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To the attention of the Lead beneficiaries/partner beneficiaries from Romania which are fully funded from the state budget, state social insurance budget or special funds budgets.

With a view to the implementing of the European territorial cooperation programs and projects, respectively for the establishing of the general financial framework for the administration of the non refundable financial

assistance assigned to Romania by the European Union for the objective "European Territorial Cooperation", as well as of the advance payments and of the national public contribution corresponding to the said assistance, in view of ensuring an effective financial management of the funds corresponding to the programs of the objective "European Territorial Cooperation " for the scheduling period 2014-2020, it was adopted the Ordinance 29/2015 concerning the administration and utilization of the non refundable external funds and of the national public co-financing, for the objective European territorial cooperation, in the period 2014-2020.
In accordance with the provisions of article 9 of the Ordinance 29/2015, the Lead beneficiaries/ partner beneficiaries in Romania integrally financed from the state budget, the social insurances state budget or the special funds budgets are devolved upon the obligation to contain in the budget the amounts necessary to the financing, within the respective year, of the integral value corresponding to their own part in the project they take over within the common project, as well as the parts of the project taken over by the leader beneficiaries /partner beneficiaries that are legal persons fully financed from the formerly mentioned budgets.
Likewise, according to the provisions of the project of the Methodological regulations for the applying of the above-mentioned Government Ordinance n. 29/2015, a project which is currently being adopted, in order to comprise in the budget the above-mentioned amounts, the beneficiaries of the projects are under the obligation to fill in the substantiation file of the project proposed for financing/financed from the European funds, file elaborated by the responsible department/structure with the proposal for the project financing/implementing and signed by its head, without need of the Management Authority Notice of principle. It is necessary to convey the substantiation file to the Management Authority for information purposes, but only after it is approved by the responsible department/structure’s head.
At the same time, we mention the fact that the provisions in the Emergency Ordinance n .40/2015 with concern to the financial administration of the European funds for the scheduling period 2014-2020, concerning the necessity of the Management Authority notice on the substantiation File are applicable to the national programs and not to the projects financed within the "European Territorial Cooperation" objective.
Taking into account the above mentioned aspects, we hereby specify that at the present moment, based upon the legal framework in force, the Management Authority notice on the substantiation file of the projects proposed for financing/financed within the Interreg V-A Romania-Bulgaria Programme, does not have to condition the inclusion of the amounts necessary for the financing of the projects in the budgets of the main authorizing officers.


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