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Joint forum within the project “Stimulation and increase of the employment and cross-border mobility in the cross-border region”

A Joint forum for representatives of Bulgarian and Romanian employers, professional organizations, local administrations, universities and labour offices will be organized in the period 21st-22nd of October 2019 in Belene, Bulgaria.

The event is being organized by Belene Municipality, Lead Beneficiary of the project, e-MS code: ROBG-175, “Stimulation and increase of the employment and cross-border mobility in the cross-border region”, financed under the Interreg V-A Romania-Bulgaria Programme. During the forum there will be discussed topics on how education meets business needs, improving public services in local government to meet the requirements and expectations of businesses, etc.
The invitation and the agenda of the event can be downloaded here.

Published on 17.10.2019


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