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DanubEco (ROBG-164)

Danube Ecotourism

What’s the goal?

To support the development of the administrative capacity of public administration to pursue social and environmental public policy goals by eco-tourism development in the cross-border area.


What’s the budget?

735,766.45 euro, out of which 625,401.46 euro ERDF


Lead Beneficiary (LB): Access For All Association (Romania)

Beneficiary (B2): Ministry of Economy, Energy and Business Environment - MEBE (Romania)

Beneficiary (B3):Ministry of Tourism (Bulgaria)

Beneficiary (B4): Human Resources Development Agency (Bulgaria)



Start date: 23.08.2017

End date: 22.08.2019

Duration: 24 months


Constanta, Romania

Ruse, Bulgaria


  • Project management;
  • 6 joint cross-border training sessions on sustainable tourism criteria and certification;
  • 6 joint cross-border training session on sustainable tourism destination management;
  • 4 joint cross-border training sessions on using eco-tourism handbooks for helping private tourism operators to develop and market their offer;
  • 6 joint cross-border training session on the development of sustainable tourism infrastructure;
  • 4 joint cross-border training sessions on the Danube Sustainable Tourism Observatory (ies) of the World Tourism Organization and on the sustainable tourism indicators system;
  • 2 familiarization-trips of the newly trained Danube officers in the CBC area;
  • Study on the identification of legal barriers for the development of essential tourism infrastructures in the RO-BG CBC area: greenways, piers, observation infrastructure, etc.
  • Lower Danube Green Tourism web-portal;
  • Study on a cross-border statistics system for sustainable tourism in support of the Danube Sustainable Tourism Observatories;
  • Develop 10 cross-border Danube sustainable tourism products
  • Creation of an informal „Natural landscape protection partnership”and cross-border landscape contest;
  • 2 press conferences for presenting the results of the project;
  • Creation of the cross-border ecotourism experts network – Association;
  • Fam-trips of tourism journalists in the CBC area (2)
  • Conference on eco-tourism in the ROBG cross-border area
  • Communication and visibility

Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs:

- 3 supported cross border mechanisms to enhance cooperation capacity

Programme results:

          - increase in the level of co-ordination of the public institutions in the eligible area


Project status

The project is finalized.

- 26 trainings in the tourism field were organized. The target group represented by 283 Romanian and Bulgarian participants was reached.

- Two Fam-trips of tourism journalists in the CBC area were organized by B4 during the period 04-06.10.2018 (17 participants) and during the period 14-16.10.2018 (25 participants).

- Study on the identification of legal barriers for the development of essential tourism infrastructures in the RO-BG CBC area was elaborated and it is available on the web platform.

- Study on a cross-border statistics system for sustainable tourism in support of the Danube Sustainable Tourism Observatories was elaborated and it is available on the web platform.

- 10 touristic products were elaborated and are available on the web platform.

- Lower Danube Green Tourism web-portal which provides also information about the project, at


Cross Border Cooperation Mechanism in the Field of Social Assistance at multi-regional level Romania-Bulgaria

What’s the goal?                                              

To increase the cooperation capacity and the efficiency of the Romanian National Agency for Payments and Social Inspection (ANPIS) through its cross border decentralized bodies and of the Bulgarian Agency for Social Assistance in the field of social policy in a CBC context.

What’s the budget?

538,554.97 euro, out of which 457,771.70 ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead beneficiary: County Agency for Payments and Social Inspection Constanta (Romania)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): County Agency for Payments and Social Inspection Dolj (Romania)

Beneficiary 3 (B3): County Agency for Payments and Social Inspection Teleorman (Romania)

Beneficiary 4 (B4): Agency for social assistance /ASA/ (Bulgaria)


Start date: 23.08.2017

End date: 22.11.2019

Duration: 27 months


Mehedinti, Dolj, Olt, Teleorman, Giurgiu, Calarasi, Constanta, Romania

Vidin, Montana, Vratsa, Pleven, Veliko Tarnovo, Ruse, Silistra, Dobrich, Bulgaria


  • Comparative study Romania-Bulgaria regarding the regulatory framework and working methodologies and procedures in the areas of social benefits and social inspection;
  • Needs analysis regarding the areas for improvement in the fields of social benefit management and social inspection, via a series of 18 focus groups;
  • Developing by CBC 2 public policies, one for each country, regarding the areas of benefits management and social inspection that will valorize the best practices identified in the two countries;
  • Organizing a series of 6 workshops, 3 on social benefits management and 3 on social inspection, taking place in Vratsa, Ruse and Craiova, with a total of 23 specialists of partners, from the two areas of competence;
  • Capacity building for the border area deconcentrated bodies of the two public institutions in the areas of social benefits management and social inspection, based on the new policy developed in cooperation;
  • 7 training sessions organized in Romania by partners for neighboring AJPISs (3 by AJPIS Dj, 2 by AJPIS Tr and 2 by AJPIS Ct) and 28 trainings in Bulgaria at regional (8 courses) and local level (20 courses);
  • Capacity building for staff of mayor's offices and NGOs from border area regarding the new policy developed in cooperation;
  • Organizing two types of trainings for (1) staff of Mayor’s Offices from the Romanian 7 border area counties and (2) management staff of NGOs from both same 7 border area counties, as from the 8 border districts of Bulgaria;
  • Development and implementation of an online information exchange tool between the partner public institutions;
  • Information and publicity: 7000 leaflets; 7000 pens; 1800 calendars; 2100 folders; 1400 posters; 2100 bloc notes; project website (RO/BG/EN), Facebook account organizing 4 conferences in Romania and Bulgaria;

Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs:

      5 supported cross border mechanisms to enhance cooperation capacity: 1 comparative study; 2 public policies developed in cooperation; 1 inter-institutional agreement; 1 exchange information tool;

Programme results: increased level of co-ordination of the public institutions in the eligible area.

Project status:

The project implementation was finalized on 22.11.2019.

The following results were achieved:

- The project beneficiaries purchased the necessary equipment for the project implementation teams.

- The project website was elaborated and is available at in Romanian, Bulgarian and English.

- The experts of all project beneficiaries elaborated the Comparative study regarding the regulatory framework and working methodologies and procedures in the areas of social benefits and social inspection for Romania-Bulgaria. The comparative study was developed in Bulgarian and Romanian languages and printed in 1.060 copies and is available on the project website at the following link:

- 9 focus groups: 3 with staff of AJPIS, 3 with staff of town halls and 3 with management staff of NGOs were held in Romania and 7 focus groups: 2 with staff of RDSA, 2 with staff of public institutions, 2 with management staff of NGOs and 1 with representatives of all groups. During the focus groups were identified the needs that will form the basis of the elaboration of the public policy proposals. The Final Needs Analysis Report and the Guide for Good Practices have been elaborated by the Lead Beneficiary and translated into Bulgarian language by the Beneficiary 4. The Guide for Good Practices is available on the project website at the following link:

- 6 workshops on social benefits management and social inspection were organized in Craiova, Ruse and Vratsa in the period March – April 2019. As result, two public policies, adapted for Romanian, respective, for Bulgarian legal environment, were developed and tested in the same working groups in which the needs analysis took place: 18 working groups were organized in the period April – May 2019.

The proposal for public policy in the field of social assistance was sent by the Lead Beneficiary to the National Agency for Payments and Social Inspection on 14.11.2019. On his turn, ANPIS has sent the document to the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection on 27.11.2019.

At the Beneficiary 4 level, the proposed public policies in the field of social benefits and social services were presented and discussed in the framework of Regional Directorates "Social Assistance", within the ASA and in the inter-institutional working groups for the development of the new Law on Social Assistance. By order № RD01-749/28.09.2017 of the Minister of Labor and Social Policy, an inter-institutional working group was established to develop the Law on Social Services. Representatives of the Social Assistance Agency (from item 21 to item 26 of the Order), the project partner, actively participated in the Working Group. The Working Group was active for almost 2 years, and the law officially entered into force in July 2020. The proposal for public policy in the field of social services, developed within the project, was presented to the members of the working group and reflected in the law, such as the establishment of a Quality Control Agency and other elements related to the licensing of service providers.

- The content of the two policies was transposed into training materials: for social benefits management and for social inspection and 35 trainings for developing the capacity of the staff of the deconcentrated bodies of the project partner institutions all along the border area and 25 trainings for developing the capacity of the staff of Mayor’s offices and management staff of NGOs were organized in the period July – October 2019.

- Inter-institutional cooperation agreement regarding the permanent exchange of information in the area of social security was drafted and signed by high level representatives of the two central public administration agencies from the two countries in November 2019.

- IT information exchange tool was created:


Advanced Competitiveness Through Improvement, Vision and Education

What’s the goal?

To increase the employment rate of the elderly people by reducing occupational incompatibility of supply and demand of jobs due to the low or outdated level of the education and to ensure the preconditions for the insertion and maintenance on the labor market of elderly people in order to sustain an active and healthy ageing.

What’s the budget?

446,981.32 euro, out of which 379,934.10 euro ERDF


Lead Beneficiary (LB): Tuzla commune Hall (Romania)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Agigea commune Hall(Romania)

Beneficiary 3 (B3): Cumpana commune Hall (Romania)

Beneficiary 4 (B4):Balchik Municipality (Bulgaria)


Start date: 19.08.2017

End date: 18.02.2019

Duration: 18 months


Constanta, Romania

Dobrich, Bulgaria


  • Project management;
  • Organization of the target group;
  • Information & publicity campaign;
  • Project identity promotion campaign;
  • Training centers;
  • Professional training programme;
  • CB Strategy to increase the employment of the elderly;
  • ACTIVE ONLINE Platform;
  • Employment Cooperation Agreements;
  • Job fairs.

Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs:

- 12 initiatives that activate workforce mobility in the cross border area; 200 participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training

Programme results:

          - 48,055 persons will have access to joint employment initiatives

Project status (reflected in progress reports)

The project is finalized.

The main project results include:

Four training centers were established in the location of each project partner, Tuzla, Agigea, Cumpana and Balchik, in buildings that are the property of the project partners. The trainings centers were endowed with logistic equipment and were used for the organization of the training programme. The training centers remain available to the entire local community, thus ensuring also the sustainability of the project, organization of professional trainings with and for the community, being able to be developed in a proper environment and adapted to the needs of mentors/trainers.

- After defining the target group, the training programmes were conducted and 192 persons received qualification certificates in different professions, like baby sitter, security agent, guesthouse administrator, water supply and sewerage, baker-pastry.

- A Cross Border Strategy to increase the employment of the elderly was elaborated and is available at

- 2 cooperation agreements between all project partners, Bulgaria`s National Agency for Employment and Constanta County Agency for Employment were concluded, designed to strengthen the cooperation in the field of labour force and particularly aimed at maintaining the elderly people on the labour market. The ACTIVE Cooperation Agreement was signed in Balchik Municipality (26.09.2018) and the ACTIVE Technical Secretariat Agreement in Tuzla commune, Constanta County (09.10.2018).

- 2 Job Fairs were organized In Tuzla, Constanta County, on 11.12.2018, (143 participants) and in Balchik on 19.12.2018 (83 participants).

- Information and promotion activities took place as well: organization of press conferences, publication of press releases, elaboration of promotional materials.

More information on the project can be found on the project’s platform, available in English, Romanian and Bulgarian.

Young PM (ROBG-146)

Young Project Manager in CBC area

What’s the goal?

To support youth employment in cross border area through promotion of mobility and vocational education of young people, building their capacities in the sector of project management.

What’s the budget?

656,665.01 euro, out of which 558,165.25 euro ERDF


Lead Beneficiary (LB): Association for Initiative and Support for the South – East Romania, Calarasi - AISSER (Romania)

Beneficairy (B2): Eurointegra Association (Bulgaria)

Beneficairy (B3): Danube Alternative Association (Bulgaria)


Start date: 18/08/2017

End date: 17/08/2019

Duration: 24 months


Calarasi, Romania

Pleven, Bulgaria


  • Project management;
  • Project information and promotion;
  • Project Management training sessions;
  • Web platform for students (e- summerjobs);
  • Pilot action – Joint Project Management training and working sessions.

Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs:2 initiatives that activate workforce mobility in the cross border area; 375 participants in joint educational and training schemes.

Programme results: increase in the number of persons that will have access to joint employment initiatives with 15,000 persons. 

Project status

The project is finalized.

Two initiatives that activate workforce mobility in the cross border has been developed, as follow:

- The first initiative of the project was to ensure to 375 young people the opportunity to acquire both professional skills and intercultural competences by participating of the 15 project management training sessions. In this regards, 7 training sessions were organized in each county from Romania and 8 training sessions were organized in each district from Bulgaria. Each training session gathered 25 students and a total of 375 students obtained a diploma. Also, at the end of the training sessions, 4 graduate students from each region benefited from a Joint Project Management Event (Practice Camp) in Romania and Bulgaria where they could apply all the theoretical information acquired during the course.

- The second initiative of the project was a platform created for young students with opportunities to join traineeships and/or summer internships. The web platform is available at:, providing opportunities to join traineeships and/or summer internships in the eligible area of the programme. At the end of the project implementation 48,726 unique visitors has access to the joint employment initiatives.

SMART BSnetwork (ROBG-197)

Network for smart cooperation of Black Sea communities in the cross- border region

What’s the goal?

The project aims to increase the cooperation capacity and effectiveness of public administrations of the cross border region of Black Sea Municipalities in Dobrich District and Constanta County.

What’s the budget?

427,222.06 euro, out of which 363,138.74 euro ERDF


Lead Beneficiary (LB):  Municipality of Balchik (BG)

Beneficiary (B2): Territorial Administrative Unit - Navodari Municipality (RO)


Start date: 22.08.2017

End date: 21.08.2019

Duration: 24 months


Constanta, Romania

Dobrich, Bulgaria


  • 1 joint network for smart cooperation
  • 1 joint workshop ”Smart development and cooperation of cross border Black Sea communities“
  • 1 joint strategy for cooperation and evolved territorial development of the cross border Black Sea
  • 1 joint Web platform
  • e-government in Balchik municipality and Navodari municipality were created
  • equipment for improving public services in Balchik municipality
  • 2 workshops for Increasing the capacity of public stakeholders
  • 2 workshops with civil society participation in public decision-making

Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs:

 - 9 supported cross border mechanisms (agreements, networks, regulations, studies, policies, strategies, information exchange tools) to enhance cooperation capacity

Programme results:

           - increase in the level of co-ordination of the public institutions in the eligible area

Project status

The project is finalized.

The project has created conditions for cooperation between the Black Sea public administrations in the region cross-border in the Dobrich region and Constanța county, to improve their efficiency and to stimulate the involvement of private stakeholders in the decision-making process. Concerning this, the following progress has been made:

- The joint strategy for cooperation and evolved territorial development of the cross border Black Sea area was elaborated and it is available on the elaborated web platform:

- Workshop “I’ve got an idea” has been carried out in Balchik, during 13-14 June 2019 and also in Navodari, during 28-29 June 2019.

- Workshop “Improving the capacity of local public administration in the CBC area to draft and implement projects/investments, relevant for the local needs” was carried out in Navodari during 30 May -01 June 2019.

- The softwares for introduced in e-government were delivered to Balchik Municipality and Navodari Municipality and employees of the two municipalities were trained to use it.

- Workshop “Increasing the capacity of local public administration for public-private partnerships” was organized in Navodari during 26-28 June 2019.

- 21 Bulgarian public institutions and NGOs, together with other 30 Romanian public institutions and NGOs were selected to be part of the “Joint Network for smart cooperation”.

- Equipment for improving public services were delivered.

The joint web platform was elaborated and is available at the link


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