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YoungVolunteer (ROBG 296)

What’s the goal?

The project’s main objective is to develop the volunteering spirit especially within young people (students in high schools, 15-19 years old) through a series of mechanisms.

What’s the budget?

348,921.03 euro, out of which 296,582.85 euro ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead Beneficiary (LB): Association AISSER Calarasi (Romania)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Foundation Sustainable Development and Prosperity (Bulgaria)

Beneficiary 3 (B3): Theoretical High School Mihai Eminescu (Romania)

Beneficiary 4 (B4): High school “Vasil Levski”

When is it happening?

Start date: 05.09.2018

End date: 04.03.2020

Duration: 18 months

Where is it happening?

Calarasi (Romania)

Vratsa, Silistra, Bulgaria

How is it going to happen?

  • 2 new cabinets from each high school will be equipped in order for the volunteers to learn and practice different measures of intervening in case of emergencies. For the cabinets the necessary equipment will be procured: mannequins, stretcher, medical equipment for learning (masks, manual ventilation, cervical collar, splint, etc.), first aid kit for learning, video projector and interactive smartboard, furniture; Teachers will be trained in order to be able to teach the volunteers;
  • 2 joint partnerships in the field of joint early warning and emergency response with public authorities (1 in Romania and 1 in Bulgaria);
  • one web platform that will host the young volunteer community. The web platform will contain all documents of the projects, instructions on emergency situation, pictures and information about the organized events and a forum where the volunteers can organize and exchange information in order to better coordinate;
  • 4 volunteering campaigns organized in the eligible area of the programme, Calarasi/Silistra region: 2 pilot actions will be organized in Romania and 2 pilot actions will be organized in Bulgaria (4 days each).

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs:

- 17,538 Population benefiting from flood protection measures;

- 17,538 Population benefiting from forest fire protection measures;

Programme results: The quality of the joint risk management in the CBC area

Project status

The project implementation was finalized on 04.03.2020 and the following objectives have been achieved:

- B3 - Theoretical High school “Mihai Eminescu” (RO) and B4 - “High school “Vasil Levski” Bulgaria have established and equipped two Emergency cabinets for first aid at their premises, which were equipped with mannequins, stretchers, medical equipment for learning: masks, manual ventilation, cervical collar, splint, blood pressure monitor, blood glucose test and first aid kit for learning. Both cabinets are operational and used by the school students for the training courses of using the equipment.

- 2 joint partnerships in the field of joint early warning and emergency response with public authorities (1 in Romania and 1 in Bulgaria) were established - the first partnership from Romania is signed between LB, B3 and Calarasi Emergency Situation Inspectorate and Red Cross Calarasi and the second the partnership from Bulgaria is signed between B2, B4 and Fire Safety and Civil Department Silistra and Red Cross Silistra;

- A project web platform has been developed that hosts an established young volunteer community and can be found on ;

- 793 people (students and teachers) have participated in 4 Pilot Volunteer campaigns - 2 pilot actions were organized in Calarasi, Romania and 2 pilot actions were organized in Glavinitsa, Bulgaria (4 days each);



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