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To the attention of the beneficiaries!.

Dear beneficiaries,

Considering the latest modifications of the Project Implementation Manual, we would like to underline the fact that the new provisions include two types of project reports to be submitted to JS, not just one as within the previous version of the PIM. According with the new PIM, the LB of the project shall prepare and submit to JS:

  1. Financial reports (for reimbursement requests). The LB has the possibility to ask reimbursement of expenditures to the MA via a financial project report submitted in the electronic system at any given time, for one or more partners, observing all other conditions foreseen within the PIM. These financial project reports will be created by LB only by attaching the available FLC certificates. No other sections required by the project report template will be filled in.

  1. Technical project Reports (to report on the achievement of the physical progress of the activities, project indicators and results). The LB must create and submit to JS Technical Project Reports consolidated after the end of the each reporting period (but not later than 10 working days) as  foreseen by MA Instruction no. 5/28.12.2017 or financing contract. In this regard, the LB should consolidate the information on activities included by the partners within the Partner reports submitted to FLC within the respective reporting period or to request a partner report  with only information regarding the progress of activities (with 0 expenditure requested) directly submitted to LB, for the part of the reporting period that is not covered by a partner report submitted to FLC.

Therefore, when preparing and submitting project reports please make sure that the report is within only one of the abovementioned category of reports, not having both description of the progress of activities and request for reimbursement. Such a project report, containing both certificates with validated expenditures and description of the progress of activities, will be reverted from the JS and LB will be asked to separate the information for each type of report, as described above. As an exception (see Chapter 20. Final Reports from PIM), only the final report (to be submitted within 5 months since the end of the implementation period), will include both the  progress of activities and the final claim for reimbursement into only one project report  (irrespective of the amount requested for reimbursement). In case the final claim for reimbursement is not accompanied by the final report, it will not be processed and, therefore, paid until the final report is also submitted and verified.

Published on 04.05.2018


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