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ROBG 418

ROAD SAFETY AND TEN-T CONNECTIVITY RUSE-GIURGIU (RO BG-418) Investing in Road Safety and Improving the Connectivity of Ruse Municipality and Giurgiu County to TEN-T Transport Network

What’s the goal?

The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the sustainable and safe mobility of people and goods in the CBC area by applying coordinated cross-border actions for the improvement and maintenance of the road infrastructure connected to the TEN-T network and using joint mechanisms for planning and common actions in the field traffic safety and security.

What’s the budget?

6,326,447.21 euro, out of which 5,377,480.12 euro ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead Beneficiary (LB): Ruse Municipality

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Territorial Administrative Unit – Giurgiu Town

When is it happening?

Start date: 15.08.2018

End date: 14.02.2022

Duration: 42 months

Where is it happening?

Giurgiu (Romania)

Ruse (Bulgaria)

How is it going to happen?

  • Reconstruction and modernization of 3.1 km of road covering the key for the City of Ruse Blvd. "Treti Mart" and the connected to it Bridge "Sarayski;
  • Delivery of equipment for cross-border traffic monitoring and road security in Giurgiu County;
  • Development of a Joint Traffic Security Strategy for Ruse-Giurgiu CBC Region;
  • Conducting joint awareness campaigns for traffic security education of the population in partnership with relevant stakeholder institutions on both sides of the border.

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 3.1 km of reconstructed or upgraded roads

3 joint mechanisms to facilitate the connection of secondary/tertiary nodes to TEN-T infrastructure (e.g. route guidance, incidents/emergencies detection and management, studies on traffic flows, feasibility studies addressing cross-border.

Programme results: 210,000 Cross border population served by modernized infrastructure leading to TEN-T.

Project status (reflected in progress reports)

The project implementation period ended on 14.02.2022.

The main project results the main project results achieved so far are:

Under Activity T1 “Implementation of joint mechanisms”, both project beneficiaries performed educational campaigns related to the traffic security education of the population. The LB performed the first educational campaign, in Ruse in the end of October 2020. 50 students and stakeholder representatives took part. The second educational campaign was held in Giurgiu in the middle of May 2021. 58 students and Romanian stakeholder representatives took part at the event.

For the scopes of Activity T.1 “Implementation of joint mechanisms”, B2 – Giurgiu County Council purchased Road Maintenance equipment for the Giurgiu County Road Department, namely Autogreder, Asphalt finisher, Articulated Tandem Vibrating Roller, Asphalt cutter, Pillars Beating Installation For Vehicle Parapet and 8x4 Dump Truck With Snow Removal Equipment. In addition, Road signs were acquisitioned for Giurgiu County Road Administration and Traffic Control (DJTADJCT) and given in free use to the Council Directorate for Transport. Furthermore, 4 TETRA stations were acquisitioned, which were also given for free use to Giurgiu Traffic Police - Giurgiu.

Within the frame of the same Activity T.1 ““Implementation of joint mechanisms”, B2 – TAU Giurgiu County elaborated a joint traffic security strategy in EN and BG language. The final version of the document is available to the general public and the interested stakeholders - Giurgiu County Council official website: Giurgiu-Ruse.pdf .

The LB – Ruse Municipality modernized the cross border infrastructure through the finalization of Stage 1 – “Treti mart” blvd. from the road junction “Saraya” (km 0 + 341.58) to the intersection with “Kapitan Raycho Nikolov” str. (km 1+551.88)” and Stage II “Treti mart” blvd. from the intersection with “Kapitan Raycho Nikolov” (km 1+551.88) to the connections with road РП I-5 “Ruse - V. Tarnovo” and Stage 3 “Bridge facility at road junction "Saraya", incl. the road connections to the junction”. Theproject is contributing with 3.1 km of road facilitating access to TEN-T network out of total 3.1 km foreseen.

Thus, at Programme level, the number of 166.300 Cross border population is served by modernized infrastructure leading to TEN-T.

Moreover, a traffic light system with 2 LED indicators and 5 road signs have been installed in the zone West of the border crossing point on the Bulgarian side to monitor the traffic on the bridge and prevent the formation of truck tails on it.

At project level, throughout its implementation, there were created 3 joint mechanisms in order to facilitate the connection of secondary/tertiary nodes to the TEN-T infrastructure, represented by 1 Joint Traffic Security Strategy for Ruse-Giurgiu CBC Region, 1 joint mechanism for traffic monitoring and road security realized by the implementation of identical in nature traffic monitoring and security measures and 1 joint mechanism for carrying out joint awareness campaigns for traffic security education of the population in partnership with relevant stakeholder institutions on both sides of the border.



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