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SEM Centres (ROBG-144)

Cross-border Sustainable Employment Mix-Centres in the fields of information technologies, tourism and agriculture

What’s the goal?

To improve the cross-border labour market conditions towards an integrated market with better employment rates.

What’s the budget?

365,754.59 euro, out of which 310,891.41ERDF


Lead Beneficiary (LB): Cross Border Association E(quilibrum) Environment (C.B.A.E.E) (Romania)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): National Tourism Cluster “Bulgarian Guide”(Bulgaria)

Beneficiary 3 (B3): Regional Agribusiness Center-Vidin /RABC/ (Bulgaria)


Start date: 13.05.2017

End date: 12.11.2018

Duration: 18 months


Dolj in Romania

Vidin in Bulgaria


  • Emerging occupations in the fields of agriculture, tourism and IT in the CB area;
  • Legal and tax framework for creating a business in the CB region;
  • Elaboration of two separate Guides “Doing business in CB-region” and “Labor conditions and regulations in the CB-region”;
  • Establishment of cross-border SEM-Centres;
  • Organization of trainings in Sustainable Employment in the CB region;
  • Design, creation and content management of an online training system;
  • Joint labor exchange for organizations and job-applicants – Sustainable Employment Job-Fair;
  • Information and publicity Campaign (press-conference, press releases, promotional materials: brochures, T-shirts promoting the Sustainable Employment, flash memory storage devices, engraved key-chains, caps, folder, pens;

Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs:

  • 12 initiatives (trainings, education schemes, websites, agreements, networks, job-fairs etc.) that activate workforce mobility in the cross border area: 1 joint training platform, 5 joint online trainings, 5 joint regional training, 1 joint job-fair
  • 200 participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training;
  • 200 participants in joint educational and training schemes to support youth employment, educational opportunities and higher and vocational education across borders.

Programme results: population that have access to joint employment initiatives – 150,000 participants.

Project status

The implementation of the project was finalized on 12.11.2018, achieving the proposed result. A comparative analysis defining the labor market conditions and the economic environment in the cross-border region in Romania and Bulgaria with a focus on the target sectors - tourism, agriculture and ICT - was elaborated by the service providers selected by the LB and B3. The results of the analysis were compiled into a “Strategy for supporting investments and employment opportunities in the CB-region in view of the synergies between the SEM-sectors”. Data for 2 joint labour exchange databases was also collected. 2 Guides "Joint labour conditions and regulations in the CB region” and "Doing Business in the cross-border region" were developed and printed in 3 languages by the LB and Beneficiary 2. The necessary equipment for the establishment of the cross-border SEM-Centres was purchased.

An online training system to host the planned online training courses in the field of Tourism, Agriculture and IT was developed and is available



What’s the goal?

To improve the sustainable use of the natural and cultural heritage in the target cross-border region Dobrich-Constanta (Harsova – Krushari) through the development and promotion of joint tourism product ZALDAPA-DRY VALLEY-CARSIUM.

What’s the budget?

3,202,768.49 euro, out of which 2,722,353.22 ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead beneficiary (LB): Territorial Administrative Unit Harsova Town (Romania)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Krushari Municipality (Bulgaria)

Beneficiary 3 (B3): Museum of National History and Archaeology Constanta (Romania)

Beneficiary 4 (B4): Regional Museum of History – Dobrich (Bulgaria)

When is it happening?

Start date: 20.05.2017

End date: 19.12.2023

Duration: 79 months

Where is it happening?

Harsova Town, Constanta, Constanta County, Romania

Krushari Village, Dobrich, Dobrich District, Bulgaria

How is it going to happen?

  • Information and publicity: temporary and permanent panels, joint press conferences, personalized press folders, press releases, TV spots, Radio spots, promotional film, web-site, bilingual posters, leaflets;
  • Revitalization of Cultural Heritage in Harsova through the restoration, conservation and enhancement of Ensemble “Vasile Cotovu” as a Multicultural Center Museum;
  • Development of tourism infrastructure of Fortress Zaldapa - Municipality KRUSHARI;
  • Development of tourism infrastructure in Dry Valley;
  • Setting up an outdoor museum in Krushari Municipality;
  • Workshop on the topic: developing and promoting of a cross-border tourism product – advantages and challenges;
  • Creation of a joint marketing strategy;
  • Establishing of a touristic route and guided tour "Zaldapa-Dry Valley-Karsium”;
  • Promotion of the joint tourism product through a presentation film and a web site;
  • Preparation of advertising package for joint tourism product;
  • Organization of a scientific symposium: recovery of Harsova Town’s and Krushari Municipality’s Memory;
  • Archaeological camp;
  • Conducting two promotional events.

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs:

   - 1 integrated tourism product;

   - 4,000 visits to supported sites of cultural and natural heritage and attraction;

   - 1 common strategy;

Programme results: 45,000 tourist overnights in the CBC region until 2023.

Project status

Current Project Status:

The implementation period of the project ended on 19.12.2023, but because of delays in the investment activity of LB – TAU Harsova Town and of the remaining soft project’s activities, the project was included on the list of non-functional projects. The new completion date of the project is 31.12.2024.

Many activities foreseen within the project are already completed:

- The tourism infrastructure of Fortress Zaldapa - Municipality Krushari was developed;

- The tourism infrastructure in Dry Valley was developed;

- An outdoor museum in Krushari Municipality was set up;

- A workshop on the topic: developing and promoting of a cross-border tourism product – advantages and challengesâ; establishing of a touristic route and guided tour “Zalpada – Dry Valley – Karsium”;

- The joint tourism product was promoted through a presentation film and a web site;

- The marketing strategy, available in both English and Bulgarian, was developed;

- The touristic guide, available in Romanian, English and Bulgarian languages, was elaborated;

- An archeological camp was organized.

B2 – Krushari Municipality has set up an open-air museum in the center of Krushari, where the artefacts and findings from the fortress Zaldapa were exhibited.

The presentation movie of the project can be accessed at the following link: (available in English, Bulgarian and Romanian languages).

The 10 streets foreseen to be modernized in Harsova are finalized and the reception of the works was done.

Regarding the restauration works at the Multicultural Centre “Vasile Cotovu” (the Old School and the Pedagogue’s House), the construction works are unfolding. As LB has stated, in the period 20.11.2023 – 19.12.2023, the cumulative progress for the investment objective of LB reached a percentage of 43.07%, while the cumulative progress for the objective Old School – Museum reached 58.38%.

According to the information provided by LB, in the period 15.02.2024 – 15.03.2024, no progress was registered within the investment activity. In addition, within the previous period (15.12.2023 – 15.02.2024) was registered a progress of 10% at the thermal, air conditioning and fire signaling installations. From the information provided by LB, the construction works will be finalized in September 2024.

B3 – Museum of National History and Archaeology Constanta and B4 – Regional Museum of History Dobrich have developed a joint scientific volume. The volume was printed in 400 copies by the projects beneficiaries.

Route to TEN-T (ROBG -133) 

Increasing accessibility to the TEN-T in the border area Negru – Voda - General Toshevo

What’s the goal?

To improve the connection to the TEN-T network for the communities of the two cities and for the traffic participants in the border region.

What’s the budget?

7,937,427.41 euro, out of which 6,746,813.30 ERDF

Target at the half of the implementation period: 450,956 euro for Lead Beneficiary and 964,933 euro for Beneficiary 2.

Who is doing it?

Lead partner: Territorial Administrative Unit - Negru Vodă Town (Romania)

Partner: General Toshevo Municipality (Bulgaria)

When is it happening?

Start date: 21.03.2017

End date: 20.03.2020

Duration: 36 months

Where is it happening?

Negru Vodă Town, Constanța County, Romania

General Toshevo Municipality, Dobrich District, Bulgaria

How is it going to happen?

  • 17.58 km of road infrastructure upgraded in Negru Vodă Town;
  • 7.95 km upgraded in General Toshevo Municipality;
  • Organizing conferences at the beginning and end of the project;
  • Elaboration of information and publicity materials (brochures, flyers, indoor banner, outdoor banner, roll-up, temporary panels, permanent panels, radio spot, video spot, information film, cardboard folders);
  • Elaboration of two technical projects, on for each beneficiary;
  • Elaboration of traffic management studies - a joint mechanism for the two administrations to facilitate the connection of Negru Vodă and General Toshevo, as tertiary nodes, to TEN-T infrastructure;

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs:

- 25.53 km total length of reconstructed or upgraded roads

- 1 joint mechanism created (a traffic management study, which will be used by the two beneficiaries and by all interested public administration as a joint mechanism to improve the connection of two cities, as tertiary nodes, to the TEN-T infrastructure)

Programme results: Cross border population (12,860 inhabitants) served by modernized infrastructure leading to TEN-T

Project status (reflected in progress reports)

The project activities are completed.

The following results were achieved:

- All the necessary equipment for the project teams of the project beneficiaries were purchased;

- Both project beneficiaries acquired services for procurement consultancy, management for project implementation, translation & interpretation, information and publicity, works supervision;

- Project beneficiaries developed a joint traffic management study;

- LB acquired a multifunctional vehicle for road maintenance;

- Project beneficiaries modernized 25.59 km (17.42 km in Negru Voda Town and 8.17 km in General Toshevo Municipality).

I-TeN: Turnu Magurele - Nikopol (ROBG-132)

Improved tertiary nodes Turnu Magurele - Nikopol for sustainable development of the region, for a better connection to TEN-T infrastructure

What’s the goal?

To improve the development of the cross-border transport system of the Turnu Magurele – Nikopol tertiary nodes in a better connection with TENT infrastructure for sustainable development of the area.

What’s the budget?

7,133,523.89 euro, out of which 6,063,495.29 FEDR

Who is doing it?

Lead Beneficiary (LB): Territorial Administrative Unit - Turnu Magurele Town (Romania)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Nikopol Municipality (Bulgaria)

When is it happening?

Start date: 09.06.2017

End date: 30.04.2022

Duration: 58 months, 22 days

Where is it happening?

Turnu Magurele, Teleorman County, Romania

Nikopol, Pleven District, Bulgaria

How is it going to happen?

  • Information and publicity of the project: organizing conferences at the beginning and end of the project; press releases for promoting the project; temporary billboards; permanent plaques; leaflets; posters; roll-up banner;
  • Procurement and elaboration of the technical projects;
  • Works execution in Turnu Magurele - upgrading 10 streets (Calarasi St, Rampa Garii St, Nucilor St, Horea St, Closca St, Crisan St, Avram Iancu St, Mihai Viteazu St, Viitorului St and Access road to the Canned Food Plant) in Romania (6.268 km);
  • Execution of works in Nikopol Municipality - modernizing 4.957 km road in Nikopol Municipality - PVN 3123 - / III - 304, Tranchovitsa– Novachene/ Batsova Mahala– Municipal boundaries (Nikopol – Pleven) – Slavyanovo/PVN 2145;
  • Setting up the traffic management system;
  • Awareness campaign for the traffic management system;
  • Setting up an integrated information system for public transport operators: organizing the conference „The public transport – an opportunity for a better connectivity of Turnu Magurele – Nikopol area to TENT network”; the workshop: „How to harmonize the public transport for a better quality of the citizens’ life?” and elaboration of the study „Present and perspectives of the cooperation in public transport in Turnu Magurele - Nikopol cross border area”;

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs:

- 11.225 km (Turnu Magurele: 6.268 km and Nikopol: 4.957 km) total length of reconstructed or upgraded roads;

- 2 joint mechanism;

Programme results: 29,865 cross-border population served by modernized infrastructure leading to TEN-T.

Project status

The project is finalized.

The following have been achieved within the project:

The work execution in Turnu Magurele - Lead Beneficiary is finalized. Ten streets/sections of streets from Turnu Magurele ( 6.268 km) were modernized.

On behalf of Beneficiary 2, the work execution of modernizing 4.957 km of road in Nikopol Municipality (PVN 3123 - / III - 304, Tranchovitsa– Novachene/ Batsova Mahala– Municipal boundaries Nikopol–Pleven – Slavyanovo/PVN 2145) is finalized. The road section between the Border of Municipalities Nikopol-Pleven and Slavyanovo, which is the link between the investment objective of B2 and the TEN-T network, will be modernized.

The traffic management system, defined by the elaborated traffic management plan, is completed. The equipment for the traffic management system is installed and functional.

The activity “Awareness campaign for the traffic management system”was completed on 23.07.2021 when 2000 leaflets and 100 posters were delivered.

Also, the activity “Setting up an integrated information system for public transport operators” was completed on 23.07.2021, LB organizing a conference - The public transport – an opportunity for a better connectivity of Turnu Magurele – Nikopol area to TENT network” and a workshop - How to harmonize the public transport for a better quality of the citizens’ life?”.

Better connected Euroregion Ruse-Giurgiu (ROBG130)

Development of River Danube for better connectivity of

the Euroregion Ruse-Giurgiu with Pan-European transport

corridor No 7

What’s the goal?

To ensure safety transport through the improvement of the transport water infrastructure of Danube river between Giurgiu and Ruse

What’s the budget?

7.349.963,06 euro, out of which 6.247.468,60 euro ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead Beneficiary (LB): Ruse Municipality(BG)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Territorial Administrative Unit - Giurgiu Municipality(RO)

When is it happening?

Start date: 12.05.2017

End date: 30.12.2023

Duration: 79 months and 19 days

Where is it happening?

Ruse and Giurgiu

How is it going to happen?                      

  • acquisition of equipment and services;
  • rehabilitation of the piers of the passenger terminal Ruse center and improving the navigation conditions of the three berths;
  • construction of a quay in Giurgiu Municipality;
  • measures for joint strategy planning in CBC region.

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 8 km of improved inland waterway, 1 joint strategy for improvement of safety navigation on the Lower Danube

Programme results: 1.83% of the RO-BG CBC Danube length where safety of the navigation has been improved by joint actions

Project status (reflected in progress reports)

The project is finalized.

Related to the main investment objective “Rehabilitation of the piers of the passenger terminal Ruse center and improving the navigation conditions of the three berths” on behalf of the LB – Ruse Municipality, the construction works were started in September 2019 and were completed in May 2020. The investment objective was put in use at the beginning of March 2021.

In regards to the main investment objective related to the B2 – TAU Giurgiu Municipality” related to the „The arrangement of a sector of Sfântu Gheorghe Channel in order to improve connectivity in the Ruse-Giurgiu Euroregion” , the core works execution started at the beginning of October 2021 and was finalized in December 2023.

The main project document, namely The Joint Strategy for Enhancing Lower Danube Navigation Safety was developed in close consultation with the Romanian Naval Authority and Lower Danube River Administration Galati - Giurgiu Navigable Cabin section - institution from Romania, and Executive agency for exploration and maintenance of the Danube River and the Specialized Division “Ship Traffic Management

- Danube River” within the State Enterprise “Port Infrastructure” from Bulgaria. As revealed by the developed Action Plan, those authorities are the main responsible institutions for the implementation of the measures envisaged for the implementation of the Strategy.

Following the realization of both investment objectives in Ruse and Giurgiu, there were improved 8 km inland waterway, respectively 1.83% of the RO-BG CBC Danube length where safety of the navigation has been improved by joint actions.


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