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4 Vacancy jobs

The final results of the recruitment process no. 34/07.10.2022, launched in order fill in 7 vacancies within the Joint Secretariats General Department

For download click here

The candidates admitted (short-list) to participate at the structured interview.

For download click here.

2 project managers

2 financial experts

2 contracting experts

1 information and promotion expert


The Joint Secretariat for the Romania-Bulgaria Interreg V-A Programme has 7 job opportunities. This is an exciting opportunity to join an international team working in the field of territorial and regional development.

Cross Border Cooperation Regional Office Calarasi for the Romania Bulgaria border wants to hire full time experts in its Calarasi Office (Romania) to complete its team, as follows:

  1. Project Manager - 2 positions (code MPCH);
  2. Financial Expert – 2 positions (code: FECH);
  3. Contracting Expert – 2 positions (code: CECH)
  4. Information and promotion expert - 1 position (code: IPECH);


The personal application consists in an English detailed Curriculum Vitae and should include the following references:

  1. The vacancy code for which is applying (namely MPCH/FECH/CECH/IPECH);
  2. E-mail address for communicating the results of the recruitment process.

Please observe that the requirement conditions for the positions with the codes MPCH/FECH/CECH/IPECH are different! Based on the personal application, the recruitment committee will select the candidates who meet the recruitment conditions that were established within the 2nd annex of the recruitment process regulation.

Until or during the day of 31st of October 2022, the candidates placed on the short-list will be informed by e-mail, about the result and invited to the interview. Also the candidates that will not be „accepted” will be informed by e-mail.

Attention!!! The knowledge of the “accepted” candidates in the fields of their expertise will be assessed during a written test and interview (based on the bibliography of the current recruitment process) that will be organised on 09th of November, 2022.

The short-list with the “accepted” candidates will be posted on the and on until or during the day of 31st of October 2022.


The application should be sent by e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. address,in accordance with the application procedure mentioned above.

All applications submitted within the deadline will be acknowledged.

Applicant data will be managed under the provisions of art. 29 of the Law 53/2003 (Labor Code), republished and in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation - download) and observing the provisions of the Romanian Law with the no. 182/2002.


28th of October 2022, hour 1400.

Only those applications submitted before the deadline of this vacancy announcement will be eligible for consideration!


The interviews and the written tests with short-listed candidates will be held on 09th of November 2022, at our headquarters, Chiciu area, Calarasi County (please check the attached map).

Location map JS/CBC ROC



The positions will be contracted on behalf of the Cross Border Cooperation Regional Office Călărași for the Romania–Bulgaria Border.

The positions are fulltime equivalent, based in Calarasi and governed by Romanian labor law.


The selected candidate should take up the assigned position starting as soon as possible.

Successful applicant will be employed by the CBC ROC for a 12 months period.

The details related to the conditions for the recruitment process and to the bibliography are available at by accessing the links below:

* Rules for organizing and development of the recruitment process

* Recruitment process bibliography


For details related to the conditions of recruitment process, the bibliography etc.: CROSS BORDER COOPERATION REGIONAL OFFICE CALARASI FOR THE ROMANIA – BULGARIA BORDER headquarters, Mr. Petrus Alexandru CIOCARLAN – HR Department.

Phone no: +40 242 313.091, or by e-mail address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

4 project managers

3 financial experts

1 assistant


The Joint Secretariat for the Romania-Bulgaria Interreg V-A Programme has 8 jobs opportunities. This is an exciting opportunity to join an international team working in the field of territorial and regional development.

Cross Border Cooperation Office Calarasi for the Romania Bulgaria border wants to hire full time expert in its Călărași Office (Romania) to complete its team, as follows:

  1. a)Project Manager – 4 positions located in Calarasi, Romania, as follows:
    1. 1 position with the code MPTE;
    2. 1 position with the code MPCH01;
    3. 2 positions with the code MPCH02;
  2. b)Financial Expert– 3 positions, located in Calarasi, Romania (code: FECH);
  3. c)Assistant – 1 position (code: ACH).


The personal application consists in an English detailed Curriculum Vitae and should include the following references:

  1. The vacancy code for which is applying (namely MPTE/MPCH01/MPCH02/FECH/ACH);
  2. E-mail address for communicating the results of the recruitment process.

Please observe that the requirement conditions for the positions with the codes MPTE, MPCH01, MPCH02, FECH and ACH are different! Based on the personal application, the recruitment committee will select the candidates who meet the recruitment conditions.

Until or during the day of 24th of July 2020, the candidates placed on the short-list will be informed by e-mail, about the result and invited to the interview. Also the candidates that will not be „accepted” will be informed by e-mail.

Attention!!! The knowledge of the “accepted” candidates in the fields of their expertise will be assessed during a written test and interview (based on the bibliography of the current selection process) that will be organised on 3rd of August, 2020.

The short-list with the “accepted” candidates will be posted on the and on until or during the day of 24th of July 2020.


The application should be sent by e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. address,in accordance with the application procedure mentioned above.

All applications submitted within the deadline will be acknowledged.

Applicant data will be managed under the provisions of art. 29 of the Law 53/2003 (Labor Code) and in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation - download) and observing the provisions of the Romanian Law with the no. 182/2002.


21st of July 2020, hour 1600.

Only those applications submitted before the deadline of this vacancy announcement will be eligible for consideration!


The interviews and the written tests with short-listed candidates will be held on 3rd of August 2020, in our offices, Chiciu area, Călărași County (please check the attached map).

Location map JS/CBC ROC

harta job


The positions will be contracted on behalf of the Cross Border Co-Operation Regional Office Călărași for the Romania–Bulgaria Border.

The positions are fulltime equivalent, based in Calarasi and governed by Romanian labor law.


The selected candidate should take up the assigned position starting as soon as possible.

Successful applicant will be employed by the CBC ROC for a 12 months period.

The details related to the conditions for the recruitment process and to the bibliography is available at by accessing the links below:

* Rules for organizing and development of the recruitment process

* Recruitment process bibliography


For details related to the conditions of recruitment process, the bibliography etc.: CROSS BORDER CO-OPERATION REGIONAL OFFICE CĂLĂRAȘI FOR THE ROMANIA – BULGARIA BORDER headquarters, Mr. Petrus Alexandru CIOCARLAN – HR Department.

Phone no: +40 242 313.091, or by e-mail address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The final results of the that was registered with the no. 15/03.03.2020, within the register of the recruitment/selection processes that are organized by  CBC RO Calarasi, launched in order fill in 5 vacancies within the Joint Secretariats General Department

For download click here

The second step (interview) results of the recruitment process no. 15/03.03.2020, which was launched in order fill in 5 vacancies within the Joint Secretariats General Department

For download click here

The candidates admitted (short-list) to participate at the structured interview

For download click here


regarding theestablishing of the deadlines for submitting/transmission of applications relating to recruitment processes that are in progress within Cross Border Cooperation Regional Office Calarasi for the Romania – Bulgaria border

Today, 18.05.2020, are established the deadlines for submitting/transmission the applications for the recruitment processes that are organized by the Cross Border Cooperation Regional Office Calarasi for the Romania - Bulgaria border (CBC RO Calarasi), which initially were extended during the period in which the state of emergency was established on the Romanian territory, as follows:

  1. It is established on 29.05.2020, hour 1400 the deadline for transmission the applications for the recruitment process no. 14/02.03.2020, which was launched in order to fill 3 vacancies of controller within the First Level Control Department. The recruitment process will be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the regulation which can be accessed at the following addresses: and/or
  1. It is established on 29.05.2020, hour 1400 the deadline for submitting the applications for the recruitment process no. 15/03.03.2020, which was launched in order to fill 5 vacancies within the Joint Secretariats General Department. Thus, within 3 working days, will be held the first step of the recruitment process with no. 15/03.03.2020, term in which will also be posted the short-list with the candidates declared admitted as a result of the development of first step (checking of compliance of submitted applications). Following the development of the first step, all candidateswho participated will be informed regarding the results, via e-mail address that was mentioned in applications submittedAlso, the admitted candidates (short-list) will be informed about the date and time regarding the second and third steps (interview and written test) and will be invited to participate at the second stage of the recruitment process with no. 15/03.03.2020. The recruitment process will be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the regulation which can be accessed at the following addresses: and/or


privind stabilirea termenelor de depunere/transmitere al aplicațiilor aferente proceselor de recrutare ce sunt în desfășurare în cadrul Biroului Regional pentru Cooperare Transfrontalieră Călărași pentru granița România-Bulgaria

Astăzi, 18.05.2020 sunt stabilite termenele de depunere/transmitere ale aplicațiilor ce vizează procesele de recrutare organizate de către Biroului Regional pentru Cooperare Transfrontalieră Călărași pentru granița România-Bulgaria (BRCT Călărași), ce au fost prelungite pe perioada în care a fost instituită starea de urgență pe teritoriul României, după cum urmează:

  1. Se stabilește termenul de transmitere al aplicațiilor în data de 29.05.2020, ora 1400, pentru procesul de recrutare nr. 14/02.03.2020, ce a fost lansat în vederea ocupării a 3 posturi vacante de controlor din cadrul Direcției Control de Prim Nivel. Procesul de recrutare se va desfășura în conformitate cu prevederile regulamentului ce poate fi accesat la adresele: și/sau
  1. Se stabilește termenul de depunere al aplicațiilor în data de 29.05.2020, ora 1400, pentru procesul de recrutare nr. 15/03.03.2020, ce a fost lansat in vederea ocupării a 5 posturi vacante din cadrul Directiei Generale Secretariate Comune. Astfel, în termen de 3 zile lucrătoare se va desfășura prima etapa a procesului de recrutare cu nr. 15/03.03.2020, termen în care va fi postată lista scurta a candidaților ce vor fi admiși ca urmare a desfășurării etapei I (verificarea conformității aplicațiilor depuse). Ca urmare a desfășurarii primei etape toti candidatii ce au participa vor fi informati prin intermediul adreselor de e-mail consemnate in aplicatiile depuse cu privire la rezultatul obținut. De asemenea, candidații numiti admiși vor fi informati cu privire la data si ora la care vor fi organizate etapele II și III (interviul si testul scris) și vor fi invitați să participe la cea de-a II-a etapă a procesului de recrutare cu nr. 15/03.03.2020. Procesul de recrutare se va desfășura în conformitate cu prevederile regulamentului ce poate fi accesat la adresele: și/sau


Regarding the deadlines extension for the recruitment processes/selection processes that are in progress within Cross Border Cooperation Regional Office Calarasi for the Romania – Bulgaria border

             At this point within Cross Border Cooperation Regional Office Calarasi for the Romania – Bulgaria border (CBC ROC Calarasi) are in progress two recruitment processes, as follows:

  1. Recruitment process no. 14/02.03.2020 that was launched in order to fill in 3 first level controller vacant positions within First Level Control Department (applications initially deadline – 03.04.2020, hour 1400);
  2. Recruitment process no. 15/03.03.2020 that was launched in order to fill in 5 vacancies within Joint Secretariats General Department (applications initially deadline – 25.03.2020, hour 1600).

             Given the epidemiological situation caused by the spread of coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection and the Ministry of Health recommendations made in order to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection, as well as Decree no. 195/16.03.2020 regarding the establishment of the state of emergency on the Romanian territory, CBC RO Calarasi will extends the deadlines of submission/transmission of the applications related to the recruitment processes previously mentioned, during the hole period in which the state of emergency was established on the Romanian territory. Thus, within one working day after the cessation of the state of emergency, will be established the new deadlines of submission/transmission of the applications related to the recruitment processes.

             Also, we inform you that both the applications submitted so far and those that will be submitted during the state of emergency will be taken into account within the recruitment processes.


privind prelungirea termenelor aferente proceselor de recrutare/selecție ce sunt în desfășurare în cadrul Biroului Regional pentru Cooperare Transfrontalieră Călărași pentru granița România-Bulgaria

În acest moment în cadrul Biroului Regional pentru Cooperare Transfrontalieră Călărași pentru granița România-Bulgaria (BRCT Călărași) sunt în desfășurare două procese de recrutare, după cum urmează:

  1. Procesul de recrutare nr. 14/02.03.2020, ce a fost lansat în vederea ocupării a 3 posturi vacante de controlor din cadrul Direcției Control de Prim Nivel (termen inițial de depunere al aplicațiilor – 03.04.2020, ora 1400)
  2. Procesul de recrutare nr. 15/03.03.2020, ce a fost lansat in vederea ocupării a 5 posturi vacante din cadrul Directiei Generale Secretariate Comune (termen inițial de depunere al aplicațiilor – 25.03.2020, ora 1600)

             Având în vedere situația epidemiologică determinată de răspândirea coronavirusului (SARS-CoV-2), recomandările Ministerului Muncii și Protecției Sociale și Ministerului Sănătății, formulate în scopul prevenirii răspândirii infectării cu coronavirus, precum și Decretul nr. 195/16.03.2020 privind instituirea stării de urgență pe teritoriul României, BRCT Călărași prelungește termenele de depunere/transmitere a aplicațiilor aferente proceselor de recrutare menționate anterior, pe perioada în care a fost instituită starea de urgență pe teritoriul României. Astfel, în termen de o zi lucrătoare de la încetarea stării de urgență, se va stabili și se va publica pe website-urile și, noul termen de depunere/transmitere a aplicațiilor aferente proceselor de recrutare.           

             De asemenea, vă informăm, că atât aplicațiile depuse până în acest moment cât și cele ce se vor depune pe parcursul stării de urgență, vor fi luate în considerare în cadrul proceselor de recrutare.

             Prezentul anunt va fi publicat pe website-urile și

2 project managers

2 financial experts

1 assistant


The Joint Secretariat for the Romania-Bulgaria Interreg V-A Programme has 5 jobs opportunities. This is an exciting opportunity to join an international team working in the field of territorial and regional development.

Cross Border Cooperation Office Calarasi for the Romania Bulgaria border wants to hire full time expert in its Călărași Office (Romania) to complete its team, as follows:

  1. Project Manager – 2 positions located in Calarasi, Romania, as follows:
    1. 1 position with the code MPTE;
    2. 1 position with the code MPCH;
  2. Financial Expert– 2 positions, located in Calarasi, Romania (code: FECH);
  3. Assistant – 1 position (code: ACH).


The personal application consists in an English detailed Curriculum Vitae and should include the following references:

  1. The vacancy code for which is applying (namely MPTE/MPCH/FECH/ACH);
  2. E-mail address for communicating the results of the recruitment process.

Please observe that the requirement conditions for the positions with the codes MPTE, MPCH, FECH and ACH are different! Based on the personal application, the recruitment committee will select the candidates who meet the recruitment conditions.

Until or during the day of 27th of March 2020, the candidates placed on the short-list will be informed by e-mail, about the result and invited to the interview. Also the candidates that will not be „accepted” will be informed by e-mail.

Attention!!! The knowledge of the “accepted” candidates in the fields of their expertise will be assessed during a written test and interview (based on the bibliography of the current selection process) that will be organised on 06th of April, 2020.

The short-list with the “accepted” candidates will be posted on the and on until or during the day of 27th of March 2020.


The application should be sent by e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. address,in accordance with the application procedure mentioned above.

All applications submitted within the deadline will be acknowledged.

Applicant data will be managed under the provisions of art. 29 of the Law 53/2003 (Labor Code) and in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (Privacy Policy) and observing the provisions of the Romanian Law with the no. 182/2002.


25th of March 2020, hour 1600.

Only those applications submitted before the deadline of this vacancy announcement will be eligible for consideration!


The interviews and the written tests with short-listed candidates will be held on 06th of April 2020, in our offices, Chiciu area, Călărași County (please check the attached map).

Location map JS/CBC ROC

harta job


The positions will be contracted on behalf of the Cross Border Co-Operation Regional Office Călărași for the Romania–Bulgaria Border.

The positions are fulltime equivalent, based in Calarasi and governed by Romanian labor law.


The selected candidate should take up the assigned position starting as soon as possible.

Successful applicant will be employed by the CBC ROC for a 12 months period.

The details related to the conditions for the recruitment process and to the bibliography is available at by accessing the links below:

* Rules for organizing and development of the recruitment process

* Recruitment process bibliography


For details related to the conditions of recruitment process, the bibliography etc.: CROSS BORDER CO-OPERATION REGIONAL OFFICE CĂLĂRAȘI FOR THE ROMANIA – BULGARIA BORDER headquarters, Mr. Petrus Alexandru CIOCARLAN – HR Department.

Phone no: +40 242 313.091, or by e-mail address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Biroul Regional pentru Cooperare Transfrontalieră Călărași pentru granița România-Bulgaria organizează proces de recrutare pentru ocuparea următoarelor posturi

- controlor de prim nivel – profil tehnic – 3 posturi (perioadă determinată – 1 an);

Pentru a descărca regulamentul, bibliografia şi anunţul aferent procesului de recrutare ce este organizat în vederea ocupării a 3 posturi vacante de controlor din cadrul BRCT Călăraşi, accesaţi următoarele link-uri:

I. Anunţul;
II. Regulamentul;
III. Bibliografia;
IV. Model Curriculum Vitae.

Informații privind condițiile de participare, regulamentul procesului de recrutare precum și bibliografia se pot obține la tel. 0242/313.091, persoană de contact Sandu ȘERBAN, e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. și pe site-ul

Datele cu caracter personal vor fi prelucrate în temeiul art. 29 din cadrul Legii 53/2003 (Codul Muncii) republicată, cu modificările și completările ulterioare și în conformitate cu Regulamentul (UE) 2016/679 al Parlamentului European și al Consiliului din 27 aprilie 2016, privind protecția persoanelor fizice în ceea ce privește prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal și privind libera circulație a acestor date și de abrogare a Directivei 95/46/CE (Prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal)

The final results of the that was registered with the no. 12/20.01.2020, within the register of the recruitment/selection processes that are organized by  CBC RO Calarasi, launched in order fill in 8 vacancies within the Joint Secretariats General Department.

For download click here

The admitted candidates (short-list) for the structured interview on 20th of February 2020 For download click here

The final results of the recruitment process for 6 vacancies within the Joint Secretariats General Department, that was launched on 25th of November 2016

The admitted candidates (short-list) for the structured interview on 29th of December 2016” For download click here 

Due to a technical problem, we are facing some malfunctions of our e-mail account

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Therefore, in order to assure that all the potential candidates can apply at the

recruitment process launched in 25 th November 2016, regarding 6 vacancies within Joint

Secretariats General Department, we are informing you that the personal applications

have to be submitted also, to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

We are kindly asking all the candidates who already tried to submit their personal

applications, starting with 5 th December 2016, to send them also at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


3 project managers

2 financial experts

1 information and promotion experts


The Joint Secretariat for the Romania-Bulgaria Interreg V-A Programme has 6 job opportunities. This is an exciting opportunity to join an international team working in the field of territorial and regional development.

Cross Border Cooperation Office Calarasi for the Romania Bulgaria border wants to hire full time experts in its Călărași Office (Romania) to complete its team, as follows:

  1. Project Manager – 3 positions (code: MPCH);
  2. Financial Expert – 2 positions (code: FECH);
  3. Information and promotion expert –1 position (code: IPECH)


The personal application consists in an English detailed Curriculum Vitae and should include the following references:

  1. The vacancy code for which is applying;
  2. E-mail address for communicating the results of the recruitment process.

Based on the personal application, the recruitment committee will select the candidates who meet the recruitment conditions.

Until or during the day of 23rd of December 2016, the candidates placed on the short-list will be informed by e-mail, about the result, and invited to the interview. Also the candidates that will not be „accepted” will be informed by e-mail. The written test and interview will be organised on 29th of December, 2016.

The short-list with the ”accepted” candidates will be posted on the and on until or during the day of 23rd of December 2016.


The application should be sent by e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. address or via any recruitment website through which the recruitment process announcement will be promoted,in accordance with the application procedure mentioned above. 

All applications submitted within the deadline will be acknowledged.

Each applicant should apply for only one position.  

Applicant data will be managed according to the Romanian Law on Data Protection 182/2002. Please note that the information submitted by the candidates and the selection process documentation might be shared with the Programme Managing Authority (Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration from Romania) and National Authority (Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works from Bulgaria), also.


20th of December 2016, hour 1600.

Only those applications submitted before the closing date of this vacancy announcement will be eligible for consideration!


The interviews and the written tests with short-listed candidates will be held on 29th of December 2016, in our offices, Chiciu area, Călărași County (please check the attached map).

Location map JS/CBC ROC


The position will be contracted on behalf of the Cross Border Co-Operation Regional Office Călărași for the Romania–Bulgaria Border.

The positions are fulltime equivalent, based in Calarasi and governed by Romanian labour law.


The selected candidate should take up the assigned position starting as soon as possible.

Successful applicant will be employed by the CBC ROC and will be granted a 12 months contract. For 30 working days the new employee will have a trial period.

The details related to the conditions for the recruitment process and to the bibliography is available at by accessing the link below:

* Rules for organizing and development of the recruitment process


For details related to the conditions of recruitment process, the bibliography etc.: CROSS BORDER CO-OPERATION REGIONAL OFFICE CĂLĂRAȘI FOR THE ROMANIA – BULGARIA BORDER headquarters, Mr. Petrus Alexandru CIOCARLAN – HR Department.

Phone no: +40 242 313.091, or by e-mail address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

The final results of the recruitment process for 10 vacancies within the Joint Secretariats General Department, that was launched on 2nd of September 2016

For download click here

The admitted candidates (short-list) for the structured interview on 5th of October 2016

For download click here

3 project managers

3 financial experts

2 contracting experts

2 information and promotion experts


The Joint Secretariat for the Romania-Bulgaria Interreg V-A Programme has 10 job opportunities. This is an exciting opportunity to join an international team working in the field of territorial and regional development.

Cross Border Cooperation Office Calarasi for the Romania Bulgaria border wants to hire full time experts in its Călărași Office (Romania) to complete its team, as follows:

  1. Project Manager – 3 positions (code: MPCH);
  2. Financial Expert – 3 positions (code: FECH);
  3. Contracting expert – 2 positions (codes: CECH);
  4. Information and promotion expert – 2 position (code: IPECH)


The personal application consists in an English detailed Curriculum Vitae and should include the following references:

  1. The vacancy code for which is applying;
  2. E-mail address for communicating the results of the recruitment process.

Based on the personal application, the recruitment committee will select the candidates who meet the recruitment conditions.

Until or during the day of 23rd of September 2016, the candidates placed on the short-list will be informed by e-mail, about the result, and invited to the interview. Also the candidates that will not be „accepted” will be informed by e-mail. The written test and interview will be organised on 5th of October, 2016.

The short-list with the ”accepted” candidates will be posted on the and on until or during the day of 23rd of September 2016.


The application should be sent by e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. address or via any recruitment website through which the recruitment process announcement will be promoted,in accordance with the application procedure mentioned above. 

All applications submitted within the deadline will be acknowledged.

Each applicant should apply for only one position.  

Applicant data will be managed according to the Romanian Law on Data Protection 182/2002. Please note that the information submitted by the candidates and the selection process documentation might be shared with the Programme Managing Authority (Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration from Romania) and National Authority (Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works from Bulgaria), also.


20th of September 2016, hour 1600.

Only those applications submitted before the closing date of this vacancy announcement will be eligible for consideration!


The interviews and the written tests with short-listed candidates will be held on 5th of October 2016, in our offices, Chiciu area, Călărași County (please check the attached map).

Location map JS/CBC ROC


The position will be contracted on behalf of the Cross Border Co-Operation Regional Office Călărași for the Romania–Bulgaria Border.

The positions are fulltime equivalent, based in Calarasi and governed by Romanian labour law.


The selected candidate should take up the assigned position starting as soon as possible.

Successful applicant will be employed by the CBC ROC and will be granted a 12 months contract. For 30 working days the new employee will have a trial period.

The details related to the conditions for the recruitment process and to the bibliography is available at by accessing the link below:

* Rules for organizing and development of the recruitment process


For details related to the conditions of recruitment process, the bibliography etc.: CROSS BORDER CO-OPERATION REGIONAL OFFICE CĂLĂRAȘI FOR THE ROMANIA – BULGARIA BORDER headquarters, Mr. Petrus Alexandru CIOCARLAN – HR Department.

Phone no: +40 242 313.091, or by e-mail address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Concurs pt ocuparea pe perioada determinata a functiei publice de executie temporar vacante de consilier ev-ex, clasa I, grad profesional principal DGPE, Directia AM programe cooperare teritoriala europeana, Serviciul Autoritatea de management

Formular de inscriere
Model de adeverinta

Ministerul Dezvoltarii Regionale si Administratiei Publice organizeaza in data de 27 septembrie 2016, ora 10.00 proba scrisa, concurs pentru ocuparea pe perioada determinata a functiei publice de executie temporar vacante de consilier evaluare-examinare, clasa I, grad profesional principal din cadrul Directiei generale programe europene, Direcția AM programe cooperare teritorială europeană, Serviciul Autoritatea de management România-Bulgaria.

Poate ocupa o functie publica persoana care indeplineste urmatoarele conditii:
a) are cetatenia romana si domiciliul in Romania;
b) cunoaste limba romana, scris si vorbit;
c) are varsta de minimum 18 ani impliniti;
d) are capacitate deplina de exercitiu;
e) are o stare de sanatate corespunzatoare functiei publice pentru care candideaza, atestata pe baza de examen medical de specialitate;
f) indeplineste conditiile de studii prevazute de lege pentru functia publica;
g) indeplineste conditiile specifice pentru ocuparea functiei publice;
h) nu a fost condamnata pentru savarsirea unei infractiuni contra umanitatii, contra statului sau contra autoritatii, de serviciu sau in legatura cu serviciul, care impiedica infaptuirea justitiei, de fals ori a unor fapte de coruptie sau a unei infractiuni savarsite cu intentie, care ar face-o incompatibila cu exercitarea functiei publice, cu exceptia situatiei in care a intervenit reabilitarea;
i) nu a fost destituita dintr-o functie publica sau nu i-a incetat contractul individual de munca pentru motive disciplinare in ultimii 7 ani;
j) nu a desfasurat activitate de politie politica, astfel cum este definita prin lege.
Studii universitare de licenţă absolvite cu diplomă, respectiv studii superioare de lungă durată absolvite cu diplomă de licenţă sau echivalentă în domeniul științelor sociale, umaniste și arte sau inginerești;
Vechime in specialitatea studiilor necesare exercitarii functiei publice: minimum 5 ani.
Cunoașterea limbii engleze – nivel avansat;
Abilitați, calităţi și aptitudini necesare: comunicare - verbală și scrisă, lucrul în echipă; abilități de planificare; randament în condiții de stres; inițiativă; capacitate de analiză; sinteză şi de a structura informații; transpunerea în practică a procedurilor finanțatorului şi legislației românești în vigoare; sociabil; organizat; meticulos.
a) Selectarea dosarelor de concurs;
b) Proba scrisa prin care se verifica cunostintele profesionale de specialitate (in concordanta cu bibliografia afisata), precum si cunostintele de limba engleza (pentru postul de consilier evaluare-examinare, clasa I, gradul profesional principal) sau, dupa caz, de limba engleza sau franceza (pentru postul de consilier evaluare-examinare, clasa I, gradul profesional asistent);
c) Interviu.
Probele de concurs se noteaza cu puncte de la 1 la 100, iar promovarea fiecarei probe se face ca urmare a obtinerii punctajului minim de 50 de puncte pentru fiecare din probe.
Toate probele sunt eliminatorii.
Proba scrisa se va sustine in data de 27 septembrie 2016, incepand cu orele 10.00.
Data si ora sustinerii interviului vor fi afisate odata cu rezultatele la proba scrisa.
Candidatii sunt rugati sa prezinte la intrarea in sala buletinul / cartea de identitate. Lipsa acestuia atrage neparticiparea la probele de concurs.

In vederea participarii la concurs, candidatii vor depune pana la data de 22 septembrie 2016, la Directia resurse umane a Ministerului Dezvoltarii Regionale si Administratiei Publice, urmatoarele documente necesare inscrierii:
- formularul de inscriere completat (formularul se ia de la secretarul comisiei de concurs la inscriere, fiind disponibil si pe site-ul ministerului);
- copia actului de identitate;
- copii ale diplomelor de studii si ale altor acte care atesta efectuarea unor specializari;
- copia carnetului de munca sau, dupa caz, o adeverinta care sa ateste vechimea in munca si, dupa caz, in specialitatea studiilor necesare ocuparii functiei publice. Copia carnetului de munca trebuie sa fie conforma cu originalul, purtand semnatura si stampila persoanelor abilitate in acest sens din cadrul institutiei in care este depus carnetul de munca;
- cazierul judiciar (valabil 6 luni de la data eliberarii);
- adeverinta care sa ateste starea de sanatate corespunzatoare, eliberata cu cel mult 6 luni anterior derularii concursului de catre medicul de familie sau de catre unitatile sanitare abilitate;
- declaratia pe propria raspundere sau adeverinta care sa ateste ca nu a desfasurat activitati de politie politica;
- curriculum vitae, precum si un dosar din plastic cu sina si o fotografie tip buletin.
Conform art. 49 alin. (2) si (3) din H.G. nr. 611/2008 pentru aprobarea normelor privind organizarea si dezvoltarea carierei functionarilor publici, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare, adeverinta care atesta starea de sanatate contine, in clar, numarul, data, numele emitentului si calitatea acestuia, in formatul standard stabilit de Ministerul Sanatatii Publice, iar copiile de pe actele necesare inscrierii se prezinta in copii legalizate sau insotite de documentele originale, care se certifica pentru conformitatea cu originalul de catre secretarul comisiei de concurs.
Cazierul judiciar poate fi inlocuit cu o declaratie pe propria raspundere. In acest caz candidatul declarat admis la selectia dosarelor are obligatia de a completa dosarul de concurs cu originalul documentului pe tot parcursul desfasurarii concursului, dar nu mai tarziu de 5 zile lucratoare de la data la care a fost declarat admis in urma selectiei dosarelor, sub sanctiunea neemiterii actului administrativ de numire.
Informatii suplimentare pot fi obtinute la telefon: 037211.14.71.


The final results of the recruitment process for 11 vacancies within the Joint Secretariats General Department, that was launched on 15th of July 2016. To download click here

The admitted candidates (short-list) for the structured interview on 18th of August 2016” To download click here

3 project managers

4 financial experts

2 contracting experts

1 information and promotion experts

1 assistant



The Joint Secretariat for the Romania-Bulgaria Interreg V-A Programme has 11 job opportunities. This is an exciting opportunity to join an international team working in the field of territorial and regional development.

Cross Border Cooperation Office Calarasi for the Romania Bulgaria border wants to hire full time experts in its Călărași Office (Romania) to complete its team, as follows:

  1. Project Manager – 3 positions (code: MPCH);
  2. Financial Expert – 4 positions (code: FECH);
  3. Contracting expert – 2 positions (codes: CECH01 and CECH02);
  4. Information and promotion expert – 1 position (code: IPECH)
  5. Assistant – 1 position (code: ACH)


The personal application consists in an English detailed Curriculum Vitae and should include the following references:

  1. The vacancy code for which is applying;
  2. E-mail address for communicating the results of the recruitment process.

Based on the personal application, the recruitment committee will select the candidates who meet the recruitment conditions.

During the day of 10th of August 2016, the candidates placed on the short-list will be informed by e-mail, about the result, and invited to the interview. Also the candidates that will not be „accepted” will be informed by e-mail. The written test and interview will be organised on  18th of August, 2016.

The short-list with the ”accepted” candidates will be posted on the and on on the 10th of August 2016.


The application should be sent by e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. address or through,in accordance with the application procedure mentioned above. 

All applications submitted within the deadline will be acknowledged.

Each applicant should apply for only one position.  

Applicant data will be managed according to the Romanian Law on Data Protection 182/2002. Please note that the information submitted by the candidates and the selection process documentation might be shared with the Programme Managing Authority (Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration from Romania) and National Authority (Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works from Bulgaria), also.


9th of August 2016, hour 1600.

Only those applications submitted before the closing date of this vacancy announcement will be eligible for consideration!


The interviews and the written tests with short-listed candidates will be held on 18th of August 2016, in our offices, Chiciu area, Călărași County (please check the attached map).

Location map JS/CBC ROC


The position will be contracted on behalf of the Cross Border Co-Operation Regional Office Călărași for the Romania–Bulgaria Border.

The positions are fulltime equivalent, based in Calarasi and governed by Romanian labour law.


The selected candidate should take up the assigned position starting as soon as possible.

Successful applicant will be employed by the CBC ROC and will be granted a 12 months contract. For 30 working days the new employee will have a trial period.

The details related to the conditions for the recruitment process and to the bibliography is available at by accessing the link below:

* Rules for organizing and development of the recruitment process


For details related to the conditions of recruitment process, the bibliography etc.: CROSS BORDER CO-OPERATION REGIONAL OFFICE CĂLĂRAȘI FOR THE ROMANIA – BULGARIA BORDER headquarters, Mr. Petrus Alexandru CIOCARLAN – HR Department.

Phone no: +40 242 313.091, or by e-mail address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  




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