDeal platform software development life-cycle (SDLC);
  • Development of the hardware and software infrastructure necessary for the operation of the FairDeal online retail solution;
  • Organization of craft trade fairs in Veliko Tarnovo and Craiova;
  • Promotion and community network building;
  • Project publicity and information activities - promotional materials (hats, T-shirts, eco-bags, folders, nformational materials (brochures, leаflets, etc.), press/ internet/ social media advertising campaign, press conferences.

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs:

- 5 initiatives that activate workforce mobility in the cross border area: 1 platform/ network, 2 educational seminars and 2 fairs;

- 9540 participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training;

Programme results: population that have access to joint employment initiatives – 9500 people.

Project status (reflected in progress reports)

The Project implementation period has been finalized on 08.03.2020.

The progress registered:

- The hardware necessary for the operation of the FairDeal software platform has been purchased and installed;

- The software platform has been developed;

- LB collected a database of 4500 local artisans;

- B4 organised 1 trade craft fair and 1 seminar on 20.10.2018 in Craiova;

- LB organised 1 trade craft fair and 1 seminar on 06-07.07.2019 in Veliko Tarnovo;

- B4 collected a database of 4500 local artisans;


Improvement of the conditions for employment of youth in the tourism sector

What’s the goal?

The project aims to increase the competitiveness of the youth work force from cross border region and stimulate its mobility across the border.

What’s the budget?

340.542,98 euro, out of which 289.461,53 euro ERDF


Lead Beneficiary (LB): Kavarna Municipality (BG)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Association “Partners 2000” (RO)

Beneficiary 3 (B3): ”Ovidius” University of Constanta (RO)


Start date: 18.05.2017

End date: 17.03.2019

Duration: 23 months


Dobrich in Bulgaria

Calarasi and Constanta in Romania


  • Improved professional qualification and language competence of 80 people
  • 1 Virtual Centre for Promotion of Employment created
  • 200 legal consultations delivered to the youth from the region
  • 4 job fairs carried out
  • 1 joint strategy for managing human resources in tourism sector

Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs:480 participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training, 80 participants in joint educational and training schemes to support youth employment, educational opportunities and higher and vocational education across borders, 5 initiatives that activate workforce mobility in the cross border area

Programme results: 22880 people that have access to joint employment initiatives

Project status

The project was finalized on 17.03.2019 with the following main achievements:

A broad informational campaign for selection of the target group interested in professional carrier in tourism was implemented in Romanian and Bulgaria in the period November 2017 – March 2018, which resulted in the identification of 42 Romanian and 45 Bulgarian young people that will take part in the planned vocational trainings in the field of tourism. 2 motivation trainings were held in each country with the selected target group.

Based on the professional qualification chosen by the target group the following trainings were organized:

- Bulgaria: training course for professional qualification “Cook” and “Waiter”

- Romania: training course for professional qualification “Technician in tourism” and “Banqueting organizer”

The LB and B2 purchased IT and videoconferencing equipment necessary for organizing the BG and RO language training. The selected by the LB contractor elaborated the joint strategy for managing human resources in tourism sector in the cross border region.

A Virtual Centre for Promotion of Employment proposed as a web-based platform featuring relevant information for job seekers, employers searching for workers, information about the tourism sector in the region, opportunities to connect companies operating in tourism, practical advices on preparing a resume, professional ethics, others was developed and is currently available in BG and EN language at  


Improving the workforce mobility and employment in cultural and creative industries from the RO-BG cross-border area

What’s the goal?

To improve the knowledge base on creative and cultural industries, as well as labour mobility barriers in the CBC area.

What’s the budget?

577,790.85 euro, out of which 491,112.80 ERDF


Lead beneficiary (LB): Romanian Association for Technology Transfer and Innovation (Romania)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Forever for Europe Association (FEA) (Romania)

Beneficiary 3 (B3): Business Innovation Centre Innobridge (INNOBRIDGE BIC) (Bulgaria)


Start date: 05.05.2017

End date: 04.05.2019

Duration: 24 months


Mehedinti, Dolj, Olt, Teleorman, Giurgiu Counties, Romania

Vidin, Montana, Vratsa, Pleven, Veliko Tarnovo, Ruse Districts, Bulgaria


  • One study for identifying and evaluation the economic activities related to cultural and creative industries in the targeted RO-BG cross-border area;
  • One study for identifying specific aspects of Romania and Bulgaria national legislation regarding social security, employment, taxes and financial issues;
  • Trainings for Romanian employees in creative and cultural industries;
  • Trainings for Bulgarian employees in creative and cultural industries;
  • Cross-border visits for exchange of experiences for professionals in creative and cultural industries;
  • Integrated joint cross-border job fairs;
  • Audio-video promotion materials regarding the job-fairs;
  • 2 cross-border centers for supporting activities and employment in cultural and creative industries;
  • Web site acting as an interactive platform for providing conclusive information and promoting creative and cultural industries;
  • Educational caravans in universities from Craiova and Ruse to promote youth employment in creative and cultural industries;
  • Information and publicity materials (Paper bags, Trinkets, Ballpoint pens, Notepads A5, Caps, T-shirts, Umbrellas, Stick flash-memory 32 GB, promotion roll-up, presentation films, video clips and radio spots).

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs:

- 4 initiatives (trainings, education schemes, websites, agreements, networks, job-fairs etc.) that activate workforce mobility in the cross border area: 11 trainingsessions; 11 job fairs; 6 visits for exchange of good practices; 1 website; 8 educational caravans;

- 558 participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training;

- 200 participants in joint educational and training schemes to support youth employment, educational opportunities and higher and vocational education across borders.

Programme results: population that have access to joint employment initiatives – 22.758.

Project status (reflected in progress reports)

The project is finalized, the followings results were achieved:

- elaboration of the joint Study for identifying and evaluation the economic activities related to cultural and creative industries in the targeted RO-BG cross-border area.

- elaboration of the joint Study for identifying specific aspects of Romania and Bulgaria national legislation regarding social security, employment, taxes and financial issues.

- creation of 2 cross border creative centers - 130 people benefiting from the services offered

- organization of 11 trainings for Romanian and Bulgarian employees in creative and cultural industries attended by 241 people

- organization of 11 job fayrs - with 242 paricipants

- organization of 6 exchange experiences in Romania and Bulgaria- with 108 participants

- organization of 8 educational Caravan - 193 students have been granted access to the joint employment initiatives

The project website is available in all three languages


Heightened Information and Resources for Employability Development

What’s the goal?                                              

To provide sustainable and research-informed instruments for enhancing employability and work mobility in the CBA.

What’s the budget?

474,549.10 euro, out of which 403,366.73 ERDF


Lead Beneficiary (LB): Triangulum Association, Subsidiary (Romania)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Association Partners 2000 (Romania)


Beneficiary 4 (B4): Association for Cross-Border Cooperation and Development “Danube Dobrudja” (Bulgaria)


Start date: 20.04.2017

End date: 19.12.2018

Duration: 20 months


Oltenita, Calarasi, Calarasi County, Romania

Silistra, Silistra District, Bulgaria


  • 3 training programs giving qualifications in the area of business and administration (entrepreneurship, sales, and project management) - 12 training sessions: 6 in Călărași (2 on entrepreneurship, 2 on project management and 2 on sales) and 6 in Silistra (2 on entrepreneurship, 2 on project management and 2 on sales);
  • Developing and maintaining a web platform;
  • Developing Ro and Bg language courses with textual, video and audio materials to support independent study;
  • Organizing 2 conferences, one on each side of the border;
  • Organizing 2 job and education fairs, one in Silistra and one in Călărași;
  • Developing the brand and communication plan for the online platform;
  • Promoting the online platform through Google AdWords and Facebook Ads;
  • Raising awareness about the projects’ educational programs and services through: brochures, leaflets, posters, roll-up banners, outdoor banner.

Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs:

- 4 initiatives that activate workforce mobility in the cross border area: 1 education scheme + 1 website + 2 job fairs;

- 300 participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training;

Programme results: population that have access to joint employment initiatives – 5,500 persons: 300 participants in training programmes; 200 attendants in 2 job fairs and 5000 visitors on the web platform.

Project status

The project was finalized.

The following results have been achieved by the project:

3 training programs giving qualifications in the area of business and administration (entrepreneurship, sales, and project management) - 12 training sessions: 6 in Călărași (2 on entrepreneurship, 2 on project management and 2 on sales) and 6 in Silistra (2 on entrepreneurship, 2 on project management and 2 on sales) were organized;

a web platform ( developed and maintained in good conditions;

Ro and Bg language courses were developed;

2 conferences, one on each side of the border were organized;

2 job and education fairs, one in Silistra and one in Călărași, have been organized.


MObility of Workers and unEmployed Upgrade

What’s the goal?

To contribute to creating an integrated eligible area in terms of employment and labor mobility; to make the workforce seize cross-border jobs and entrepreneurship opportunities; to create measurable outcomes for enabling the area to be a region to live, study and work.

What’s the budget?

399.360,85 euro, out of which 339.456,72 euro ERDF


Lead Beneficiary (LB): Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Dobrich (Bulgaria)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): NPO European Institute for Cultural Tourism EUREKA (EICT EUREKA) (Bulgaria),

Beneficiary 3 (B3): Constanta Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Shipping and Agriculture – CCINA Constanta (Romania)


Start date: 23.05.2017

End date: 22.05.2019

Duration: 24 months


Constanta in Romania

Dobrich, Ruse in Bulgaria


  • Conducting studies - “World of carriers and jobs”; “World of skills and education improvement”
  • Elaboration of self-assessment tools
  • Establishment of network of stakeholders
  • Platform information architecture and content development
  • Web based platform development and operation

Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 4 initiatives that activate workforce mobility in the cross border area; 25 000 participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training;

Programme results: 30 000 will have access to joint employment initiatives

Project status

The project implementation was finalised in June 2019 and the output and results achieved by the project consist in:

  • MOWEUP web-based platform, available at offering access to studies on employment and education, various tools elaborated within the project - carrier development videos, job video tips, 3 self-assessment tools for personality, carrier interests, transferable carrier skills, which based on 1 matching mechanism determine the most suitable career and job, as well as a comprehensive collection of information, intended to foster the employability and labour mobility of the jobseekers in the eligible area; The web-platform has attracted by the end of the project at total of 822 registered users and 1623 visitors.
  • MOWEUP network of stakeholders, including 67 organisations, registered on the platform as partners, participating in the round tables and contributing to the large collection of information available on the web-platform. They are also intended to play crucial role in the future promotion and ensuring the sustainability of the platform, providing access to information and other tools in the field of employment and labour mobility and promoting the platform in their initiatives;
  • 15 round tables in each region of the cross-border area (7 in Romania and 8 in Bulgaria), attracting a total of 313(153 in Romania; 160 in Bulgaria) representatives of the target group and aimed at facilitating the informational exchange between the relevant stakeholders and ensuring sustainable provision of information sources and access to the joint data base with information and advice;
  • 15 pilot trainings in each region of the cross-border area - 7 in RO and 8 in BG - attended by a total of 432 (207 RO and 225 BG) participants from the target group, 174 of each 29 years or younger, aimed at informing and demonstrating them how to benefit from the content of the web platform.

Efforts for Disadvantaged People (ROBG-163)

“Combined Efforts in Support to Disadvantaged People on the Labour Market in the Cross-Border Area”

What’s the goal?

The project aims to assist the integration of disadvantaged people on the labour market in the CB area.

What’s the budget?

165,143.60 euro, out of which 140,372.05 euro ERDF


Lead beneficiary (LB): Roma – Berk Association (BG)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Association for Regional Development and Partnership (RO)

Beneficiary 3 (B3): Municipality Berkovitsa (BG)


Start date: 05.05.2017

End date: 04.08.2019

Duration: 24 months (suspended in the period 02.04.2018 – 01.07.2018)


Montana in Bulgaria and , Dolj in Romania


  • 1 joint strategy on combating the obstacles to entering the labor market of disadvantaged people
  • 1 Manual on innovative labour practices, methods and guidelines
  • trainings of 6 groups of unemployed persons
  • 2 counseling centers established
  • 1 online platform launched
  • 2 job fairs

Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs:3 initiatives that activate workforce mobility in the cross border area, 290 participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training, 90 participants in joint educational and training schemes to support youth employment, educational opportunities and higher and vocational education across borders

Programme results: 8200 people that have access to joint employment initiatives

Project status

The project is finalized.

A conference "EU and the cross-border cooperation programmes in support to the local communities" was also organized on 11 October 2017, in Berkovitsa by B3.

Both the LB and B3 procured promotion and information materials (information boards, folders, pens, notepads, indoor and outdoor banner, leaflets, posters). Also, there were selected the participants for the forthcoming trainings.

A survey and study of the obstacles and problems associated with discouraging disadvantaged people from entering the labor market in the CB area was developed by the project expert group. They focused on the preparation of a program for the trainings of the target group representatives.The program was composed of 2 modules - Legislation applicable to work and business in the CB area and How to start your own business - aspects of training related to the matter known as lifestyle entrepreneurship. Also, the manual to help disadvantaged people in self-employment and job search was prepared.

A consultancy center was set up in Berkovitsa by Beneficiary 3, in order to provide information and advice to the unemployed disadvantaged people for employment opportunities and to assist employers for hiring unemployed disadvantaged people.

Following the replacement of the Romanian Partner in December 2018, the new partner, University of Craiova set up the Consultancy Center in Romania, hosted by County Library "Alexandru and Aristia Aman" Craiova in the Cross-border Center for Information and Cooperation Dolj-Vratsa at 21, Jietului Street, Craiova.

The project website was also developed and can be accessed at


Integrated employment interventions in the Border Cooperation Region, Giurgiu – Ruse

What’s the goal?

The project aims to increase the labor mobility rate in Giurgiu-Ruse region.

What’s the budget?

634,937.12 euro, out of which 539,696.56 euro ERDF


Lead Beneficiary (LB): Romanian Red Cross National Society Giurgiu Subsidiary

Beneficiary 2 (B2): University of Ruse “A. Kanchev”

Beneficiary 3 (B3):Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Beneficiary 4 (B4): Ruse administration – withdrawn from the project


Start date: 21.04.2017

End date: 20.10.2018

Duration: 18 months


Veliko Tarnovo, Pleven, Vidin, Vratsa, Ruse and Dobrich in Bulgaria (+ Sofia)

Giurgiu, Mehedinţi, Calarasi, Constanta, Dolj in Romania (+Bucharest)


  • 1 study to identify measures for better correlation between the individual skills, education, employment potential and opportunities in the labor market
  • 2 regional resource centers for employment
  • 2 job fairs organized
  • 1 information and motivation campaign organized
  • 1 IT job platform for job mobility and website developed

Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 10 initiative that activate workforce mobility in the cross border area, 250 participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training, 150 participants in joint educational and training schemes to support youth employment, educational opportunities and higher and vocational education across borders

Programme results: 14. 623 people from Giurgiu- Ruse region that will have access to joint employment initiatives

Project status

The project is finalized.


- 1 study to identify measures for better correlation between the individual skills, education, employment potential and opportunities in the labor market from region Russe-Giurgiu;

- 2 Regional Resource Centers for Employment in Giurgiu – Ruse region, one in Giurgiu and one in Ruse. These Regional Resource Centers for Employment were equipped with the necessary infrastructure (laptops, desktops, furniture, office and windows licenses);

-   2 jobs fairs in the Giurgiu - Ruse region, one in February 2018 in Giurgiu and one in October 2018 in Ruse;

-   One IT Job platform for mobility was developed within this project, providing opportunities for people looking for a job and companies looking for employees in the Giurgiu – Ruse area. The platform is available at


Romanian Bulgarian Organic- Entrepreneurial Network

What’s the goal?                                              

The project aims to increase the entrepreneurial and labour activities in the area of organic food production, delivery and promotion in the cross border area Constanţa-Dobrich.

What’s the budget?

129,793.23 euro, out of which 110,324.25 euro ERDF


Lead Beneficiary (LB): Black Sea Centre of Excellence (BG)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): ONG Mare Nostrum (RO)


Start date: 20.04.2017

End date: 19.10.2018

Duration: 18 months


Veliko Tarnovo, Pleven, Vidin, Vratsa, Ruse and Dobrich in Bulgaria (+ Sofia).

Giurgiu, Mehedinţi, Calarasi, Constanta, Dolj in Romania (+Bucharest)


  • 1 Organic- Entrepreneurial Network that will link geographically the existing organic food businesses, start-ups, trainees and education and associated institutions;
  • 1 web portal “Cross-Border Nature-Friendly Entrepreneurs”;
  • 2 spot-visit workshops at host farms and companies in the region of Constanta and Dobrich;
  • 1 joint Organic festival “The gifts of Nature”;
  • training sessions and partnerships with education institutions in organic food area.

Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 10 initiatives that activate workforce mobility in the cross border area: 1 common strategy, 3 education schemes, 3 trainings, 2 spot visits, 1 organic international festival

Programme results: 402.580 people from the cross border area Constanţa-Dobrich that will have access to joint employment initiatives in organic food area

Project status

The project is finalized.

The following results were obtained:

- 1 Organic - Entrepreneurial Network that links geographically the existing organic food businesses, start-ups, trainees and education and associated institutions;

- 1 web portal “Cross-Border Nature-Friendly Entrepreneurs”, which can be accessed at the following link:;

- 2 spot-visit workshops at host farms and companies in the region of Constanta and Dobrich;

- 1 joint Organic festival “The gifts of Nature”;

- 3 training sessions and partnerships with education institutions in organic food area.

The Bridges of Time (ROBG–128)

An Integrated Approach for Improving the Sustainable Use of Nikopol-Turnu Magurele Cross-border Cultural Heritage

What’s the goal?

To improve the sustainable use of Nikopol-Turnu Magurele cross-border cultural heritage by developing, implementing and promoting an integrated joint approach for investing in sustainable tourism.

What’s the budget?

Total budget of the project = 5,816,165.49 euro, out of which 4,943,740.66 ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead beneficiary (LB): Nikopol Municipality, Bulgaria

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Turnu Magurele Town, Romania

When is it happening?

Start date: 31.03.2017

End date: 30.12.2023

Duration: 81 months

How is it going to happen?

  • construction works for restoring Turnu Magurele fortress;
  • constructing Nikopol archeological park with access road to Cliff Church 3 stakeholder workshops for developing 9 integrated tourist products/services;
  • 1 joint marketing strategy;
  • 1 joint information web portal and smartphone application;
  • 5 info terminals;
  • 2 clubs for historical restorations;
  • 1 large-scale cross-border festival;
  • information and publicity materials.

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs:10,000 visits to supported sites of cultural and natural heritage and attraction (COI); 2 integrated tourism products; 7 integrated tourism services; 1 common strategy

Programme results: 2,800 tourists overnights in the CBC region

Project status

The project was finalized on 30.12.2023 and the following results have been reported:

LB: the works on the road to the Cliff Church and the works for the construction of the Open-air Museum - Archaeological Park "Piers of the Time"were finalized. The protective wall and the works on the museum is finished. The museum is in the process of opening for visitors.

B2: the restoration of the Turnu fortress in Turnu Magurele was completed and is open for visiting.

Within the project so far the following equipment and services have been delivered:

- A joint marketing strategy have been elaborated and can be found at the following adress:

- A trilingual online portal “The bridges of time” and a smart phone application have been developed and can be found at https://thebridgesoftime.comand the smart phone app , respectivelyGoogle Play Store under the name “The bridges of time”;

- 100 pieces of household costumes from the ancient era which will be used by the 2 clubs for historical restorations have been purchased.

- 2 clubs for restoration of the historical events have been established, one by LB and one by B2 and a training has been performed for the Romanian and Bulgarian club members with a duration of 200 hours.

- A four-day joint camp at the two clubs for ancient and medieval historical events in Turnu Magurele (Romania) and Nikopol (Bulgaria) was organized during the period 21-24.09.2023 in Nikopol and Turnu Magurele.

- The 3-day cross-border festival “The Bridges of Time” was organized in the period 06-08.10.2023 in Nikopol and Turnu Magurele. On 6th of October 2023 the festival was organized in Turnu and during the period 07-08.10.2023 in Nikopol.

- A workshop with tour operators and other relevant stakeholders for development of joint tourist products and services and assessment of marketing strategy was organized during the period 27-28.11.2023 in Nikopol Municipality.

More information are available at:, and also on the mobile application The Bridges of Time.


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