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Information session for the second call for proposals, February 16th 2016, Giurgiu

The second information session for the second call for projects in the framework of Interreg V-A Romania - Bulgaria Programme was held today, February 16th 2016, in Giurgiu, where 83 potential beneficiaries from Constanta, Calarasi, Teleorman and Giurgiu counties have participated.

Managing Authority (Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration of Romania), National Authority (Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works of Bulgaria) and Joint Secretariat of Cross Border Cooperation Regional Office Calarasi for Romania-Bulgaria Border  organized an information session regarding 2014-2020 financial period of the second call for proposals.

These sessions are designed to meet the information needs on the possibility of accessing European funds by presenting the two priority axes in which projects can be submitted until March 15th, 2016 (16:00 h): Priority Axis 4 - A skilled and inclusive region, Priority Axis 5 - An effective region and to exemplify the most common errors occurring in writing a grant request.

The following information sessions will be held as follows: 17th of February – Craiova, 18th of February – Pleven, 23th of February -Bucharest.

To view pictures from this event, click here.


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