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Danube Entrepreneurship (ROBG – 186)

Danube Partnership for Mobility and Entrepreneurship


What’s the goal?

To increase the potential of independent activities and entrepreneurship to create jobs in the cross-border area


What’s the budget?

453,967.48 euro, out of which 385,872.35 euro ERDF


Lead beneficiary: Mehedinţi Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture

Beneficiary (B2): Vidin Chamber of Commerce and Industry


Start date: 18.08.2017

End date: 17.08.2019

Duration: 24 months


Vidin in Bulgaria

Mehedinţi in Romania





  • 1 network of entrepreneurs from the cross-border green economy
  • 1 entrepreneurial caravan
  • 4 job clubs
  • 1 job fair
  • 2 experience exchanges
  • 14 training events
  • workshops
  • workshops and awareness campaigns
  • 2 studies
  • 1 action plan

Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 8 initiatives that activate workforce mobility in the cross border area, 960 participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training

Programme results: 1.060 people that have access to joint employment initiatives

Project status

The project is finalized, the followings results achieved:

- 14 training sessions, attended by 240 people in fields like: Taxation, Human Resource Management, Entrepreneurship/ business, Marketing, Romanian and Bulgarian Language.

- 4 job clubs with 130 participants. During the Jobs club, the entrepreneurs present in front of the participants (students and unemployed people from Bulgaria and Romania), their business and free jobs position with the requirements of the position.

- 1 network of entrepreneurs from the cross-border green economy- the network was developed by signing 54 collaborative protocols, development of 1 action plan after the consultation with the entrepreneurs acting in the green economy, 1 data base with companies acting in the green energy (58 companies from Romania and 53 from Bulgaria

- 1 cross- border green job fair was held in Vidin on 09.08.2019, with 70 participants from Romania and Bulgaria.

- the followings studies were elaborated: Study for identification of entrepreneurial needs for trainings, adapted to the cross border region’s economy and Opportunities and challenges regarding cross-border entrepreneurship, published in 1,000 copies each and distributed within the project activities in order to enable all the economic operators and the interested organizations to apply the resulting information from the cross-border area.

All activities carried out were presented on the project websites: and



What is the goal?

The project aims to increase employment through provision of trainings in sommelier and investing in human capital, labour mobility and integrated initiatives in wine-selling

What’s the budget?

495.907,75 euro, out of which 421.521,57 euro ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead beneficiary (LB): National Wine Association (Bulgaria)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Romanian Association for Technology Transfer and Innovation (ARoTT) (Romania)

When is it happening?

Start date: 29.08.2017

End date: 28.08.2019

Duration: 24 months

Where is it happening?

Veliko Tarnovo, Pleven, Vidin, Vratsa, Ruse and Dobrich in Bulgaria (+ Sofia).

Giurgiu, Mehedinţi, Calarasi, Constanta, Dolj in Romania (+Bucharest)

How is it going to happen?                      

  • Establishment of a Sommelier Training Center
  • Creation of a Sommelier Phrasebook
  • Vocational trainings
  • 225 trained representatives of the target groups
  • Creation of networks between educational institutions, business representatives and potential employees

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 5 integrated initiatives will be implemented and will activate the workforce mobility in the cross-border area, there will be 225 participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint trainings, a 100 participants in joint educational and training schemes to support youth employment, educational opportunities and higher and vocational education will be provided across the border.

Programme results: 30.000 people that have access to joint employment initiatives.

Project status

The project has been finalized on 28.08.2019 and the following objectives have been achieved:

- A Sommelier Centre has been established, renovated, equipped and opened in Veliko Tarnovo on №14 Georgi Mamarchev str.;

- A Sommelier Phrase Book in Bulgarian-Romanian-English and the Sommelier training modules in Bulgarian and in Romanian have been elaborated and can be found on ;

- An e-diary with trained and qualified experts has been elaborated and can be found on ;

- 258 people, out of which 112 students, have participated in 8 Sommelier and Wine-guide trainings;

- 13 Partnership agreements for cooperation with different professional high schools, associations and training centres within the CBC region, have been signed;

New skills for job quality


What’s the goal?

The project aims to implement an integrated program of measures to support employment and labor mobility in Vidin-Dolj region

What’s the budget?

704.326,47 euro, out of which 598.677,50 euro ERDF


Lead beneficiary (LB): AGORA 2013 Association (Romania)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): ECONYOUTH Association (Romania)

Beneficiary 3 (B3): Vidin Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Bulgaria)


Start date: 22.08.2017

End date: 21.08.2019

Duration: 24 months


Dolj in Romania

Vidin in Bulgaria


  • 6 training programs, language courses
  • Joint study related to the cross-border mobility
  • Joint databases in service of labour mobility
  • 416 inactive persons benefiting from professional counseling and mediation on the labor market services
  • Cross border incubators for promoting employment of staff from both sides of the border
  • Exchange jobs
  • Web-site with job opportunities

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs:

- 37 initiatives (trainings, education schemes, websites, agreements, networks, job-fairs etc.) that activate workforce mobility in the cross border area;

- 416 participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training;

- 42 participants in joint educational and training schemes to support youth employment; educational opportunities and higher and vocational education across borders;

Programme results: population that have access to joint employment initiatives – 6013.

Project status (reflected in progress reports)

The project is finalized; all the activities were implemented until 21.08.2019. The implementation had focused on addressing local population from the Vidin Dolj area through information and advertising, by disseminating data from the developed studies, through vocational counseling activities for the population, within the business incubator.

The followings outputs results have been achieved:

•        1 website promoting employment opportunities on both sides of the Danube, available at

•        1 joint study in the cross border area Dolj Vidin to identify the key branched that activate economic employment available on the abovementioned website;

•        1 comparative study in the cross- border area Dolj-Vidin on social security, labor law, legal regulations, tax issues available on the abovementioned website;

•        10 thematic dissemination sessions provided for 300 participants, 5 DJ and 5 Vidin;

•        2 job fairs, 1 in Vidin and 1 in Isalnita;

•        416 persons participated within individual counselling;

•        40 group informative and counselling sessions;

•        20 job clubs;

•        52 training courses.

Active employment (ROBG-171)

Active employment measures in the Border Cooperation Region Drobeta Turnu Severin - Vidin


What’s the goal?

The project aims to is to develop the capacity of employment for the unemployed and inactive persons from the Region Drobeta Turnu Severin - Vidin

What’s the budget?

639,225.41 euro, out of which 543,341.60 euro ERDF


Lead Beneficiary (LB): Territorial Administrative Unit - Vînju Mare Town

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Active Society Association


Start date: 29.06.2017

End date: 28.12.2018

Duration: 18 months



Drobeta Turnu Severin (Mehedinti)


  • 1 study to identify measures for better correlation between the individual skills, education, employment potential and opportunities in the labor market
  • 2 regional resource centers for employment
  • 2 job fairs organized
  • 1 information and motivation campaign organized
  • 1 job platform developed

 Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 1 initiative that activate workforce mobility in the cross border area, 250 participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training, 150 participants in joint educational and training schemes to support youth employment, educational opportunities and higher and vocational education across borders

Programme results: 153 000people that have access to joint employment initiatives

 Project status

The project is finalized.

2 Regional Resource Centers, one in Vidin, Bulgaria and one in Vinju Mare, Romania were realized. The centers promote active employment measures in the Drobeta Turnu Severin - Vidin Region, by providing information, counselling and assistance for occupational and geographical mobility of the workforce.

1 study to identify measures for better correlation between the individual skills, education, employment potential and opportunities in the labour market from region Drobeta Turnu Severin – Vidin was elaborated

150 persons (75 persons from Bulgaria and 75 persons from Romania) benefited for training services in IT, Entrepreneurship and English (50 persons in IT, 50 persons in Entrepreneurship and 50 persons in English). All 150 persons graduated the courses and received recognized diplomas (certifications).

100 persons (50 persons from Bulgaria and 50 persons from Romania) benefited for training services in the field of trade worker (25 persons from Romania), food worker (25 persons from Romania), small and medium business associate (25 persons from Bulgaria) and vendor consultant (25 persons from Bulgaria).

Two jobs fairs were organized one in October 2018, in Drobeta Turnu Severin and one in November 2018, in Vidin.

The services of the centers and more information can be accessed on the developed jobs platform, available at the address

EasyGuide (ROBG-29)

Interactive mobile application for promoting the historical and cultural heritage in the region of Calarasi and Silistra

What’s the goal?

The project aims to promote the cross-border region of Calarasi and Silitra as a tourist destination by developing an integrated virtual tourist guide environment

What’s the budget?

927.792,47 euro, out of which 788.623,60 euro ERDF


Lead beneficiary (LB): Municipality of Silistra

Beneficiary 2 (B2):  Lower Danube Museum Calarasi


Start date: 27.06.2017

End date: 26.03.2019

Duration: 21 months


Silistra district, Bulgaria

Calarasi county, Romania

How is it going to happen?                      

  • interactive tour guide environment (ITGE) promoting the regional historical and cultural heritage as touristic sites
  • a mobile application for the ITGE providing an innovative easily accessible product which will promote the region as touristic destination
  • digital displays – located at public places and popular sites promoting the regions’ sites of interest

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 3 integrated tourism products/services created, 300 expected number of visits to supported sites of cultural and natural heritage and attraction (COI), 1 management plan for valorising (including raising awareness) the cultural and natural heritage through its restoration and promotion for sustainable economic uses

Programme results: 150.000 tourist overnights over the next five years

Project status

The project is finalized.


- 1 mobile application for EasyGuide-Silistra-Calarasi,available for both IOS and Google Store in BG, RO and EN. The mobile application provides information with regard to 35 objects selected in the project to be promoted, out of which 20 on the Bulgarian side and 15 on the Romanian side; 

- 1 project web;

- 35 info kiosks installed near landmarks and central public sites;

-1 management plan describing the main results of the project, especially providing information with regard to the 35 selected objects. 



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