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ROBG 481


Efficient management in emergency situations in the cross-border region Calarasi-Veliko Tarnovo

What’s the goal?

To improve joint risk management in the cross- border region Calarasi - Veliko Tarnovo by increasing the protection of environment and population against natural and man-made hazards.

What’s the budget?

949,799.45 euro, out of which 807,329.52 euro ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead Beneficiary (LB): Territorial Administrative Unit – Calarasi County

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Municipality of Pavlikeni

Beneficiary 3 (B3): Calarasi County Gendarmerie Inspectorate “Brigade General Barbu Paraianu” –

When is it happening?

Start date: 06.09.2018

End date: 31.12.2023

Duration: 63 months and 26 days

Where is it happening?


Veliko Tarnovo


  • repair and rehabilitation works to improve the conductivity of the riverbeds;
  • purchasing of specialized intervention equipment;
  • trainings;
  • awareness raising campaigns;
  • joint exercises;
  • joint partnerships;
  • information and promotional activities.

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 325.000 people benefiting from actions of risk management, 325.000 people benefiting from flood protection measures, 9 joint partnerships in the field of joint early warning and emergency response;

Programme results: increased quality of the joint risk management in the CBC area for 300.000 citizens;

Project status

The project was finalized on 31.12.2023 achieving the following results:

1. The project beneficiaries purchased all the equipment necessary for the project implementation team;

2. 16 sessions (8 in Pavlikeni and 8 in Calarasi) were organized related to development of Joint Action Strategy, Joint action plan and to signing of joint partnerships;

3. Joint Action Strategy and Joint Action Plan have been developed by the project beneficiaries, translated in English language and printed;

4. Modern intervention equipment for emergency situations has been purchased by the project beneficiaries, as follows:

a) Vehicles with increase crossing capacity – 2 pcs. were purchased by the LB. The equipment was delivered on 20.12.2023;

b) Excavator for maintenance of the riverbeds – 1 pc. was purchased by B2. The vehicle equipped with specialized equipment has been delivered on 03.04.2020;

c) 4x4 off-road pickup truck, 5-passenger, 4-door – 1 pc. was purchased by B3. The equipment was delivered on 21.01.2020;

d) Inflatable boat (10 passenger recommended) with detachable engine - 1 pc. was purchased by B3. The equipment was delivered on 21.12.2023;

e) Intervention and rescue boats – 2 pcs. were purchased by B3. The equipment was delivered on 23.12.2019;

f) Boat trailer – 2 pcs. was purchased by B3. The equipment was delivered on 12.12.2019;

g) IT workstation - 1 pc. was purchased by B3. The equipment was delivered on 17.12.2020.

5. The Mihalska Reka river and Lomya river watercourses in Pavlikeni Municipality were cleaned. The implementation of the investment activities has been completed and in the period 03-04.12.2020 the Statements of findings for establishing the suitability for acceptance of both sites (Act 15) were signed. Permanent information billboards were placed at a location readily visible at each of the sites in the village of Butovo and the village of Mihaltsi.

6. A network of partnerships among territorial entities involved in civil protection activities was created by signing of 8 partnership agreements:

a) Partnership agreement “Exchange experience and good practices in the implementation of state policy of disasters and accidents and to exchange the best experience in prevention through raising the awareness of the population” signed on 02.03.2023 between Pavlikeni Municipality, Veliko Tarnovo District and Territorial Administrative Unit – Calarasi County.

b) Partnership agreement “Organized information events in schools, care actions in case of emergency situation, first aid” signed on 29.12.2023 between Calarasi County Council & Calarasi County School Inspectorate + Romanian Youth Red Cross Organization (RO) – Regional Education Management Veliko Tarnovo & Bulgarian Red Cross Youth Organization (BG).

c) Partnership agreement “Exchanging best practice, sharing expertise, informing the population regarding the behaviour in case of emergency situations, dissemination of information missions, notification of the population in the area of competence where there are no specialized means or they are not in operation” signed on 28.09.2023 between Calarasi County Gendarmerie & Calarasi County Council (RO) - Police Department - Pavlikeni Municipality & Pavlikeni Municipality (BG)

d) Partnership agreement “Awareness campaign in the public institutions, disseminate information regarding population behaviour in risk situation, organizing of preventing events – first aid” signed on 15.09.2023 between Calarasi Red Cross Organization & Calarasi County Council (RO) - Bulgarian Red Cross Veliko Tarnovo & Pavlikeni Municipality (BG)

e) Partnership agreement “Monitoring and early warning in order to diminish the disaster effects caused especially by floods” signed on 07.09.2023 between Calarasi County Council (RO) – Volunteers Service for Emergency Situation Calarasi (RO) & Pavlikeni Municipality (BG)

f) Partnership agreement “Cooperation and interaction in the field of prevention of the effects of adverse impacts on water” signed on 05.12.2023 between Administration of the Danube River Ports S. A. Giurgiu - Calarasi Agency (RO APDF) & Calarasi County Council (RO) - Danube River Basin Directorate Pleven (BG)

g) Partnership agreement “To reduce the risks caused by floods and other hydro-meteo dangerous phenomena, towards the flora and fauna of sites Natura 2000, controlling and monitoring of the environmental components on the territory of two regions” signed on 16.10.2023 between Calarasi Environmental Protection Agency & Calarasi County Council (RO) - Regional Inspectorate of Environment and Water Veliko Tarnovo & Pavlikeni Municipality (BG)

h) Partnership agreement “Enhancing the population safety – organizing awareness campaign, preventing actions in case of natural disasters” signed on 20.09.2023 between Calarasi County Ambulance Service & Calarasi County Council – Center for Emergency Medical Assistance – Veliko Tarnovo & Pavlikeni Municipality.

7. Joint Forces Exercise was organized in Calarasi in the period 15-17.12.2023 with participation of the representatives of all the project beneficiaries as well as of the Calarasi Emergency Situation Inspectorate “Barbu Stirbei” and District Office "Fire Safety and Protection of the Population" in Pavlikeni Municipality and other relevant institutions.

8. Awareness raising campaign was performed. The population living at the territory of Pavlikeni Municipality and Calarasi County was informed and educated on the reaction in case of emergency situation, including floods through the developed and printed following materials:

a) 2.000 leaflets with main information about the project developed by LB, which were distributed to Calarasi Emergency Situation Inspectorate “Barbu Stirbei” and Calarasi County Gendarmerie Inspectorate ”Brigade general Barbu Paraianu”, each institution has the responsibility to disseminate the leaflets among the population of Calarasi County;

b) 3.000 brochures and 3.000 leaflets developed by B2, which were distributed to the people with the aim to inform them about the topics tackled by the project and to involve them in the process of joint efforts against natural disasters. The materials were placed in areas where the flow of citizens is greatest.



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