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Annual Implementation Report for 2015 declared admissible by the European Commission!

According to the provisions of the Regulation (EU) 1303/2013, Art. 50, the Annual Implementation Report (2015) of Interreg V-A Romania-Bulgaria has been declared admissible by the European Commission.

The main results of the Programme achieved so far, are:
• Approval of the programme by the European Commission in February 2015.
• Setting up the framework needed for starting the programme implementation, namely: establishing the Monitoring committee and approval of the related documents (Description of the Management and Control system, Communication Strategy and Visual Identity Manual, Programme Evaluation Plan, Anti-Fraud Strategy, Multi-Annual Technical Assistance Strategy, Project Manual Implementation)
• Launching two calls for proposals, covering the entire financial allocation at Programme level, as follows:
o 1st call for proposals for PA 1, 2, 3, deadlines: 30th of June 2015 for soft projects (projects which do not have an infrastructure component or which do not grant more than half of the total eligible budget to purchase of equipment) and 30th of September 2015 for hard projects (projects which have an infrastructure component or which grant more than half of the total eligible budget for the purchase of equipment).
o 2nd call for proposals for PA 4 and 5, deadline: 15th of March 2016. The total budget allocated to this call was 30,458,192 Eur, out of which 25,889,462 Eur ERDF.
• Selecting soft projects under the first call: the first 36 applications were selected by the Monitoring Committee. Out of these 23 projects had available financial allocation, the rest of the projects being included in a reserve list (with a total contracted value of 17,304,315.57 euro).
• Evaluation of the hard projects, submitted under the first call for proposals: a number of 153 projects submitted, with a total value of approximately 784 million Eur are under evaluation. The assessment is expected to be finalised during 2016.
The Citizen's Report and the full Annual Implementation Report can be downloaded here.


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