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Let’s celebrate 9th of May - Europe’s Day!

Europe’s Day held on 9th of May is the date that marks the anniversary of the historical 'Schuman declaration'. After the Milano Summit in 1985, 9th of May was declared Europe’s Day, this date being one of the symbols of United Europe along with the blue flag with 12 gold stars, the "Ode to Joy" from the Ninth Beethoven Symphony and the Single Currency (the Euro).

Nowadays, for 28 states, including Bulgaria and Romania since 1 January 2007, and for over 500 million people, the European Union represents an area without borders which offers more opportunities, equal chances, freedom and equal friendly environment.
To celebrate Europe Day, the EU institutions open their doors to the public in early May in Brussels and Strasbourg. Local EU offices in Europe organize a variety of activities and events for all ages. Each year thousands of people take part in visits, debates, concerts and other events to mark the day and raise awareness about the EU. Across Europe, as well as in Bulgaria and Romania, this day is celebrated with various events.
The Joint Secretariat for Interreg V-A Romania – Bulgaria Programme within the Cross Border Cooperation Regional Office Calarasi for the Romania – Bulgaria border, enjoy the tradition of celebrating the Europe’s Day by organizing each year different events in the cross-border area Romania-Bulgaria in order to come closer to the citizens and raising awareness about the European Union as well as information related to the impact of the cross border cooperation between Romania and Bulgaria to the eligible area of the programme.
This year, the event dedicated to 9th of May will represent a meeting with students from Ruse University “Angel Kanchev” and visit to a permanent exhibition of digital 3D models of artefacts and objects, placed in Ruse Regional Museum of History, realized within the project “Ancient roman cultural heritage interactive visualization environment for the cross border area between Bulgaria and Romania”, e-MS code: ROBG-9, implemented within the Interreg V-A Romania–Bulgaria Programme, co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund. During the visit discussion about the importance of 9th of May for the united Europe will be held as well as presentations of projects implemented under the Cross-Border Cooperation Programmes Romania-Bulgaria.
To find out more about the Interreg V-A Romania-Bulgaria Programme, please visit the official website of the programme:

Published on 07.05.2018


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