FairDeal (ROBG-204)
Short supply-chain platforms for local artisan and agriculture products in the CBC area
What’s the goal?
To trigger new economic opportunities for self-/employment and entrepreneurship in the CB area by joint development of an innovative solution for online marketing of local products.
What’s the budget?
656,426.06 euro, out of which 557,962.15 ERDF
Target at the half of the implementation period: 156,459 euro for Lead Beneficiary and 47,599 euro for Beneficiary 2, 76,501 euro for Beneficiary 3 and 22,188 euro for Beneficiary 4.
New budget after the half of the implementation period is:
Total budget: 572,533.62 euro, out of which 486,653.55 ERDF
Who is doing it?
Lead partner: Veliko Tarnovo Municipality (Bulgaria)
Partner: Dimanche Association(Romania)
Partner: Bilateral Chamber of Commerce Bulgaria-Romania (Bulgaria)
Partner: National Theatre "Marin Sorescu" Craiova (Romania)
When is it happening?
Start date: 09.06.2017
End date: 08.03.2020
Duration: 33 months
Where is it happening?
Veliko Tarnovo, Veliko Tarnovo District, Sofia, Bulgaria
Craiova, Dolj County, Romania
How is it going to happen?
- Conception, business process analysis and application requirements definition - FairDeal platform software development life-cycle (SDLC);
- Development of the hardware and software infrastructure necessary for the operation of the FairDeal online retail solution;
- Organization of craft trade fairs in Veliko Tarnovo and Craiova;
- Promotion and community network building;
- Project publicity and information activities - promotional materials (hats, T-shirts, eco-bags, folders, nformational materials (brochures, leаflets, etc.), press/ internet/ social media advertising campaign, press conferences.
What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?
Programme outputs:
- 5 initiatives that activate workforce mobility in the cross border area: 1 platform/ network, 2 educational seminars and 2 fairs;
- 9540 participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training;
Programme results: population that have access to joint employment initiatives – 9500 people.
Project status (reflected in progress reports)
The Project implementation period has been finalized on 08.03.2020.
The progress registered:
- The hardware necessary for the operation of the FairDeal software platform has been purchased and installed;
- The software platform has been developed;
- LB collected a database of 4500 local artisans;
- B4 organised 1 trade craft fair and 1 seminar on 20.10.2018 in Craiova;
- LB organised 1 trade craft fair and 1 seminar on 06-07.07.2019 in Veliko Tarnovo;
- B4 collected a database of 4500 local artisans;