Encouraging labor mobility in the field of sustainable tourism services
What’s the goal?
The project aims to encourage the integration of the cross border aria in terms of employment and labor mobility in the field of sustainable tourist services.
What’s the budget?
231.130,48 euro, out of which 196.460,91 euro ERDF
Lead Beneficiary (LB): “Badnina” Community Center (BG)
Beneficiary 2 (B2): Civic Resource Centre/CRC (RO)
Start date: 16.05.2017
End date: 15.05.2019
Duration: 24 months
Veliko Tarnovo, Pleven, Vidin, Vratsa, Ruse and Dobrich in Bulgaria (+ Sofia).
Giurgiu, Mehedinţi, Calarasi, Constanta, Dolj in Romania (+Bucharest)
- 1 analysis and strategic plan
- 1 network for exchange of knowledge and experience
- 1 innovative joint database
- 6 professional trainings conducted in field of tourism services, 150 beneficiaries trained
Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?
Programme outputs: 8 initiatives that activate workforce mobility in the cross border area, 150 participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training, 150 participants in joint educational and training schemes to support youth employment, educational opportunities and higher and vocational education across borders
Programme results: 24 710 people that have access to joint employment initiatives
Project status
The project was terminated.