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CBC for MaST Education (ROBG-165)

Coordination of joint policies and equipment investments in the field of education in the cross-border area

What’s the goal?                                              

Common development of the MaST (Mathematics, Science and Technologies) field.

What’s the budget?

994,896.64 euro, out of which 845,662.12 ERDF


Lead partner: School Inspectorate of Călăraşi County(Romania)

Beneficiary (B2): “Emilian Stanev” Secondary school (Bulgaria)

Beneficiary (B3): “Sv. Kliment Ohridski” High school of Mathematics and natural sciences (Bulgaria)

Beneficiary (B4): “Hristo Botev” Secondary School (Bulgaria)


Start date: 27.04.2017

End date: 26.04.2019

Duration: 24 months


Călăraşi Town, CălăraşiCounty, Romania

Veliko Tarnovo Town,Silistra Town, Tutrakan Town, Veliko Tarnovo District and Silistra District, Bulgaria

How is it going to happen?

  • Organizing 2 press conferences, ;
  • Publicity materials (brochures, a website, permanent plaques promoting the project, roll-ups, promotional pens, folders, press articles);
  • Creating the MICS (Innovation and Creativity Studyshops) in high-schools from Bulgaria and Romania;
  • Organizing three MICS Expo, two in Calarasi, by the Lead Beneficiary and one in Veliko Tarnovo, by the Beneficiary 2;
  • Elaboration of the common strategy on education.

Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs:

- 11 supported cross border mechanisms to enhance cooperation capacity;

Programme results: increased level of co-ordination of the public institutions in the eligible area.

Project status

The project is finalized.

The following results were achieved within implementation period:

- The MICS (MaST Innovation and Creativity Study shops) network has been created. 5 high schools from RO (3 from Călăraşi, 1 from Olteniţa and 1 from Lehliu-Gară) and 3 high schools from BG (1 from Silistra, 1 from Tutrakan and 1 from Veliko Tarnovo) are part of MICS;

- All the project beneficiaries have purchased the similar equipment for MICS endowments (educational robots, mini planetarium, mechanic toolbox, electronic toolbox,microscope, telescope, electrostatic demonstrative toolbox, Van de Grafts generator, laser optics,photometer kit, chemical experiment toolbox etc.)

- 3 MICS expositions have been organized, 2 in Calarasi and 1 in Veliko Tarnovo.During the MICS Expo, the students involved in the MICS, have presented projects in the MAST field and the equipment bought within the project;

- 8 educational agreements to use and further implement the MICS were signed between the educational institutions from Romania and Bulgaria;

- A Romanian-Bulgarian comparative study in the field of MaST, a common educational strategy based on MICS activities and a joint curriculum were elaborated, and are available at the project website


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