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ROBG 134



What’s the goal?

To improve the sustainable use of the natural and cultural heritage in the target cross-border region Dobrich-Constanta (Harsova – Krushari) through the development and promotion of joint tourism product ZALDAPA-DRY VALLEY-CARSIUM.

What’s the budget?

3,202,768.49 euro, out of which 2,722,353.19 ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead beneficiary (LB): Territorial Administrative Unit Harsova Town (Romania)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Krushari Municipality (Bulgaria)

Beneficiary 3 (B3): Museum of National History and Archaeology Constanta (Romania)

Beneficiary 4 (B4): Regional Museum of History – Dobrich (Bulgaria)

When is it happening?

Start date: 20.05.2017

End date: 19.12.2023 (the project is included on the non-functional projects list and has a new completion deadline established for 31.12.2024)

Duration: 79 months

Where is it happening?

Harsova Town, Constanta, Constanta County, Romania

Krushari Village, Dobrich, Dobrich District, Bulgaria

How is it going to happen?

  • Information and publicity: temporary and permanent panels, joint press conferences, personalized press folders, press releases, TV spots, Radio spots, promotional film, web-site, bilingual posters, leaflets;
  • Revitalization of Cultural Heritage in Harsova through the restoration, conservation and enhancement of Ensemble “Vasile Cotovu” as a Multicultural Center Museum;
  • Development of tourism infrastructure of Fortress Zaldapa - Municipality KRUSHARI;
  • Development of tourism infrastructure in Dry Valley;
  • Setting up an outdoor museum in Krushari Municipality;
  • Workshop on the topic: developing and promoting of a cross-border tourism product – advantages and challenges;
  • Creation of a joint marketing strategy;
  • Establishing of a touristic route and guided tour "Zaldapa-Dry Valley-Karsium”;
  • Promotion of the joint tourism product through a presentation film and a web site;
  • Preparation of advertising package for joint tourism product;
  • Organization of a scientific symposium: recovery of Harsova Town’s and Krushari Municipality’s Memory;
  • Archaeological camp;
  • Conducting two promotional events.

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs:

   - 1 integrated tourism product;

   - 4,000 visits to supported sites of cultural and natural heritage and attraction;

   - 1 common strategy;

Programme results: 45,000 tourist overnights in the CBC region.

Project status

Current Project Status:

The implementation period of the project ended on 19.12.2023, but because of delays in the investment activity of LB – TAU Harsova Town and of the remaining soft project’s activities, the project was included on the list of non-functional projects. The new completion date of the project is 31.12.2024.

Many activities foreseen within the project are already completed:

- The tourism infrastructure of Fortress Zaldapa - Municipality Krushari was developed;

- The tourism infrastructure in Dry Valley was developed;

- An outdoor museum in Krushari Municipality was set up;

- A workshop on the topic: developing and promoting of a cross-border tourism product – advantages and challenges; establishing of a touristic route and guided tour “Zalpada – Dry Valley – Karsium”;

- The joint tourism product was promoted through a presentation film and a web site;

- The marketing strategy, available in both English and Bulgarian, was developed;

- The touristic guide, available in Romanian, English and Bulgarian languages, was elaborated;

- An archeological camp was organized.

B2 – Krushari Municipality has set up an open-air museum in the center of Krushari, where the artefacts and findings from the fortress Zaldapa were exhibited.

The presentation movie of the project can be accessed at the following link: in English, Bulgarian and Romanian languages).

The 10 streets foreseen to be modernized in Harsova are finalized and the reception of the works was done.

Regarding the restauration works at the Multicultural Centre “Vasile Cotovu” (the Old School and the Pedagogue’s House), the construction works are suspended from 21st of March 2024. In order to finalize the remaining project’s activities, LB started the procedures for taking a loan. Taking into account the unclear period for obtaining the loan and the impossibility to recover the registered delays, LB is considering to establish a new date of completion of the project.

B3 – Museum of National History and Archaeology Constanta and B4 – Regional Museum of History Dobrich have developed the joint scientific volume. The volume was printed in 400 copies by the projects beneficiaries.


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