Dolj – Montana: Joint steps for a better connectivity
What’s the goal?
The overall objective of the project is to improve the development and coordination of cross-border transport systems for better connections to TEN-T network from Dolj and Montana counties. |
What’s the budget?
7,689,268.62 euro, out of which 6,535,878.32 euro ERDF
Who is doing it?
Lead Beneficiary (LB): Territorial Administrative Unit - Dolj County (Romania)
Beneficiary 2 (B2): Road Infrastructure Agency (Bulgaria)
When is it happening?
Start date: 11.07.2018
End date: 31.12.2023
Duration: 65 months and 21days
Where is it happening?
Dolj in Romania
Montana in Bulgaria
How is it going to happen?
What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?
Programme outputs: 19.84 km of upgraded road, 3 joint mechanisms to facilitate the connection of tertiary nodes to TEN-T infrastructure
Programme results: 13,546 people served by modernized infrastructure leading to TEN-T
Project status
The project is completed
Lead Beneficiary:
The execution works were completed, and the reception for the investment objective of LB "Modernization of County Road DJ 561B, km.12+130 - 24+260" was carried out on 15.01.2024. The Solar radar panels were installed on the modernized road. The Solar radar panels are used to calm the speed, thus contributing to increase the degree of safety on the upgraded road sector within the project. Also, within the project, the road map of Dolj County and Montana District was made, which aims to highlight the black spots on the roads in order to warn drivers about possible accidents. This was printed in 500 copies being used in dissemination activities.
Beneficiary 2:
Construction work for the investment objective of B2 "Improvement of Road II-81 from km 86+289 to km 94+000" is completed. The authorization to use the modernized road was issued on 01.02.2022. Also, on the modernized road sector, 4 solar radar panels were installed to measure and display speed, with the same aim of increasing traffic safety.