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SC (ROBG-461)

Safety for our children

What’s the goal?

To target the efforts of the Romanian and Bulgarian communities to raise awareness of effective risk prevention in the long time.

What’s the budget?

348,686.88 euro, out of 296,383.83 ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead Beneficiary (LB): Regional Development Agency and Business Center 2000 Beneficiary 2 (B2): Romanian Association for Technology Transfer and Innovation

Beneficiary 3 (B3): Association “Regional partnerships for sustainable development – Vidin”

When is it happening?

Start date: 17.09.2019

End date: 31.07.2021

Duration: 22 months and 15 days (the initial project implementation period of 18 months was extended via Addendum no. 1/28.01.2021)

Where is it happening?

Dolj in Romania

Vidin and Montana in Bulgaria

How is it going to happen?                      

  • Documentation of In-depth Research;
  • International 2 days meeting of experts;
  • Development of a training programmes and materials;
  • Development of project on-line platform;
  • Training of trainers;
  • Out-of-class trainings for students in the target districts;
  • Conducting of Cross-border competitions;
  • Conducting of an International 2 days Forum.

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs:

- 240.00 - Population benefiting from actions of risk management;

- 300.00 - Population benefiting from flood protection measures;

- 300.00 - Population benefiting from forest fire protection measures;

Programme results: The quality of the joint risk management in the CBC area – 840.

Project status (reflected in progress reports)

The project was finalized on 31.07.2021, having the following results achieved:

- An online web site was developed in Bulgarian, Romanian and English language:;

- Each project partner conducted In-depth research in the area of prevention and risk management from national disasters, accidents and catastrophes in particular floods and fires in 10 secondary schools from his own district and each of the 3 researches are available in three languages (EN, BG, and RO) on the project website at the following link:;

- LB conducted the International 2 days meeting between risk management experts on 1-2.07.2020 in town of Varshets, Montana district. As a result of this meeting, it was concluded a consolidated report summarized from the three In-depth researches developed in the T1 Activity “Development of In-depth research”. The summarized report and photos from the meeting can be found on the project website at;

- Training programmes and materials were elaborated by the Lead Beneficiary according to the technical specifications in case of forest fire and in case of flood, which were used for the training of trainers to improve the level of qualification of teachers from target schools in the field of flood and fire response. The training programmes and materials can be found on the project website at;

- Trainings of trainers were organized by all the project beneficiaries: in the period 08-11.09.2020 - in Montana, organized by LB; in the period 22-25.10.2020 – in Craiova, organized by B2 and in the period 18-21.02.2021 - in complex Magura, village of Rabisha, Vidin district, organized by B3. A total number of 60 teachers were trained in the field of flood and forest fire response;

All the project beneficiaries organized out of class trainings with students in the field of flood and forest fire prevention and a total number of 600 students were trained:

Lead Beneficiary:

- 21-25.09.2020 - in Vocational School of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Computer Sciences, Montana and in Forestry Professional School, Berkovitsa – two out-of-class trainings for students in the area of flood response and behaviour; 100 students trained;

28.09 - 01.10.2020 - in Vocational School of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Computer Sciences, Montana and in Forestry Professional School, Berkovitsa, two out-of-class trainings for students in the area of forest fire; 100 students trained;

Beneficiary 2:

- 30.10-02.11.2020 in "Independenţa" High School Calafat, regarding the legislative requirements for response and behaviour rules for natural disasters – floods, 50 students trained;

- 10.02 - 13.02.2021 in "Independenţa" High School Calafat, regarding the legislative requirements for response and behavior rules for natural disasters – fires, 50 students trained;

- 24.02.-27.02.2021 in “Ştefan Anghel” Technological High School Băileşti, regarding the legislative requirements for response and behaviour rules for natural disasters – floods, 50 students trained;

- 03.03 - 06.03.2021 to “Ştefan Anghel” Tehnological High School Băileşti ", regarding the legislative requirements for response and behavior rules for natural disasters – fires, 50 students trained;

Beneficiary 3:

- 23-26.02.2021 in Math school “Exzarh Antim I”- group one; training of students to react in case of floods, 25 students trained;

- 23.02-01.03.2021 in Math school “Exzarh Antim I” - group two; training of students to react in case of floods, 25 students trained;

- 23-26.02.2021 in Professional gymnasium “Prof. dr. Asen Zlatarov”- group one; training of students to react in case of floods, 25 students trained;

- 23.02-01.03.2021 in Professional gymnasium “Prof. dr. Asen Zlatarov”- group two; training of students to react in case of floods, 25 students trained.

A total number of 100 students was trained. In each school were formed 2 groups of 25 students because of Corona virus measures, restrictions of Ministry of health, Ministry of education and Education Inspectorate.

- 04.03-09.03.2021 in Math school “Exzarh Antim I”- group one; training of students to react in case of forest fires, 25 students trained;

- 04.03-10.03.2021 in Math school “Exzarh Antim I”- group two; training of students to react in case of forest fires, 25 students trained;

- 04.03-09.03.2021 in Professional gymnasium “Prof. dr. Asen Zlatarov”- group one; training of students to react in case of forest fires, 25 students trained;

- 04.03-10.03.2021 in Professional gymnasium “Prof. dr. Asen Zlatarov”- group two; training of students to react in case of forest fires, 25 students trained.

A total number of 100 students was trained. In each school were formed 2 groups of 25 students because of Corona virus measures, restrictions of Ministry of health, Ministry of education and Education Inspectorate.

Two cross-border competitions were organized by the LB and B2:

- The cross-border competition in Bulgaria was conducted in town of Varshets, Montana district in the period 08-10.06.2021. The competition was conducted 3 days with participation of 60 participants from six targeted schools under the project.

- The cross-border competition in Romania was conducted in town of Craiova, Dolj county in the period 28-30.06.2021. The competition was conducted 3 days with participation of 64 participants from six targeted schools under the project.

In the period 07-08.07.2021, in town of Varshets, Montana district was held an International forum with the participation of representatives of the beneficiaries, trainers, public institutions involved in protection against disasters and accidents, local, regional and national media.


Cross Border Cooperation Mechanism in the Field of Social Assistance at multi-regional level Romania-Bulgaria

What’s the goal?                                              

To increase the cooperation capacity and the efficiency of the Romanian National Agency for Payments and Social Inspection (ANPIS) through its cross border decentralized bodies and of the Bulgarian Agency for Social Assistance in the field of social policy in a CBC context.

What’s the budget?

538,554.97 euro, out of which 457,771.70 ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead beneficiary: County Agency for Payments and Social Inspection Constanta (Romania)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): County Agency for Payments and Social Inspection Dolj (Romania)

Beneficiary 3 (B3): County Agency for Payments and Social Inspection Teleorman (Romania)

Beneficiary 4 (B4): Agency for social assistance /ASA/ (Bulgaria)


Start date: 23.08.2017

End date: 22.11.2019

Duration: 27 months


Mehedinti, Dolj, Olt, Teleorman, Giurgiu, Calarasi, Constanta, Romania

Vidin, Montana, Vratsa, Pleven, Veliko Tarnovo, Ruse, Silistra, Dobrich, Bulgaria


  • Comparative study Romania-Bulgaria regarding the regulatory framework and working methodologies and procedures in the areas of social benefits and social inspection;
  • Needs analysis regarding the areas for improvement in the fields of social benefit management and social inspection, via a series of 18 focus groups;
  • Developing by CBC 2 public policies, one for each country, regarding the areas of benefits management and social inspection that will valorize the best practices identified in the two countries;
  • Organizing a series of 6 workshops, 3 on social benefits management and 3 on social inspection, taking place in Vratsa, Ruse and Craiova, with a total of 23 specialists of partners, from the two areas of competence;
  • Capacity building for the border area deconcentrated bodies of the two public institutions in the areas of social benefits management and social inspection, based on the new policy developed in cooperation;
  • 7 training sessions organized in Romania by partners for neighboring AJPISs (3 by AJPIS Dj, 2 by AJPIS Tr and 2 by AJPIS Ct) and 28 trainings in Bulgaria at regional (8 courses) and local level (20 courses);
  • Capacity building for staff of mayor's offices and NGOs from border area regarding the new policy developed in cooperation;
  • Organizing two types of trainings for (1) staff of Mayor’s Offices from the Romanian 7 border area counties and (2) management staff of NGOs from both same 7 border area counties, as from the 8 border districts of Bulgaria;
  • Development and implementation of an online information exchange tool between the partner public institutions;
  • Information and publicity: 7000 leaflets; 7000 pens; 1800 calendars; 2100 folders; 1400 posters; 2100 bloc notes; project website (RO/BG/EN), Facebook account organizing 4 conferences in Romania and Bulgaria;

Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs:

      5 supported cross border mechanisms to enhance cooperation capacity: 1 comparative study; 2 public policies developed in cooperation; 1 inter-institutional agreement; 1 exchange information tool;

Programme results: increased level of co-ordination of the public institutions in the eligible area.

Project status:

The project implementation was finalized on 22.11.2019.

The following results were achieved:

- The project beneficiaries purchased the necessary equipment for the project implementation teams.

- The project website was elaborated and is available at in Romanian, Bulgarian and English.

- The experts of all project beneficiaries elaborated the Comparative study regarding the regulatory framework and working methodologies and procedures in the areas of social benefits and social inspection for Romania-Bulgaria. The comparative study was developed in Bulgarian and Romanian languages and printed in 1.060 copies and is available on the project website at the following link:

- 9 focus groups: 3 with staff of AJPIS, 3 with staff of town halls and 3 with management staff of NGOs were held in Romania and 7 focus groups: 2 with staff of RDSA, 2 with staff of public institutions, 2 with management staff of NGOs and 1 with representatives of all groups. During the focus groups were identified the needs that will form the basis of the elaboration of the public policy proposals. The Final Needs Analysis Report and the Guide for Good Practices have been elaborated by the Lead Beneficiary and translated into Bulgarian language by the Beneficiary 4. The Guide for Good Practices is available on the project website at the following link:

- 6 workshops on social benefits management and social inspection were organized in Craiova, Ruse and Vratsa in the period March – April 2019. As result, two public policies, adapted for Romanian, respective, for Bulgarian legal environment, were developed and tested in the same working groups in which the needs analysis took place: 18 working groups were organized in the period April – May 2019.

The proposal for public policy in the field of social assistance was sent by the Lead Beneficiary to the National Agency for Payments and Social Inspection on 14.11.2019. On his turn, ANPIS has sent the document to the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection on 27.11.2019.

At the Beneficiary 4 level, the proposed public policies in the field of social benefits and social services were presented and discussed in the framework of Regional Directorates "Social Assistance", within the ASA and in the inter-institutional working groups for the development of the new Law on Social Assistance. By order № RD01-749/28.09.2017 of the Minister of Labor and Social Policy, an inter-institutional working group was established to develop the Law on Social Services. Representatives of the Social Assistance Agency (from item 21 to item 26 of the Order), the project partner, actively participated in the Working Group. The Working Group was active for almost 2 years, and the law officially entered into force in July 2020. The proposal for public policy in the field of social services, developed within the project, was presented to the members of the working group and reflected in the law, such as the establishment of a Quality Control Agency and other elements related to the licensing of service providers.

- The content of the two policies was transposed into training materials: for social benefits management and for social inspection and 35 trainings for developing the capacity of the staff of the deconcentrated bodies of the project partner institutions all along the border area and 25 trainings for developing the capacity of the staff of Mayor’s offices and management staff of NGOs were organized in the period July – October 2019.

- Inter-institutional cooperation agreement regarding the permanent exchange of information in the area of social security was drafted and signed by high level representatives of the two central public administration agencies from the two countries in November 2019.

- IT information exchange tool was created:

See and Go (ROBG-353)

Tourist Attractions of RO-BG CBC Territory – on a Click Distance

What’s the goal?

The overall objective of the project is to develop the common touristic potential, using the human, natural and environmental resources and advantages in a sustainable way.

What’s the budget?

497,666.18 euro, out of which 423,016.24 euro ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead Beneficiary (LB): Association Center for Development Montanesium (Bulgaria)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Forever for Europe Association (Romania)

When is it happening?

Start date: 01.09.2018

End date: 29.02.2020

Duration: 18 months

Where is it happening?

Dolj, Olt, Mehedinti in Romania

Vidin, Vratsa and Montana in Bulgaria

How is it going to happen?

  • Organization of focus group meetings;
  • Organization of promotional meetings for the presentation of the touristic product created;
  • Production of a 10-minute promotional film directed to the advertisement of the touristic product and its 2-time broadcasting;
  • Design and development of a RO-BG-ENG Tourist Software Application (TSA) directed to tourism promotion;
  • Production of promotional manual and articles directed to the target groups and all stakeholders;
  • Organization of media campaign in BG and RO directed to the target groups and other people interested in TSA;
  • Creation of Power Point Presentation pointed to the natural preservation during the tours;
  • Purchasing the equipment necessary for providing interactive integrated tourist service;
  • Organization of the activity of Travelling Tourist Centers;
  • Development of the project web-page.

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 2 integrated tourism products created

Programme results: 880 tourist overnights in the CBC region

Project status

The project is finalized (it was implemented within 18 months, between 01.09.2018- 29.02.2020).

All of the project activities have been implemented according to the approved application form, which have let the project to fulfil its main objective, namely and the specific objectives.

Within the project 1 tourist product and 1 tourist service have been developed, as follows:

- 1 Tourist software mobile application was developed, presenting elements of tourist potential of the districts Montana, Vratsa and Vidin and 3 counties: Doilj, Mehedinti and Olt. The application SEE & GO is available for user both for Android and iOS operating systems’

- 1 new integrated tourism service named “Travelling Tourist Centres”;

- the development of an website available at the address:

AA Danube (ROBG-348)

Angling Along the Danube: Danube Fishing Routes

What’s the goal?

The project aims to improve the sustainable use of natural heritage and resources by developing common tourism products based on amateur fishing. This will be achieved by raising awareness in the cross-border area of the social and economic benefits of tourist fishing tourism and the development and promotion of two new tourist products based on natural resources.

What’s the budget?

421,888.15 euro, out of which 358,604.92 euro ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead Beneficiary (LB): Idein Development Foundation (Bulgaria)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Association for Sustainable Development Slatina (Romania)

When is it happening?

Start date: 04.07.2018

End date: 03.01.2020

Duration: 18 months (extended from initial 15 months)

Where is it happening?

7 counties in Romania

8 districts in Bulgaria

How is it going to happen?

  • Develop a common awareness-raising strategy
  • Developing a common marketing strategy
  • Development of an interactive GIS platform "Danube Fishing Routes"
  • Map of the best / most popular fishing spots in the CBC area
  • Organizing the Fishing Festival "Danube Fishing"
  • Organizing awareness campaigns
  • Publishing promotional materials.

Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 2 integrated tourism products / services created, 2 common strategies, policies or management plans for valorisation (including awareness raising) of cultural and natural heritage through its restoration and promotion of sustainable economic use

Programme results: 6,000 overnights in the CBC area.

Project status

The project implementation was finalized in January 2020.

The project launched with a press conferences held in Ruse and in Slatina.

LB developed a joint strategy for awareness raising of the social and economic benefits of recreational fishing tourism within the cross-border Bulgarian-Romanian region. B2 was responsible for the development of a Common Marketing Strategy together with the related implementation and financial plan.

The best/most popular fishing and boating spots in the CB area (132 in total) were mapped out by both beneficiaries. They are available at the interactive GIS based-platform "Danube fishing routes"-

The first edition of the “Angling along the Danube” annual fishing festival was organized between 07-08 September 2019, in Dobrosloveni, Olt and 21-22 September 2019 in Lipnik, Ruse. More information on the fishing festivals can be accesed here:

15 awareness raising and promotional events have been organized in the eligible area: 8 events in Bulgaria in the period 10-31.10.2019 and 7 events in Romania in the period 23.04-29.08.2019.


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