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“Society for All Ages

What’s the goal?

To reduce occupational incompatibility of supply and demand of jobs, due to the precarious level of the education, as a hinder factor for mobility of labour and to correlate the supply and demand of rural work force amid an accentuated process of aging population.

What’s the budget?

400.230,95 euro, out of which 340.196,31 euro ERDF


Lead Beneficiary (LB): Crucea commune Hall (Romania)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Mihail Kogalniceanu commune Hall (Romania)

Beneficiary 3 (B3): Silistea Commune Hall (Romania)

Beneficiary 4 (B4): Youth Organization for European Silistra(YOES) (Bulgaria)


Start date: 04.04.2017

End date: 03.10.2018

Duration: 18 months


Constanta in Romania

Silistra in Bulgaria


  • project management;
  • information & publicity campaign;
  • project identity campaign;
  • Training Center;
  • development of a Strategy for employment of labor force and social inclusion in rural areas;
  • development of vocational trainings along with foreign languages and IT trainings;
  • 2 Cooperation Agreements between Labour Agencies in the partner regions;
  • creating a web-based resources network among the stakeholders;
  • 2 study visits;
  • 2 joint promotional events for the action partners and target group

What(what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 15 types of initiatives that activate workforce mobility in the cross border area; 180 participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training

Programme results: 20.762 persons will have access to joint employment initiatives

Project status

The project is finalised. The beneficiaries established a target group of 180 active-age persons from Crucea, Silistea and Mihail Kogalniceanu Communes in Romania and Aydemir village in Bulgaria to take part in the Professional training programme envisaged in the project. Three training centres were set up in Crucea, Silistea and Mihail Kogalniceanu communes.

The Professional training programme, including vocational training courses for At-home caregiver and personal assistant for the disabled, as well as IT and foreign language training was conducted in both Bulgaria and Romania in the period September 2017 - April 2018. As a result 120 persons obtained professional qualification certificates for “At-home caregiver” and 60 persons for “Personal Assistant for the disabled”. 161 of those also graduated the IT and foreign language courses.

4 training workshops were organised in Crucea, Silistea, Mihail Kogalniceanu and Aydemir Silistra in February, during which a survey (interviews and questionnaires) was conducted among the entire target group of the project (180 trainees), needed for the development of the Cross-border Strategy for employment of labour force and social inclusion in rural areas.

A website and web platform SAGE ONLINE were developed and are available at

The project partners concluded cooperation agreements with Bulgaria`s National Agency for Employment and Constanta County Agency for Employment, designed to strengthen the cooperation in the field of labor force, in particular in the rural areas, and set up the SAGE Network Technical Secretariat for supporting the development of further cooperation and employment initiatives.

2 Study visits were conducted in the period July – August 2018 LB in Silistra and in Constanta county, which allowed the SAGE graduates to meet social workers and representative of public institutions from the other country and exchange experience.

2 conferences (regional and local) were organised in September 2018 in Constanta and Silistra in view of bringing together relevant actors and stakeholders in the social care field and the SAGE graduates and disseminate the project results.

JobEase (ROBG-143)

JobEase for women – enhancing unemployed women’s potential to find a job within the CBC RO-BG region

What’s the goal?

To encourage the integration of the CB area through promoting the access to the labour market of the unemployed and long-term unemployed women.

What’s the budget?

312,937.17 euro, out of which 265,996.59 ERDF


Lead beneficiary: Idein Development Foundation (Bulgaria)

Beneficiary 2: Association for Sustainable Development Slatina (Romania)


Start date: 08.04.2017

End date: 07.10.2018

Duration: 18 months


Ruse, Ruse District, Bulgaria

Slatina, Olt County, Romania


  • Assistance and information on labour market opportunities and available incentive measures for employment of women;
  • Organizing a joint information seminar - 1 event in Ruse and 1 event in Slatina;
  • Analysis of the results of previous trainings held within the targeted regions;
  • Development of a methodology for training needs assessment;
  • Training needs assessment;
  • Organizing trainings and workshops - two in Ruse and two in Slatina
  • Organizing press conferences at the beginning and end of the project;
  • Developing website with relevant project information and useful database;
  • Elaboration of information and publicity materials (posters, folders, leaflets, roll-up banner, ballpoint pens, note pads);

Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs:

- 3 initiatives (trainings, education schemes, websites, agreements, networks, job-fairs etc.) that activate workforce mobility in the cross border area: 1 joint information seminar – 2 sessions; 1 joint training – 4 sessions; 1 (one) website with relevant labour and employment information database;

- 240 participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training;

Programme results: population that have access to joint employment initiatives - at least 240 women from the regions of Ruse and Olt.

Project status

The project is finalized.

Press-conference for project start was organised on 28 June 2017. A joint research on labour market opportunities and available incentive measures for employment of women in the cross-border area was conducted and the results were presented during a joint information seminar held in two sessions in Ruse and in Slatina in November 2017. A training needs assessment of the target groups was also realised and used for the development of tailor-made training programme.

The training programme was implemented with 2 sessions in each country for more than 120 unemployed women.

Micro information campaigns were organised to present the activities and services offered by the project to attract people from the target group.

The project website was created and can be accessed at

ROBG -127  L-TeN



What’s the goal?

Improving the cross border transport (Turnu Magurele – Teleorman and Levski-Pleven) by modernizing 9 km of roads and setting up two joint traffic systems (management and safety)


What’s the budget?

4,532,577.37 euro, out of which 3,852,690.77 ERDF

Target at the half of the implementation period: 63,245 euro for Lead Beneficiary and 71,650 euro for Beneficiary 2.

Who is doing it?

Lead partner: Territorial Administrative Unit - Turnu Magurele Town (Romania)

Partner: Levski Municipality (Bulgaria)


When is it happening?

Start date: 14.02.2017

End date: 13.02.2017

Duration: 24 months



Where is it happening?

Turnu Magurele Town, Teleorman County, Romania

Levski Municipality, Pleven District, Bulgaria


How is it going to happen?

  • 1.909 km upgraded in Turnu Magurele Town (Mihai Bravu Street, Sf. Vineri Street, Chimiei Street, G-ral Praporgescu Street and Taberei Street);
  • Setting up the traffic management system;
  • 7.068 km upgraded in Levski Municipality (the municipal road PVN 1110 Obnova-Kamenets km 6+800 to km 13+868);
  • Awareness campaign for the traffic management system;
  • Setting up an integrated awareness system for traffic safety measures;
  • Promoting the project (conferences at the beginning and end of the project, billboards, leaflets, posters, roll-up banner, press-releases).


What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs:

- 8,977 km total length of modernized roads

- 2 joint mechanisms created (traffic management system and joint safety measures system)

Programme results: Cross border population (23,427 people: Turnu Magurele = 21,233 persons and Levski = 2,194 persons) served by modernized infrastructure leading to TEN-T


Project status (reflected in progress reports)

Reference period: N/A



Capabilities and interoperability for joint Romanian-Bulgarian cross-border first responder intervention to chemical-biological-radiological-nuclear-high yield explosive

What’s the goal?

To improve specific field activities conducted by specialized Police structures immediately after an event implying chemical-biological-radiological-nuclear-high yield explosives (CBRNe).

What’s the budget?

5,999,095.98 euro, out of which 5,099,231.59 euro ERDF


Lead beneficiary (LB): National Research-Development Institute for Materials Physics – NIMP (Romania)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): General Inspectorate of Romanian Police (Romania)

Beneficiary 3 (B3): Ministry of Interior (Bulgaria)


Start date: 30.12.2016

End date: 29.06.2018

Duration: 18 months


Mehedinti, Calafat, Dolj, Oltin Romania

Montana, Vidin, Vraca in Bulgaria


  • Providing identical mobile equipment to CBRNe police intervention units from both border sides for detection of hazardous materials
  • Providing means for rapid deployment and efficient containment
  • Providing interoperability at all levels between CBRNe response units from both sides of the border
  • Initiating the establishment of RENFLAB, a regional environmental forensic laboratory to act as certifying analytical support body for the region
  • Providing equipment for NIMP laboratory
  • Information and publicity activities – press conferences, media events, website development

Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 1 joint partnership in the field of joint early warning and emergency response

Programme results: raising the quality of response and recovery in case of CBRNe events in the CBC area

Project status

The project is finalized.

The main project output - CBRNe mobile units for the Romanian and Bulgarian special intervention teams - was procured via a single procurement procedure organized by the LB. The CBRNe equipment was delivered, installed and commissioned at the General Inspectorate of Romanian Police (B2) and the BG Ministry of Interior (B3) and the staff was trained in operation of the equipment in May 2018. A laboratory, composed of Particle Size Analyzer and Supply of XRF Spectrometer was also purchased by the LB.

The project website is available at

GRADe (ROBG–126)

Joint risk prevention and management system for Gradinari – Malu - Byala communities for a safe and developed cross-border region

What’s the goal?

The project is aiming at achieving a better joint management of the risk situation in cross border area Byala (Ruse, Bulgaria) - Grădinari, Malu (Giurgiu, România)

What’s the budget?

 705,521.22 euro, out of which 599,693.04 euro ERDF


Lead Beneficiary (LB): Territorial Administrative Grădinari, Commune

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Territorial Administrative Unit- Malu Commune

Beneficiary 3 (B3): Municipality of Byala


Start date: 31.12.2016

End date: 30.03.2019

Duration: 27 months


Ruse in Bulgaria

Giurgiu in Romania


  • Creating a joint system for cross-border risk management
  • Purchase logistics and equipment for dealing with emergency situations
  • A joint Guidelines for common management of natural hazards and other emergency situations in Byala, Grădinari and Malu
  • Joint applications in floods, fire and winter-related hazards
  • Awareness campaigns on risk management

Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 18.179 people benefiting from actions of risk management, 18.179 people benefiting from flood protection measures, 18.179 people benefiting from forest fire protection measures, 1 joint partnership in the field of joint early warning and emergency response

Programme results: improved quality of risk management

Project status

The project is finalized.

Activities were carried out and the project results are currently being analyzed at Programme level (final report is being verified).  Guidelines for common management of natural hazards and other emergency situations in Byala, Gradinari, Malu have been elaborated. Equipment for all project partners (2 Backhoes, 2 motor pumps, 3 electric power generators, tractor with trailer and snow blade, water and foam truck, portable radio stations and mobile phones tanker) was procured. The tractor and electrical power generator delivered to the LB, however, were not compliant with the technical specifications and the related contracts were terminated. The procurement procedures were relaunched and are ongoing.

A training of the Joint Coordinating Committee members was delivered (Giurgiu) in cooperation with the Cross Border Center for Management and Coordination of the Interventions.  Two working groups in Malu (22.06.2017) and Byala (25.07.2017) were organized as well.

A broad awareness campaign on risk management, including 12 seminars in schools and 4 public debates with public institutions, was implemented in Byala, Gradinari, Malu. The joint applications „Floods” and “Fire” were also organized in Byala (03.05.2018) and Malu (05.06.2018).

You can learn more from the project website:


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