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SoBy (ROBG-278)

‘Improved coordination and Social policies between Municipality of Byala and Commune Grădinari for Effective cross-border region’

What’s the goal?

The aim of the project is to improve the cooperation and more effective public institutions in the cross border region Romania – Bulgaria. 

What’s the budget?

1,081,938.54 euro, out of which 919,647.75 euro ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead Beneficiary (LB): Municipality of Byala (Bulgaria)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Gradinari Commune (Romania)

When is it happening?

Start date: 02.02.2019

End date: 01.07.2022

Duration: 41 months

Where is it happening?

Ruse in Bulgaria

Giurgiu in Romania

How is it going to happen?

  •    Elaboration of a joint strategy regarding actions for the elderly people;
  •    Development of the Social Care Department in Gradinari commune hall;
  •    Creating GraDAL – active and direct assisted living system for elderly people living in Gradinari;
  •    Creating exchange information system between social departments from Gradinari and Byala;
  •    Joint social events for elderly people;
  •    Establishment of center for elderly in municipality of Byala;

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 5 supported cross border mechanisms (agreements, networks, regulations, studies, policies, strategies, information exchange tools) to enhance cooperation capacity.

Programme results: increased intensity of cooperation between cross-border stakeholders (administrations, NGOs) reaching from level 3 to level 4.

Project status

The project is finalized.

During the implementation of the project, the following were achieved:

1. A common strategy for addressing the social needs of the elderly living in the cross-border area of ​​Byala municipality – Grădinari;

- LB implemented the common strategy through Decision no. 409 according to protocol no. 48/31.03.2022;

- B2 implemented the Common Strategy following the Minutes of Reception concluded on 13.07.2020, 10 copies being printed in Romanian and 10 in Bulgarian;

2. Creating exchange information system between social departments from Gradinari and Byala;

The web platform is functional, available in Ro, Bg and Eng. at:

3. The Cooperation agreement signed between the partners;

-LB organized two joint social events, in Byala Municipality, Ruse between 11-12.05.2022, elderly people from both cross-border regions participated in these events. 45 people participated in the joint social event of 11.05.2022, and 44 participants in the one organized on 12.05.2022.

-B2 organized two joint social events, in Gradinari Commune, Giurgiu, between 14-15.06.2022, a total of 91 people from both cross-border regions participated in these events.

The cooperation agreement was signed by both beneficiaries on 21.06.2022.

4. Creating GraDAL – active and direct assisted living system for elderly people living in Gradinari;

- The development of the Social Assistance Department in Grădinari commune has been completed, the 2 experts, foreseen in the application, have been appointed for the Social Assistance Department in Grădinari. The equipment provided (2 laptops, 2 cabinets and 1 multifunction device) has been delivered;

- B2 awarded a contract for the supply of 30 first aid kits, 30 medicine organizers and 30 bags, provided for the creation of GraDAL - the direct and active assisted living system for elderly people living in Grădinari;

-The GraDAL system is currently operational, contributing to the active aging of these targeted individuals

5. Research in both countries (information database on elderly people from the region and their living conditions/needs and if they are living alone or not)

Each partner carried out a social analysis creating a common database on older people living in cross-border areas.

As part of the So-By project, the Center for the Elderly "Flora" was established in Byala Municipality, Ruse. The “Flora” Elderly Center offers medical services to the residents by having medical and dental equipment, offering a safe environment through the existence of surveillance equipment

Due to the war situation in Ukraine, during the implementation period, the elderly center in Byala hosted refugees. During the final visit, there were 5 refugees living there.

The centre’s services are chargeable, the fees are different depending on the user category. Available contact data is public on the web platform:

-On 27.06.2022, the final conference took place, organized and held at Grădinări, Giurgiu (Romania).


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