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Safe Schools Network (ROBG-20)

What’s the goal?

Raising awareness in the field of efficient risk prevention trough formal and informal education of children and youth in border area (Vidin and Montana districts, Bulgaria and Dolj county, Romania) through creation of an international network of “Safe schools”

What’s the budget?

288,084.21 euro, out of which 244,871.58 ERDF


Lead beneficiary (LB): Free Youth Centre, Bulgaria

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Vasiliada Association

Beneficiary 3 (B3): Regional Network for Innovative Education (RNIE)


Start date: 03.02.2016

End date: 02.02.2018

Duration: 24 months


Vidin and Montana in Bulgaria.

Dolj in Romania.


The project aims at raising awareness in the field of efficient risk prevention through formal and informal education of children and youth in 20 schools, achieved through creation of an international network of Safe schools, educational institution focused on disaster protection, who collaborate in this field and share good practices.

Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 10,000 people benefiting from actions of risk management

Programme results: the quality of the joint risk management in the CBC region will be improved

Project status

The project was finalised in February 2018.

Two press conferences were organized in Craiova and Vidin to inform the general public about the project. 30 local communities were also visited (15 per country) and the project was presented before 469 representatives of the target groups.

A comparative research was realized, two international meetings were implemented and methodology was set for preparation of school management, teachers and students for risk prevention. Series of trainings designed to improve the preparedness of 20 schools in BG and RO in case of disasters were realized.

Training of trainers (volunteer club leaders) were organised in both countries - 07-10.09.2016 in Bulgaria and 12-15.01.2017 in Romania.

Trainings for school management took place in Bulgaria (17-18.11.2016) and Romania (16-17.01.2017).

Trainings of teachers/methodological experts took place in Bulgaria (21-24.11.2016) and Romania (12-16.02.2017).

Trainings for psychologists took place in Bulgaria (25-26.11.2016) and Romania (25-26.01.2018).

40 Volunteer clubs in 10 Bulgarian schools and 10 Romanian schools were set up with a total of 640 students involved in the clubs. The extracurricular activities of the clubs carried out in the 2016-2017 school year included theoretical knowledge and practical exercise in disaster protection, including joint projects of the network and preparation for the national competitions, which took place in both Bulgaria (15-16.06.2017) and Romania (22-23.09 2017) with the participation of educational and school authorities, teachers, students, as well as the media.

The winners from the two national competitions in Bulgaria and Romania were invited to take part in the International camp organized in Varshets, Bulgaria in the period 4-8 October 2017. The camp included training session on acquiring additional skills in leadership, volunteering, networking, project development, as well as an international practical competition in disaster prevention won by Technological College Șhe ca Milcu from Calafat, Dolj County.

A “Conclusion forum” designed to report results, achievements and lessons learned, to evaluate, disseminate and plan the future of the network took place on 07-08.12.2017 in Craiova.

More information on the project and the “Safe-school network” created is available on the project web-site–


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