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ROBG 410


Discover Rroma Treasures!

What’s the goal?

The overall objective of the project is to improve the sustainable use of cultural heritage through valorization of the traditional Rroma culture in touristic products.

What’s the budget?

421,236.74 euro, out of which 358,051.22 euro ERDF

The eligible budget per partners is as follow:

LB: 212,213.99 euro, out of which 180,381.89 ERDF

B2: 100,355.43 euro, out of which 85,302.11 ERDF

B3: 108,667.32 euro, out of which 92,367.22 ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead Beneficiary (LB): Cross Border Association E(quilibrum) Environment (C.B.A.E.E)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Association „Regional partnerships for sustainable development - Vidin (Bulgaria)

Beneficiary 3 (B3): Regional Development Agency and Business Center 2000 (Bulgaria)

When is it happening?

Start date: 01.09.2018

End date: 29.02.2020

Duration: 18 months

Where is it happening?

Vidin and Montana in Bulgaria

Dolj and Mehedinti in Romania

How is it going to happen?

  • Study regarding the branches of traditional Rroma culture;
  • The common strategy “Valorisation of Rroma culture from cross border area in touristic products” will be elaborated on base of various studies;
  • 4 Corners for the promotion Rroma culture created;
  • Organization of 2 Cross border Caravans “Discover Rroma treasures!”;
  • Organization of 4 workshops “Learn about the Rroma culture” for children;
  • Organization of 4 Rroma Culture Festivals “Enjoy the Rroma culture”;
  • Participation at 2 tourism fairs;
  • Promotional campaign.

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs:

- 2 integrated tourism products created;

- 1 common strategy for valorizing the cultural and natural heritage through its restoration and promotion for sustainable economic uses;

- 280 visits to supported sites of cultural and natural heritage and attraction;

Programme results: 1,000 tourist overnights in the CBC region.

Project status

The project implementation period ended on 29.02.2020and the following objectives have been achieved:

Studies regarding the branches of traditional Rroma culture (for districts Dolj and Mehedinti in RO and Montana and Vidin in BG), were developed. They are available on the following link: .

LB developed a Strategy, identifying common routes in cross border project area for Rroma culture and methods for their valorisation in touristic products. The Strategy is accessible here: .

Each beneficiary purchased the equipment for the corners : CBAEE (LP) arranged 2 corners, for Dolj and Mehedinţi counties, RPSD - Vidin (PP2) arranged 1 corner for Vidin district and RDA&BC 2000 (PP3) arrange 1 corner for Montana district. The 4 Corners culture were arranged in each county and district from project area to increase continuously the interest over the main project results and documents developed and over the Rroma culture and cultural habits.

The Project web site is available @ . Further on, a smart application for cell phone was developed by the LB by gathering the information also from the other partners. The application is very useful for the tourists because the many information regarding the project area and its friendly structure. The smart application is elaborated in Romanian, English and Bulgarian and can be downloaded and used for free from Google Play or App Store, through the name: rromatreasures.

Furthermore, the project beneficiaries have performed all main events foreseen as for example: two workshops from total 4 named “Learn about the Rroma culture” for children performed in October and November 2019 and two Caravans dedicated on discovering the Rroma treasures within the cross – border region. In addition, four Rroma Culture Festivals “Enjoy the Rroma culture” were performed. It generated various number of participants and interest on them. Photos from the performed events could be seen on the following link: .

As a part from the information and publicity measures implemented by the project are the elaboration of one 50 minutes movie, which include images, interviews and information gathered during the project events. The film was in process of elaboration. In addition, during the project events, 600 professional pictures were made - 300 in Romanian project area and 300 in Bulgarian project area. Further, the captured pictures were transformed and included within a Catalogue providing short information about the most representative creators, traditions, events from common routes identified.

Further and not the last, the LB team participated to the National Tourism Fair of Romania - Romexpo, in Bucuresti in period 13-16.11.2019. Also, the rroma culture from project area was represented by rroma dancers. In the forum, were presented the rroma culture of the project target region. B2 rent a stand and participated at the International Tourism Fair in Sofia, organized between 13-16.02.2020. LB and B3 team members participated to this event, promoting the project activities, results and distributing project promotional catalogues. Also, during the Fair participated the rroma dancers and artisans from the cross-border area, covered by the project.

Regarding the achieved results produced following the project implementation and contributing to the Result indicator at Programme level “Number of tourist overnights in the CBC region”, through the organization of all types of project events, the project granted a contribution from 1172 overnights.


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