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I-TeN: Turnu Magurele - Nikopol (ROBG-132)

Improved tertiary nodes Turnu Magurele - Nikopol for sustainable development of the region, for a better connection to TEN-T infrastructure

What’s the goal?

To improve the development of the cross-border transport system of the Turnu Magurele – Nikopol tertiary nodes in a better connection with TENT infrastructure for sustainable development of the area.

What’s the budget?

7,133,523.89 euro, out of which 6,063,495.29 FEDR

Who is doing it?

Lead Beneficiary (LB): Territorial Administrative Unit - Turnu Magurele Town (Romania)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Nikopol Municipality (Bulgaria)

When is it happening?

Start date: 09.06.2017

End date: 30.04.2022

Duration: 58 months, 22 days

Where is it happening?

Turnu Magurele, Teleorman County, Romania

Nikopol, Pleven District, Bulgaria

How is it going to happen?

  • Information and publicity of the project: organizing conferences at the beginning and end of the project; press releases for promoting the project; temporary billboards; permanent plaques; leaflets; posters; roll-up banner;
  • Procurement and elaboration of the technical projects;
  • Works execution in Turnu Magurele - upgrading 10 streets (Calarasi St, Rampa Garii St, Nucilor St, Horea St, Closca St, Crisan St, Avram Iancu St, Mihai Viteazu St, Viitorului St and Access road to the Canned Food Plant) in Romania (6.268 km);
  • Execution of works in Nikopol Municipality - modernizing 4.957 km road in Nikopol Municipality - PVN 3123 - / III - 304, Tranchovitsa– Novachene/ Batsova Mahala– Municipal boundaries (Nikopol – Pleven) – Slavyanovo/PVN 2145;
  • Setting up the traffic management system;
  • Awareness campaign for the traffic management system;
  • Setting up an integrated information system for public transport operators: organizing the conference „The public transport – an opportunity for a better connectivity of Turnu Magurele – Nikopol area to TENT network”; the workshop: „How to harmonize the public transport for a better quality of the citizens’ life?” and elaboration of the study „Present and perspectives of the cooperation in public transport in Turnu Magurele - Nikopol cross border area”;

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs:

- 11.225 km (Turnu Magurele: 6.268 km and Nikopol: 4.957 km) total length of reconstructed or upgraded roads;

- 2 joint mechanism;

Programme results: 29,865 cross-border population served by modernized infrastructure leading to TEN-T.

Project status

The project is finalized.

The following have been achieved within the project:

The work execution in Turnu Magurele - Lead Beneficiary is finalized. Ten streets/sections of streets from Turnu Magurele ( 6.268 km) were modernized.

On behalf of Beneficiary 2, the work execution of modernizing 4.957 km of road in Nikopol Municipality (PVN 3123 - / III - 304, Tranchovitsa– Novachene/ Batsova Mahala– Municipal boundaries Nikopol–Pleven – Slavyanovo/PVN 2145) is finalized. The road section between the Border of Municipalities Nikopol-Pleven and Slavyanovo, which is the link between the investment objective of B2 and the TEN-T network, will be modernized.

The traffic management system, defined by the elaborated traffic management plan, is completed. The equipment for the traffic management system is installed and functional.

The activity “Awareness campaign for the traffic management system”was completed on 23.07.2021 when 2000 leaflets and 100 posters were delivered.

Also, the activity “Setting up an integrated information system for public transport operators” was completed on 23.07.2021, LB organizing a conference - The public transport – an opportunity for a better connectivity of Turnu Magurele – Nikopol area to TENT network” and a workshop - How to harmonize the public transport for a better quality of the citizens’ life?”.


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