Tales of Culture, History and Nature
What’s the goal?
To encourage the preservation of natural resources and cultural traditions through the development of integrated tourist products as models for sustainable use of natural, historical and cultural heritage of the cross-border area.
What’s the budget?
1,097,962.10 euro, out of which 933,267.78 euro ERDF
Who is doing it?
Lead Beneficiary (LB): Videle Municipality
Beneficiary 2 (B2): Lyaskovets Municipality
When is it happening?
Start date: 12.09.2018
End date: 31.12.2022
Duration: 51 months and 20 days.
Where is it happening?
Veliko Tarnovo in Bulgaria
Teleorman in Romania
How is it going to happen?
- Preserving, promoting and developing the historical, natural and cultural heritage;
- Preparing and development of a joint strategy and management plan for tourist attraction;
- Supporting the joint marketing and promotion of the cross border tourist product “Tales";
- Development of a cross-border tourism network.
What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?
Programme outputs:
- 1000 more visits to supported sites of cultural and natural heritage and attraction;
- 1 integrated tourism product/service created;
- 1 common strategy, policy or management plan for valorizing (including raising awareness) the cultural and natural heritage through its restoration and promotion for sustainable economic uses;
Programme results: 1000 tourist overnights in the CBC region.
Project status
The project implementation was finalized.
Within the frame of Activity T1 “Development of a cross border tourist product based on local traditions, history, natural and cultural heritage”, the Tourist strategy development was finalised.
The developed app is a common way of promotion, so people transiting the cross-border region are aware of upcoming events. The app has also been promoted at the main festivals organised within the project and to tour operators. It can be accessed at the following link: http://turism.primariavidele.ro dar and on Google Play (name: VideleTour).
The main investment objectives within the project are represented by Reconstruction of town park in Videle and two project sites in Bulgaria, namely Lyaskovets Town Park – “Eco-zone for recreation, arts and sports in the town of Lyaskovets” and “Reconstruction of the open space and green park around the Community centre in the village of Kozarevets into a zone for creative attractions”. Thus, the two investment sites in Lyaskovets were finalized in December 2020 and the Reconstruction in the Town Park Videle in August 2022.
Following the complete finalization of the sites from both sides of the border, , B2 organized 5 festivals: the festival "The Magic of Bulgarian Traditions", the Culinary Fest in Lyaskovets, the Culinary Fest in Kozarevets, "Festival of the chicken soup in the village of Kozarevets" and the festival entitled "Historical Event".
Тhe LB managed to organize 6 festivals: Food Sculpting Festival, Folklore Fest, Balkan Barbecue Festival, Festival " Zarezan", the festival under the title "Marin Preda" and a school children's camp.
As a result of the main events organized within the project, a total of 1789 tourist overnight stays were registered in the cross-border region of Videle - Lyaskovets and 1 common integrated tourism product was created, represented by the three renovated parks.