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Danube2 Wheels (ROBG-277)

What’s the goal?

The main objective of the project is the creation of 3 new integrated tourist products for facilitating a better use of common tourist potentials, namely: a tourist product - adventure trips on the road; a tourist product - off-road adventure trips, for connecting, where the border allows routes from Romania and Bulgaria and a tourist product - leisure trips for families with children and people with disabilities, to facilitate a better use of the common tourist potential, generating 5,600 tourist overnights in the cross-border region.

What’s the budget?

497,713.31 euro, out of which 423,056.30 euro ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead Beneficiary (LB): Association AISSER Calarasi (Romania)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Sport for you and me - sports club canoeing (Bulgaria)

Beneficiary 3 (B3): Association Sport Club ACTIS (Romania)

When is it happening?

Start date: 09.08.2018

End date: 08.02.2020

Duration: 18 months

Where is it happening?

Calarasi, Constanta, Techirghiol (Romania)

Vidin, Belogradchik (Bulgaria)

How is it going to happen?

  • 3 new integrated tourism products: one tourism product – adventure trips on road; one tourism product – adventure trips off road, for connecting, where the border permits the routes from Romania and Bulgaria and one tourism products – leisure trips for families with children and for persons with disabilities;
  • 2 strategies to improve the sustainable use of natural and cultural heritage: 1 common strategy to identify the cycle routes to ride and explore the natural and cultural heritage and 1 common strategy to promote the integrated tourism products, including raising awareness on natural and cultural heritage of the area;
  • 5600 tourist overnights in the region generated by the creation of the new integrated tourist products;
  • 2 bike information points, one on each side of the border, offering information, materials, guidance and bikes;
  • 12 pilot actions organized in the eligible area of the programme: 4 experimental on road expeditions (3 days each); 4 experimental off road expeditions (3 days each), 2 experimental trips for families with children (3 days each) and 2 experimental trips for persons with disabilities and their accompanying persons (3 days each).

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 3 new integrated tourism products created will support a sustainable development of the region from economic, cultural and social point of view in order to facilitate better utilization of joint tourism potential , generating 5600 tourist overnights in the cross border region; 2 strategies to improve the sustainable use of natural and cultural heritage;

Programme results: 5600 tourist overnights in the cross border region.

Project status

The implementation of the project was finalized on 08.02.2020 and the following activities have been implemented:

1. 2 bike information points – one in Calarasi (Romania) and one in Belogradchik (Bulgaria) were created and equiped with tourist bikes, mountain bikes, bike trailers with baby strollers, bike trailers for children older than 4 years, bikes with stroller for people with disabilities. Both information points are operational and are used by people for bike thematic walks and for using the equipment.

2. 2 common strategies were developed: „Common strategy for identifying cycling routes to travel and explore the natural and cultural heritage” and „Common strategy for promotion of the integrated tourism products, including raising awareness on the area's natural and cultural heritage”. They both are available on the project website.

3. A project website was developed

4. An interactive map was created. The interactive map reflects the tourist routes in an interactive and easier to understand /intuitive online option in order to be used by the tourists. The interactive map is available on the project’s website and also in printed version.

5. A mobile application with routes was developed – it is available on both Android and iOS (iPhone) and contains developed integrated tourist packages available on the project presentation web portal.

6. The creation of new integrated tourist products has generated 784 tourist overnights in the region during the implementation period (the project’s target value was 5600 overnights out of which 600 within the implementation period) the difference remaing to be reached during the sustainability period.

7. There were created 3 new integrated tourist products: experimental adventure trips on asphalt, experimental off road adventure trips and experimental leisure trips for families with children and for people with disabilities and their personal assistants, by organizing 12 pilot actions (3 days each) in the cross border region, as follows:

a) 4 experimental road expeditions:

CYCLE for FUN – Bugeac Tour was organized in the period 29th – 31st of May 2019

CYCLE for FUN – Road Tour Techirghiol was organized in the period 31st of May – 2nd of June 2019 

CYCLE for FUN – Vidin Road Tour was organized in the period 4th – 6th of September 2019

CYCLE for FUN – Belogradchik Road Tour was organized in the period 6th – 8th of September 2019  

b) 4 experimental off-road expeditions:

CYCLE for FUN – Island Tour Calarasi was organized in the period 8th – 10th of May 2019

CYCLE for FUN – Techirghiol MTB Tour was organized in the period 10th – 12th of May 2019

CYCLE for FUN – Forest Tour Belogradchik was organized in the period 22nd - 24th of May 2019

CYCLE for FUN – Dunonia Tour was organized in the period 24th – 26th of May 2019  

c) 2 experimental excursions for families with children:

CYCLE for FUN – Family Lake Tour was organized in the period 31st of May – 2nd of June 2019 

CYCLE for FUN – Belogradchik Family Tour was organized in the period 6th – 8th of September 2019

d) 2 experimental excursions for people with disabilities and their personal care attendants:

CYCLE for FUN – Balcan Special Tour was organized in the period 22nd – 24th of May 2019

CYCLE for FUN – Techirghiol Lake Special Tour was organized in the period 10th – 12th of May 2019

RowAdventure (ROBG-272)

What’s the goal?

The main objective of the project is to create a new integrated tourism product designed for adventurous tourists, to facilitate a better use of common tourist potentials. 

The specific objectives of the project are:

Development of two common strategies for improving the sustainable use of natural and cultural heritage;

Increasing the number of overnight stays in the program region, up to 6033, due to the new integrated tourist products created by this project and the functionality of both tourist centers during the project implementation and sustainability period.

What’s the budget?

499,851.65 euro, out of which 424,873.89 euro ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead Beneficiary (LB): Association AISSER Calarasi

Beneficiary 2 (B2):Sport for you and me - sports club canoeing, boxing and powerlifting, Bulgaria

Beneficiary 3 (B3):Association Sport Club ACTIS, Romania

When is it happening?

Start date: 05.09.2018

End date: 04.09.2020

Duration: 24 Months

Where is it happening?

Calarasi – in Romania

Vidin – in Bulgaria

How is it going to happen?

  • Creating 1 new integrated tourism product designed for adventurous tourists- adventure trips with kayaks and canoes for beginners, advanced, families and people with disabilities. The new tourism products will support the sustainable development of the region from an economic, cultural and social point of view.
  • Creating 2 operational tourism centers, one of each side of the border, fully equipped with safety equipment, sportswear and water sport equipment(10 kayaks for 1 person, 10 kayaks for 2 persons, 5 canoes for 2 persons, 5 canoes for 4 persons and 5 boats for people with disabilities, 1 trailer, 1 motor vehicle 4x4 for carrying the equipment/trailer/boats and motor vehicle for the transport of tourists with minimum 7 seats ;
  • Organizing 14 pilot actions in the eligible area of the Programme; 4 Adventure trips with kayaks (3 days each), 4 expeditions with canoes (1 day each), 4 trips with special boats (1 day each), 2 Regatta (7 days each) using the equipment purchased to promote the new tourism products.
  • Development of promotional webpage of the new tourist product and conducting an online and media promotion campaign.

Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 1 new integrated tourism product created, 1 Joint strategy for identifying travel routes and exploring the natural and cultural heritage and 1 Joint strategy for promoting integrated tourism products.

Programme results: the project is proposing a contribution to the achievement of programme result indicator as quantifying 6033 overnights in the CBC region, generated by the creation of the new integrated tourism products in the region.

Project status (reflected in progress reports)

Physical condition:

The main objective of the project was to create a new integrated tourist product designed for adventurous tourists - adventure trip.

The implementation of the project was finalized on 04.09.2020 and the following activities were implemented:

1. The project beneficiaries has purchased all equipment necessary for the project implementation (10 kayaks for 1 person, 10 kayaks for 2 persons, 5 canoes for 2 persons, 5 canoes for 4 persons and 5 boats for people with disabilities, 1 trailer, 1 motor vehicle 4x4 for carrying the equipment/trailer/boats and motor vehicle for the transport of tourists with minimum 7 seats).

2. The common study for identify the routs for health tourism along the Danube has been elaborated in RO and BG version. One new integrated tourism product designed for adventurous tourists has been created namely, adventure trips with kayaks and canoes for beginners, advanced, families and people with disabilities along the Danube.

3. 2 Operational Tourism Centers, fully equipped with water sport equipment, were established in Calarasi (RO) and in Vidin (BG).

4. The web portal and interactive tourism map were elaborated and are available at in BG, RO and EN languages. The mobile application is available on Magazine Play (Android), App Store with name “RowadventureDanube”.

A tourist product designed for adventurous tourists has been created - adventure trip by organizing 14 pilot actions in the cross-border region:

a) 6 kayak routes:

ROW for FUN - Lower Danube Adventure was organized between 10-13 July 2019

ROW for FUN - Danubian Adventure was organized between 13-16 July 2019

ROW for FUN - Danube Regatta was organized between 22-28 August 2019

ROW for FUN - Novo Selo - Archar Adventure was organized between 9-12 July 2020

ROW for FUN - Archar - Lom Adventure was organized between 9-11 July 2020

ROW for FUN - Dunav Regatta was organized between 10-16 August 2020

b) 4 canoe routes for families with children:

ROW for FUN - Cerna Bay Adventure was organized between 9-10 August 2019

ROW for FUN - Sucidava Adventure was organized between 10-11 August 2019

ROW for FUN - Rabisha Family Adventure was organized between 22-23 July 2020

ROW for FUN - Dabravka Family Adventure was organized between 23-24 July 2020

c) 4 boat routes especially for people with disabilities:

ROW for FUN - To the Sea Kayak Special Tour was organized between 1-2 July 2019

ROW for FUN - Techirghiol Kayak Special Tour was organized between 2-3 July 2019

ROW for FUN - Rabisha Kayak Special Tour was organized between 24-25 July 2020

ROW for FUN - Dabravka Kayak Special Tour was organized between 25-26 July 2020

Green Jobs Network (ROBG -183)

„Green Jobs Network - Promoting Ecotourism and Organic Agriculture as Innovative Mechanisms for employment and local sustainable development in the Rural areas in the Romania-Bulgaria Cross-Border area”

What’s the goal?

To increase the employment opportunities and the mobility of the labor force through development of special competences and skills in the area of innovative ecotourism and organic agriculture and food production in the selected cross-border area.

What’s the budget?

1,219,573.08 euro, out of which 1,036,637.12 euro ERDF


Lead beneficiary (LB): Municipality of Lyaskovets(Bulgaria)

Beneficiary (B2): Territorial Administrative Unit – Videle Town(Romania)


Start date: 25.04.2017

End date: 18.09.2020

Duration: 40 months 25 days

*The project implementation period was suspended for the period 13.03.2020 – 31.07.2020


Veliko Tarnovo in Bulgaria

Teleorman in Romania


  • Raising public awareness;
  • Development of cross-border business incubators for ecotourism and organic agriculture;
  • Reconstruction and renovation of a municipal property;
  • Development of a joint strategy and virtual Cross-border platform for green jobs in the rural areas;
  • The supply and installation of 4 info-kiosks ;
  • Organizing joint special learning programs and trainings to increase the mobility in rural areas;
  • Language courses;
  • Organization of Joint Cross-Border Markets (job-fairs) for ideas, opportunities and good practices for job creation in the cross-border rural areas;
  • Organization of summer academy “Green Innovation Lab” for entrepreneurs from both sides of the border.

Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 15 initiatives that activate workforce mobility in the cross border area; 160 participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training.

Programme results: 30,396 persons will have access to joint employment initiatives.

Project status

The project is finalized.

The project was implemented within 40 Month 25 Days (25.04.2017-18.09.2020) instead of initially envisaged 24 (extended via Addendum no.1 from 11.02.2019, Addendum no.2 from 23.10.2020 and suspended from 13.03.2020 until 31.07.2020).

All of the project activities have been implemented according to the approved application form. The project objective: “to increase the employment opportunities and the mobility of the labor force”, along with the overall objective of the project “To encourage the integration of the cross-border area in terms of employment and labor mobility”, has been fullfield.  The beneficiaries purchased  the equipment foreseen within the project, renovated the building for the cross-border business incubator in Lyaskovets, as well as they organized  different trainings, job fairs and developmed 2 web platforms. In regard with the project indicators, the proposed contribution to the Programme indicators was achieved, as mentioned in the approved application form.

In regard with the project indicators

According to the information available in the final report and on the spot, the proposed contribution to the Programme indicators was achieved, as mentioned by the approved application form.

Outputs indicators:

A)  8e.1 - No. of initiatives (trainings, education schemes, websites, agreements, networks, job-fairs etc.) that activate workforce mobility in the cross border area:

According the application form, the target for this indicator is 15 initiative and all of the actions have been performed by the beneficiaries, contributing to the target value, as mentioned within the Approved application form. Still, considering the provisions of the MC Decision no. 128/19.11.2019 and also the opinion of the assessors during the evaluation process and the performed actions, the reporting achieved value of the indicator shall be that of 6 initiatives, as follows: 4 modules of the professional trainings (Organic farming and agriculture, Social entrepreneurship in the rural areas, Development of local crafts and services based on local resources, Sustainable tourism in rural areas).

B.  8e.2 (CO44) - No of participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training

According to the approved Application Form, the contribution to this programme output indicators should be:‘160 participants in Joint Cross-Border Markets, and 100 participants in green academy “Green Innovation Lab”, while the project contributes with 351 participants in total which comes from 171 participants in the Joint Cross-Border Markets

2 job fairs were organized: - one in Videle on 26.02.2020, with 91 participants;

                                         -one in Lyaskovets on 10.05.2019, with 80 participants;

According to the information provided in the last revision of the final report:

-100 participants in summer academy “Green Innovation Lab” (1st edition of Green Academy with 20 participants took place on 05-07.03.2020 and has been organized in Lyaskovets);

- Other 4 editions were organized in August and September 2020, (with 80 participants)  in the 4 modules of the professional trainings:

Module 1: Organic farming and agriculture 24.08 – 25.08.2020 – with 20 participants;

Module 2: Social entrepreneurship in the rural areas - 22.08 – 23.08.2018 - 19 participants;

Module 3: Development of local crafts and services based on local resources - 29.08 –30.08.2018 - 24 participants;

Module 5: Sustainable tourism in rural areas 26 – 27.08.2020 - 20 participants), considered as contributing by the assessors;

Within the project, an existing municipal building in Lyaskovets, which is developed to serve as a cross-border business incubator for ecotourism and organic agriculture in Lyaskovets municipality, is renovated,

The cross-border business incubator for ecotourism and organic agriculture is equipped with office space, facilities for information services, two presentation and training halls for theoretical and practical vocational trainings. LB’s Business Incubator is located at the following address: Lyaskovets, Buzludzha street no. 1.

There are two websites elaborated, namely the web platform for green jobs developed and maintained by the LB: Ro/ENG/BG) and the e-learning portal developed and maintained by B2:

In addition, the beneficiaries also developed within the project a mobile application – Green Jobs Lyaskovets, which can be downloaded and installed for free on any smartphone using Android or iOS as operating systems.



“Collective” Education

What’s the goal?

To increase the cooperation of the relevant institutions/ organizations/key actors, making the educational system more efficient by involving them in the educational program.

What’s the budget?

1,383,306.04 euro, out of which 1,175,810.11 euro ERDF


Lead Beneficiary (LB): Eurointegra Association (Bulgaria)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): National College “Barbu Stirbei” (Romania)

Beneficiary 3 (B3): Economic College (Romania)

Beneficiary 4 (B4): Technical College “Stefan Bănulescu” (Romania)

Beneficiary 5 (B5): “Sv. Kliment Ohridski” High school of Mathematics and natural sciences - PMG “Sv. Kliment Ohridsky” (Bulgaria)


Start date: 12.09.2017

End date: 31.12.2020

Duration: 39 months and 20 days


Calarasi, Romania

Silistra, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria


  • Project management;
  • Project information and promotion;
  • Comparative study;
  • Working meetings;
  • Agreements;
  • Workshops;
  • High schools network;
  • Pilot action.

Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 13 supported cross border mechanisms to enhance the cooperation capacity

Programme results: increase in the level of co-ordination of the public institutions in the eligible area

Project status

The project was finalized on 31.12.2020, following two operated extensions of the project implementation period in total with 15 additional months and 20 days.

The equipment and furnishings for e-class rooms, cabinet 1 and cabinet  2 were received by all the project beneficiaries.

All the project beneficiaries managed to publish books presenting all the modules developed under the project. Each module was converted in interactive lessons for each grade (9th-12th). A total of 84 lessons were developed. They are also available on , section “Access to Collective Education”. In order to access the interactive lessons, it is required the creation of an account, followed by the login on the platform.

Comparative Study to identify the joint and particular aspects regarding the counselling and guidance classes was developed.

3 working meetings with the representatives of the project partners in order to develop a joint approach for counselling and guidance classes have been organized:

- 2 working meetings in Silistra: on 18-19.06.2018 and on 30-31.08.2018

- 1 working meeting in Calarasi on 18-19.12.2018.

7 workshops for presenting the modules, which are considered as information exchange tool, were organized in Bulgaria (3) and Romania (4) for each of the modules:

- Workshop 1 “Education for leisure” held on 24-25.01.2019 in Silistra

- Workshop 2 “Education and culture” held on 25-26.01.2019 in Silistra

- Workshop 3 “Education in Emergencies” held on 26-27.01.2019 in Silistra

- Workshop 1 - “Education for health” held on 05.03.2019 in Calarasi

- Workshop 2 - “Sexual Education” held on 06.03.2019 in Calarasi

- Workshop 3 - “Preventive Education” held on 07.03.2019 in Calarasi

- Workshop 4 - “Road safety education” held on 08.03.2019 in Calarasi.

9 agreements were signed by all the project beneficiaries with institutions from Bulgaria and Romania, as follows:

- Partnership Agreement for module "Education and Culture", with County Culture Center Calarasi and Regional Library Silistra

- Partnership Agreement for module "Education for health", with Department of Public Health from Romania and Regional Health Inspectorate from Bulgaria

- Partnership Agreement for module "Education for leisure", with County Centers for Resource and Educational Assistance from Romania and Bulgaria

- Partnership Agreement for module "Education in emergencies", with Romanian Red Cross from Calarasi and Fire Safety and Civil Protection Department Silistra

- Partnership Agreement for module "Preventive education", with Prevention, Assessment and Counselling Center from Calarasi and Bulgarian Red Cross from Bulgaria

- Partnership Agreement for module "Road safety education", with Countu Police Inspectorate (Road Unit) from Romania and Regional Directorate of Ministry of Interiro from Bulgaria

- Partnership Agreement for module "Sexual Education", with Department of Public Health from Romania and Social assistance Directorate from Bulgaria

- Partnership Agreement for the Sustainability of Project "Collective education", with Municipality of Silistra

- Partnership Agreement for the Sustainability of Project "Collective education", with County School Inspectorates from Calarasi and Silistra.

B2 - National College “Barbu Stirbei” organized pilot actions in the period 31.05.2019 - 16.10.2020; the lessons per different modules were attended by 172 students.

B3 – Economic College Calarasi organized pilot actions in the period 21.01.2020 – 10.06.2020; the lessons per different modules were attended by 133 students.

B4 - Pedagogical High School “Stefan Bănulescu” organized pilot actions in the period 13.01.2020 - 28.02.2020; the lessons per different modules were attended by 234 students.

B5 - “Sv. Kliment Ohridski” High school of Mathematics and natural sciences organized pilot actions in the period 17-24.11.2020; the lessons per different modules were attended by 144 students.


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