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YOUR input is needed - sharing your good practices and exchanging your daily experiences about interacting in the cross-border regions

The European Union has 40 internal land border regions, which represent 40% of the Union's territory and close to 30% of the EU population. However, border regions generally perform less well economically than other regions within a Member State, facing specific difficulties. To address these difficulties and propose a series of new concrete actions, on 20 September 2017 the Commission adopted its Communication "Boosting Growth and Cohesion in EU Border Regions".

The Communication proposes a set of actions to enhance the competitive and cohesive situation of border regions, notably by addressing some of the legal and administrative barriers currently hampering closer cooperation and interaction.
To support the proposed measures and to ensure that good practices are shared, this online professional network provides you, with a platform to discuss and present concrete issues of the border regions and showcase potential solutions.
To make this tool work YOUR input is needed!
Therefore, you are invited to start the dialogue by sharing your good practices and exchanging your daily experiences about interacting in the cross-border regions.

Published on 17.01.2017





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